144 research outputs found

    Local people and conservation officials’ perceptions on relationships and conflicts in South African protected areas

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    Protected areas (PAs) are often conflict-ridden, but conflict resolution mechanisms are often constrained by little appreciation of the perceptions of the principal agents (PA managers and local communities) about such conflicts. Getting local people’s support in PA management efforts is considered important for achieving conservation and livelihood goals. Using data from 13 nature reserves in South Africa, this study explores the perceptions of reserve managers and local communities about their relationships and the existence and underlying causes of conflicts. The findings showed sharp contrasts in perceptions between reserve managers and local communities. Reserve managers generally perceived that there were no conflicts with local communities and that their relationship with them was positive while local communities thought otherwise, claiming conflicts were centred around restricted access to PAs, lack of benefits from PAs and communication problems. These findings have profound implications for conservation, especially considering the importance of getting local people’s support in PA management

    Establishing IUCN Red List Criteria for Threatened Ecosystems

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    The potential for conservation of individual species has been greatly advanced by the International Union for Conservation of Nature\u27s (IUCN) development of objective, repeatable, and transparent criteria for assessing extinction risk that explicitly separate risk assessment from priority setting. At the IV World Conservation Congress in 2008, the process began to develop and implement comparable global standards for ecosystems. A working group established by the IUCN has begun formulating a system of quantitative categories and criteria, analogous to those used for species, for assigning levels of threat to ecosystems at local, regional, and global levels. A final system will require definitions of ecosystems; quantification of ecosystem status; identification of the stages of degradation and loss of ecosystems; proxy measures of risk (criteria); classification thresholds for these criteria; and standardized methods for performing assessments. The system will need to reflect the degree and rate of change in an ecosystem\u27s extent, composition, structure, and function, and have its conceptual roots in ecological theory and empirical research. On the basis of these requirements and the hypothesis that ecosystem risk is a function of the risk of its component species, we propose a set of four criteria: recent declines in distribution or ecological function, historical total loss in distribution or ecological function, small distribution combined with decline, or very small distribution. Most work has focused on terrestrial ecosystems, but comparable thresholds and criteria for freshwater and marine ecosystems are also needed. These are the first steps in an international consultation process that will lead to a unified proposal to be presented at the next World Conservation Congress in 2012

    Challenges and opportunities in the design and construction of a GIS-based emission inventory infrastructure for the Niger Delta region of Nigeria

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    © 2017, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Environmental monitoring in middle- and low-income countries is hampered by many factors which include enactment and enforcement of legislations; deficiencies in environmental data reporting and documentation; inconsistent, incomplete and unverifiable data; a lack of access to data; and technical expertise. This paper describes the processes undertaken and the major challenges encountered in the construction of the first Niger Delta Emission Inventory (NDEI) for criteria air pollutants and CO2 released from the anthropogenic activities in the region. This study focused on using publicly available government and research data. The NDEI has been designed to provide a Geographic Information System-based component of an air quality and carbon management framework. The NDEI infrastructure was designed and constructed at 1-, 10- and 20-km grid resolutions for point, line and area sources using industry standard processes and emission factors derived from activities similar to those in the Niger Delta. Due to inadequate, incomplete, potentially inaccurate and unavailable data, the infrastructure was populated with data based on a series of best possible assumptions for key emission sources. This produces outputs with variable levels of certainty, which also highlights the critical challenges in the estimation of emissions from a developing country. However, the infrastructure is functional and has the ability to produce spatially resolved emission estimates

    Fragmented participation in management of the fishery for small pelagic fish in South Africa – inclusion of small-rights holders is a complex matter

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    The reasons why most small-rights holders do not participate in management of the fishery for small pelagic fish (‘small pelagics’) in South Africa, despite legislation and policy encouraging their participation, were analysed. Membership of the Small Pelagics Management Working Group (SPMWG), the main participatory governance organ, is limited to representatives of recognised stakeholder associations. Rights holders therefore have to belong to a stakeholder association, which then selects a member or members to represent them on the SPMWG. Small quotas and the difficulties of sourcing capital mean that small-rights holders are not able to invest in infrastructure. Besides, most of the small-rights holders and their companies lack experience and management skills to survive independently in this highly competitive industry, which is based on high volume and low profit margins. As a result, most of the small-rights holders have no option but to enter into complex catching and processing agreements with vessel- and factory owners belonging to the existing recognised stakeholder associations. For the small-rights holders, it does not make sense to join these associations or even to form their own if they cannot actively participate in the industry independently. Greater participation by small-rights holders should start with their genuine integration into the industry through improved ability to invest in infrastructure and through management skills development. Most likely, this will require an interventionist approach by government.Department of HE and Training approved lis

    Spatial variability in sustainable development trajectories in South Africa:provincial level safe and just operating spaces

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represents the first globally agreed framework to address human development and environmental stewardship in an integrated way. One approach to summarising national SDG status is our “barometer for inclusive sustainable development in South Africa”. The barometer downscales global social and planetary boundaries to provide status and trends for 20 critical indicators of environmental stress and social deprivation. In this paper, we explore the sub-national heterogeneity in sustainable development indicators by creating barometers defining the ‘safe and just operating space’ for South Africa’s nine provinces. Our results show that environmental stress varies significantly and provinces need to focus on quite different issues. Although generally environmental stress is increasing, there are areas where it is decreasing, most notably, marine harvesting. Social deprivation results show more of a pattern with high levels of deprivation in employment, income and safety across the provinces, and historically disadvantaged provinces showing the most deprivation overall. Although deprivation is generally decreasing, there are notable exceptions such as food security in six provinces. Our provincial barometers and trend plots are novel in that they present comparable environmental and social data on key indicators over time for all South Africa’s provinces. They are visual tools that communicate the range of key challenges and risks that provincial governments face, and are non-specialist and accessible to a range of audiences. In addition, the paper provides a critical case study of spatial disaggregation of national data that is required for the SDGs implementation

    Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information

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    [EN] Background In vitro digestion models show great promise in facilitating the rationale design of foods. This paper provides a look into the current state of the art and outlines possible future paths for developments of digestion models recreating the diverse physiological conditions of specific groups of the human population. Scope and approach Based on a collective effort of experts, this paper outlines considerations and parameters needed for development of new in vitro digestion models, e.g. gastric pH, enzymatic activities, gastric emptying rate and more. These and other parameters are detrimental to the adequate development of in vitro models that enable deeper insight into matters of food luminal breakdown as well as nutrient and nutraceutical bioaccessibility. Subsequently, we present an overview of some new and emerging in vitro digestion models mirroring the gastro-intestinal conditions of infants, the elderly and patients of cystic fibrosis or gastric bypass surgery. Key findings and conclusions This paper calls for synchronization, harmonization and validation of potential developments in in vitro digestion models that would greatly facilitate manufacturing of foods tailored or even personalized, to a certain extent, to various strata of the human population.Shani-Levi, C.; Alvito, P.; Andrés Grau, AM.; Assunção, R.; Barbera, R.; Blanquet-Diot, S.; Bourlieu, C.... (2017). Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 60:52-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2016.10.017S52636

    The effect of isolates from 'Cassipourea flanaganii' (Schinz) alston, a plant used as a skin lightning agent, on melanin production and tyrosinase inhibition

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance The Zulu and Xhosa people of South Africa use the stem bark of Cassipourea flanaganii as a skin-lightning cosmetic. Aim of the study To isolate and identify compounds responsible for the skin lightning properties from the stem bark of Cassipourea flanaganii and to evaluate their cytotoxicity towards skin cells. Materials and methods Extracts from the stem bark of Cassipourea flanaganii were isolated using chromatographic methods and structures were determined using NMR, IR and MS analysis. The tyrosinase inhibitory activity and the ability to inhibit the production of melanin were determined using human primary epidermal melanocyte cells. Cytoxicity was established using the same melanocytes and a neutral red assay. Results One previously undescribed compound, ent-atis-16-en-19-al (1) along with the known ent-atis-16-en-19-oic acid (2), ent-atis-16-en-19-ol (3), ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (4), ent-kaur-16-en-19-al (5), ent-manoyl oxide (6), guinesine A (7), guinesine B (8), guinesine C (9), lichenxanthone (10), 2,4-dihydroxy-3,6-dimethyl benzoic acid methyl ester (11), lynoside (12), lupeol (13), β-amyrin (14), docosyl ferulate (15), stigmasterol, sitosterol and sitosterol-O-glucoside were isolated in this investigation. An impure fraction containing compound 3 was acetylated to obtain 19-acetoxy-ent-atis-16-ene (3a). Compounds 10 and 11 are usually isolated from lichen, hence they are possible contaminants of lichen harvested with the bark. Compounds 1, 3a, 5–14 were not significantly cytotoxic to the primary epidermal melanocyte cells (P > 0.05) when compared to the negative and positive controls (DMSO, 0.1% and hydrogen peroxide, 30 wt% in water). Inhibition of tyrosinase was significantly greater with respect to the negative control (P < 0.001) for compounds 3a, 5–8 and 9–10 at 10 μM and for compounds 5–8 and 9–10 at 100 μM. Compared to hydroquinone (the positive control) at 10 μM, the level of inhibition was comparable or to that of compounds 3a, 5, 6, and 8–10 at 10 μM, with 9 and 10 showing a greater level of inhibition. Inhibition of melanin was both concentration and time dependent for all compounds tested with higher melanin content at 24 h compared to 48 h s and at 10 mM compared to100 mM at both time points; melanin content was significantly lower for hydroquinone at both time points and concentrations. Conclusions Compounds 1, 5–14, isolated from Cassipourea flanaganii and the derivative 3a showed low cytotoxicity. All compounds had a clear time and concentration dependent effect on melanin content which did not appear to be dependent on their inhibition of tyrosinase

    From the tribe to Empire : the role of primitive representation in the politicization process of nomadic tribes. The influence of the tribal wolf in the construction and expansion of the Mongol Empire of Gengis Khan

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    Participant à une certaine opacité dans son étude générale, la civilisation nomade des steppes Eurasiatiques fut longtemps considérée comme apolitique et symboliquement ancrée dans la barbarie. Cependant, cette dernière demeure un sanctuaire d’investigation scientifique à l’intérieur duquel le politique s’est considérablement manifesté par la création de nombreuses confédérations tribales. Opérant son entrée dans l’histoire de l’humanité en tant qu’élément perturbateur des sociétés sédentaires, les peuples de la Haute Asie ont ainsi participé, durant près de deux mille ans, à la chute, au bouleversement ou au renouveau des plus grandes civilisations. La création et l’expansion de l’empire gengiskhanide, dès le début du XIIIème siècle a permis de démontrer la faculté pour ces populations de pasteurs nomades d’opérer d’importantes modifications au sein même de leur morphologie sociale, et ce pour les besoins du politique et de la guerre vers l’extérieure. Cependant examinée de l’intérieur, cette civilisation atypique n’en reste pas moins problématique, notamment du fait de son actualisation culturelle. Cette dernière, accomplie au travers de concepts socio culturels alliant pensée animiste, spiritualité chamanique et utilisation de représentations sociales à aspects zoomorphiques, ne semble rentrer dans aucune grille de lecture impériale. La symbolique du loup est ainsi devenue omniprésente dans l’évolution de la morphologie tribale altaïque, participant à une unification massive des tribus turco-mongoles sous l’hégémonie hiérocratique de Gengis Khan. Devenu progressivement élément mythologique attracteur, l’animal carnassier s’est ainsi frayé une place de choix au sein de la mentalité collective nomade, participant directement au chamboulement de la morphologie tribale, pour les besoins du politique et de l’expansion de la civilisation des steppes en terres sédentaires. Au delà de la simple utilisation lycanthropique de l’ancêtre clanique, sa symbolique, réutilisée habilement par Gengis Khan, est en mesure de démontrer à la fois le dynamisme politique à apposer aux sociétés considérées à tort comme «primitives», tout comme l’instauration d’une identité sociale et d’une idéologie guerrière prédatrices. Etablissant de ce fait l’entité nomade comme antagonique mais complémentaire avec la pensée et l’histoire humaine sédentaire.Participating in a certain opacity in it’s general study, the nomadic civilization of Eurasian steppe was long regarded as non-political and symbolically rooted in barbary. However, the latter remains a sanctuary of scientific investigation within which the political has significantly expressed itself by the creation of many Tribal confederations. It’s entry operates in the history of mankind as a disruptive element of sedentary societies. People of High Asia participated for almost two thousand years to the collapse, disruption or renewal of the world’s greatest civilizations. From the beginning of the 13th century the creation and expansion of the gengiskhanid empire enabled the demonstration of the faculty of these nomad pastors. They operated major changes in their social morphology for the political needs and because of the war outside. Examined from the interior, this atypical civilization remains questions. This is a result of cultural updating. The latter, accomplished through social and cultural concepts combining animist thinking, shamanist spirituality and the utilisation of social representations with zoomorphic aspects doesn’t fit any imperial cases studies. The symbolic representation of the wolf became ubiquitous in the development of the Tribal-Altaic morphology and participation of a massive unification of Turko-Mongolian clans under the hierocratic hegemony of Gengis Khan. The carnivorous animal had progressively became administred as an attraction mythological element and cleared the way to the Tribal collective mentality. This participating directly to the disruption of Tribal morphology for the political needs and expansion of the steppe civilization in settled population territories. Beyond the single lycanthropic utilization of the Tribal ancestor, its symbolism skillfully reused by Gengis Khan demonstrates simultaneously the political dynamism to pin on societes mistakenly considered as « primitive », and the establishment of a predatory social identity and war-making ideology created de facto the nomadic identity as an antagonist but complementary to the social wores and history of human sedentary.Судалгааны хувьд ерөнхийдөө зарим тайлбарлахад амаргүй байдлыг хуваалцахад, Евро- Азийн тал нутгийн соёлыг урт хугацааны туршид зэрлэг бүдүүлэг байдалтай байсан хэмээн үздэг. Гэсэн хэдий ч сүүлд оршин байсан ариун дагшин газраас шинжлэх ухааны судалгаа авч үзвэл олон овог аймгийн нэгтгэн байгуулсан улс төрийн байдал нь нэлээд тод томруун харуулж өгдөг байна. Хүн төрлөгтөний түүхийн хувьд авч үзвэл уналт, өөрчлөлтийн зөрчилдөөн эсвэл илүү том нөлөө бүхий соёл иргэншлээр шинэчлэл явагдсан байдал зэргээр сууршмал нийгмийн хөгжил нь төв азийн нүүдэлчин улс орнуудын оролцоо нөлөөгөөр 2000 орчим жил тасалдсан. Улс төрийн болон гадагш хандсан дайны шаардлагаар Чингис хааны эзэнт гүрний байгуулалт болон тэлэлт нь 13-р зууны эхэн үед нийгмийн бүтцэд чухал өөрчөлтүүдийг бий болгоход малчин нүүдэлчид их нөлөө үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн гэдгийг илэрхий харуулж өгдөг. Гэвч дотоод байдлыг нь ухан авч үзвэл энэхүү өвөрмөц соёл багагүй асуудалтай байсан бөгөөд дашрамд дурдахад соёлын өөрчлөлтийн нөлөө ч бас илэрхий байв. Энэхүү нийгэм соёлын үзэл баримтлалыг нь өргөнөөр авч үзвэл сүнслэгжүүлсэн үзэл санаа, бөөгийн сүнслэг үзэл болон амьтны сүнстэй холбосон үзэл санаан дээр тулгуурласан нийгмийн төлөөллийг ашигласан зэрэг нь эзэнт гүрний утга зохиолын хүрээнд оруулсан байдаг. Чингис хааны доор Түрэг-монголчуудын овгуудын өргөнөөр нэгтгэсэн байдлыг хамруулан Алтайн овгийн хэл зүйн хувьсал өөрчлөлтөнд чонын билиг тэмдгийн талаар хаа сайгүй дурдагдсан байдаг. Бодлогын зорилгоор болон соёлын алхамын тэлэлтүүд сууршиж, нүүдэлчдийн ерөнхий сэтгэлгээнд үлгэр домгийн хэлбэрүүд аажмаар багасаж махчин амьтны талаарх сэдэв түгэж эхлэсэн бөгөөд овгийн хэл зүйд шууд өөрчлөлтөнд нөлөө үзүүлэв. Эртний отог аймгийн энгийн бэлэг тэмдэг болсон чонын утгыг Чингис Хаанаар дамжуулан цааш улс төрийн хүч, итгэл үнэмшлийг харуулах арга замаар ухаалгаар дахин ашиглагдаж ирсэн байдал нь хэсэг бүлгийнхний дүгнэлтэнд буруугаар тайлбарлагдах шалтгаан болсон бөгөөд балар эртний дайтан эзлэн түрэмгийлэгч хэмээн тэд авч үзэх болсон бөгөөд нүүдэлчдийн энэхүү байдлыг хувиа хичээсэн байдлаар оршин тогтнож байсан хэдий ч сууршмал соёлын үзэл баримтлал холбоотой зүйлс бас байсан байна хэмээн үзжээ

    Dépistage de la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive en médecine générale par mini-spirométrie électronique (étude de prévalence parmi des patients à risque en cabinet de médecine générale)

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    La BPCO, maladie sous-diagnostiquée et de plus en plus fréquente, devient source d'une morbidité et d'une mortalité en hausse. Pourtant, ces dernières années sont apparus des mini-spiromètres électroniques facilitant le diagnostic en soins primaires. L'objectif principal de notre étude était de mesurer une prévalence chez des patients à risque de BPCO dans une population de médecine générale ; l'objectif secondaire visait à déterminer des facteurs de haut risque de BPCO. Nous avons mené une étude prospective en cabinet de médecine générale : il s'agissait de la suite d'un travail initié par le docteur Gérard (thèse soutenue le 19/12/2007). Des mini-spirométries électroniques (avec le NEO-6®) étaient proposées aux patients âgés de 40 à 75 ans et présentant un tabagisme ou une exposition professionnelle à des toxiques ou des symptômes respiratoires chroniques. Le test était considéré comme positif pour un rapport VEMS/VEM6 inférieur à 80%, nécessitant alors un avis spécialisé. Un rapport inférieur à 70% confirmait le diagnostic de BPCO. Sur les 778 patients ayant consulté, 273 (35,1%) ont été inclus dans notre étude globale, dont 180 hommes et 93 femmes. 128 patients (46,9% des sujets inclus) avaient un test positif imposant un avis pneumologique. La prévalence de la BPCO (rapport inférieur à 70%) s'élevait à 13,9% (38 patients). Les facteurs de haut risque retrouvés étaient un âge supérieur à 60 ans (p=0,03), un IMC supérieur à 28 (p=0,04), un tabagisme de plus de 30 PA (p<0,0001), la présence de signes cliniques (p<0,0001) et l'exposition industrielle (p=0,03). Un dépistage ciblé sur les facteurs de risque semble conforme à la réalité de la pratique en soins primaires. A travers ce dépistage, le médecin de famille pourrait jouer un rôle fondamental dans la maîtrise du coût social et économique élevé de cette affection. Cette détection précoce s'inscrit dans un programme plus vaste qui vise à réduire les facteurs de risque, à apporter un traitement adapté au stade de la maladie, ainsi qu'à prévenir et traiter les complications.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-Santé (631132104) / SudocSudocFranceF