399 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of knock detectors

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    This paper examines performance of the knock detection technique typically used in engine control systems, and the margin for possible improvement. We introduce a knock signal model and obtain an analytical result for the associated receiver operating characteristic of the standard knock detector. To show the improvement potential, we derive the theoretical upper bound of performance. A special case with unknown model parameters is also considered. Numerical results stimulate the research of improved detectors

    Rheological Behavior of Food Emulsions Mixed with Saliva: Effect of Oil Content, Salivary Protein Content, and Saliva Type

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    In this paper, we studied the effect of saliva on the rheological properties of ß-lactoglobulin- and lysozyme-stabilized emulsions, prepared at pH¿=¿6.7 in relation to variation of emulsions- and saliva-related parameters. The effect of oil¿volume fraction (2.5% w/w to 10% w/w), salivary protein concentration (0.1 to 0.8 mg ml¿1), and the use of both stimulated and unstimulated saliva was investigated. Viscosity and storage modulus were measured before (¿ emul and G¿emul, respectively) and after addition of saliva (¿ mix and G¿mix). To better estimate the changes due to saliva-induced flocculation of the emulsions, the ratios ¿ mix/¿ emul, G¿mix/G¿emul were calculated. In addition, tan ¿ (=the ratio of the loss and storage moduli) was investigated to evaluate the viscoelastic behavior of the emulsion/saliva mixtures. Increasing the oil¿volume fraction and salivary protein concentration resulted in an increase in ¿ mix/¿ emul and G¿mix/G¿emul, while a decrease in tan ¿ of the emulsion/saliva mixtures is occurring. When compared with unstimulated saliva, mixing ß-lactoglobulin-stabilized emulsions with stimulated saliva led to a reduction in ¿ mix/¿ emul and G¿mix/G¿emul, and an augment of tan ¿ at all measured deformations. In case of lysozyme-stabilized emulsions, the use of stimulated saliva increased G¿mix/G¿emul for ¿

    A game-theoretic framework for concurrent technology roadmap planning using best-response techniques

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    Technology roadmapping provides a tool for technology planning and selecting what to pursue in what timeframes. In this paper, a game-theoretic framework for technology roadmap planning is proposed to address the enumeration, selection and evaluation of possible evolution paths for technology roadmapping characterized by an iterative and competitive technology development process between companies within one tradespace. More specifically, the framework including companies as game players demonstrates the most favorable reactions to each other's technology development by approximated best response functions. Next, the selection process of optimal development paths is carried out to evaluate the possible payoffs using backward induction. Finally, a case is studied to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Two-dimensional Pareto frontier forecasting for technology planning and roadmapping

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    Technology evolution forecasting based on historical data processing is a useful tool for quantitative analysis in technology planning and roadmapping. While previous efforts focused mainly on one-dimensional forecasting, real technical systems require the evaluation of multiple and conflicting figures of merit at the same time, such as cost and performance. This paper presents a methodology for technology forecasting based on Pareto (efficient) frontier estimation algorithms and multiple regressions in presence of at least two conflicting figures of merits. A tool was developed on the basis of the approach presented in this paper. The methodology is illustrated with a case study from the automotive industry. The paper also shows the validation of the methodology and the estimation of the forecast accuracy adopting a backward testing procedure

    Identifying retrofitting opportunities for Federated Satellite Systems

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    This work aims to facilitate deployment of novel distributed space systems architectures such as Federated Satellite Systems (FSS). In particular, the purpose of the work is to identify retrofitting possibilities to incorporate existing satellites into a network. For the satellite case, the paper presents a systematic review of possible retrofitting options such as direct modifications, which include replacement and addition of interfaces, and indirect modifications with adding an intermediary (FSS Negotiator). While the paper concludes that direct modifications of existing satellites are non-feasible from the technical point of view, it also identifies a possible scenario of retrofitting by adding as an intermediary a Negotiator satellite. The link budget for the inter-satellite link between an existing satellite mission such as SPOT-6 and FSS Negotiator was estimated. The work concludes that from the link budget point of view with the existing communication technologies such configuration can provide a slant range limited from several hundred to thousands kilometers. Through analysis of open data of satellite characteristics, including ITU information concerning planned or existing space stations, the work comes up with several models for the further trade-off analysis, identifying how parameters of FSS Negotiator such as an operated bandwidth and frequency, types of supported modulations and cumulative throughput correlate with the covered number of satellites. These results might be used for the tradeoff analysis for the FSS Negotiator mission design. Eventually paper proposes several possible FSS Negotiator architectures and its high-level technical requirements based on analysis of characteristics of existed and planned satellites

    Measures and approch for modernization of existing systems

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    International audienceDue to accelerating technological progress any engineered system eventually becomes obsolete and the question arises as to its modernization. Disciplines such as change and configuration management propose methods to maintain system at operational level by incorporating relatively small changes. When major rebuild is required to the system, existing literature proposes to follow the same System Engineering processes as during new system design and development. Systems Engineering, traditionally focused on design and development of new systems, paying limited attention to modernization of existing ones and its processes need to be specially tailored to the modernization of existing system. In the case of straightforward application of Systems Engineering processes, the step of new system formulation is often neglected and considered as something already granted. This paper gives an overview of approaches and methods in the field of system modernization. It proposes a metrics for classification of different types of system modernization. To facilitate system modernization this work introduces a framework based on proposed metrics, Design Structure Matrixes and functional analysis. The framework consists of decomposition and synthesis phases and aims to define new (modified) system, by providing a set of alternatives. The proposed framework anticipates application of traditional System Engineering approach. The paper is illustrated with an example in the field of car retrofitting

    Proposition pour une Démarche de Modélisation des Processus

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    Le secteur aéronautique voit actuellement arriver de nouveaux types d'entrants, des systémiers innovants, en majorité des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME), souhaitant développer et commercialiser de nouveaux moyens de transport. Des projets comme les dirigeables, les drones civils de transports de marchandises, les drones dits « taxi aérien », deviennent ainsi des préoccupations sérieuses pour tous les acteurs du marché où la sécurité des personnes et des infrastructures est un enjeu majeur. Dans ce cadre, le processus de certification, cœur de l'activité aéronautique, demeure une activité critique. Le secteur aéronautique est une industrie très structurée, organisée selon de nombreuses règles, normes et standards qui ne facilitent pas l'arrivée de ces nouveaux acteurs. Les PME concernées requièrent un support méthodologique pour les accompagner dans leurs développements et faire face à la complexité du marché. Nous proposons d'aborder la problématique par une approche d'ingénierie système basée sur les modèles et une modélisation hiérarchisée des processus d'entreprise

    Le besoin en gestion de projet en relation étroite avec l’ingénierie système

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    Cette présentation vise à ouvrir les discussions autour des raisons pourquoi certains projets ne réussissent pas, le lien avec l’ingénierie systèmes et comment l’intégration entre les deux disciplines (logique et prévisible) pour améliorer la situation

    Some thoughts for revisiting Aircraft Concept Design

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    Concept design is the first phase of the design process, the time needed to make basic decisions that set the specifications for a proposed artifact and begin to determine its ultimate shape. Starting from very general and very high level requirements, a first set of requirements is created, several concepts are evaluated, to the point where a concept can be retained for the detailed design and potentially for a setting-in-production. Like all subsequent design phases, concept design is affected by the concurrent engineering trend with its wide range of stakeholder perspectives and design issues to consider. As conceptual design becomes more demanding, improvements in quality are also required. It is becoming increasingly important that the results of the design concept can be transparently and easily taken into account in subsequent development phases. To better support this first phase of design, the use of model-based systems engineering is studied. This presentation aims at presenting the where and how aircraft concept design could benefit from a systems engineering approach
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