874 research outputs found

    Test of the German Resilience

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    From its early post-war catch-up phase, Germany’s formidable export engine has been its consistent driver of growth. But Germany has almost equally consistently run current account surpluses. Exports have powered the dynamic phases and helped emerge from stagnation. Volatile external demand, in turn, has elevated German GDP growth volatility by advanced countries’ standards, keeping domestic consumption growth at surprisingly low levels. As a consequence, despite the size of its economy and important labor market reforms, Germany’s ability to act as global locomotive has been limited. With increasing competition in its traditional areas of manufacturing, a more domestically-driven growth dynamic, especially in the production and delivery of services, will be good for Germany and for the global economy. Absent such an effort, German growth will remain constrained, and Germany will play only a modest role in spurring growth elsewhere

    Bubble formation and growth - Study of the boundary conditions at a liquid-vapor interface through irreversible thermodynamics Quarterly progress report, Mar. - May 1966

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    Nonequilibrium effect on vapor bubble growth determined in study of boundary conditions at liquid-vapor interfac

    “What is planning for?“ Die Evaluation von strategischer Stadtentwicklungsplanung am Beispiel Wohnen

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    Die strategische Stadtentwicklungsplanung gewinnt seit einigen Jahren (wieder) an Bedeutung – in der Praxis ebenso wie in der Wissenschaft. Auch im Bereich Wohnen werden „clevere Lösungen“ gesucht, die Herausforderungen wie lokale Schrumpfungs- oder Wachstumsprozesse, eine zielgruppengerechte Ausdifferenzierung des Wohnungsangebotes und weitere VerĂ€nderungen auf dem Wohnungsmarkt meistern sollen. Unter Einbeziehung der lokalen Wohnungsmarktakteure werden vor allem in grĂ¶ĂŸeren StĂ€dten Konzepte erarbeitet und Strategien entworfen, die verstĂ€rkt einen planerischen Charakter aufweisen. Die Frage ist jedoch, welche Bedeutung die strategische Stadtentwicklungsplanung im Handlungsfeld Wohnen fĂŒr die Steuerung von Stadtentwicklung und Stadtproduktion besitzt. Welchen Einfluss hat sie auf die rĂ€umliche Entwicklung einer Stadt, auf die Stadtentwicklungsprozesse oder das Handeln der unterschiedlichen Akteure? Was bewirkt sie wirklich, und insbesondere wie wirkt sie? Das vorliegende Paper beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Suche nach den Effekten strategischer Stadtentwicklungs-planung und ihren Einflussfaktoren – aufgezeigt am Beispiel des Handlungsfeldes Wohnen. In der Literatur gibt es mehrere Hinweise auf die Wirkungen von strategischer Stadtentwicklungsplanung, die empirisch jedoch nĂ€her zu erforschen und reflektieren sind. Die Einbeziehung theoretischer AnsĂ€tze zur strategischen Planung und zur Evaluation von Planung bieten das Potenzial, die methodische Herangehensweise an eine Evaluation der KomplexitĂ€t ihres Gegenstandes anzupassen. Dadurch könnten fundierte Kenntnisse ĂŒber die Wirkungen der strategischen Stadtentwicklungsplanung im Bereich Wohnen gewonnen werden. Das Paper erörtert die Charakteristika und theoretischen Grundlagen der strategischen Stadtentwicklungs-planung im Handlungsfeld Wohnen, ihre vermeintlichen Wirkungen wie auch die Herausforderungen und methodischen AnsĂ€tze ihrer Evaluation

    Editorial for special issue “Geochemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal metallic mineral deposits”

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    The Special Issue of Minerals on Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Hydrothermal Metallic Mineral Deposits presents the results of diverse geochemical and mineralogical research from across the globe. It is aimed to demonstrate that geochemical and mineralogical variation, both within and among hydrothermal ore deposits can be applied to genetic models, to exploration and drilling programs, and more. The eight contributions reflect a wide range of deposits, as well as different types of geochemical and mineralogical research applied to them. While most of these studies are focused on gaining a better understanding of deposit genesis, the results have a far greater application, as highlighted below

    Custodial Parent Dependency Exemptions: Hughes v. Hughes

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    In 1984, Congress amended Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) Section 152(e) to create an unambiguous presumption in favor of the custodial parent receiving the dependency exemption(s). The language of Code Section 152(e) expressly provides that the custodial parent may release his/her presumptive right to the noncustodial parent if the custodial parent signs a written declaration to that effect On its face, however, Section 152(e) does not provide a state domestic relations court with the power to order the custodial parent to execute the release. Yet, it is this very power which the domestic relations courts of several states, including Ohio, are exercising on a daily basis? Was this the intent of Congress when it amended the federal law? The state courts are at polar ends of the spectrum on this question.s Adding to this confusion, is the fact that the United States Supreme Court has not yet addressed the issue. In Hughes v. Hughes, the Ohio Supreme Court held that Section 152(e), as amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1984, did not prohibit a state domestic relations court from awarding federal dependency exemption(s) to the noncustodial parent. Moreover, the majority found that the lower court\u27s action did not infringe on congressional power to lay and collect taxes on income. The Ohio Supreme Court based its decision upon an analysis of Section 152(e) and its regulations, the legislative history behind the amendment and stated concerns of the Internal Revenue Service

    Bubble formation and growth - Study of the boundary conditions at a liquid-vapor interface through irreversible thermodynamics Quarterly progress report, Jun. - Aug. 1966

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    Steady state mercury evaporation experiment to measure transport coefficient in liquid-vapor interface boundary condition stud

    Copper isotope constraints on the genesis of the Keweenaw Peninsula Native Copper District, Michigan, USA

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    The Keweenaw Peninsula native copper district of Michigan, USA is the largest concentration of native copper in the world. The copper isotopic composition of native copper was measured from stratabound and vein deposits, hosted by multiple rift-filling basalt-dominated stratigraphic horizons over 110 km of strike length. The ÎŽ65Cu of the native copper has an overall mean of +0.28‰ and a range of −0.32‰ to +0.80‰ (excluding one anomalous value). The data appear to be normally distributed and unimodal with no substantial differences between the native copper isotopic composition from the wide spread of deposits studied here. This suggests a common regional and relatively uniform process of derivation and precipitation of the copper in these deposits. Several published studies indicate that the ore-forming hydrothermal fluids carried copper as Cu1+, which is reduced to Cu0 during the precipitation of native copper. The ÎŽ65Cu of copper in the ore-forming fluids is thereby constrained to +0.80‰ or higher in order to yield the measured native copper values by reductive precipitation. The currently accepted hypothesis for the genesis of native copper relies on the leaching of copper from the rift-filling basalt-dominated stratigraphic section at a depth below the deposits during burial metamorphism. Oxidative dissolution of copper from magmatic source rocks with magmatic ÎŽ65Cu of 0‰ ± 0.3‰ is needed to obtain the copper isotopic composition of the metamorphogenic ore-forming hydrothermal fluids. In order to accommodate oxidative dissolution of copper from the rift-filling basalt source rocks, the copper needs to have been sited in native copper. Magmatic native copper in basalt is likely stable when the magma is low in sulfur. Low sulfur is predicted by the lack of sulfide minerals in the ore deposits and in the rift-filling basalt-dominated section, which are source rocks, the same rocks through which the ore fluids moved upwards, and the host rocks for the native copper ores. When combined with geologic evidence and inferences, the copper isotopic composition of native copper helps to further constrain the genetic model for this unique mining district
