331 research outputs found

    The Possible White Dwarf-Neutron Star Connection

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    The current status of the problem of whether neutron stars can form, in close binary systems, by accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs is examined. We find that, in principle, both initially cold C+O white dwarfs in the high-mass tail of their mass distribution in binaries and O+Ne+Mg white dwarfs can produce neutron stars. Which fractions of neutron stars in different types of binaries (or descendants from binaries) might originate from this process remains uncertain.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in "White Dwarfs", ed. J. Isern, M. Hernanz, and E. Garcia-Berro (Dordrecht: Kluwer

    Evolution of the number of accreting white dwarfs with shell nuclear burning and of occurrence rate of SN Ia

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    We analyze temporal evolution of the number of accreting white dwarfs with shell hydrogen burning in semidetached and detached binaries. We consider a stellar system in which star formation lasts for 10 Gyr with a constant rate, as well as a system in which the same amount of stars is formed in a single burst lasting for 1 Gyr. Evolution of the number of white dwarfs is confronted to the evolution of occurrence rate of events that usually are identified with SN Ia or accretion-induced collapses, i.e. with accumulation of Chandrasekhar mass by a white dwarf or a merger of a pair of CO white dwarfs with total mass not lower than the Chandrasekhar one. In the systems with a burst of star formation, at t=t=10 Gyr observed supersoft X-ray sources, most probably, are not precursors of SN Ia. The same is true for an overwhelming majority of the sources in the systems with constant star formation rate. In the systems of both kinds mergers of white dwarfs is the dominant SN Ia scenario. In symbiotic binaries, accreting CO-dwarfs do not accumulate enough mass for SN Ia explosion, while ONeMg-dwarfs finish their evolution by an accretion-induced collapse with formation of a neutron star.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Astronomy Letter

    Further investigation of white dwarfs in the open clusters NGC2287 and NGC3532

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    We report the results of a CCD imaging survey, complimented by astrometric and spectroscopic follow-up studies, that aims to probe the fate of heavy-weight intermediate mass stars by unearthing new, faint, white dwarf members of the rich, nearby, intermediate age open clusters NGC3532 and NGC2287. We identify a total of four white dwarfs with distances, proper motions and cooling times which can be reconciled with membership of these populations. We find that WDJ0643-203 in NGC2287, with an estimated mass of M=1.02-1.16Msun, is potentially the most massive white dwarf so far identified within an open cluster. Guided by the predictions of modern theoretical models of the late-stage evolution of heavy-weight intermediate mass stars, we conclude that there is a distinct possibility it has a core composed of O and Ne. We also determine that despite the cooling times of the three new white dwarfs in NGC3532 and the previously known degenerate member NGC3532-10 spanning ~90Myr, they all have remarkably similar masses (M~0.9-1Msun). This is fully consistent with the results from our prior work on a heterogeneous sample of ~50 white dwarfs from 12 stellar populations, on the basis of which we argued that the stellar initial mass-final mass relation is less steep at Minit>4Msun than in the adjacent lower initial mass regime. This change in the gradient of the relation could account for the secondary peak observed in the mass distribution of the field white dwarf population and mitigate the need to invoke close binary evolution to explain its existence. Spectroscopic investigation of numerous additional candidate white dwarf members of NGC3532 unearthed by a recent independent study would be useful to confirm (or otherwise) these conclusions.Comment: 8 Figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    DA white dwarfs from the LSS-GAC survey DR1: the preliminary luminosity and mass functions and formation rate

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    Modern large-scale surveys have allowed the identification of large numbers of white dwarfs. However, these surveys are subject to complicated target selection algorithms, which make it almost impossible to quantify to what extent the observational biases affect the observed populations. The LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic anti-center (LSS-GAC) follows a well-defined set of criteria for selecting targets for observations. This advantage over previous surveys has been fully exploited here to identify a small yet well-characterised magnitude-limited sample of hydrogen-rich (DA) white dwarfs. We derive preliminary LSS-GAC DA white dwarf luminosity and mass functions. The space density and average formation rate of DA white dwarfs we derive are 0.83+/-0.16 x 10^{-3} pc^{-3} and 5.42 +/- 0.08 x 10^{-13} pc^{-3} yr^{-1}, respectively. Additionally, using an existing Monte Carlo population synthesis code we simulate the population of single DA white dwarfs in the Galactic anti-center, under various assumptions. The synthetic populations are passed through the LSS-GAC selection criteria, taking into account all possible observational biases. This allows us to perform a meaningful comparison of the observed and simulated distributions. We find that the LSS-GAC set of criteria is highly efficient in selecting white dwarfs for spectroscopic observations (80-85 per cent) and that, overall, our simulations reproduce well the observed luminosity function. However, they fail at reproducing an excess of massive white dwarfs present in the observed mass function. A plausible explanation for this is that a sizable fraction of massive white dwarfs in the Galaxy are the product of white dwarf-white dwarf mergers.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures and 5 tables. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Tune in to your emotions: a robust personalized affective music player

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    The emotional power of music is exploited in a personalized affective music player (AMP) that selects music for mood enhancement. A biosignal approach is used to measure listeners’ personal emotional reactions to their own music as input for affective user models. Regression and kernel density estimation are applied to model the physiological changes the music elicits. Using these models, personalized music selections based on an affective goal state can be made. The AMP was validated in real-world trials over the course of several weeks. Results show that our models can cope with noisy situations and handle large inter-individual differences in the music domain. The AMP augments music listening where its techniques enable automated affect guidance. Our approach provides valuable insights for affective computing and user modeling, for which the AMP is a suitable carrier application

    SN 2008S: an electron capture SN from a super-AGB progenitor?

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    We present comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the faint transient SN 2008S discovered in NGC 6946. SN 2008S exhibited slow photometric evolution and almost no spectral variability during the first nine months, implying a high density CS medium. The light curve is similar in shape to that of SN 1998S and SN 1979C, although significantly fainter at maximum light. Our quasi-bolometric lightcurve extends to 300 days and shows a tail phase decay rate consistent with that of ^{56}Co. We propose that this is evidence for an explosion and formation of ^{56}Ni (0.0015 +/- 0.0004 M_Sun). The large MIR flux detected shortly after explosion can be explained by a light echo from pre-exisiting dust. The late NIR flux excess is plausibly due to a combination of warm newly-formed ejecta dust together with shock-heated dust in the CS environment. We reassess the progenitor object detected previously in Spitzer archive images, supplementing this discussion with a model of the MIR spectral energy distribution. This supports the idea of a dusty, optically thick shell around SN 2008S with an inner radius of nearly 90AU and outer radius of 450AU, and an inferred heating source of 3000 K and luminosity of L ~ 10^{4.6} L_Sun. The combination of our monitoring data and the evidence from the progenitor analysis leads us to support the scenario of a weak electron capture supernova explosion in a super-AGB progenitor star (of initial mass 6-8 M_sun) embedded within a thick CS gaseous envelope. We suggest that all of main properties of the electron capture SN phenomenon are observed in SN 2008S and future observations may allow a definitive answer.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS (2009 May 7

    Evolutionary and pulsational properties of white dwarf stars

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    Abridged. White dwarf stars are the final evolutionary stage of the vast majority of stars, including our Sun. The study of white dwarfs has potential applications to different fields of astrophysics. In particular, they can be used as independent reliable cosmic clocks, and can also provide valuable information about the fundamental parameters of a wide variety of stellar populations, like our Galaxy and open and globular clusters. In addition, the high densities and temperatures characterizing white dwarfs allow to use these stars as cosmic laboratories for studying physical processes under extreme conditions that cannot be achieved in terrestrial laboratories. They can be used to constrain fundamental properties of elementary particles such as axions and neutrinos, and to study problems related to the variation of fundamental constants. In this work, we review the essentials of the physics of white dwarf stars. Special emphasis is placed on the physical processes that lead to the formation of white dwarfs as well as on the different energy sources and processes responsible for chemical abundance changes that occur along their evolution. Moreover, in the course of their lives, white dwarfs cross different pulsational instability strips. The existence of these instability strips provides astronomers with an unique opportunity to peer into their internal structure that would otherwise remain hidden from observers. We will show that this allows to measure with unprecedented precision the stellar masses and to infer their envelope thicknesses, to probe the core chemical stratification, and to detect rotation rates and magnetic fields. Consequently, in this work, we also review the pulsational properties of white dwarfs and the most recent applications of white dwarf asteroseismology.Comment: 85 pages, 28 figures. To be published in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Revie

    The Resolved Stellar Population of the Post-Starburst Galaxy NGC 1569

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    We present WFPC2-HST photometry (in the F439W and F555W bands) of the resolved stars in NGC 1569. The derived color-magnitude diagram (CMD) contains 2800 objects down to the 26th mag, and is complete down to the 23rd. Adopting the literature distance modulus and reddening, the CMD samples stars more massive than 4 Mo, corresponding to a look-back time of 0.15 Gyr approximately. The data are compared to synthetic CMDs to derive the recent star formation history in NGC 1569. It is found that the observed field has experienced a global burst of star formation (SF) lasting at least 0.1 Gyr, and ended a few Myr ago. During the burst, the SF rate was approximately constant, and, if quiescent periods occurred, they lasted less than 10 Myr. The level of the SF rate was very high: 0.5 Mo/yr for a Salpeter IMF, in stars with mass ranging from 0.1 to 120 Mo. When scaled for the surveyed area, the SF rate is approximately 100 times larger than found in the most active dwarf irregulars in the Local Group. The data are consistent with a Salpeter IMF, or slightly steeper exponents. We discuss the implications of our results in the general context of the evolution of dwarf galaxies.Comment: 63 pages including 2 tables and 12 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Description of the Scenario Machine

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    We present here an updated description of the "Scenario Machine" code. This tool is used to carry out a population synthesis of binary stars. Previous version of the description can be found at http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~mystery//articles/review/contents.htmlComment: 32 pages, 3 figures. Corrected typo