447 research outputs found

    Mip6 binds directly to the Mex67 UBA domain to maintain low levels of Msn2/4 stress dependent mRNAs

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    Abstract del trabajo presentado en 12ª Reunión de la Red Española de Levaduras. El Escorial, Madrid.11-13 de diciembre de 2019Pág. 44 del libro de abstracts que se adjunta. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) participate in all steps of gene expression, underscoring their potential as regulators of RNA homeostasis. We structurally and functionally characterize Mip6, a four-RNA recognition motif (RRM)-containing RBP, as a functional and physical interactor of the export factor Mex67. Mip6-RRM4 directly interacts with the ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain of Mex67 through a loop containing tryptophan 442. Mip6 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in a Mex67-dependent manner and concentrates in cytoplasmic foci under stress. Photoactivatable ribonucleoside-enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments show preferential binding of Mip6 to mRNAs regulated by the stress-response Msn2/4 transcription factors. Consistent with this binding, MIP6 deletion affects their export and expression levels. Additionally, Mip6 interacts physically and/or functionally with proteins with a role in mRNA metabolism and transcription such as Rrp6, Xrn1, Sgf73, and Rpb1. These results reveal a novel role for Mip6 in the homeostasis of Msn2/4-dependent transcripts through its direct interaction with the Mex67 UBA domain

    Red and Green Algal Origin of Diatom Membrane Transporters: Insights into Environmental Adaptation and Cell Evolution

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    Membrane transporters (MTs) facilitate the movement of molecules between cellular compartments. The evolutionary history of these key components of eukaryote genomes remains unclear. Many photosynthetic microbial eukaryotes (e.g., diatoms, haptophytes, and dinoflagellates) appear to have undergone serial endosymbiosis and thereby recruited foreign genes through endosymbiotic/horizontal gene transfer (E/HGT). Here we used the diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum as models to examine the evolutionary origin of MTs in this important group of marine primary producers. Using phylogenomics, we used 1,014 diatom MTs as query against a broadly sampled protein sequence database that includes novel genome data from the mesophilic red algae Porphyridium cruentum and Calliarthron tuberculosum, and the stramenopile Ectocarpus siliculosus. Our conservative approach resulted in 879 maximum likelihood trees of which 399 genes show a non-lineal history between diatoms and other eukaryotes and prokaryotes (at the bootstrap value ≥70%). Of the eukaryote-derived MTs, 172 (ca. 25% of 697 examined phylogenies) have members of both red/green algae as sister groups, with 103 putatively arising from green algae, 19 from red algae, and 50 have an unresolved affiliation to red and/or green algae. We used topology tests to analyze the most convincing cases of non-lineal gene history in which red and/or green algae were nested within stramenopiles. This analysis showed that ca. 6% of all trees (our most conservative estimate) support an algal origin of MTs in stramenopiles with the majority derived from green algae. Our findings demonstrate the complex evolutionary history of photosynthetic eukaryotes and indicate a reticulate origin of MT genes in diatoms. We postulate that the algal-derived MTs acquired via E/HGT provided diatoms and other related microbial eukaryotes the ability to persist under conditions of fluctuating ocean chemistry, likely contributing to their great success in marine environments

    A proteomics approach to decipher the molecular nature of planarian stem cells

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    Background In recent years, planaria have emerged as an important model system for research into stem cells and regeneration. Attention is focused on their unique stem cells, the neoblasts, which can differentiate into any cell type present in the adult organism. Sequencing of the Schmidtea mediterranea genome and some expressed sequence tag projects have generated extensive data on the genetic profile of these cells. However, little information is available on their protein dynamics. Results We developed a proteomic strategy to identify neoblast-specific proteins. Here we describe the method and discuss the results in comparison to the genomic high-throughput analyses carried out in planaria and to proteomic studies using other stem cell systems. We also show functional data for some of the candidate genes selected in our proteomic approach. Conclusions We have developed an accurate and reliable mass-spectra-based proteomics approach to complement previous genomic studies and to further achieve a more accurate understanding and description of the molecular and cellular processes related to the neoblasts

    Transcriptome Profiling of Citrus Fruit Response to Huanglongbing Disease

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    Huanglongbing (HLB) or “citrus greening” is the most destructive citrus disease worldwide. In this work, we studied host responses of citrus to infection with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CaLas) using next-generation sequencing technologies. A deep mRNA profile was obtained from peel of healthy and HLB-affected fruit. It was followed by pathway and protein-protein network analysis and quantitative real time PCR analysis of highly regulated genes. We identified differentially regulated pathways and constructed networks that provide a deep insight into the metabolism of affected fruit. Data mining revealed that HLB enhanced transcription of genes involved in the light reactions of photosynthesis and in ATP synthesis. Activation of protein degradation and misfolding processes were observed at the transcriptomic level. Transcripts for heat shock proteins were down-regulated at all disease stages, resulting in further protein misfolding. HLB strongly affected pathways involved in source-sink communication, including sucrose and starch metabolism and hormone synthesis and signaling. Transcription of several genes involved in the synthesis and signal transduction of cytokinins and gibberellins was repressed while that of genes involved in ethylene pathways was induced. CaLas infection triggered a response via both the salicylic acid and jasmonic acid pathways and increased the transcript abundance of several members of the WRKY family of transcription factors. Findings focused on the fruit provide valuable insight to understanding the mechanisms of the HLB-induced fruit disorder and eventually developing methods based on small molecule applications to mitigate its devastating effects on fruit production

    Les col·leccions de mineralogia de la UB. Una eina d'aprenentatge i de participació dels estudiants

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    Les col·leccions de Mineralogia de la Universitat de Barcelona poden ser de litoteca (emprades en l'ensenyament presencial i no presencial) i sistemàtica (usades com a material de referència de recerca). Comprenen mostres de mà, làmines primes i probetes. Les col leccions de referència son controlades per estudiants, els quals comproven la identitat del mineral i en fan la catalogació. Així s'introdueix els estudiants en les tècniques de caracterització i en les tècniques de musealització

    Enhanced production of multi-strange hadrons in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions

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    At sufficiently high temperature and energy density, nuclear matter undergoes a transition to a phase in which quarks and gluons are not confined: the quark-gluon plasma (QGP)(1). Such an exotic state of strongly interacting quantum chromodynamics matter is produced in the laboratory in heavy nuclei high-energy collisions, where an enhanced production of strange hadrons is observed(2-6). Strangeness enhancement, originally proposed as a signature of QGP formation in nuclear collisions(7), is more pronounced for multi-strange baryons. Several effects typical of heavy-ion phenomenology have been observed in high-multiplicity proton-proton (pp) collisions(8,9), but the enhanced production of multi-strange particles has not been reported so far. Here we present the first observation of strangeness enhancement in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions. We find that the integrated yields of strange and multi-strange particles, relative to pions, increases significantly with the event charged-particle multiplicity. The measurements are in remarkable agreement with the p-Pb collision results(10,11), indicating that the phenomenon is related to the final system created in the collision. In high-multiplicity events strangeness production reaches values similar to those observed in Pb-Pb collisions, where a QGP is formed.Peer reviewe

    Inclusive J/ψ production at forward and backward rapidity in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV

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    Inclusive J/psi production is studied in p-Pb interactions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision sqrt(s_NN) = 8.16TeV, using the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The J/psi meson is reconstructed, via its decay to a muon pair, in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals 2.03 < ycms < 3.53 and -4.46 < ycms < -2.96, where positive and negative ycms refer to the p-going and Pb-going direction, respectively. The transverse momentum coverage is pT < 20 GeV/c. In this paper, ycms- and pT-differential cross sections for inclusive J/psi production are presented, and the corresponding nuclear modification factors RpPb are shown. Forward results show a suppression of the J/psi yield with respect to pp collisions, concentrated in the region pT < 5 GeV/c. At backward rapidity no significant suppression is observed. The results are compared to previous measurements by ALICE in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02TeV and to theoretical calculations. Finally, the ratios RFB between forward- and backward-ycms RpPb values are shown and discussed

    Energy dependence and fluctuations of anisotropic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 and 2.76 TeV

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    Measurements of anisotropic flow coefficients with two- and multi-particle cumulants for inclusive charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 and 2.76TeV are reported in the pseudorapidity range |eta|< 0.8 and transverse momentum 0.2 < pT < 50 GeV/c. The full data sample collected by the ALICE detector in 2015 (2010), corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12.7 (2.0) ub^-1 in the centrality range 0-80%, is analysed. Flow coefficients up to the sixth flow harmonic (v6) are reported and a detailed comparison among results at the two energies is carried out. The pT dependence of anisotropic flow coefficients and its evolution with respect to centrality and harmonic number n are investigated. An approximate power-law scaling of the form vn(pT) ~ pT^(n/3) is observed for all flow harmonics at low pT (0.2 < pT < 3 GeV/c). At the same time, the ratios vn/vm^(n/m) are observed to be essentially independent of pT for most centralities up to about pT = 10 GeV/c. Analysing the differences among higher-order cumulants of elliptic flow (v2), which have different sensitivities to flow fluctuations, a measurement of the standardised skewness of the event-by-event v2 distribution P(v2) is reported and constraints on its higher moments are provided. The Elliptic Power distribution is used to parametrise P(v2), extracting its parameters from fits to cumulants. The measurements are compared to different model predictions in order to discriminate among initial-state models and to constrain the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity to entropy-density ratio

    Measurement of transverse energy at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

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    We report the transverse energy (ET) measured with ALICE at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV as a function of centrality. The transverse energy was measured using identified single-particle tracks. The measurement was cross checked using the electromagnetic calorimeters and the transverse momentum distributions of identified particles previously reported by ALICE. The results are compared to theoretical models as well as to results from other experiments. The mean ET per unit pseudorapidity (eta), , in 0%-5% central collisions is 1737 +/- 6(stat.) +/- 97(sys.) GeV. We find a similar centrality dependence of the shape of as a function of the number of participating nucleons to that seen at lower energies. The growth in at the LHC energies exceeds extrapolations of low-energy data. We observe a nearly linear scaling of with the number of quark participants. With the canonical assumption of a 1 fm/c formation time, we estimate that the energy density in 0%-5% central Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV is 12.3 +/- 1.0 GeV/fm(3) and that the energy density at the most central 80 fm(2) of the collision is at least 21.5 +/- 1.7 GeV/fm(3). This is roughly 2.3 times that observed in 0%-5% central Au-Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV.Peer reviewe