97 research outputs found

    Switch access to technology - A comprehensive Guide.

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    When most of us use a computer we use the standard interface of a keyboard and mouse. However, what do you do if you cannot use a keyboard or mouse? A number of alternative access systems exist, for example: alternative keyboards, tracker balls, touchscreens, head pointers etc. But for some people these devices are also an impossibility, and this is where switches 'kick in'. The main subject of this document is the switch user. For completeness we have include a brief mention of other input devices, which may be grouped together as 'alternative access systems'.We aim to: - Encourage developers to include switch access into their products - Standardise practice and terminology. This document explains some of the issues involved for people with severe physical difficulties who access computers and other electronic devices with switches. It details the ways in which switch users interact with computer programs and other technology designed to be directly accessible to them. The document includes some precise definitions of terms. It also attempts to survey the whole range of issues associated with switch use. As such it should be useful to professionals working or entering the field, those software developers considering switch users for the first time and also for those already developing in this area

    Private developers and splintered ecological security in north Jakarta: producing difference in Singapore

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    Jakarta, Indonesia, has gained much attention in recent years owing to its vulnerability to tidal flooding, its fragmented water supply, and unsustainable practices of groundwater extraction. In this paper, I ask: how does Jakarta’s water crisis shape the feasibility, profitability, success, or failure of property development? How does the real estate industry understand, and respond to this crisis? To answer these questions, I draw on in-depth interviews with consultants and bureaucrats, as well as an analysis of secondary sources relating to water and property to present two preliminary findings from research conducted thus far. First, property buyers (investors and end users) and private developers appear to understand and evaluate environmental and financial risk very differently. Second, while state efforts to secure water supply and flood protection for the urban majority have been hampered for various political, economic, and financial reasons, private developers have the capacity to insulate their developments from environmental (and therefore financial) risk and promise ecological security to property buyers. In examining developers’ responses to the water crisis, this paper provides insights into “splintering ecological security”, which is actively created in tandem with acts of financial and environmental speculation, with implications for residents well beyond the walls of these bounded enclaves

    Börsintroduktioner: post festum - GÄr det att förutspÄ hur börsintroduktioner kommer att prestera?

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    Title: IPO’s: a post festum - Can post-IPO stock performance be predicted? Seminar date: January 14th, 2016 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project in Corporate Finance, Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Simon Bengtsson, Julia Colven, Jonathan Karlsson, Alexander Vitols Advisor: Göran Andersson Key words: Initial Public Offerings, Company age, Private equity, Founder, Insider ownership Purpose: The study attempts to investigate the long-term performance of post-IPO stocks on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange, relative to a total return index. Furthermore, the study will evaluate to which degree four non-financial factors can be used to predict long-term performance. The goal is to use the results of this study to guide and improve investors’ decision-making process regarding IPO-prospectuses. Methodology: The secondary data has been analyzed using a quantitative, deductive approach. Theoretical perspectives: The study draws from previous research on the predictability of the chosen factors in terms of relative performance, in addition to previous studies on post IPO stock performance in Sweden and Globally. Empirical foundation: The three-year total return of 55 IPO’s between the years 2000-2011 is compared to the OMXSBGI-index. The data is collected from the website of Nasdaq, Capital IQ and Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority). The IPO prospectus was used as the source of data on the non-financial factors for each observed company. Conclusions: The observed companies have underperformed the chosen index as a group, with a few individual exceptions. Of the chosen factors, only the age of the company at the time of the IPO has shown a statistically relevant correlation with long-term performance.Examensarbetets titel: Börsintroduktioner: post festum - GĂ„r det att förutspĂ„ hur börsintroduktioner kommer att prestera? Seminariedatum: 2016-01-14 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering pĂ„ kandidatnivĂ„, 15 högskolepoĂ€ng Författare: Simon Bengtsson, Julia Colven, Jonathan Karlsson, Alexander Vitols Handledare: Göran Andersson Nyckelord: Börsintroduktioner, Bolagets Ă„lder, Private equity, Grundare, InsiderĂ€gande Syfte: Studien Ă€mnar undersöka hur börsintroduktioner pĂ„ Nasdaq Stockholm har presterat lĂ„ngsiktigt jĂ€mfört med relevant index. DĂ€rtill ska studien utröna vilken inverkan icke finansiella faktorer haft pĂ„ börsintroduktionernas lĂ„ngsiktiga utveckling. MĂ„lsĂ€ttningen Ă€r att utifrĂ„n information i prospekt ge investerare bĂ€ttre förutsĂ€ttningar vid investeringsbeslut betrĂ€ffande börsnoteringar. Metod: Vid analys av sekundĂ€rdata har författarna anvĂ€nt sig av en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien tar avstamp i tidigare forskning kring de utvalda variablernas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ aktieavkastning, samt tidigare undersökningar kring avkastning pĂ„ nynoterade bolag i Sverige och globalt. Empiri: TreĂ„rsvkastningen för 55 börsnoteringar under tidsperioden 2000-2011 jĂ€mförs mot relevant index, OMXSBGI. Data Ă€r hĂ€mtad frĂ„n Nasdaq’s hemsida, Capital IQ samt Finansinspektionen. Via bolagens noteringsprospekt har data kring variablerna inhĂ€mtats. Resultat: Bolagen i urvalet har generellt underpresterat valt jĂ€mförelseindex. Av de undersökta variablerna pĂ„visas ett positivt signifikant samband mellan bolagets Ă„lder och avkastning. Övriga variabler ger inget statistiskt signifikant resultat

    Topical ascorbic acid on photoaged skin. Clinical, topographical and ultrastructural evaluation: double-blind study vs. placebo.

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcherVitamin C is known for its antioxidant potential and activity in the collagen biosynthetic pathway. Photoprotective properties of topically applied vitamin C have also been demonstrated, placing this molecule as a potential candidate for use in the prevention and treatment of skin ageing. A topically applied cream containing 5% vitamin C and its excipient were tested on healthy female volunteers presenting with photoaged skin on their low-neck and arms in view to evaluate efficacy and safety of such treatment. A double-blind, randomized trial was performed over a 6-month period, comparing the action of the vitamin C cream vs. excipient on photoaged skin. Clinical assessments included evaluation at the beginning and after 3 and 6 months of daily treatment. They were performed by the investigator and compared with the volunteer self assessment. Skin relief parameters were determined on silicone rubber replicas performed at the same time-points. Cutaneous biopsies were obtained at the end of the trial and investigated using immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Clinical examination by a dermatologist as well as self-assessment by the volunteers disclosed a significant improvement, in terms of the 'global score', on the vitamin C-treated side compared with the control. A highly significant increase in the density of skin microrelief and a decrease of the deep furrows were demonstrated. Ultrastructural evidence of the elastic tissue repair was also obtained and well corroborated the favorable results of the clinical and skin surface examinations. Topical application of 5% vitamin C cream was an effective and well-tolerated treatment. It led to a clinically apparent improvement of the photodamaged skin and induced modifications of skin relief and ultrastructure, suggesting a positive influence of topical vitamin C on parameters characteristic for sun-induced skin ageing

    Hydraulic Mission at Home, Hydraulic Mission abroad? Examining Turkey’s Regional ‘Pax-Aquarum’ and Its Limits

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    Water resource development has always been considered as a strategic tool by the Turkish ruling elites to reach food and energy security, as well as to enhance domestic peace and stability since the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Therefore, the concept of “hydraulic mission” fits this strategic understanding, and it has become a prevailing paradigm in Turkey’s water resource development. Many academic works have already been conducted to understand how Turkey has waged an ambitious hydraulic mission by securitizing its water resource development primarily on economic and political bases. However, fewer studies have shown how the Turkish ruling elites have also considered Turkey’s extensive hydraulic development, sanctioned by the hydraulic mission, as a foreign policy tool to enhance its influence at the international level. Drawing primarily upon the concept of opportunitisation and the body of literature that looks at, albeit indirectly, the international aspect of the hydraulic mission, this study fills this gap in the literature by looking at three case studies: The Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP), the Water Export Initiatives to the Middle East, and the Water Transfer Project to Cyprus, namely the Peace Water Project. Being informed by an in-depth investigation of those three case studies, this study argues that ambitious hydraulic development projects conducted by the Turkish government do not only serve to keep peace and stability at the domestic level, but they are also strategic tools to enhance Turkey’s influence abroad. However, this study also shows the limits of Turkey’s hydraulic mission abroad. While Turkey promotes those water initiatives as tools for improving regional peace and stability, they are challenged by the recipient countries on social, economic, and political base

    Practice Models and Challenges in Teledermatology: A Study of Collective Experiences from Teledermatologists

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    Despite increasing practice of teledermatology in the U.S., teledermatology practice models and real-world challenges are rarely studied.The primary objective was to examine teledermatology practice models and shared challenges among teledermatologists in California, focusing on practice operations, reimbursement considerations, barriers to sustainability, and incentives. We conducted in-depth interviews with teledermatologists that practiced store-and-forward or live-interactive teledermatology from January 1, 2007 through March 30, 2011 in California.Seventeen teledermatologists from academia, private practice, health maintenance organizations, and county settings participated in the study. Among them, 76% practiced store-and-forward only, 6% practiced live-interactive only, and 18% practiced both modalities. Only 29% received structured training in teledermatology. The average number of years practicing teledermatology was 4.29 years (SD±2.81). Approximately 47% of teledermatologists served at least one Federally Qualified Health Center. Over 75% of patients seen via teledermatology were at or below 200% federal poverty level and usually lived in rural regions without dermatologist access. Practice challenges were identified in the following areas. Teledermatologists faced delays in reimbursements and non-reimbursement of teledermatology services. The primary reason for operational inefficiency was poor image quality and/or inadequate history. Costly and inefficient software platforms and lack of communication with referring providers also presented barriers.Teledermatology enables underserved populations to access specialty care. Improvements in reimbursement mechanisms, efficient technology platforms, communication with referring providers, and teledermatology training are necessary to support sustainable practices

    Urban coral reefs: Degradation and resilience of hard coral assemblages in coastal cities of East and Southeast Asia

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    © 2018 The Author(s) Given predicted increases in urbanization in tropical and subtropical regions, understanding the processes shaping urban coral reefs may be essential for anticipating future conservation challenges. We used a case study approach to identify unifying patterns of urban coral reefs and clarify the effects of urbanization on hard coral assemblages. Data were compiled from 11 cities throughout East and Southeast Asia, with particular focus on Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, and Naha (Okinawa). Our review highlights several key characteristics of urban coral reefs, including “reef compression” (a decline in bathymetric range with increasing turbidity and decreasing water clarity over time and relative to shore), dominance by domed coral growth forms and low reef complexity, variable city-specific inshore-offshore gradients, early declines in coral cover with recent fluctuating periods of acute impacts and rapid recovery, and colonization of urban infrastructure by hard corals. We present hypotheses for urban reef community dynamics and discuss potential of ecological engineering for corals in urban areas

    The nucleation of gold on magnesium oxide

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    Understanding the allure of big infrastructure:Jakarta's great garuda sea wall project

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    In response to severe flooding in Jakarta, a consortium of Dutch firms in collaboration with the Indonesian government has designed the 'Great Garuda Sea Wall' project. The master plan proposes to construct a sea wall to enclose Jakarta Bay. A new waterfront city will be built on over 1000 hectares (ha) of reclaimed land in the shape of the Garuda, Indonesia's national symbol. By redeveloping North Jakarta, the project promises to realise the world-class city aspirations of Indonesia's political elites. Heavily reliant on hydrological engineering, hard infrastructure and private capital, the project has been presented by proponents as the optimum way to protect the city from flooding. The project retains its allure among political elites despite not directly addressing land subsidence, understood to be a primary cause of flooding. I demonstrate how this project is driven by a techno-political network that brings together political and economic interests, world-class city discourses, engineering expertise, colonial histories, and postcolonial relations between Jakarta and the Netherlands. Due in part to this network, big infrastructure has long constituted the preferred state response to flooding in Jakarta. I thus make a case for provincialising narratives that claim we are witnessing a return to big infrastructure in water management.</p
