7 research outputs found

    A escravatura dos nossos tempos: O recurso à cooperação internacional para o combate ao tráfico de mulheres

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    This work falls within the assessment process to obtain the Master’s Degree in International Relations, in Universidade da Beira Interior. Its main goal is to evaluate the role of international cooperation in the combat against women trafficking. To achieve this goal we carried out a review of the main international instruments that address the issue of human trafficking. Based on the theories that advocate the use of cooperation to combat transnational threats, we also suggest important changes in the political measures employed in fighting this sort of illicit activity. This analysis found that interstate cooperation has grown significantly when it comes to the fight against women trafficking, and that it is increasingly promoted and developed with better measures to combat the trafficking of women.A presente dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o papel que a cooperação internacional desempenha no combate ao tráfico de mulheres. Para alcançar este objetivo procedemos a uma análise dos principais instrumentos internacionais que abordam o tema do tráfico de seres humanos com base nas teorias que defendem o uso da cooperação internacional para o combate aos assuntos transnacionais, e também a evolução relativamente às medidas a serem tomadas neste âmbito. Deste modo, através desta análise verificou-se que aquilo que se defende no combate ao tráfico de mulheres é o uso da cooperação internacional entre os Estados, e de que cada vez mais ela seja promovida e desenvolvida com melhores medidas para o combate ao tráfico de mulheres

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in systemic inflammatory response syndrome

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    Research Areas: Veterinary Sciences(1) Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) can occur due to a large number of traumatic or non-traumatic diseases. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may be used as a main or adjuvant treatment for inflammation, leading to the main aim of this study, which was to verify the applicability of HBOT as a safe and tolerable tool in SIRS-positive dogs. (2) Methods: This prospective cohort study included 49 dogs who showed two or more parameters of SIRS, divided into the Traumatic Study Group (n = 32) and the Non-Traumatic Study Group (n = 17). All dogs were submitted to HBOT for 60–90 min sessions, with 2.4–2.8 ATA. (3) Results: This study revealed that 73.5% (36/49) of dogs showed improvement, and the minimum number of HBOT sessions was two, with a mean of 12.73. The number of days between diagnosis and the beginning of HBOT showed statistical significance (p = 0.031) relative to the clinical outcome. No dogs showed any major side effects. (4) Conclusions: We concluded that HBOT may be safe and tolerable for SIRS-positive dogs, and that it should be applied as early as possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os portugueses e o Testamento Vital

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    Introduction: It has taken some years since the law (25/2012) was passed and we still do not know about the portuguese population ́s knowledge regarding the Living Will (LW), nor the law effects. Aim; To identify the Portuguese population fraction that believes to know what the LW is and, from those, the fraction that actually knows what it is; to classify the information resources that allowed the Portuguese to know the LW; to identify the number of Portuguese citizens who made the LW and those who registered it in RENTEV; to identify the reasons that led the Portuguese to perform, or not, the living will; to analyze witch factors may influence the knowledge about the law and the decision of doing the LW. Methods:Stratified random sampling, in order to be representative of the portuguese population over 18 years (n=1064); Analytical, cross-sectional, observational study; It has been done trough face-by-face interviews performed. Results: Only 22% of Portuguese Citizens know what Living Will is; This lack of knowledge is not influenced by gender, age or familiar conditions, but it appears to be influenced (p<0.05) by the regional area along the country. The education seems to influence the knowledge about the LW. The ones who have a high level education are those who know more. Respondents reported that the media was the main information source about this document – law (66.2%); Family doctors were responsible for 2.8% of the information and Nurses for only 2.9%. From the 22% that know what Living Will is, only 50.4% know how to do it and who to ask for help. So, only one in ten portuguese know what LW is, how to do it and who to ask for help. Only 1.4 % of the respondents say that have already done the LW, with no registration in the RENTEV; All of those say that had included specific instructions regarding medical care and two thirds (2/3) also included an Healthcare proxy. From those who had not performed the LW 32% think about doing it; 41.1% choose not to do it; 26.1% do not know yet and are not thinking about doing it. The district size and gender do not influence with statistical significance. All of other factors influence de decision about to do or not to do the living will. From the respondents who intend to do the LW, 17.6% want to include that they do not want to be submitted to any futile treatment. Also from this 16.2% intend to authorize the participation in clinical trials; 13.2%, do not want to be submitted to artificial life support; 10.3% wishes to have palliative care; 4.4% does not want to be part of scientific research programs or clinical trials. From the respondents who do not intend to do the LW, 63.5% justify their choice by have not thought about it yet: 22.4% accept life at each moment; 2.4% by mistrusting the healthcare system and its professionals; 11.8% pointed other reasons. Conclusions: There is significant deficit of knowledge about the LW – regarding, not only, the portuguese society, but also the healthcare providers who should never dismiss this responsibility. On the other hand, the respondents who know what LW is did not obtain this knowledge by healthcare providers. In our opinion, because the living will is about healthcare wishes, we consider that the healthcare providers should be the main information source.Introdução: Decorreram alguns anos desde que a Lei 25/2012 foi aprovada e ainda se sabe muito pouco em relação ao conhecimento que a população portuguesa tem em relação ao Testamento Vital e ou seus efeitos. Objetivo: Identificar a proporção da população portuguesa que pensa conhecer em que consta o Testamento Vital (TV) e a que realmente conhece; identificar as fontes que contribuíram para o conhecimento sobre este assunto; identificar o n.º de portugueses que fizeram o TV e que estão registados no RENTEV; identificar as razões que levam os portugueses a realizar ou não o TV e que fatores influenciam o conhecimento e decisões relativas ao TV. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, analítico com amostragem aleatória estratificada representativa da população portuguesa (n=1064), cujo critério de inclusão era ter 18 ou mais anos de idade. A colheita de dados foi efetuada através de questionário preenchido durante entrevista presencial. Resultados: Apenas 22% dos portugueses conhecem de facto o que é o TV; esta ausência de conhecimento não é influenciada pelo género, idade ou situação familiar, mas é-o pela região de residência e pelo nível das habilitações literárias. Foram os meios de comunicação social as principais fontes de conhecimento da Lei (66.2%); os médicos de família foram-no para 2.8% e os enfermeiros para 2.9%. Dos 22% que sabem o que é o TV, apenas 50.4% sabem como o fazer e a quem pedir ajuda. Deste modo, apenas 1:10 portugueses sabe o que é o TV e como o fazer. Apenas 1.4 % tinha feito o TV e sem registo no RENTEV; todos registaram indicações relativas a cuidados médicos e cerca de 2/3 indicaram procurador de cuidados de saúde. Dos que não fizeram o TV, 32% pensam fazê-lo; 41.1% não o farão e 26.1% não querem ainda pensar nisso. A região do país e o género não influenciam a decisão. Todos os restantes fatores influenciam. Dos que pretendem vir a fazer o TV, 17.6% desejam incluir que não querem ser submetidos a terapêuticas fúteis; 16.2% desejam autorizar a sua participação em ensaios clínicos; 13.2%, não desejam estar submetidos a medidas de suporte artificial de vida; 10.3% desejam ter cuidados paliativos; 4.4% não querem fazer parte de estudos de investigação. Dos que não pretendem vir a fazer o TV, 63.5% justificam-no por não terem ainda pensado nisso; 22.4% porque aceitam a vida a cada momento; 2.4% por desconfiança no sistema de saúde e seus profissionais; 11.8% por outras razões. Conclusões: Existe uma significativa falta de conhecimento acerca do Testamento Vital, não apenas na população portuguesa, mas também nos profissionais de saúde que não se deverão demitir desta responsabilidade de informar. Por outro lado, os participantes que têm o adequado conhecimento não o obtiveram a partir dos profissionais de saúde. Em nossa opinião, e porque o TV tem a ver com desejos e preferências sobre cuidados de saúde, os profissionais de saúde deveriam e devem ser a principal fonte de informação da população

    Centrosome amplification arises before neoplasia and increases upon p53 loss in tumorigenesis

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    The uploaded article version is the Epub Ahead of Print version of the article, posted online 8 May 2018. It has been submitted to peer-review.The deposited article version contains attached the supplementary materials within the pdf.Centrosome abnormalities are a typical hallmark of human cancers. However, the origin and dynamics of such abnormalities in human cancer are not known. In this study, we examined centrosomes in Barrett's esophagus tumorigenesis, a well-characterized multistep pathway of progression, from the premalignant condition to the metastatic disease. This human cancer model allows the study of sequential steps of progression within the same patient and has representative cell lines from all stages of disease. Remarkably, centrosome amplification was detected as early as the premalignant condition and was significantly expanded in dysplasia. It was then present throughout malignant transformation both in adenocarcinoma and metastasis. The early expansion of centrosome amplification correlated with and was dependent on loss of function of the tumor suppressor p53 both through loss of wild-type expression and hotspot mutations. Our work shows that centrosome amplification in human tumorigenesis can occur before transformation, being repressed by p53. These findings suggest centrosome amplification in humans can contribute to tumor initiation and progression.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia–Harvard Medical School Program Portugal grant: (HMSP-CT/SAU-ICT/0075/2009); Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro; European Molecular Biology Organization Installation; Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastroenterologia.N/

    HERA - Environmental Risk Assessment of a contaminated estuarine environment: a case study

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    Sado River estuary is located in the west coast of Portugal. Previous environmental studies identified industrial contamination, non-point anthropogenic sources and contamination coming from the river, all promoting accumulation of polluted sediments with known impacts on the ecological system. Surrounding human populations have intense economic fishery activities. Together with agriculture, estuary fishing products are available to local residents. Food usage previously characterized through ethnographic studies suggests exposure to estuarine products, farming products, and water in daily activities, as potential routes of contamination. It is well established that long term exposure to heavy metals are associated with renal and neurological diseases, most heavy metals are classified as carcinogenic and teratogenic.Instituição Financiadora: FCT; Instituições participantes: IMAR -Instituto do Mar (coord.)e PRÓ-INSA, Associação para a Promoção da Investigação em Saúde, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorg

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved