99 research outputs found

    From Theory to Behaviour: Towards a General Model of Engagement

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    Engagement is a fuzzy concept. In the present work we operationalize engagement mechanistically by linking it directly to human behaviour and show that the construct of engagement can be used for shaping and interpreting data-driven methods. First we outline a formal framework for engagement modelling. Second we expanded on our previous work on theory-inspired data-driven approaches to better model the engagement process by proposing a new modelling technique, the Melchoir Model. Third, we illustrate how, through model comparison and inspection, we can link machine-learned models and underlying theoretical frameworks. Finally we discuss our results in light of a theory-driven hypothesis and highlight potential application of our work in industry.Comment: In review for being included in the proceedings of "Conference on Games

    Selective forms of tourism

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    Turizam kao složen fenomen suvremenog čovječanstva ima više determinanti koje ga određuju. Osnovne determinante ovog fenomena su kretanje, turističke vrijednosti radi kojih se poduzimaju turistička kretanja i potrošnja. Posljednja desetljeća 20-og stoljeća obilježena su intenzivnim rastom i disperzijom turizma na sve dijelove svijeta te njihovu diversifikaciju na različite oblike koje turistička teorija tretira posebnim, specifičnim, alternativnim ili selektivnim oblicima turizma. Oni se javljaju u segmentu želja i potreba sve zahtjevnije turističke potražnje, a djeluju u okviru turističke ponude sukladno raspoloživim prirodnim i antropogenim resursima te izgrađenoj turističkoj infrastrukturi i suprastrukturi. Ruralni turizam, kao specifični oblik turizma, je jedan od glavnih čimbenika razvitka i revitalizacije sela. Zahvaljujući turizmu mogu se uspostaviti dugoročni ciljevi razvitka, uspostaviti temelji i uređenja ruralnih područja i to kroz stvaranje društveno-ekonomskih i tržišnih uvjeta za ubrzani ekonomski i socijalni razvitak sela, zaustavljanje depopulacije i pogoršanja demografske i socijalne strukture ruralnih područja regije, aktiviranje lokalnih potencijala i podizanje motivacije seoskog stanovništva da razvija i uređuje seosko područje kao dugoročnu perspektivu i izbor za život i privređivanje, kao i kroz očuvanje i unaprjeđenje ekoloških, kulturoloških i drugih vrijednosti u ruralnim naseljima. Podravina kao jedinstveno ekološki očuvano područje uz rijeku Dravu ima posebne prednosti za razvoj ovog vida turizma, a na primjeru seoskog domaćinstva „Zlatni klas“ Otrovanec ćemo tu tvrdnju i elaborirati.Tourism, as very complexed phenomena of the world and humankind has several determinants, which define it. The basic determinants of this phenomenon are motion, consumption and tourist evaluation, which is undertaken because of the aforementioned tourist motion. The last decades of the 20th century were marked by intensive growth and dispersion of tourism in all parts of the world and diversifying the various forms of tourism theory treated special, specific, alternative or selective forms of tourism. They occur in the segment of wants and needs more demanding tourist demand, and operate within the tourism offer, in line with the available natural and anthropogenic resources and built tourism infrastructure and superstructure. Rural tourism, as a specific form of tourism, is one of the main factors of development and village revitalization. Thanks to tourism, long-term goals of development can be established. Foundations and organization of rural areas and the creation of socioeconomic and market conditions for accelerated economic and social development of the village can be established. Depopulation can be stopped. Deterioration of the demographic and social structure of rural areas in the region can be reduced. Activation of local resources and raising motivation of rural people to develop and regulate the rural area as a long-term perspective and choice of life and livelihood, as well as the preservation and enhancement of environmental, cultural and other values of rural settlements are all benefits of tourism. The Podravina Region of Croatia, as a unique, ecologically preserved area along the Drava River, has specific advantages for development of ecological tourism. These advantages are shown through the example of the rural household “Zlatni klas” Otrovanec

    John Searle

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    Multi-Modal Livestream Highlight Detection from Audio, Visual, and Language Data

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    Livestreaming is the act of live broadcasting via the internet and allows viewer-host interaction via a text-based chat system. In particular, video game livestreaming is prevalent, where streamers host individual play sessions or present esports competitions. While livestreaming is an emerging entertainment medium, it is popular. For example, every minute, about 1900 hours of footage is livestreamed on Twitch.tv, currently the most popular video game livestreaming platform. It can be challenging for viewers to access the content they are most likely to enjoy. One solution is ‘highlight videos’, which can entertain users who did not watch a broadcast, e.g. due to a lack of awareness, availability, or willingness. Furthermore, livestream content creators can grow their audiences by using highlights to advertise their streams and engage casual followers. However, hand-generating these videos is laborious. Thus there is great value in developing automatic highlight detection methods. Video game streaming provides the viewer with a rich set of audio-visual data, conveying information about the game through game footage and the streamer’s emotional state via webcam footage. Analysing both the game and the behaviour of broadcast personnel is crucial for modelling the exciting aspects of livestreams. Furthermore, livestreaming offers a unique opportunity to understand the viewing experience through the text-based chat system. However, livestream data has a significant set of challenges, e.g. how to fuse multimodal data captured by different sources in uncontrolled, noisy conditions. Thus deep learning models able to leverage complex data are appealing for highlight detection methods. This thesis explores the application of deep learning highlight detection models to the domain of livestreaming. Multimodal highlight detection methods are developed for personalitydriven livestreams and esports broadcasts. The unique nature of livestream audience chat language is explored, and audience-based highlight methods are proposed. Finally, a model capable of modelling all these modalities in one system is presented

    A Stoneware 1/2 liter stein commemorating 1913 Leipzig Turnfest, signed by Franz Ringer

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    A stoneware 1/2 liter stein commemorating the 1913 LeipzigTurnfest. The stein is signed by the artist Franz Ringer. It has a large 4F shield set at the feet of a black bird. There is also a 4F shield on the lid.1/2 liter;Part of a set that includes 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 (previously numbered 47, 48, 49, 51,52, 53, and 59);The Art and Madeline Slicer Turnvereine Stein collection consists of 132 items, 106 of which are German beer steins and other drinking vessels; the remaining 26 items are memorabilia. The collection was donated to Springfield College Archives in March 2015 by Art and Madeline Slicer, classes of 1959 and 1958, respectively. All items were created by, or have the underlying theme of, the German sporting organizations called Turnvereine, known in the United States as the Turners. Made of pottery, stoneware, ceramic, pewter, and glass, the steins and memorabilia depict sporting activities such as gymnastics, running, lifting, and other track-and-field events. Begun by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn in 1811 in Berlin, these social clubs were designed to promote physical fitness and foster a sense of national pride. Members of these clubs also competed in festivals (Turnfests), commemorated through many of the steins in this collection , including from Turnfests held in Frankfurt, Leipzig, Münich, and Nüremberg. The historical period represented by the items in this collection ranges from the mid-nineteenth century through 1942, with the bulk of the materials dating between 1880 and 1934