2,346 research outputs found

    Microphysical controls on the stratocumulus topped boundary-layer structure during VOCALS-REx

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    Simulations at a range of resolutions are compared to observations from the South-East Pacific taken during VOCALS-REx. It is found that increased horizontal and vertical resolution make only small improvements to the bulk properties of the simulated cloud and drizzle, but the highest resolution simulation is able to realistically represent mesoscale features in the cloud field. We focus on the highest resolution simulation and demonstrate that a poor representation of the cloud microphysics results in excessive drizzle production. This promotes persistent drizzle induced decoupling of the boundary layer, giving a poor representation of the observed diurnal cycle of stratocumulus. Two simple changes to the microphysics scheme are implemented: a modified autoconversion parametrization and a new representation of the rain drop size distribution. This results in a more realistic simulation of boundary-layer diurnal decoupling, and improvements to the cloud liquid water path and surface drizzle rate

    Observable signatures of wind-driven chemistry with a fully consistent three dimensional radiative hydrodynamics model of HD 209458b (article)

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Astronomical Society / IOP Publishing via the DOI in this record.The dataset associated with this article is located in ORE at: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/32579We present a study of the effect of wind-driven advection on the chemical composition of hot Jupiter atmospheres using a fully-consistent 3D hydrodynamics, chemistry and radiative transfer code, the Met Office Unified Model (UM). Chemical modelling of exoplanet atmospheres has primarily been restricted to 1D models that cannot account for 3D dynamical processes. In this work we couple a chemical relaxation scheme to the UM to account for the chemical interconversion of methane and carbon monoxide. This is done consistently with the radiative transfer meaning that departures from chemical equilibrium are included in the heating rates (and emission) and hence complete the feedback between the dynamics, thermal structure and chemical composition. In this letter we simulate the well studied atmosphere of HD 209458b. We find that the combined effect of horizontal and vertical advection leads to an increase in the methane abundance by several orders of magnitude; directly opposite to the trend found in previous works. Our results demonstrate the need to include 3D effects when considering the chemistry of hot Jupiter atmospheres. We calculate transmission and emission spectra, as well as the emission phase curve, from our simulations. We conclude that gas-phase non-equilibrium chemistry is unlikely to explain the model–observation discrepancy in the 4.5 µm Spitzer/IRAC channel. However, we highlight other spectral regions, observable with the James Webb Space Telescope, where signatures of wind-driven chemistry are more prominent.BD and DKS acknowledge funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement no. 336792. NJM is part funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant. JM and IAB acknowledge the support of a Met Office Academic Partnership secondment. ALC is funded by an STFC studentship. DSA acknowledges support from the NASA Astrobiology Program through the Nexus for Exoplanet System Science. This work used the DiRAC Complexity system, operated by the University of Leicester IT Services, which forms part of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility. This equipment is funded by BIS National E-Infrastructure capital grant ST/K000373/1 and STFC DiRAC Operations grant ST/K0003259/1. DiRAC is part of the National E-Infrastructure

    Simulating the cloudy atmospheres of HD 209458 b and HD 189733 b with the 3D Met Office Unified Model

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    Aims.To understand and compare the 3D atmospheric structure of HD 209458 b and HD 189733 b, focusing on the formation and distribution of cloud particles, as well as their feedback on the dynamics and thermal profile. Methods. We coupled the 3D Met Office Unified Model (UM), including detailed treatments of atmospheric radiative transfer anddynamics, to a kinetic cloud formation scheme. The resulting model self–consistently solves for the formation of condensation seeds,surface growth and evaporation, gravitational settling and advection, cloud radiative feedback via absorption, and crucially, scattering. We used fluxes directly obtained from the UM to produce synthetic spectral energy distributions and phase curves. Results. Our simulations show extensive cloud formation in both HD 209458 b and HD 189733 b. However, cooler temperatures in the latter result in higher cloud particle number densities. Large particles, reaching 1μm in diameter, can form due to high particle growth velocities, and sub-μm particles are suspended by vertical flows leading to extensive upper-atmosphere cloud cover. A combination of meridional advection and efficient cloud formation in cooler high latitude regions, results in enhanced cloud coverage for latitudes above 30° and leads to a zonally banded structure for all our simulations. The cloud bands extend around the entire planet, for HD209458 b and HD 189733 b, as the temperatures, even on the day side, remain below the condensation temperature of silicates and oxides. Therefore, the simulated optical phase curve for HD 209458 b shows no ‘offset’, in contrast to observations. Efficient scattering of stellar irradiation by cloud particles results in a local maximum cooling of up to 250 K in the upper atmosphere, and an advection-driven fluctuating cloud opacity causes temporal variability in the thermal emission. The inclusion of this fundamental cloud-atmosphere radiative feedback leads to significant differences with approaches neglecting these physical elements, which have been employed to interpret observations and determine thermal profiles for these planets. This suggests that readers should be cautious of interpretations neglecting such cloud feedback and scattering, and that the subject merits further study.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Continuous Structural Parameterization: A Proposed Method for Representing Different Model Parameterizations Within One Structure Demonstrated for Atmospheric Convection

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    Continuous structural parameterization (CSP) is a proposed method for approximating different numerical model parameterizations of the same process as functions of the same grid‐scale variables. This allows systematic comparison of parameterizations with each other and observations or resolved simulations of the same process. Using the example of two convection schemes running in the Met Office Unified Model (UM), we show that a CSP is able to capture concisely the broad behavior of the two schemes, and differences between the parameterizations and resolved convection simulated by a high resolution simulation. When the original convection schemes are replaced with their CSP emulators within the UM, basic features of the original model climate and some features of climate change are reproduced, demonstrating that CSP can capture much of the important behavior of the schemes. Our results open the possibility that future work will estimate uncertainty in model projections of climate change from estimates of uncertainty in simulation of the relevant physical processes. Plain Language Summary Numerical models are used to provide estimates of future weather and climate change. The models contain “parameterizations,” which are algorithms that simulate the effect of processes too small or poorly understood to represent using physical equations. Although they are based as much as possible on physics, parameterizations are a large source of modeling uncertainty because there can be large disagreements on how to best represent a given process. The method and even the variables used by two different parameterizations may differ. It is therefore very difficult to know how different parameterizations cause numerical models to produce different results and whether the parameterizations we have are adequate and span the range of uncertainty concerning our knowledge of the processes they represent. Using the example of small‐scale atmospheric convection linked to rain and thunderstorms, this paper describes a mathematical method for expressing different parameterizations within the same framework. This allows easy but formal mathematical comparison of different parameterizations and gives future work the potential to understand whether our parameterizations perform as they should in conjunction with future observations

    High-E_T dijet photoproduction at HERA

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    The cross section for high-E_T dijet production in photoproduction has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 81.8 pb-1. The events were required to have a virtuality of the incoming photon, Q^2, of less than 1 GeV^2 and a photon-proton centre-of-mass energy in the range 142 < W < 293 GeV. Events were selected if at least two jets satisfied the transverse-energy requirements of E_T(jet1) > 20 GeV and E_T(jet2) > 15 GeV and pseudorapidity requirements of -1 < eta(jet1,2) < 3, with at least one of the jets satisfying -1 < eta(jet) < 2.5. The measurements show sensitivity to the parton distributions in the photon and proton and effects beyond next-to-leading order in QCD. Hence these data can be used to constrain further the parton densities in the proton and photon.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, 20 tables, including minor revisions from referees. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Single‐Column Model Simulations of Subtropical Marine Boundary‐Layer Cloud Transitions Under Weakening Inversions

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    Results are presented of the GASS/EUCLIPSE single‐column model intercomparison study on the subtropical marine low‐level cloud transition. A central goal is to establish the performance of state‐of‐the‐art boundary‐layer schemes for weather and climate models for this cloud regime, using large‐eddy simulations of the same scenes as a reference. A novelty is that the comparison covers four different cases instead of one, in order to broaden the covered parameter space. Three cases are situated in the North‐Eastern Pacific, while one reflects conditions in the North‐Eastern Atlantic. A set of variables is considered that reflects key aspects of the transition process, making use of simple metrics to establish the model performance. Using this method, some longstanding problems in low‐level cloud representation are identified. Considerable spread exists among models concerning the cloud amount, its vertical structure, and the associated impact on radiative transfer. The sign and amplitude of these biases differ somewhat per case, depending on how far the transition has progressed. After cloud breakup the ensemble median exhibits the well‐known “too few too bright” problem. The boundary‐layer deepening rate and its state of decoupling are both underestimated, while the representation of the thin capping cloud layer appears complicated by a lack of vertical resolution. Encouragingly, some models are successful in representing the full set of variables, in particular, the vertical structure and diurnal cycle of the cloud layer in transition. An intriguing result is that the median of the model ensemble performs best, inspiring a new approach in subgrid parameterization

    Meteorological Controls on Local and Regional Volcanic Ash Dispersal

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    Volcanic ash has the capacity to impact human health, livestock, crops and infrastructure, including international air traffic. For recent major eruptions, information on the volcanic ash plume has been combined with relatively coarse-resolution meteorological model output to provide simulations of regional ash dispersal, with reasonable success on the scale of hundreds of kilometres. However, to predict and mitigate these impacts locally, significant improvements in modelling capability are required. Here, we present results from a dynamic meteorological-ash-dispersion model configured with sufficient resolution to represent local topographic and convectively-forced flows. We focus on an archetypal volcanic setting, Soufrière, St Vincent, and use the exceptional historical records of the 1902 and 1979 eruptions to challenge our simulations. We find that the evolution and characteristics of ash deposition on St Vincent and nearby islands can be accurately simulated when the wind shear associated with the trade wind inversion and topographically-forced flows are represented. The wind shear plays a primary role and topographic flows a secondary role on ash distribution on local to regional scales. We propose a new explanation for the downwind ash deposition maxima, commonly observed in volcanic eruptions, as resulting from the detailed forcing of mesoscale meteorology on the ash plume

    Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA

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    The first observation of (anti)deuterons in deep inelastic scattering at HERA has been made with the ZEUS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 300--318 GeV using an integrated luminosity of 120 pb-1. The measurement was performed in the central rapidity region for transverse momentum per unit of mass in the range 0.3<p_T/M<0.7. The particle rates have been extracted and interpreted in terms of the coalescence model. The (anti)deuteron production yield is smaller than the (anti)proton yield by approximately three orders of magnitude, consistent with the world measurements.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Measurements of branching fraction ratios and CP-asymmetries in suppressed B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)K^- and B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)pi^- decays

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    We report the first reconstruction in hadron collisions of the suppressed decays B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)K^- and B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)pi^-, sensitive to the CKM phase gamma, using data from 7 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity collected by the CDF II detector at the Tevatron collider. We reconstruct a signal for the B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)K^- suppressed mode with a significance of 3.2 standard deviations, and measure the ratios of the suppressed to favored branching fractions R(K) = [22.0 \pm 8.6(stat)\pm 2.6(syst)]\times 10^-3, R^+(K) = [42.6\pm 13.7(stat)\pm 2.8(syst)]\times 10^-3, R^-(K)= [3.8\pm 10.3(stat)\pm 2.7(syst]\times 10^-3, as well as the direct CP-violating asymmetry A(K) = -0.82\pm 0.44(stat)\pm 0.09(syst) of this mode. Corresponding quantities for B^- -> D(-> K^+ pi^-)pi^- decay are also reported.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted by Phys.Rev.D Rapid Communications for Publicatio