14 research outputs found

    Political Expression and Action on Social Media:Exploring the Relationship Between Lower- and Higher-Threshold Political Activities Among Twitter Users in Italy

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    Scholars and commentators have debated whether lower‐threshold forms of political engagement on social media should be treated as being conducive to higher‐threshold modes of political participation or a diversion from them. Drawing on an original survey of a representative sample of Italians who discussed the 2013 election on Twitter, we demonstrate that the more respondents acquire political information via social media and express themselves politically on these platforms, the more they are likely to contact politicians via e‐mail, campaign for parties and candidates using social media, and attend offline events to which they were invited online. These results suggest that lower‐threshold forms of political engagement on social media do not distract from higher‐threshold activities, but are strongly associated with them

    Prognostic molecular markers with no impact on decision-making: the paradox of gliomas based on a prospective study

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    This study assessed the prognostic value of several markers involved in gliomagenesis, and compared it with that of other clinical and imaging markers already used. Four-hundred and sixteen adult patients with newly diagnosed glioma were included over a 3-year period and tumour suppressor genes, oncogenes, MGMT and hTERT expressions, losses of heterozygosity, as well as relevant clinical and imaging information were recorded. This prospective study was based on all adult gliomas. Analyses were performed on patient groups selected according to World Health Organization histoprognostic criteria and on the entire cohort. The endpoint was overall survival, estimated by the Kaplan–Meier method. Univariate analysis was followed by multivariate analysis according to a Cox model. p14ARF, p16INK4A and PTEN expressions, and 10p 10q23, 10q26 and 13q LOH for the entire cohort, hTERT expression for high-grade tumours, EGFR for glioblastomas, 10q26 LOH for grade III tumours and anaplastic oligodendrogliomas were found to be correlated with overall survival on univariate analysis and age and grade on multivariate analysis only. This study confirms the prognostic value of several markers. However, the scattering of the values explained by tumour heterogeneity prevents their use in individual decision-making

    AB INITIO: PREDICTION REPORTS Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction of CASP III Targets Using ROSETTA

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    ABSTRACT To generate structures consistent with both the local and nonlocal interactions responsible for protein stability, 3 and 9 residue fragments of known structures with local sequences similar to the target sequence were assembled into complete tertiary structures using a Monte Carlo simulated annealing procedure (Simons et al., J Mol Biol 1997; 268:209–225). The scoring function used in the simulated annealing procedure consists of sequencedependent terms representing hydrophobic burial and specific pair interactions such as electrostatics and disulfide bonding and sequence-independent terms representing hard sphere packing, ïżœ-helix and ïżœ-strand packing, and the collection of ïżœ-strands in ïżœ-sheets (Simons et al., Proteins 1999;34:82–95). For each of 21 small, ab initio targets, 1,200 final structures were constructed, each the result of 100,000 attempted fragment substitutions. The five structures submitted for the CASP III experiment were chosen from the approximately 25 structures with the lowest scores in the broadest minima (assessed through the number of structural neighbors; Shortle et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998;95:1158– 1162). The results were encouraging: highlights of the predictions include a 99-residue segment for MarA with an rmsd of 6.4 Å to the native structure, a 95-residue (full length) prediction for the EH2 domain of EPS15 with an rmsd of 6.0 Å, a 75-residue segment of DNAB helicase with an rmsd of 4.7 Å, and a 67-residue segment of ribosomal protein L30 with an rmsd of 3.8 Å. These results suggest that ab initio methods may soon become useful for low-resolution structure prediction for proteins that lack a close homologue of known structure. Proteins Suppl 1999;3:171–176. ïżœ 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Key words: protein structure prediction; knowledge-based scoring functions; fragment assembly; critical assessment of structure prediction experiment (CASP