198 research outputs found

    The Normal, Cryptorchid and Retractile Prepuberal Human Testis: A Comparative Morphometric Ultrastructural Study of 101 Cases

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    Fifty-two surgical biopsies from retractile testes of patients in pediatric age (3-14 years), of which 25 were treated with hormonal therapy (RT) and 27 did not undergo therapy before orchidopexy (RNT), were compared with the biopsies of 19 normal (N) and 30 cryptorchid or ectopic (E) testes. A light and electron microscopic morphologic and morphometric study was performed. For the quantitative investigation 4 parameters were selected: a) the mean tubular diameter (on 20 cross-sections); b) the mean spermatogonial number per tubular section; c) the mean nucleolar area of the Sertoli cells; and d) the mean thickness of the tubular basal lamina. The 101 biopsies were collected for statistical evaluation into four age groups: 3-6 years, 7-10, 11-13 without spermatogenesis and 10-14 with signs of early spermatogenesis. In the RT category the mean tubular diameter and the mean spermatogonial number were similar to N in the first two age groups, but were significantly reduced in the RNT categories. The morphometric study of the Sertoli cell nucleolar area confirms the delay of maturation observed in the categories of RT, RNT and E. In normal biopsies, the basal lamina shows a progressive reduction of the thickness, with the lowest values around puberty, while constantly higher values were found in the other categories, although this increase is not statistically significant

    Metabolic programming of a beige adipocyte phenotype by genistein

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    Scope Promoting the development of brown or beige adipose tissue may protect against obesity and related metabolic features, and potentially underlies protective effects of genistein in mice. Methods and results We observed that application of genistein to 3T3-L1 adipocytes changed the lipid distribution from large droplets to a multilocular distribution, reduced mRNAs indicative of white adipocytes (ACC, Fasn, Fabp4, HSL, chemerin, and resistin) and increased mRNAs that are a characteristic feature of brown/beige adipocytes (CD-137 and UCP1). Transcripts with a role in adipocyte differentiation (Cebpβ, Pgc1α, Sirt1) peaked at different times after application of genistein. These responses were not affected by the estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist fulvestrant, revealing that this action of genistein is not through the classical ER pathway. The Sirt1 inhibitor Ex-527 curtailed the genistein-mediated increase in UCP1 and Cebpβ mRNA, revealing a role for Sirt1 in mediating the effect. Baseline oxygen consumption and the proportional contribution of proton leak to maximal respiratory capacity was greater for cells exposed to genistein, demonstrating greater mitochondrial uncoupling. Conclusions We conclude that genistein acts directly on adipocytes or on adipocyte progenitor cells to programme the cells metabolically to adopt features of beige adipocytes. Thus, this natural dietary agent may protect against obesity and related metabolic disease

    Characterization of cold-induced remodelling reveals depot-specific differences across and within brown and white adipose tissues in mice

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    Brown and beige adipose tissues dissipate energy in the form of heat via mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1, defending against hypothermia and potentially obesity. The latter has prompted renewed interest in understanding the processes involved in browning to realize the potential therapeutic benefits. To characterize the temporal profile of cold-induced changes and browning of brown and white adipose tissues in mice. Methods: Male C57BL/6J mice were singly housed in conventional cages under cold exposure (4°C) for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7days. Food intake and body weight were measured daily. Interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT), inguinal subcutaneous (sWAT) and epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT) were harvested for histological, immunohistochemical, gene and protein expression analysis. Results: Upon cold exposure, food intake increased, whilst body weight and adipocyte size were found to be transiently reduced. iBAT mass was found to be increased, whilst sWAT and eWAT were found to be transiently decreased. A combination of morphological, genetic (Ucp-1, Pgc-1α and Elov13) and biochemical (UCP-1, PPARγ and aP2) analyses demonstrated the depot-specific remodelling in response to cold exposure. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate the differential responses to cold-induced changes across discrete BAT and WAT depots and support the notion that the effects of short-term cold exposure are achieved by expansion, activation and increasing thermogenic capacity of iBAT, as well as browning of sWAT and, to a lesser extent, eWAT. © 2016 Scandinavian Physiological Society. Published by John Wiley & Sons Lt

    ‘Browning’ the cardiac and peri-vascular adipose tissues to modulate cardiovascular risk

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    Excess visceral adiposity, in particular that located adjacent to the heart and coronary arteries is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. In the pathophysiological state, dysfunctional adipose tissue secretes an array of factors modulating vascular function and driving atherogenesis. Conversely, brown and beige adipose tissues utilise glucose and lipids to generate heat and are associated with improved cardiometabolic health. The cardiac and thoracic perivascular adipose tissues are now understood to be composed of brown adipose tissue in the healthy state and undergo a brown-to-white transition i.e. during obesity which may be a driving factor of cardiovascular disease. In this review we discuss the risks of excess cardiac and vascular adiposity and potential mechanisms by which restoring the brown phenotype i.e. “re-browning” could potentially be achieved in clinically relevant populations

    Sucrose Counteracts the Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Fish Oil in Adipose Tissue and Increases Obesity Development in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) are reported to protect against high fat diet-induced obesity and inflammation in adipose tissue. Here we aimed to investigate if the amount of sucrose in the background diet influences the ability of n-3 PUFAs to protect against diet-induced obesity, adipose tissue inflammation and glucose intolerance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We fed C57BL/6J mice a protein- (casein) or sucrose-based high fat diet supplemented with fish oil or corn oil for 9 weeks. Irrespective of the fatty acid source, mice fed diets rich in sucrose became obese whereas mice fed high protein diets remained lean. Inclusion of sucrose in the diet also counteracted the well-known anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil in adipose tissue, but did not impair the ability of fish oil to prevent accumulation of fat in the liver. Calculation of HOMA-IR indicated that mice fed high levels of proteins remained insulin sensitive, whereas insulin sensitivity was reduced in the obese mice fed sucrose irrespectively of the fat source. We show that a high fat diet decreased glucose tolerance in the mice independently of both obesity and dietary levels of n-3 PUFAs and sucrose. Of note, increasing the protein∶sucrose ratio in high fat diets decreased energy efficiency irrespective of fat source. This was accompanied by increased expression of Ppargc1a (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, gamma, coactivator 1 alpha) and increased gluconeogenesis in the fed state. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The background diet influence the ability of n-3 PUFAs to protect against development of obesity, glucose intolerance and adipose tissue inflammation. High levels of dietary sucrose counteract the anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil in adipose tissue and increases obesity development in mice

    RIP140 represses the "brown-in-white" adipocyte program including a futile cycle of triacyclglycerol breakdown and synthesis

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    Receptor-interacting protein 140 (RIP140) is a corepressor of nuclear receptors that is highly expressed in adipose tissues. We investigated the role of RIP140 in conditionally immortal preadipocyte cell lines prepared from white or brown fat depots. In white adipocytes, a large set of brown fat-associated genes was up-regulated in the absence of RIP140. In contrast, a relatively minor role can be ascribed to RIP140 in the control of basal gene expression in differentiated brown adipocytes because significant changes were observed only in Ptgds and Fabp3. The minor role of RIP140 in brown adipocytes correlates with the similar histology and uncoupling protein 1 and CIDEA staining in knockout compared with wild-type brown adipose tissue (BAT). In contrast, RIP140 knockout sc white adipose tissue (WAT) shows increased numbers of multilocular adipocytes with elevated staining for uncoupling protein 1 and CIDEA. Furthermore in a white adipocyte cell line, the markers of BRITE adipocytes, Tbx1, CD137, Tmem26, Cited1, and Epsti1 were repressed in the presence of RIP140 as was Prdm16. Microarray analysis of wild-type and RIP140-knockout white fat revealed elevated expression of genes associated with cold-induced expression or high expression in BAT. A set of genes associated with a futile cycle of triacylglycerol breakdown and resynthesis and functional assays revealed that glycerol kinase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity as well as [3H]glycerol incorporation were elevated in the absence of RIP140. Thus, RIP140 blocks the BRITE program in WAT, preventing the expression of brown fat genes and inhibiting a triacylglycerol futile cycle, with important implications for energy homeostasis