407 research outputs found

    Dynamic similarity in model testing of the flow in solar chimney

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    The effect of roof height to the flow in solar chimney

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    How Brand Strategy and Brand Communication Help to Building Brand Equity in a developing country – a Study on the metropolitan city, Kathmandu, Nepal

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    Globalization has made the business world competitive like never before. The concept of building a long-term brand is emerging rapidly over time. Proper mechanisms, tools, or techniques were absent from branding used today. Businesses are continuously working to gain an edge over their competitors in the market. However, finding the proper mechanism of brand strategy and brand communication is difficult to attain. There are differences in the approach to branding between developed and developing countries. Small businesses in developing countries face challenges sustaining and succeeding in the market. This study shows how brand strategy and communication help build brand equity in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal. The researcher conducts qualitative research to explain how small businesses and entrepreneurs use branding concepts and mechanisms in Kathmandu. The study sketches the significant variables such as traditional and cultural values, unstable market, limited resources, growing technological access, availability of duplicates, and growing middle class which highly influence the brand strategy and brand communication approach. Such variables provide both challenges and opportunities to small businesses. The key issues with creating brand equity and value in developing and underdeveloped countries are intended to be generalized by this study. Keywords: Branding, Brand Strategy, Brand Communication, Brand Equity, Developing Countries, Variable

    Evaluasi Tingkat Bahaya Erosi Tanah Terhadap Produktivitas Lahan di Kecamatan Slogohimo Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Slogohimo ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengetahui agihan besar erosi tanah pada tiap – tiap satuan lahan di daerah penelitian, dan (2) mengevaluasi hubungan besar erosi tanah terhadap produktivitas lahan di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dibantu analisis laboratorium. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan stratified sampling dengan strata yang digunakan adalah satuan lahan. Parameter yang digunakan : erosivitas hujan (R) dengan data yang dikumpulkan adalah curah hujan bulanan, jumlah hari hujan dan curah hujan maksimum bulanan selama 10 tahun terakhir. Erodibilitas tanah (K) dengan data primer berupa sampel tanah untuk analisis laboratorium untuk mengetahui tekstur tanah, permeabilitas tanah, bahan organic serta liat tanah. Panjang dan kemiringan lereng (LS), adalah parameter hasil pengukuran di lapangan pada daerah yang telah diberi tindakan konservasi tanah, terutama untuk daerah-daerah yang telah diteras dan pengukuran pada peta topografi untuk daerah yang belum ada tindakan konservasi tanah. Pengelolaan tanaman (C), adalah parameter yang diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan terhadap pengelolaan tanaman di lapangan serta Praktek konservasi tanah (P). Selain itu dicari pula data tentang produktivitas masing – masing tanaman pada tiap – tiap satuan lahan di Kecamatan Slogohimo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Tingkat erosi tanah di setiap satuan lahan di Kecamatan Slogohimo berbeda. Erosi tanah terbesar terjadi pada satuan lahan V5 IV M T dengan penggunaan lahan untuk tanaman jagung, yaitu sebesar 410,92 ton/ha/th; satuan lahan V5 IV M P sebesar 78,71 ton/ha/th; satuan lahan V3 III L P sebesar 21,90 ton/ha/th; satuan lahan V3 III L S sebesar 1,04 ton/ha/th; satuan lahan V3 III L T sebesar 3,30 ton/ha/th; satuan lahan V4 II L P sebesar 32,28 ton/ha/th; satuan lahan V4 II L S sebesar 23,01 ton/ha/th serta satuan lahan V4 II L H sebesar 0,33 ton/ha/th. Adapun erosi tanah terkecil terjadi pada satuan lahan V5 IV M H dengan penggunaan lahan untuk hutan, yaitu sebesar 0,256 ton/ha/th. (2) Tingkat erosi tanah yang ada berdasarkan overlay Peta Agihan Besar Erosi Tanah dan Peta Produktivitas Lahan terlihat memiliki hubungan dengan produktivitas lahan yang ada. Pada daerah dengan erosi tanah yang besar terlihat hanya memiliki produktivitas lahan yang rendah

    Effect of Nitrogen Addition on the ?-Amylase Production by Aspergillus Niger, Rhizopus Oligosporus and Neurospora Crassa in Media Contained Sargassum and Rice Seed on Solid State Fermentation

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    Amylase is one of the hydrolytic enzymes which is commercially important and represent about 25–33% of the world enzyme market. Amylase production is affected by substrate for enzyme productions include particle size, initial moisture content and nutrient addition. The present study describe the effect of N-species addition on alpha amylase production by Aspergillus Niger Km1, Rhizopus oligosporus Km2 and Neurospora crassa Km3 in medium contained sargasum and rice seed on solid state fermentation. Various ration of media composition contained dried sargassum and rice seed were studied. The effect of particle size of sargassum, initial water content on ?-amylase production were evaluated. The best media composition was then augmented with N-species include sodium nitrate, yeast extract, and peptone on solid state fermentation. Best media composition was 60:40 (w/w) of sargassum and rice seed respectively, with initial moisture content was 60%. Increase 5 times of amylase activity was obtained when sodium nitrate (0,5% w/w) was added to production medium. N-species significantly affect Alpha amylase production on sargassum and rice seed with maximum alpha amylase production was 36,66 unit by Rhizopus oligosporus.The economic value of Sargassum can be increased through alpha amilase production

    A study on pathological aspects of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causing black rot of cabbage under red lateritic zone of West Bengal

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    Cabbage, is one of the most important crops of the cole group of vegetables. In India it ranks next to cauliflower in acreage and first in production among cole crops occupying an area of 3,72,000 ha with annual production of 8534,000 tons. It covers about 4.3% area under vegetable crops in India. In West Bengal cabbage covers 78200.00 ha of area and the total production is 2197400.00 MT. Black rot is a major disease of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) . The disease has been observed in all cabbage growing areas of Bolpur, Birbhum, West Bengal. The present study was carried out on the pathology of black rot disease of cabbage. Morphological, cultural, biochemical, and physiological characteristics of the pathogen were studied. The bacterium produced small, yellow, circular, entire, smooth and shining colonies in the culture medium. The optimum temperature for the growth was found 300C and white light supported maximum growth of the bacterium. Nutritional studies revealed that sucrose gave maximum growth followed by maltase, lactose, dextrose and fructose as the carbon source in the nutrient broth. Black rot of cabbage pathogen also infected other crops of crucifereae family such as Cauliflower, Knol khol, Mustard, Radish and Rape seed. These findings regarding the pathogen may help to formulate the more appropriate way and judicious application of different management options against the diease in this zone


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    Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun merupakan hutan hujan tropika yang berada di pulau Jawa. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui populasi dari khamir tanah pada berbagai ketinggian tempat (600 m, 1000 m, dan 1500 m) di atas permukaan laut, dan selanjutnya mempelajari peran ekologi dari khamir, dilakukan dengan mengisolasi dan menganalisa karakter fisiologi terutama dalam mendekomposisi selulosa dan hidrolisa fosfat. Khamir yang diisolasi dari tanah dan daerah perakaran dimurnikan dan ditumbuhkan pada media yang mengandung carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) sebagai sumber karbon utama, dan juga ditumbuhkan pada media pivoskaya untuk mengetahui kemampuan pelarutan Ca3(PO4)2. Populasi khamir pada daerah yang atas sedikit lebih tinggi .Sebanyak 23 isolat khamir yang termasuk dalam marga Debaryomyces, Pichia, Rhodotorula, dan Candida diisolasi dari tanah.15 isolat mempunyai kemampuan menghidrolisa selulosa dan 9 isolat mampu melarutkan Ca3(PO4)2. Khamir ditemukan di tanah dan daerah perakaran dan memegang peran penting dalam degradasi senyawa organik dan mineralisasi fosfat di dalam tanah

    Desain Pembangkit Pulsa Clock Non-OverIapping untuk Aplikasi ADC Pipeline 1-bit/stage menggunakan CmOS Teknologi AMS 0,35 Mm

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    In this paper discussed about the pulse generator is very impartant to the process of converting analog to digital. In the sampling phase and multiplying the ADC requires a clock pulse to a mode that does not intersec