Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Università degli Studi di Venezia Ca' Foscari
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    80913 research outputs found

    Recensione di: Uomini e fiumi. Per una storia idraulica ed agraria della bassa pianura del Po (1450–1620), di Franco Cazzola

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    Review of the book "Uomini e fiumi. Per una storia storia idraulica ed agraria della bassa pianura del Po (1450-1620), by Franco Cazzol

    Creative Work and Entrepreneurial Creativity

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    Questions of how entrepreneurs exploit opportunities to create value are a big part of the discourse on creative work in contemporary societies (Alvarez et al., 2013). Entrepreneurs often build their creative journey by forming social bonds of opportunities (Daskalaki, 2010) that are meant to help creative work, but also constitute challenges to creative freedom (Montanari et al., 2016). This second aspect is not explored enough in studies on entrepreneurial venturing (Lingo, 2020), and a deeper analysis of the ambivalence of relational bonds may foster a better understanding of today’s entrepreneurial creativity in practice. Does the construction of ties with different actors and motivations necessarily go in the same direction in terms of creativity or can they contrast? How is the contrast solved? These questions are significant as entrepreneurs often experience that financial bonds highly limit their creative work, and vice versa that creative work is played not totally taking into account economic concerns. This is particularly true for entrepreneurs in the CCIs for the dual nature of their work (Lampel et al., 2000), based on the balance between the production of cultural and symbolic meanings for society (Jones & Townley, 2016) and economic wealth (Lounsbury & Glynn, 2001). Among those, small and micro cultural entrepreneurs are exposed to higher uncertainty than others, but they are also recognized as the most diffused and important drivers of European cultural variety, if in the last year they were conferred specific attention through resilience policies (as done in Italy for the independent publishing sector). We thus propose an inductive inquiry (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) carried out through an in-depth analysis of a single revelatory case (Siggelkow, 2007; Yin, 2009), that well represents the ambivalence of the creative process of small entrepreneurs in the CCIs. Our multifaceted venture was born in the mainland of Venice in 2006 with the mission to become a cultural reality dedicated to narrative and theatrical languages for young audiences. Funded as a social cooperative by a group of artists, the company moved through a sequence of changes where both its inner configuration and its external context were shaped by the dynamics of bonds and ties with a number of local actors, such as schools and universities, public and private institutions, and the 1 Corresponding author: Monica Calcagno, Ca’ Foscari University, Fondamenta S. Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, Venice, [email protected]. municipality of Venice. From time to time, these unstable bonds constituted opportunities for entrepreneurial creativity and financial sustainability, while at the same were perceived by the entrepreneur as new obstacles to overcome. As a result, the entrepreneurial journey was configured as a continuous process of transformation where the opportunity of today had become the obstacle of tomorrow, regenerating the urgency of the entrepreneurial venture as a process of dynamic search for new (un)stable positions

    Orientamenti giurisprudenziali sulla retribuzione variabile nel lavoro privato

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    La retribuzione variabile nel settore privato rappresenta un tema centrale nel diritto del lavoro e nelle relazioni industriali, in termini tanto di dibattito politico sindacale sulle relazioni sindacali e la contrattazione collettiva, quanto di riflessione scientifica sul rapporto di lavoro. L’interesse per una rassegna giurisprudenziale deriva dalla opportunità di riflettere sul tema in termini non collettivi di relazioni industriali, ma individuali di rapporto di lavoro, con riferimento alla natura giuridica della retribuzione variabile e, quindi, alla compatibilità con il principio della retribuzione proporzionata e sufficiente ex art. 36 Cost., all’impatto della retribuzione variabile sul rapporto di lavoro in termini di esistenza di un diritto del lavoratore alla retribuzione variabile in caso di mancata fissazione degli obiettivi o di mancato raggiungimento degli stessi, all’incidenza della retribuzione flessibile sulla cosiddetta retribuzione parametro, e alle possibili discriminazioni causate dai criteri di quantificazione dei premi di risultato


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    Si affronta la tematica bioetica della morte cerebrale e le sue ripercussioni in riferimento ai trapianti d'organ

    Leipzig 1984, Herbstsalon

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    The paper deals with the 1. Leipziger Herbstsalon, organized by six artists from the German Democratic Republic in the late fall of 1984 at the Messehaus am Markt in Leipzig. For the occasion, the artists issued, under the initiative of Lutz Dammbeck, a thin book in a limited edition, one copy of which is now held at the Getty Research Institute. Every book page is conceived as an independent artwork: while only few pages carry biographical information - as it would be expected from a catalogue - all of them feature an assemblage of text and image, rendered in different techniques, such as drawing, print, collage and photography. The book unfolds multiple possibilities of reading and viewing: the loose binding generates parallel narratives, while the different texture of the pages a sensorial experience. The compelling intertextuality of the book is not limited to the contingency of the paper, but opens up to an expanded mediality, to the exhibition itself as the ultimate medium. This is of particular relevance given the status of the 1. Leipziger Herbstsalon as the first initiative self-conceived and self-produced by the artists and held in an open public space. This extension regards also the specific exhibition context, determined by the firm intention of the six artists to “go public” in a centrally located location, during the International Short Film Festival. In doing so, the artists broke with the tradition of exhibiting in marginal art spaces, addressed to the so called “second public sphere”. Hence, their artistic agenda included further instances, such as the advertisement and communication of the exhibition (see the personalized invitation in the postcard format, attached to the book), its set-up and the final display of the exhibits

    Fiducia e accettazione del consiglio di investimento: consulenza tradizionale e automatizzata a confronto

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    Robo advising is seen by many as an opportunity to broaden the pool of investors (lower costs and lower initial investment). Empirical analyses show its potential in Italy, especially within certain demographic groups and considering the generalised low level of financial literacy. This article focuses on the reasons for relying on a robotic consultant, expanding on some aspects already partially highlighted in the literature and extending the analysis to a less considered aspect: the role of trust in automation. Previous research shows that, as with a human advisor, receiving advice in line with one’s ideas increases the propensity to rely on a robo advisor (confirmation bias). Furthermore, those who demonstrate greater trust in automated processes (and not just greater knowledge of robo advising services) are the subjects who most appreciate the advice of the robo advisor and who are more willing to accept the proposal at the expense of their initial investment idea, when the two diverge

    La lotteria dell'estinzione

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    L’estinzione dell’umanità è quasi avvenuta un milione di anni fa, ma è stata immaginata dalla fantascienza nel corso degli scorsi decenni in modi diversi, accomunati dalla responsabilità umana. Del futuro, anche apocalittico, come qualcosa che è già nel presente parla il cyberpunk e il suo autore più noto, William Gibson

    Study of the Watermark Source's Topology Role on Relational Data Watermarking Robustness

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    Accessing relational databases through web services increases risks of piracy and tampering. Watermarking guarantees data protection without constraining their access and management. Researchers traditionally compare the extracted watermark with the embedded one after simulating attacks to analyze its robustness. However, the literature has not addressed how much watermark signal is retained after querying multi-word textual attributes and how topological features of the watermark affect robustness. In this work, we fill this gap by evaluating a semantics-preserving approach. We execute different classes of queries in three data sets, including an actual database of a public administration. The results show that 99.99% of the marks can be detected when considering a watermark source with a topological factor close to or equal to 1. As valuable contributions, we formally defined the watermark source's topological factor and the corrosion degree of the watermark detection. This work offers hints to data owners to adjust detection parameters, increasing the chances of spotting the watermark despite having, as evidence, data highly damaged due to malicious operations


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    Smart mobility has a positive impact on the lives of our cities through new technological solutions. An economy driven by an immense amount of data that allows us to engage in new business. A new cultural perspective and a new education approach where knowledge merges and generates new knowledge osmotically. We explore teaching strategies and excellent skills, which can meet the needs of higher education, such as the latest generation of technologies used in business, social and personal life, as well as in institutions and colleges of higher education. Technical fields like scientific and distributed informatics, and computational linguistics have new connotations as knowledge is reformulated and disciplines acquire new meanings. The research team aims to study the characteristics of the LSP language communication systems, describe and scientifically validate the characteristics, through conjectures and refutations of assumptions proposed by linguists, computer specialists and technologists. The phases of the research are divided into several chapters: research of textual production analysis-descriptionscomparisons with a focus on new text production techniques.-Second phase of data processing in NLG. Environments and processing techniques; third phase of validation and emotional techniques in the advertising text


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