38 research outputs found

    Update of the Scientific Opinion on opium alkaloids in poppy seeds

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    The CONTAM Panel wishes to thank the hearing experts: Pavel Cihlar, Daniel Doerge and Vaclav Lohr for the support provided to this scientific output. The CONTAM Panel acknowledges all European competent institutions and other stakeholders that provided occurrence data on opium alkaloids in food, and supported the data collection for the Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Adopted: 22 March 2018 Reproduction of the images listed below is prohibited and permission must be sought directly from the copyright holder:Figure A.1 in Appendix A: © Elsevier.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Self-managerial activity by local people for keeping coastal pine forest and complemental policy of Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

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    海岸マツ林は重要なグリーンインフラの一つであるが,現在,その多くは放置に伴う遷移や松枯れ病によって劣化してきている.そのような中,福岡県福津市の海岸マツ林は,地域住民を主体とする自律的活動で荒れた状態から再生され,継続的な管理作業及びマツ林を活用したイベントが行われている.当地を対象に,地域住民が海岸マツ林の管理に主体的に取り組むようになったプロセスと,それを誘導してきた福津市の地域自治の促進に関する政策・施策を明らかにした.そして,福津市の政策・施策過程を,ガバナンス論をベースに評価した.海岸マツ林の再生・保全に係る活動のエネルギーは「子供の頃に見ていた白砂青松の景観を取り戻し,再び人々が憩う場にしたい」という,体験に基づいた地域で共有されている価値であった.そして,福津市の後押しによって創出された「郷づくり推進協議会」が活動のエンジンとなっていた.海岸マツ林を誰がどのように継続的に管理してゆくのかとの課題に対して,福津市は,権限と財源を「郷づくり推進協議会」に移譲しながら地域自治を強化することで,ガバナンス型問題解決を導いてきていた.Coastal pine forest is one of the important green infrastructures, which provides several ecosystem services such as disaster prevention and beautiful scenery. Most of the coastal pine forests in Japan, however, has been unmanaged and changing to different types of forests through natural succession. In addition, the structure has been declining due to pine wilt disease. In this situation, coastal pine forest in Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, has been restored by autonomic activities of local people. Enthusiasm come from people's memory of the past such as beautiful landscape of the pine forest and thought of recovering it. Local council, which was established under the policy of Fukutsu City, took a roll to share people's memories, recognize challenges and establish a goal in the local area. The council has act as the platform for public involvement and the motivation for the activities. Fukutsu City has transferred authority and fiscal resources to the local council according to the policy on promoting local governance. Thus it has successfully brought the governance-based solution to ecosystem management for keeping the functions of green infrastructure

    Micronucleus test of β-butyrolactone

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