297 research outputs found

    Challenges of a Sustained Climate Observing System

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    Observations of planet Earth and especially all climate system components and forcings are increasingly needed for planning and informed decision making related to climate services in the broadest sense. Although significant progress has been made, much more remains to be done before a fully functional and dependable climate observing system exists. Observations are needed on spatial scales from local to global, and all time scales, especially to understand and document changes in extreme events. Climate change caused by human activities adds a new dimension and a vital imperative: to acquire climate observations of sufficient quality and coverage, and analyze them into products for multiple purposes to inform decisions for mitigation, adaptation, assessing vulnerability and impacts, possible geoengineering, and predicting climate variability and change and their consequences. A major challenge is to adequately deal with the continually changing observing system, especially from satellites and other remote sensing platforms such as in the ocean, in order to provide a continuous climate record. Even with new computational tools, challenges remain to provide adequate analysis, processing, meta-data, archival, access, and management of the resulting data and the data products. As volumes of data continue to grow, so do the challenges of distilling information to allow us to understand what is happening and why, and what the implications are for the future. The case is compelling that prompt coordinated international actions are essential to provide for information-based actions and decisions related to climate variability and change

    The interplay between helicity and rotation in turbulence: implications for scaling laws and small-scale dynamics

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    Invariance properties of physical systems govern their behavior: energy conservation in turbulence drives a wide distribution of energy among modes, observed in geophysical or astrophysical flows. In ideal hydrodynamics, the role of helicity conservation (correlation between velocity and its curl, measuring departures from mirror symmetry) remains unclear since it does not alter the energy spectrum. However, with solid body rotation, significant differences emerge between helical and non-helical flows. We first outline several results, like the energy and helicity spectral distribution and the breaking of strict universality for the individual spectra. Using massive numerical simulations, we then show that small-scale structures and their intermittency properties differ according to whether helicity is present or not, in particular with respect to the emergence of Beltrami-core vortices (BCV) that are laminar helical vertical updrafts. These results point to the discovery of a small parameter besides the Rossby number; this could relate the problem of rotating helical turbulence to that of critical phenomena, through renormalization group and weak turbulence theory. This parameter can be associated with the adimensionalized ratio of the energy to helicity flux to small scales, the three-dimensional energy cascade being weak and self-similar

    Do we want more cancer patients on clinical trials If so, what are the barriers to greater accrual

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    It is often stated that only a small proportion of adult cancer patients participate in clinical trials. This is said to be a bad thing, with calls for more trials to include more patients. Here I argue that whether or not greater accrual to clinical trials would be a good thing depends on the trials we conduct. The vast majority of clinical trials in cancer are currently early phase trials, and most do not lead to further studies even if they have encouraging results. The key metric is thus not the number of patients on clinical trials, but the number on the sort of large, randomized, Phase III trials that can be used as a basis for clinical decisions. I also address two important barriers to greater clinical trial participation. The first barrier is financial: clinical research has long been the poor cousin of basic research, with perhaps no more than a nickel in the cancer research dollar going to clinical research. The second barrier is regulatory: clinical research has become so overburdened by regulation that it takes years to initiate a trial, and dedicated staff just to deal with the paperwork once the trial starts. This not only adds significantly to the costs of clinical research, but scares many young investigators away. It has been estimated that nearly half of all US-sponsored trials are being conducted abroad, and it is plausible that excessive regulation is at least partly responsible. That statistic should serve as a wake-up call to the US clinical research community to implement the recommendations of the now decade-old report of National Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Program Review Group, which largely center around simplifying trials and streamlining trial procedures

    Accessory male investment can undermine the evolutionary stability of simultaneous hermaphroditism

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    Sex allocation (SA) models are traditionally based on the implicit assumption that hermaphroditism must meet criteria that make it stable against transition to dioecy. This, however, puts serious constraints on the adaptive values that SA can attain. A transition to gonochorism may, however, be impossible in many systems and therefore realized SA in hermaphrodites may not be limited by conditions that guarantee stability against dioecy. We here relax these conditions and explore how sexual selection on male accessory investments (e.g. a penis) that offer a paternity benefit affects the evolutionary stable strategy SA in outcrossing, simultaneous hermaphrodites. Across much of the parameter space, our model predicts male allocations well above 50 per cent. These predictions can help to explain apparently ‘maladaptive’ hermaphrodite systems

    Simulations of the 2004 North American Monsoon: NAMAP2

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    The second phase of the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) Model Assessment Project (NAMAP2) was carried out to provide a coordinated set of simulations from global and regional models of the 2004 warm season across the North American monsoon domain. This project follows an earlier assessment, called NAMAP, that preceded the 2004 field season of the North American Monsoon Experiment. Six global and four regional models are all forced with prescribed, time-varying ocean surface temperatures. Metrics for model simulation of warm season precipitation processes developed in NAMAP are examined that pertain to the seasonal progression and diurnal cycle of precipitation, monsoon onset, surface turbulent fluxes, and simulation of the low-level jet circulation over the Gulf of California. Assessment of the metrics is shown to be limited by continuing uncertainties in spatially averaged observations, demonstrating that modeling and observational analysis capabilities need to be developed concurrently. Simulations of the core subregion (CORE) of monsoonal precipitation in global models have improved since NAMAP, despite the lack of a proper low-level jet circulation in these simulations. Some regional models run at higher resolution still exhibit the tendency observed in NAMAP to overestimate precipitation in the CORE subregion; this is shown to involve both convective and resolved components of the total precipitation. The variability of precipitation in the Arizona/New Mexico (AZNM) subregion is simulated much better by the regional models compared with the global models, illustrating the importance of transient circulation anomalies (prescribed as lateral boundary conditions) for simulating precipitation in the northern part of the monsoon domain. This suggests that seasonal predictability derivable from lower boundary conditions may be limited in the AZNM subregion.open131

    Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Extratropics

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    A multimodel assessment of the performance of chemistry-climate models (CCMs) in the extratropical upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) is conducted for the first time. Process-oriented diagnostics are used to validate dynamical and transport characteristics of 18 CCMs using meteorological analyses and aircraft and satellite observations. The main dynamical and chemical climatological characteristics of the extratropical UTLS are generally well represented by the models, despite the limited horizontal and vertical resolution. The seasonal cycle of lowermost stratospheric mass is realistic, however with a wide spread in its mean value. A tropopause inversion layer is present in most models, although the maximum in static stability is located too high above the tropopause and is somewhat too weak, as expected from limited model resolution. Similar comments apply to the extratropical tropopause transition layer. The seasonality in lower stratospheric chemical tracers is consistent with the seasonality in the Brewer-Dobson circulation. Both vertical and meridional tracer gradients are of similar strength to those found in observations. Models that perform less well tend to use a semi-Lagrangian transport scheme and/or have a very low resolution. Two models, and the multimodel mean, score consistently well on all diagnostics, while seven other models score well on all diagnostics except the seasonal cycle of water vapor. Only four of the models are consistently below average. The lack of tropospheric chemistry in most models limits their evaluation in the upper troposphere. Finally, the UTLS is relatively sparsely sampled by observations, limiting our ability to quantitatively evaluate many aspects of model performance

    On the dynamical downscaling and bias correction of seasonal-scale winter precipitation predictions over North India

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Tiwari, P. R., Kar, S. C., Mohanty, U. C., Dey, S., Sinha, P., Raju, P. V. S. and Shekhar, M. S., ‘On the dynamical downscaling and bias correction of seasonal-scale winter precipitation predictions over North India’, quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 142 (699):2398-2410, June 2016, which has been published in final form at DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.2832. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. © 2016 Royal Meteorological SocietyThis study presents the results of high-resolution (30 km) climate simulations over North India using an optimized configuration of the Regional Climate Model (RegCM), driven by a global spectral model (T80 model with horizontal resolution of ∼1.4◦) for a period of 28 years (1982–2009). The main aim of this work is to analyze the capabilities of the RegCM to simulate the wintertime precipitation over North India in the recent past.The RegCM validation revealed a good improvement in reproducing the precipitation compared to results obtained from the T80 model. This improvement comes due to better representation of vertical pressure velocity, moisture transport, convective heating rate and temperature gradient at two different latitudinal zones. Moreover, orography in the high-resolution RegCM improves the precipitation simulation in the region where sharp orography gradient plays an important role in wintertime precipitation processes. Two bias correction (BC) methods namely mean bias-remove (MBR) and quantile mapping (QM) have been applied on the T80 driven RegCM model simulations. It was found that the QM method is more skillful than the MBR in simulating the wintertime precipitation over North India. A comparison of model-simulated and bias corrected precipitation with observed precipitation at 17 station locations has also been carried out. Overall, the results suggest that when the BC is applied on dynamically downscaled model, it has better skill in simulating the precipitation over North India and this model is a useful tool for further regional downscaling studies.Peer reviewe

    Sex peptide receptor-regulated polyandry mediates the balance of pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in Drosophila

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    Polyandry prolongs sexual selection on males by forcing ejaculates to compete for fertilisation. Recent theory predicts that increasing polyandry may weaken pre-copulatory sexual selection on males and increase the relative importance of post-copulatory sexual selection, but experimental tests of this prediction are lacking. Here, we manipulate the polyandry levels in groups of Drosophila melanogaster by deletion of the female sex peptide receptor. We show that groups in which the sex-peptide-receptor is absent in females (SPR-) have higher polyandry, and – as a result – weaker pre-copulatory sexual selection on male mating success, compared to controls. Post-copulatory selection on male paternity share is relatively more important in SPR- groups, where males gain additional paternity by mating repeatedly with the same females. These results provide experimental evidence that elevated polyandry weakens pre-copulatory sexual selection on males, shifts selection to post-copulatory events, and that the sex peptide pathway can play a key role in modulating this process in Drosophil

    The evolution of reproductive isolation in a simultaneous hermaphrodite, the freshwater snail Physa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cosmopolitan freshwater snail <it>Physa acuta </it>has recently found widespread use as a model organism for the study of mating systems and reproductive allocation. Mitochondrial DNA phylogenies suggest that <it>Physa carolinae</it>, recently described from the American southeast, is a sister species of <it>P. acuta</it>. The divergence of the <it>acuta/carolinae </it>ancestor from the more widespread <it>P. pomilia </it>appears to be somewhat older, and the split between a hypothetical <it>acuta/carolinae/pomilia </it>ancestor and <it>P. gyrina </it>appears older still.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report the results of no-choice mating experiments yielding no evidence of hybridization between <it>gyrina </it>and any of four other populations (<it>pomilia, carolinae</it>, Philadelphia <it>acuta</it>, or Charleston <it>acuta</it>), nor between <it>pomilia </it>and <it>carolinae</it>. Crosses between <it>pomilia </it>and both <it>acuta </it>populations yielded sterile F1 progeny with reduced viability, while crosses between <it>carolinae </it>and both <it>acuta </it>populations yielded sterile F1 hybrids of normal viability. A set of mate-choice tests also revealed significant sexual isolation between <it>gyrina </it>and all four of our other <it>Physa </it>populations, between <it>pomilia </it>and <it>carolinae</it>, and between <it>pomilia </it>and Charleston <it>acuta</it>, but not between <it>pomilia </it>and the <it>acuta </it>population from Philadelphia, nor between <it>carolinae </it>and either <it>acuta </it>population. These observations are consistent with the origin of hybrid sterility prior to hybrid inviability, and a hypothesis that speciation between <it>pomilia </it>and <it>acuta </it>may have been reinforced by selection for prezygotic reproductive isolation in sympatry.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We propose a two-factor model for the evolution of postzygotic reproductive incompatibility in this set of five <it>Physa </it>populations consistent with the Dobzhansky-Muller model of speciation, and a second two-factor model for the evolution of sexual incompatibility. Under these models, species trees may be said to correspond with gene trees in American populations of the freshwater snail, <it>Physa</it>.</p