14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the morphological diversity of different populations of Brevipalpus species (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) that are virus vectors

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    Brevipalpus é um gênero de ácaros pertencentes à família Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Prostigmata), que são comumente encontrados nas regiões tropical e subtropical em todo o mundo. O gênero inclui mais de 280 espécies, e apresenta importância econômica porque causam danos a diversas culturas como pragas e, também por que algumas espécies transmitem vírus de plantas. B. californicus Banks, B. obovatus Donnadieu e B. phoenicis (Geijskes) são as espécies atualmente conhecidas como vetoras de vírus. As espécies de Brevipalpus são morfologicamente similares e, algumas delas, têm sido erroneamente identificadas. Dentre as viroses transmitidas por esses ácaros encontra-se a leprose dos citros que é considerada uma das doenças mais destrutivas da indústria citrícola. A leprose é considerada uma das importantes viroses de citros. No estado de São Paulo, maior produtor mundial de suco de laranja, gastam-se cerca de US80milho~es/anocomacaricidas,paraocontroledoaˊcarovetorBrevipalpusphoenicis.Estetrabalhotevecomoobjetivogeralgerarsubsıˊdiospararaˊpidaeacuradaidentificac\ca~odeespeˊciesdeBrevipalpus,contribuirparaasistemaˊticadogrupoerelacionaˊlaaˋtransmissa~odevıˊrus,principalmenteodaleprosedoscitrostipocitoplasmaˊtico(CiLVC).Esperasecontribuirparamelhorentendimentodaepidemiologiadovıˊrusemanejo.Osobjetivosespecıˊficosforam:1)Estudaredescreveravariac\ca~ofenotıˊpicaentreasdiferentesespeˊciesegruposmorfoloˊgicosdeaˊcarosBrevipalpusprocedentesdediferentesplantashospedeiraseregio~esgeograˊficas.Paratalfoiempregadamicroscopiadeluzeeletro^nicadevarredura,analisandosecaracterıˊsticasmorfoloˊgicasexternaseinternasdediferentespopulac\co~es.Foidadaatenc\ca~oadiferentesdetalhesmorfoloˊgicosparaseencontrarcaracterıˊsticas,aleˊmdassetaslaterodorsaisesolenıˊdiosnotarsodapernaII,atualmenteutilizadas,quepossamauxiliarnadiscriminac\ca~odasespeˊcies;2)Contribuirparaacatalogac\ca~odenovashospedeirasdeaˊcarosBrevipalpusesuadistribuic\ca~ogeograˊfica;3)Avaliaracompete^nciadediferentesgruposmorfoloˊgicosepopulac\co~esdeBrevipalpusamostradas,natransmissa~odealgunsvıˊrus,emespecialCiLVC.Oexamedemaisde8.000espeˊcimesdeBrevipalpusoriundasde111espeˊciesdeplantas,coletadasemvaˊriasregio~esdoBrasileoutrospaıˊses,resultaramnadetecc\ca~odeseisespeˊciesdiferentes:B.phoenicis,divididosemsetegruposmorfoloˊgicos;B.californicusdivididosemdoisgruposmorfoloˊgicos;B.obovatus;B.chilensis;B.araucanus;B.longisetosus;Brevipalpusaindasemidentificac\ca~odefinidaanıˊveldeespeˊcie,encontradosemDelonixregia.NoBrasilforamencontradosaˊcarosem111espeˊcies,distribuıˊdasem45famıˊliasbota^nicas,tendosidoidentificadasquatroespeˊciesnasplantasamostradas:B.californicus,B.obovatuseB.phoeniciseBrevipalpussp.Nostestesdetransmissa~o,realizadosparaCiLVC,vıˊrusdapintaverdedomaracujaˊ(PassionfruitgreenspotvirusPFGSV)evıˊrusdamanchaanulardeSolanumviolaefolium(SolanumviolaefoliumringspotvirusSvRSV)constatousequeapenasaˊcaroscoletadosnaplantahospedeiradovıˊrusforamcapazesdetransmitilosemcondic\co~esexperimentais.BrevipalpusisagenusofmitesbelongingtothefamilyTenuipalpidae(Acari:Prostigmata),whicharecommonlyfoundintropicalandsubtropicalregions.Thegenusincludesmorethan280species,andisofeconomicimportancebecausetheycausedamageinvariouscropsaspestsandalsoasvectorforsomeplantviruses.B.californicusBanks,B.obovatusDonnadieuandB.phoenicis(Geijskes)arethespeciesknownasvector.Brevipalpusspeciesaremorphologicallyverysimilar,frequentlyresultingmisidentification.Amongthevirusdiseasestransmittedbythesemitesiscitrusleprosiswhichisconsideredoneofthemostdestructivediseasesofcitrusindustry.LeprosisisoneofthemostimportantproblemforcitrusinthestateofSa~oPaulo,Brazil,theworldlargestproduceroforangejuice,whereabout 80 milhões/ano com acaricidas, para o controle do ácaro vetor Brevipalpus phoenicis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral gerar subsídios para rápida e acurada identificação de espécies de Brevipalpus, contribuir para a sistemática do grupo e relacioná-la à transmissão de vírus, principalmente o da leprose dos citros tipo citoplasmático (CiLV-C). Espera-se contribuir para melhor entendimento da epidemiologia do vírus e manejo. Os objetivos específicos foram: 1) Estudar e descrever a variação fenotípica entre as diferentes espécies e grupos morfológicos de ácaros Brevipalpus procedentes de diferentes plantas hospedeiras e regiões geográficas. Para tal foi empregada microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura, analisando-se características morfológicas externas e internas de diferentes populações. Foi dada atenção a diferentes detalhes morfológicos para se encontrar características, além das setas laterodorsais e solenídios no tarso da perna II, atualmente utilizadas, que possam auxiliar na discriminação das espécies; 2) Contribuir para a catalogação de novas hospedeiras de ácaros Brevipalpus e sua distribuição geográfica; 3) Avaliar a competência de diferentes grupos morfológicos e populações de Brevipalpus amostradas, na transmissão de alguns vírus, em especial CiLV-C. O exame de mais de 8.000 espécimes de Brevipalpus oriundas de 111 espécies de plantas, coletadas em várias regiões do Brasil e outros países, resultaram na detecção de seis espécies diferentes: B. phoenicis, divididos em sete grupos morfológicos; B. californicus divididos em dois grupos morfológicos; B. obovatus; B. chilensis; B. araucanus; B. longisetosus; Brevipalpus ainda sem identificação definida a nível de espécie, encontrados em Delonix regia. No Brasil foram encontrados ácaros em 111 espécies, distribuídas em 45 famílias botânicas, tendo sido identificadas quatro espécies nas plantas amostradas: B. californicus, B. obovatus e B. phoenicis e Brevipalpus sp. Nos testes de transmissão, realizados para CiLV-C, vírus da pinta verde do maracujá (Passion fruit green spot virus PFGSV) e vírus da mancha anular de Solanum violaefolium (Solanum violaefolium ringspot virus- SvRSV) constatou-se que apenas ácaros coletados na planta hospedeira do vírus foram capazes de transmiti-los em condições experimentais.Brevipalpus is a genus of mites belonging to the family Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Prostigmata), which are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. The genus includes more than 280 species, and is of economic importance because they cause damage in various crops as pests and also as vector for some plant viruses. B. californicus Banks, B. obovatus Donnadieu and B.phoenicis (Geijskes) are the species known as vector. Brevipalpus species are morphologically very similar, frequently resulting misidentification. Among the virus diseases transmitted by these mites is citrus leprosis which is considered one of the most destructive diseases of citrus industry. Leprosis is one of the most important problem for citrus in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the world largest producer of orange juice, where about 80 million/year are spent with acaricides for control the mite vector B. phoenicis. The present work aimed to give support for the a rapid and accurate identification of species of Brevipalpus, to contribute for the systematic of the group, and relate it to the transmission of viruses, especially of citrus leprosis cytoplasmic type (CiLV-C). The expectation is to contribute for a better understanding of the epidemiology of the CiLV-C and its management. The specific objectives were: 1) To study and describe the phenotypic variation among different species and morphological groups of Brevipalpus mites evaluated by light and scanning electron microscopy. Internal and external morphology of different populations were observed, trying to find characteristics new details, beyond dorsal lateral setae, solenidion on the tarsus of leg II presently used, that could help in the discrimination of species; 2) To contribute to update the list of Brevipalpus mites hosts in Brazil and the world; 3) To assess the hability of distict Brevipalpus populations to transmit plant viruses, especially CiLV-C. In the surveys made, resulting in the analysis of more than 8,000 specimens, collected from 111 plant species in Brazil and several other countries, six different species of Brevipalpus were identified: B. phoenicis, divided into seven morphological groups; B. californicus divided into two morphological groups; B. obovatus; B. chilensis; B. araucanus; B. longisetosus; and Brevipalpus sp. This latter was found in Delonix regia and not identified to species level yet. In Brazil mites were found in 111 species belonging to 45 botanical families. Four species have been identified: B. californicus, B. obovatus and B. phoenicis and Brevipalpus sp. Mite transmission tests, involving CiLV-C, Passion fruit green spot virus (PFGSV) and Solanum violaefolium ringspot virus (SvRSV), only mites species collected in host plants for these viruses were able to transmit these viruses under experimental conditions

    Evaluation of the morphological and genetic diversity of different species of Brevipalpus species (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) and their competence as virus vectors

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    Brevipalpus (Acari: Prostigmata: Tenuipalpidae) são comumente encontrados nas regiões tropical e subtropical em todo o mundo. O gênero inclui mais de 280 espécies com algumas economicamente relevantes por causar danos a diversas culturas, como pragas e também por transmitem vírus de plantas, sendo B. californicus Banks, B. obovatus Donnadieu e B. phoenicis (Geijskes) reconhecidas como vetoras. No entanto B. phoenicis passou por uma revisão recente, sendo reconhecido um complexo de espécies, perdendo-se assim a referência de quais espécies estão envolvidas na transmissão de vírus. Dentre os vírus transmitidos por Brevipalpus (VTBs) encontra-se a leprose dos citros (citrus leprosis virus, CiLV-C) que é considerada a principal doença viral da indústria citrícola. No estado de São Paulo, maior produtor mundial de suco de laranja, gastam-se cerca de US80milho~es/anocomacaricidasparaocontroledoaˊcarovetor.EssetrabalhoteveoobjetivodecontribuirparaasistemaˊticadogrupoeidentificarquaisasespeˊciesvetorasdeVTBs.Conhecerosvetoreseˊumdosprimeirosestaˊgiosparaestudosdeepidemiologiaemanejodessasviroses.Osobjetivosespecıˊficosforam:realizac\ca~oumlevantamentodeaˊcarosBrevipalpusinfestandodiferentesplantas,principalmenteplantascomVTBsrelatados;estudomorfoloˊgicodasespeˊciesencontradasduranteascoletaseasdepositadasnacolec\ca~oderefere^nciadoMuseudeZoologiaLuizdeQueiroz(MZLQ)utilizandoosnovoscriteˊriosmorfoloˊgicosparaidentificac\ca~odasespeˊciesdeBrevipalpusqueesta~opresentesnoBrasil;testesdetransmissa~odeVTBseavaliac\ca~odasespeˊciespresentesemplantassintomaˊticasquesa~ovetoras;estudoscommarcadoresmoleculareseprotocolosdeextrac\ca~odeDNAdeBrevipalpusparaavaliac\ca~odadiversidadegeneˊticadeaˊcarosassociadosaˋplantascomVTBs;realizac\ca~odeumaabordagemtaxono^micaintegrativa,comparandoosdadosmorfoloˊgicosaosmolecularesparaasespeˊciesestudadas.Foramanalisadospormicroscopiadeluzevarreduraumnuˊmerosuperiora15000aˊcaros,procedentesde23paıˊsesecoletadosdeplantasde75famıˊliasbota^nicas.Estesaˊcaroscompo~empelomenos37espeˊciese/oumorfoespeˊcies.Microplacaseavesıˊculadaespermatecaforamavaliadasetidascomocaracterıˊsticasfundamentaisparaoauxıˊlionadistinc\ca~odealgumasespeˊciesdoge^nero.B.yothersiBakerfoioprincipalaˊcaroassociadoapomarescomerciaisdelaranjeiracompresenc\cadeCiLVC,encontradosduranteesselevantamento.Observousequeovıˊrusdaleprosedoligustro(ligustrumleprosisvirus,LigLV)podesertransmitidoporB.papayensisBakereB.yothersi;vıˊrusdamachacloroˊticadeClerodendrum(clerodendrumchloroticspotvirus,ClCSV)porB.yothersi;vıˊrusdaleprosedocitrosnuclear(citrusleprosisvirusN,CiLVN)porB.phoenicis;vıˊrusdamanchacloroˊticadocitros(citruschloroticspotvirus,CiCSV)porumapossıˊvelnovaespeˊciedeBrevipalpus(nessetrabalhoBrevipalpussp.nova3).Nosensaioscommarcadoresmolecularesforamtestadoscincoprotocolosdeextrac\ca~odeDNA,comumdosquaisfoipossıˊvelaextrac\ca~odoDNAdeumuˊnicoaˊcaroparaestudoscommarcadoresedetecc\ca~odoRNAviral,concomitantemente.Dosquatronovosprimersdesenhadoseavaliados,doisapresentampotencialparaestudosfilogeneˊticos.Foramgeradasseque^nciaspara166espeˊcimescompelomenos1marcador.Aanaˊlisefilogeneˊticapara2fragmentosdeDNAmitocondrialdaregia~oCOIedoisfragmentosnucleares(ITS2e28S)demonstraramcongrue^ncianaseparac\ca~orealizadaparaasespeˊciesestudadasporcriteˊriosmorfoloˊgicosemolecularesconfirmandoapresenc\cadenovasespeˊciesoumorfoespeˊciesnoge^nero.Brevipalpus(Acari:Prostigmata:Tenuipalpidae)arecommonlyfoundintropicalandsubtropicalregions.Thegenusincludesmorethan280species,withsomeeconomicallyrelevantforcausingdamagetovariouscrops,aspestsandalsobytransmittingplantviruses,beingB.californicusBanks,B.obovatusDonnadieuandB.phoenicis(Geijskes)recognizedasvectors.HoweverB.phoencisunderwinetarecentreview,recognizingaspeciescomplex,thusmissingthereferenceofwhichspeciesareinvolvedinvirustransmission.AmongtheBrevipalpustransmittedvirus(BTVs)arecitrusleprosis(citrusleprosisvirusC.CiLVC),whichisconsideredthemainviraldiseaseinthecitrusindustry.InthestateofSa~oPaulo,Brazil,theworldlargestproducerofsweetorangejuice,about 80 milhões/ano com acaricidas para o controle do ácaro vetor. Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de contribuir para a sistemática do grupo e identificar quais as espécies vetoras de VTBs. Conhecer os vetores é um dos primeiros estágios para estudos de epidemiologia e manejo dessas viroses. Os objetivos específicos foram: realização um levantamento de ácaros Brevipalpus infestando diferentes plantas, principalmente plantas com VTBs relatados; estudo morfológico das espécies encontradas durante as coletas e as depositadas na coleção de referência do Museu de Zoologia Luiz de Queiroz (MZLQ) utilizando os novos critérios morfológicos para identificação das espécies de Brevipalpus que estão presentes no Brasil; testes de transmissão de VTBs e avaliação das espécies presentes em plantas sintomáticas que são vetoras; estudos com marcadores moleculares e protocolos de extração de DNA de Brevipalpus para avaliação da diversidade genética de ácaros associados à plantas com VTBs; realização de uma abordagem taxonômica integrativa, comparando os dados morfológicos aos moleculares para as espécies estudadas. Foram analisados por microscopia de luz e varredura um número superior a 15000 ácaros, procedentes de 23 países e coletados de plantas de 75 famílias botânicas. Estes ácaros compõem pelo menos 37 espécies e/ou morfoespécies. Microplacas e a vesícula da espermateca foram avaliadas e tidas como características fundamentais para o auxílio na distinção de algumas espécies do gênero. B. yothersi Baker foi o principal ácaro associado a pomares comerciais de laranjeira com presença de CiLV-C, encontrados durante esse levantamento. Observou-se que o vírus da leprose do ligustro (ligustrum leprosis virus, LigLV) pode ser transmitido por B. papayensis Baker e B. yothersi; vírus da macha clorótica de Clerodendrum (clerodendrum chlorotic spot virus, ClCSV) por B. yothersi; vírus da leprose do citros nuclear (citrus leprosis virus N, CiLV-N) por B. phoenicis; vírus da mancha clorótica do citros (citrus chlorotic spot virus, CiCSV) por uma possível nova espécie de Brevipalpus (nesse trabalho Brevipalpus sp. nova 3). Nos ensaios com marcadores moleculares foram testados cinco protocolos de extração de DNA, com um dos quais foi possível a extração do DNA de um único ácaro para estudos com marcadores e detecção do RNA viral, concomitantemente. Dos quatro novos primers desenhados e avaliados, dois apresentam potencial para estudos filogenéticos. Foram geradas sequências para 166 espécimes com pelo menos 1 marcador. A análise filogenética para 2 fragmentos de DNA mitocondrial da região COI e dois fragmentos nucleares (ITS2 e 28S) demonstraram congruência na separação realizada para as espécies estudadas por critérios morfológicos e moleculares confirmando a presença de novas espécies ou morfoespécies no gênero.Brevipalpus (Acari: Prostigmata: Tenuipalpidae) are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. The genus includes more than 280 species, with some economically relevant for causing damage to various crops, as pests and also by transmitting plant viruses, being B. californicus Banks, B. obovatus Donnadieu and B.phoenicis (Geijskes) recognized as vectors. However B. phoencis underwinet a recent review, recognizing a species complex, thus missing the reference of which species are involved in virus transmission. Among the Brevipalpus transmitted virus (BTVs) are citrus leprosis (citrus leprosis virus C. CiLV-C), which is considered the main viral disease in the citrus industry. In the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the world largest producer of sweet orange juice, about 80 million/year are spent with acaricides for control the mite vector. This work had the objective pf contributing th the systematics of the group and identify the species involved with VTBs. Knowing the vectors in one of the first stages for studies of epidemiology and management of these viruses. The specific objectives were: perform a survey of Brevipalpus mites infesting different plants, mainly plant with VTBs reported; the morphological study of the species collected during this study and those deposited in the reference collection at the Museum of Zoology of the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (MZLQ) using the newly introduced morphological criteria to identify the species of Brevipalpus that are present in Brazil; carry out BTV transmission tests and evaluating the species present in symptomatic plants that act as vectors; evaluate different molecular markers and DNA extraction protocols for Brevipalpus to generate information on diversity of mites associated with plants with BTV; and an integrative taxonomic approach, comparing morphological and molecular data for the species studied. More than 15000 mites collected from 23 countries and 75 botanical families were analyzed by light and scanning microscopy. At least 37 species and/or morphospecies. Microplates and spermathecae vesicles were evaluated and considered a fundamental characteristic in the distinction of some species of the genus. The ultrastructure of the microplates was basically similar in all the studied cases, and that they are not composed of waxy material, rather by a complex of microtubule-like structure. B. yothersi Baker was the main mite associated with commercial orange orchards with presence of CiLV-C, found during this survey. Ligustrum leprosis virus (LigLV) has been observed to be transmitted by B. papayensis Baker and B. yothersi; clerodendrum chlorotic spot virus (ClCSV) by B. yothersi; citrus leprosis virus N (CiLV-N) by B. phoenicis; and citrus chlorotic spot virus (CiCSV) by a possible new species of Brevipalpus (in this work Brevipalpus sp. nova 3). In the molecular markers assays, five DNA extraction protocols were tested, one of them permitted to extract DNA from a single mite for studies with markers and detection of viral RNA concomitantly. Of the four new primers designed, two have potential for phylogenetic studies. Sequences of 166 specimens were obtained for at least one marker. Phylogenetic analysis from two fragments of mitochondrial DNA COI region and nuclear region (ITS2 and 28S) demonstrated congruence in the separation of the species studied by morphological and molecular criteria confirming the presence of new species or morphospecies in the genus described in this work

    First record of Cenopalpus officinalis Papaioannou-Souliotis (Tenuipalpidae) for Israel, Italy and Mexico and a redescription

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    International audienceCenopalpus officinalis Papaioannou-Souliotis, 1986 (Trombidiformes: Tetranychoidea: Tenuipalpidae) is reported for the first time from Israel, Italy and Mexico. Previously, this flat mite species was only known to occur in Greece and is the first species belonging to the genus Cenopalpus recorded from Mexico. Adult females and males, deutonymphs and eggs, collected in Italy and Israel as well as the material intercepted from Italy and Mexico at United States ports of entry were studied, illustrated and analyzed. Keywords new records; Tenuipalpidae; interceptions; invasive species; cryo-scanning electron microscopy; Cenopalpus pterinus species-group How to cite this article De Giosa M

    A new species of Brevipalpus (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from the Azores Islands, with remarks on the B. cuneatus species group

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    [EN] Brevipalpus contains about 290 species, some of which are considered of economic importance. In spite of their agricultural importance, the species diversity is scarcely known in several regions around the world, notably on wild plants. In this work a new species collected on an endemic ivy of the Azores Archipelago, Hedera azorica Carriere (Araliaceae), is described based on an integrative approach using morphological traits of the adults, obtained through electron and light microscopy, and molecular characters based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in order to produce reliable phylogenetic placement of the new species, which is tentatively classified in the B. portalis species group. Morphological similarities between the new species and B. cuneatus Canestrini and Fanzago point out to some inconsistencies in the current morphological classification of Brevipalpus species, especially in the definition of the B. cuneatus group, herein discussed.To "Coordenadoria de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior" (CAPES) for the financial support to R.S. Mendonca (PNPD/Agronomia Proc. No. 88882.305808/2018-1). To "Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico" CNPq for the research fellowship conceded to the last author D. Navia. To Dr. Ronald Ochoa, ARS, USDA, USA, for the valuable suggestions and constant motivation. Study was supported by "Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo" (FAPESP), Thematic Project No. 2014_08458-9, headed by Prof. Elliot W. Kitajima.Dos Santos Alves, JL.; Ferragut Pérez, FJ.; Mendonça, RS.; Tassi, AD.; Navia, D. (2019). A new species of Brevipalpus (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from the Azores Islands, with remarks on the B. cuneatus species group. Systematic and Applied Acarology. 24(11):2184-2208. https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.24.11.10S21842208241

    Revisiting the systematics of flat mites in the genus Brevipalpus (Tenuipalpidae) - phylogenetic relationhips, species group re-arrangements, taxa delimitation and cryptic diversity

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    Brevipalpus mites stand out among the phytophagous mites in the family Tenuipalpidae due to the agricultural importance of some its member species, largely because of their action as virus vectors. A phylogenetic classification allows for understanding the evolution of the group as well as to make bio-ecological predictions of a taxon based on known traits of closely related taxa. This phylogenetic background is still lacking for Brevipalpus. Unambiguous identification is needed to understand the role of each species in the transmission of viruses, to guide the adoption of quarantine measures and to support the development of control strategies. Continuing the efforts to advance the systematics of Brevipalpus mites, this study uses an integrative approach at both species groups and species level. A synergistic combination of a multi-tool exploration of DNA datasets, including mitochondrial (two COI regions) and nuclear (ITS2, D1-D3) fragments with different evolution taxes, and a detailed morphological study (optical and scanning microscopy) were employed. Samples of well-known species along with putative ones were obtained from South America, Europe and Middle East collected from 20 host plant families. In addition to the sequences obtained in this study, the phylogenetic datasets included sequences available in public databases. For morphological identification some specimens were compared with type material. Three species delimitation approaches were applied: (1) Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery, (2) Assemble Species by Automatic Partition and (3) a local regression to establish reliable genetic distance thresholds to discriminate intra and interspecific divergences. Results clearly showed that the species group classification by Baker & Tuttle (1987) does not match genetic lineages. Species currently classified as belonging to the phoenicis and cuneatus species groups are polyphyletic and split into unrelated clades. We propose a rearrangement of the species groups corresponding to the observed genetic lineages and phylogenetically informative morphological traits. Genetic distances combined with species delimitation methods clearly support cryptic diversity for some taxa. For others, uncertainties and the lack of congruence between the results obtained for different markers and methods suggest that some speciation processes are just in course and that we „captured‟ different phases of these processes

    Virus-vector relationship in the Citrus leprosis pathosystem

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    Citrus leprosis has been one of the most destructive diseases of citrus in the Americas. In the last decade important progress has been achieved such as the complete genome sequencing of its main causal agent, Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C), belonging to a new genus Cilevirus. It is transmitted by Brevipalpus yothersi Baker (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), and is characterized by the localized symptoms it induces on the leaves, fruits and stems. It occurs in the American continents from Mexico to Argentina. The virus was until recently considered restricted to Citrus spp. However, it was found naturally infecting other plants species as Swinglea glutinosa Merrill and Commelina benghalensis L., and has been experimentally transmitted by B. yothersi to a large number of plant species. Despite these advances little is known about the virus-vector relationship that is a key to understanding the epidemiology of the disease. Some components of the CiLV-C/B. yothersi relationship were determined using the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. ‘IAC Una’) as a test plant. They included: (a) the virus acquisition access period was 4 h; (b) the virus inoculation access period was 2 h; (c) the latent period between acquisition and inoculation was 7 h; (d) the period of retention of the virus by a single viruliferous mite was at least 12 days; (d) the percentage of viruliferous individuals from mite colonies on infected tissues ranged from 25 to 60%. The experiments confirmed previous data that all developmental stages of B. yothersi (larva, protonymph and deutonymph, adult female and male) were able to transmit CiLV-C and that transovarial transmission of the virus did not occur. CiLV-C can be acquired from lesions on leaves, fruits and stems by B. yothersi. Based on the distribution of lesions produced by single viruliferous B. yothersi on bean leaves, it is concluded that they tend to feed in restricted areas, usually near the veins. The short latent and transmission periods during the larval stage suggest that the CiLV-C/B. yothersi relationship is of the persistent circulative type.Fundación de apoyo a la investigación estatal/[2014/08458-9]/Fapesp/BrasilConsejo Nacional de desarrollo científico y tecnológico/[47.2425/2013-7]/CNPq/BrasilFundación de apoyo a la investigación estatal/[2008/57477-5]/Fapesp/BrasilFundación de apoyo a la investigación estatal/[2013/25713-0]/Fapesp/BrasilUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular (CIBCM

    Search for Scalar Diphoton Resonances in the Mass Range 6560065-600 GeV with the ATLAS Detector in pppp Collision Data at s\sqrt{s} = 8 TeVTeV

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    A search for scalar particles decaying via narrow resonances into two photons in the mass range 65–600 GeV is performed using 20.3fb120.3\text{}\text{}{\mathrm{fb}}^{-1} of s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\text{}\text{}\mathrm{TeV} pppp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The recently discovered Higgs boson is treated as a background. No significant evidence for an additional signal is observed. The results are presented as limits at the 95% confidence level on the production cross section of a scalar boson times branching ratio into two photons, in a fiducial volume where the reconstruction efficiency is approximately independent of the event topology. The upper limits set extend over a considerably wider mass range than previous searches

    Measurements of the Total and Differential Higgs Boson Production Cross Sections Combining the H??????? and H???ZZ*???4??? Decay Channels at s\sqrt{s}=8??????TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3~fb1^{-1} of pppp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured HγγH \rightarrow \gamma \gamma and HZZ4H \rightarrow ZZ ^{*}\rightarrow 4\ell event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σppH=33.0±5.3(stat)±1.6(sys)pb\sigma_{pp \to H} = 33.0 \pm 5.3 \, ({\rm stat}) \pm 1.6 \, ({\rm sys}) \mathrm{pb}. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions.Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3  fb-1 of pp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s=8  TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured H→γγ and H→ZZ*→4ℓ event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances, and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σpp→H=33.0±5.3 (stat)±1.6 (syst)  pb. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions.Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3 fb1^{-1} of pppp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured HγγH \rightarrow \gamma \gamma and HZZ4H \rightarrow ZZ ^{*}\rightarrow 4\ell event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σppH=33.0±5.3(stat)±1.6(sys)pb\sigma_{pp \to H} = 33.0 \pm 5.3 \, ({\rm stat}) \pm 1.6 \, ({\rm sys}) \mathrm{pb}. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions

    Search for Higgs and ZZ Boson Decays to J/ψγJ/\psi\gamma and Υ(nS)γ\Upsilon(nS)\gamma with the ATLAS Detector

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    A search for the decays of the Higgs and ZZ bosons to J/ψγJ/\psi\gamma and Υ(nS)γ\Upsilon(nS)\gamma (n=1,2,3n=1,2,3) is performed with pppp collision data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 20.3fb120.3\mathrm{fb}^{-1} collected at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\mathrm{TeV} with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess of events is observed above expected backgrounds and 95% CL upper limits are placed on the branching fractions. In the J/ψγJ/\psi\gamma final state the limits are 1.5×1031.5\times10^{-3} and 2.6×1062.6\times10^{-6} for the Higgs and ZZ bosons, respectively, while in the Υ(1S,2S,3S)γ\Upsilon(1S,2S,3S)\,\gamma final states the limits are (1.3,1.9,1.3)×103(1.3,1.9,1.3)\times10^{-3} and (3.4,6.5,5.4)×106(3.4,6.5,5.4)\times10^{-6}, respectively

    Finska tingsdomares bedömningar av partsutlåtanden givna på plats i rätten eller via videokonferens

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    Professionals within the judicial system sometimes believe they can assess whether someone is lying or not based on cues such as body language and emotional expression. Research has, however, shown that this is impossible. The Finnish Supreme Court has also given rulings in accordance with this demonstrated fact. There has also been previous research on whether party or witness statements are assessed differently in court depending on whether they are given live, via videoconference, or via prerecorded video. In the present study, we investigated how a Finnish sample of district judges (N=47) assigned probative value to different variables concerning the statement or the statement giver, such as body language and emotional expression. We also investigated the connection between the judges’ beliefs about the relevance of body language and emotional expression and their preference for live statements or statements via videoconference. The judges reported assigning equal amounts of probative value to statements given live and statements given via videoconference. However, judges found it easier to detect deception live, and this preference correlated with how relevant they thought body language is when assessing the probative value of the statement. In other words, a slight bias to assess live statements more favorably than statements given via videoconference might still exist. More effort needs to be put into making judges and Supreme Courts aware of robust scientific results that have been the subject of decades of research, such as the fact that one cannot assess whether someone is lying or not based on cues such as body language