21 research outputs found

    Fishing Against the Wind: The Federal Government’s Obligation to Consider and Mitigate Fishing Impacts from Offshore Wind Development on the Outer Continental Shelf

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    As offshore wind development activity increases along the East Coast of the United States, commercial fishing groups have raised concerns about potential impacts on their operations. This comment examines the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s legal obligation under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to consider these concerns and mitigate potential impacts during the offshore wind leasing process. The comment concludes that the Act does require the Bureau to both consider any potentially affected fishing uses and to prevent impacts to “reasonable uses,” though the Bureau has significant discretion to determine what constitutes a “reasonable use.

    Building a Better Orono Together: Cultivating Organic Community Connection with University and Orono Stakeholders Final Report

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    Final report for POS 364-365 Practicum in Engaged Policy Studies I and II with Professor Robert Glover, University of Maine

    Building a Better Orono Together: Cultivating Organic Community Connection with University and Orono Stakeholders Report Summary

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    This project was undertaken as a collaboration between students in Professor Robert Glover\u27s 2012-2013 Engaged Policy Studies course, Orono Town Planner Evan Richert, and Orono Town Manager Sophie Wilson. The objective was to examine the university and community perceptions of Orono as a college town with focus on the Orono downtown area

    Trace elements at the intersection of marine biological and geochemical evolution

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    Life requires a wide variety of bioessential trace elements to act as structural components and reactive centers in metalloenzymes. These requirements differ between organisms and have evolved over geological time, likely guided in some part by environmental conditions. Until recently, most of what was understood regarding trace element concentrations in the Precambrian oceans was inferred by extrapolation, geochemical modeling, and/or genomic studies. However, in the past decade, the increasing availability of trace element and isotopic data for sedimentary rocks of all ages has yielded new, and potentially more direct, insights into secular changes in seawater composition – and ultimately the evolution of the marine biosphere. Compiled records of many bioessential trace elements (including Ni, Mo, P, Zn, Co, Cr, Se, and I) provide new insight into how trace element abundance in Earth's ancient oceans may have been linked to biological evolution. Several of these trace elements display redox-sensitive behavior, while others are redox-sensitive but not bioessential (e.g., Cr, U). Their temporal trends in sedimentary archives provide useful constraints on changes in atmosphere-ocean redox conditions that are linked to biological evolution, for example, the activity of oxygen-producing, photosynthetic cyanobacteria. In this review, we summarize available Precambrian trace element proxy data, and discuss how temporal trends in the seawater concentrations of specific trace elements may be linked to the evolution of both simple and complex life. We also examine several biologically relevant and/or redox-sensitive trace elements that have yet to be fully examined in the sedimentary rock record (e.g., Cu, Cd, W) and suggest several directions for future studies

    The impact of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) mass extinction event on the global sulfur cycle: Evidence from Seymour Island, Antarctica

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    The Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) mass extinction event 66 million years ago led to large changes to the global carbon cycle, primarily via a decrease in primary or export productivity of the oceans. However, the effects of this event and longer-term environmental changes during the Late Cretaceous on the global sulfur cycle are not well understood. We report new carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) sulfur isotope data derived from marine macrofossil shell material from a highly expanded high latitude Maastrichtian to Danian (69–65.5 Ma) succession located on Seymour Island, Antarctica. These data represent the highest resolution seawater sulfate record ever generated for this time interval, and are broadly in agreement with previous low-resolution estimates for the latest Cretaceous and Paleocene. A vigorous assessment of CAS preservation using sulfate oxygen, carbonate carbon and oxygen isotopes and trace element data, suggests factors affecting preservation of primary seawater CAS isotopes in ancient biogenic samples are complex, and not necessarily linked to the preservation of original carbonate mineralogy or chemistry. Primary data indicate a generally stable sulfur cycle in the early-mid Maastrichtian (69 Ma), with some fluctuations that could be related to increased pyrite burial during the ‘mid-Maastrichtian Event’. This is followed by an enigmatic +4‰ increase in δ³⁴SCAS during the late Maastrichtian (68–66 Ma), culminating in a peak in values in the immediate aftermath of the K–Pg extinction which may be related to temporary development of oceanic anoxia in the aftermath of the Chicxulub bolide impact. There is no evidence of the direct influence of Deccan volcanism on the seawater sulfate isotopic record during the late Maastrichtian, nor of a direct influence by the Chicxulub impact itself. During the early Paleocene (magnetochron C29R) a prominent negative excursion in seawater δ³⁴S of 3–4‰ suggests that a global decline in organic carbon burial related to collapse in export productivity, also impacted the sulfur cycle via a significant drop in pyrite burial. Box modelling suggests that to achieve an excursion of this magnitude, pyrite burial must be reduced by >15%, with a possible role for a short term increase in global weathering rates. Recovery of the sulfur cycle to pre-extinction values occurs at the same time (∼320 kyrs) as initial carbon cycle recovery globally. These recoveries are also contemporaneous with an initial increase in local alpha diversity of marine macrofossil faunas, suggesting biosphere-geosphere links during recovery from the mass extinction. Modelling further indicates that concentrations of sulfate in the oceans must have been 2 mM, lower than previous estimates for the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene and an order of magnitude lower than today

    Fishing Against the Wind: The Federal Government’s Obligation to Consider and Mitigate Fishing Impacts from Offshore Wind Development on the Outer Continental Shelf

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    As offshore wind development activity increases along the East Coast of the United States, commercial fishing groups have raised concerns about potential impacts on their operations. This comment examines the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s legal obligation under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to consider these concerns and mitigate potential impacts during the offshore wind leasing process. The comment concludes that the Act does require the Bureau to both consider any potentially affected fishing uses and to prevent impacts to “reasonable uses,” though the Bureau has significant discretion to determine what constitutes a “reasonable use.

    LRRC15 Targeting in Soft-Tissue Sarcomas: Biological and Clinical Implications

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    Background: LRRC15 is a member of the LRR (leucine-rich repeat) superfamily present on tumor-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and stromal cells. The expression of LRRC15 is upregulated by the pro-inflammatory cytokine TGFβ. ABBV-085 is a monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE)-containing antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) designed to target LRRC15, and which has shown significant anti-tumor activity in several tumor models. This is the first focused examination of LRRC15 expression and ABBV-085 activity in soft-tissue sarcomas (STS). Methods: We analyzed the LRRC15 expression profile by immunohistochemistry in 711 STS cases, covering a broad spectrum of STS histologies and sub-classifications. In vivo experiments were carried out by using LRRC15-positive and LRRC15-negative patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of STS. Results: In contrast to patterns observed in epithelial tumors, LRRC15 was expressed not only by stromal cells but also by cancer cells in multiple subsets of STS with significant variations noted between histological subtypes. Overexpression of LRRC15 is positively correlated with grade and independently associated with adverse outcome. ABBV-085 has robust preclinical efficacy against LRRC15 positive STS patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models. Conclusion: We provide the first preclinical evidence that LRRC15 targeting with an antibody-drug conjugate is a promising strategy in LRRC15-positive STS. ABBV-085 is being evaluated in an ongoing clinical trial in STS and other malignancies