19 research outputs found

    ¿Quo Vadis? Reclutamiento y Contratacion de Trabajadores Migrantes y su Acceso a la Seguridad Social: dinamicas de los sistemas de trabajo temporal migratorio en Norte y Centroamerica

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    Different regions and countries of the world face a serious need to design and make use of necessary policies and resources to better manage worker migration, thus ensuring the welfare and human rights of these people who, in the end, are of benefit to their society of origin, as well as the receiving society. Although international labor migration may turn out to be productive for many people, many of these migrant workers have unsatisfactory living and working conditions. While it is likely that their labor conditions are better than in their own country, in many cases they are inferior to the working conditions of nationals in their receiving country. Despite international standards to protect migrant workers, their labor rights are frequently abused, especially if they have immigrated in an irregular fashion. In this context, INEDIM took on the task of developing an integral and comprehensive document regarding different migrant worker and visa systems in Central and North America.The work presented here holds enormous value for delving in-depth to the forms of management of temporary migrant workers, as well as their access and guarantees to social and labor protection in North and Central America. This report addresses the problem of management of labor migrant flows among countries in our region. This study is based on an ordered and scrupulous methodology in which different migration systems and visa schemes for the hiring of temporary migrant workers are analyzed from the perspective of protection, respect for, guarantees and promotion of human rights. The study analyzes six systems that seek to regulate temporary migration in the region along the Central and North American corridor. The countries involved in these six systems are El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the United States, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The authors carry out a thorough and well-structured study based on two focuses of analysis: first, the processes for recruiting and contracting migrant workers and secondly, access to social protection for temporary migrant workers by means of the right to social security. From these two focuses, the authors are able to identify and demonstrate structural insufficiencies and gaps in the analyzed systems, which should guarantee labor security and social security for these workers

    Quo Vadis? Recruitment and Contracting of Migrant Workers and their Access to Social Security: The Dynamics of Temporary Migrant Labor Systems in North and Central America

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    Different regions and countries of the world face a serious need to design and make use of necessary policies and resources to better manage worker migration, thus ensuring the welfare and human rights of these people who, in the end, are of benefit to their society of origin, as well as the receiving society. Although international labor migration may turn out to be productive for many people, many of these migrant workers have unsatisfactory living and working conditions.While it is likely that their labor conditions are better than in their own country, in many cases they are inferior to the working conditions of nationals in their receiving country. Despite international standards to protect migrant workers, their labor rights are frequently abused, especially if they have immigrated in an irregular fashion.In this context, INEDIM took on the task of developing an integral and comprehensive document regarding different migrant worker and visa systems in Central and North America.The work presented here holds enormous value for delving in-depth to the forms of management of temporary migrant workers, as well as their access and guarantees to social and labor protection in North and Central America. This report addresses the problem of management of labor migrant flows among countries in our region.This study is based on an ordered and scrupulous methodology in which different migration systems and visa schemes for the hiring of temporary migrant workers are analyzed from the perspective of protection, respect for, guarantees and promotion of human rights. The study analyzes six systems that seek to regulate temporary migration in the region along the Central and North American corridor. The countries involved in these six systems are El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the United States, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The authors carry out a thorough and well-structured study based on two focuses of analysis: first, the processes for recruiting and contracting migrant workers and secondly, access to social protection for temporary migrant workers by means of the right to social security. From these two focuses, the authors are able to identify and demonstrate structural insufficiencies and gaps in the analyzed systems, which should guarantee labor security and social security for these workers

    Seudoartrosis después de una osteotomía en chevron: incidencia, tratamiento, seguimiento y evolución

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    Introducción: El hallux valgus es el trastorno más común del primer dedo del pie. Provoca dolor, discapacidad funcional y altera los patrones de la marcha. Las deformidades leves o moderadas se han corregido con osteotomías distales del primer metatarsiano, como la osteotomía en chevron, un procedimiento seguro, pero no exento de complicaciones. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar la incidencia de seudoartrosis por dicha osteotomía y comunicar nuestro método terapéutico, el seguimiento y la evolución. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio multicéntrico, retrospectivo que incluyó a pacientes operados entre 2009 y 2018. Se evaluaron 1156 osteotomías en chevron como tratamiento del hallux valgus leve o moderado en 1017 pacientes (rango etario 16-83 años; promedio 57.5) realizadas por 4 cirujanos experimentados. El criterio de inclusión fue que el paciente contara con estudios por imágenes compatibles con seudoartrosis a los 6 meses de la cirugía. Resultados: Se evaluó a 5 pacientes con diagnóstico de seudoartrosis después de una osteotomía en chevron para tratar el hallux valgus. Los puntajes promedio de la AOFAS fueron 51 antes del tratamiento del hallux valgus y 87,8 después del tratamiento de la seudoartrosis. Conclusiones: La incidencia de seudoartrosis fue del 0,4% en el posoperatorio alejado. Nuestro abordaje y el tratamiento de la seudoartrosis lograron una excelente mejoría clínica y funcional en todos los pacientes operados

    Formulación Del Programa De Prevención De La Deserción: Articulación De Acciones En Un Programa Transversal De Acompañamiento Para La Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

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    Tras identificar un incremento anual en la deserción de entre el 1% y el 2,4%, se ve la necesidad de formular un Programa que permita articular las acciones y servicios de atención y acompañamiento de la Universidad, con las herramientas para identificar oportunamente los riesgos de deserción. De esta manera, nace el Programa de Prevención de la Deserción (PPD) cuyo propósito es atender a tiempo situaciones de riesgo y vulnerabilidad individual, psicosocial, académico e institucional, que pueden tener incidencia en la deserción estudiantil. El PPD propone, además, fortalecer las acciones y servicios para la prevención de la deserción ya existentes, y promoverlas entre los miembros de la Comunidad Educativa que intervienen en los procesos de formación integral. En el marco de éste mismo, se inició un piloto de acompañamiento estudiantil en la Facultad de Ingeniería, que ha permitido brindar apoyo particular a los estudiantes en etapa inicial. Este piloto, ha permitido, además, formular un Sistema de Alertas Tempranas, para atención oportuna de los riesgos de deserción. El diseño, ejecución y puesta en marcha del Programa tienen como fundamento el Proyecto Educativo Institucional (1992), el Paradigma Pedagógico Ignaciano (1993), las estrategias para el fortalecimiento académico y la integración social de estudiantes (Swail, 2003) y la Guía para la Implementación de Educación Superior del Modelo de Gestión de Permanencia y Graduación Estudiantil en Instituciones de Educación Superior del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (2015)

    The spectrum of intermediate SCN8A-related epilepsy

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    Objective: Pathogenic variants in SCN8A have been associated with a wide spectrum of epilepsy phenotypes, ranging from benign familial infantile seizures (BFIS) to epileptic encephalopathies with variable severity. Furthermore, a few patients with intellectual disability (ID) or movement disorders without epilepsy have been reported. The vast majority of the published SCN8A patients suffer from severe developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE). In this study, we aimed to provide further insight on the spectrum of milder SCN8A-related epilepsies. Methods: A cohort of 1095 patients were screened using a next generation sequencing panel. Further patients were ascertained from a network of epilepsy genetics clinics. Patients with severe DEE and BFIS were excluded from the study. Results: We found 36 probands who presented with an SCN8A-related epilepsy and normal intellect (33%) or mild (61%) to moderate ID (6%). All patients presented with epilepsy between age 1.5 months and 7 years (mean = 13.6 months), and 58% of these became seizure-free, two-thirds on monotherapy. Neurological disturbances included ataxia (28%) and hypotonia (19%) as the most prominent features. Interictal electroencephalogram was normal in 41%. Several recurrent variants were observed, including Ile763Val, Val891Met, Gly1475Arg, Gly1483Lys, Phe1588Leu, Arg1617Gln, Ala1650Val/Thr, Arg1872Gln, and Asn1877Ser. Significance: With this study, we explore the electroclinical features of an intermediate SCN8A-related epilepsy with mild cognitive impairment, which is for the majority a treatable epilepsy.Peer reviewe

    Formulación Del Programa De Prevención De La Deserción: Articulación De Acciones En Un Programa Transversal De Acompañamiento Para La Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

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    Tras identificar un incremento anual en la deserción de entre el 1% y el 2,4%, se ve la necesidad de formular un Programa que permita articular las acciones y servicios de atención y acompañamiento de la Universidad, con las herramientas para identificar oportunamente los riesgos de deserción. De esta manera, nace el Programa de Prevención de la Deserción (PPD) cuyo propósito es atender a tiempo situaciones de riesgo y vulnerabilidad individual, psicosocial, académico e institucional, que pueden tener incidencia en la deserción estudiantil. El PPD propone, además, fortalecer las acciones y servicios para la prevención de la deserción ya existentes, y promoverlas entre los miembros de la Comunidad Educativa que intervienen en los procesos de formación integral. En el marco de éste mismo, se inició un piloto de acompañamiento estudiantil en la Facultad de Ingeniería, que ha permitido brindar apoyo particular a los estudiantes en etapa inicial. Este piloto, ha permitido, además, formular un Sistema de Alertas Tempranas, para atención oportuna de los riesgos de deserción. El diseño, ejecución y puesta en marcha del Programa tienen como fundamento el Proyecto Educativo Institucional (1992), el Paradigma Pedagógico Ignaciano (1993), las estrategias para el fortalecimiento académico y la integración social de estudiantes (Swail, 2003) y la Guía para la Implementación de Educación Superior del Modelo de Gestión de Permanencia y Graduación Estudiantil en Instituciones de Educación Superior del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (2015)

    Spirituelle Bedürfnisse und die Lebenszufriedenheit von Flüchtlingen

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    Reasons to be cheerful? Reflections on GPs' responses to depression

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    State of the climate in 2017

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