77 research outputs found

    Advances in generating high repetition rate EUV frequency combs

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    Разработка системы импульсного питания сварной дуги с разделением токоподвода к изделию

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    Объектом исследования является: процесс сварки неплавящимся электродом в аргоне. Предмет исследования ? сварочная дуга горящая в импульсном режиме на постоянном токе. Цель работы ? является исследование и разработка системы импульсного питания сварной дуги с разделением токоподвода к изделию. В процессе исследования проводились анализ методов повышения эффективности и способы сварки неплавящимся электродом с применением импульсного питания сварочной дуги, проведен анализ сварки модулированным током и предложен наиболее перспективный способ. В результате исследования разработана принципиальная электрическая схема модулятора обеспечивающее двойной токоподвод к изделию.Object of research: the process of Non-consumable Electrode Arc welding in argon. Subject of research: welding arc burning in the pulsed mode at direct current. Purpose of research: is the research and development of a pulsed power supply system for a welded arc with the separation of the current lead to the product. In the process of the investigation, methods of increasing efficiency and methods for welding with a non-consumable electrode were analyzed using pulse welding arc welding, an analysis of modulated current welding was performed and the most promising method was proposed. Results of research: a basic electrical circuit of the modulator was developed to provide a double current lead to the product

    Cognitive and emotional empathy in individuals at clinical high risk of psychosis

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    Background Impairments of social cognition are considered core features of schizophrenia and are established predictors of social functioning. However, affective aspects of social cognition including empathy have far less been studied than its cognitive dimensions. The role of empathy in the development of schizophrenia remains largely elusive. Methods Emotional and cognitive empathy were investigated in large sample of 120 individuals at Clinical High Risk of Psychosis (CHR-P) and compared with 50 patients with schizophrenia and 50 healthy controls. A behavioral empathy assessment, the Multifaceted Empathy Test, was implemented, and associations of empathy with cognition, social functioning, and symptoms were determined. Results Our findings demonstrated significant reductions of emotional empathy in individuals at CHR-P, while cognitive empathy appeared intact. Only individuals with schizophrenia showed significantly reduced scores of cognitive empathy compared to healthy controls and individuals at CHR-P. Individuals at CHR-P were characterized by significantly lower scores of emotional empathy and unspecific arousal for both positive and negative affective valences compared to matched healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia. Results also indicated a correlation of lower scores of emotional empathy and arousal with higher scores of prodromal symptoms. Conclusion Findings suggest that the tendency to 'feel with' an interaction partner is reduced in individuals at CHR-P. Altered emotional reactivity may represent an additional, early vulnerability marker, even if cognitive mentalizing is grossly unimpaired in the prodromal stage. Different mechanisms might contribute to reductions of cognitive and emotional empathy in different stages of non-affective psychotic disorders and should be further explored

    Distinguishing Parkinson's disease from atypical parkinsonian syndromes using PET data and a computer system based on support vector machines and Bayesian networks

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    Differentiating between Parkinson's disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonian syndromes (APS) is still a challenge, specially at early stages when the patients show similar symptoms. During last years, several computer systems have been proposed in order to improve the diagnosis of PD, but their accuracy is still limited. In this work we demonstrate a full automatic computer system to assist the diagnosis of PD using 18F-DMFP PET data. First, a few regions of interest are selected by means of a two-sample t-test. The accuracy of the selected regions to separate PD from APS patients is then computed using a support vector machine classifier. The accuracy values are finally used to train a Bayesian network that can be used to predict the class of new unseen data. This methodology was evaluated using a database with 87 neuroimages, achieving accuracy rates over 78%. A fair comparison with other similar approaches is also provided.This work is part of a project approved by the Andalucía Talent Hub Program launched by the Andalusian Knowledge Agency, co-funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program, Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (COFUND Grant Agreement no 291780) and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Junta de Andalucía. The work was also supported by the University of Granada (Spain), the University for Munich (Germany), the MICINN (Spain) under the TEC2012–34306 project and the Consejera de Innovacin, Ciencia y Empresa (Junta de Andaluca, Spain) under the P11–TIC–7103 excellence project

    Verbal working memory and functional large-scale networks in schizophrenia

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    The aim of this study was to test whether bilinear and nonlinear effective connectivity (EC) measures of working memory fMRI data can differentiate between patients with schizophrenia (SZ) and healthy controls (HC). We applied bilinear and nonlinear Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) for the analysis of verbal working memory in 16 SZ and 21 HC. The connection strengths with nonlinear modulation between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the ventral tegmental area/substantia nigra (VTA/SN) were evaluated. We used Bayesian Model Selection at the group and family levels to compare the optimal bilinear and nonlinear models. Bayesian Model Averaging was used to assess the connection strengths with nonlinear modulation. The DCM analyses revealed that SZ and HC used different bilinear networks despite comparable behavioral performance. In addition, the connection strengths with nonlinear modulation between the DLPFC and the VTA/SN area showed differences between SZ and HC. The adoption of different functional networks in SZ and HC indicated neurobiological alterations underlying working memory performance, including different connection strengths with nonlinear modulation between the DLPFC and the VTA/SN area. These novel findings may increase our understanding of connectivity in working memory in schizophrenia

    The electroretinogram:a useful tool for evaluating age-related macular disease?

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    With an ageing population, the number of age-related macular disease (ARMD) cases will inevitably rise. This gives greater impetus for the need to identify the disease earlier and assess treatments to slow disease progression. Differing electroretinogram (ERG) modalities have been reviewed in relation to the objective assessment of retinal function in ARMD and for monitoring the effectiveness of clinical interventions. Conflicting results have been found with regard to the efficacy of ERG findings in the investigation of ARMD in previous years. The newer multifocal ERG paradigm provides spatial topographical information about retinal function in ARMD. It has shown promising results in monitoring effectiveness of clinical interventions and studies are continuing in this area. Better knowledge of retinal function in ARMD may lead to enhanced treatments at each phase of the disease

    Human subcortical brain asymmetries in 15,847 people worldwide reveal effects of age and sex

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    The two hemispheres of the human brain differ functionally and structurally. Despite over a century of research, the extent to which brain asymmetry is influenced by sex, handedness, age, and genetic factors is still controversial. Here we present the largest ever analysis of subcortical brain asymmetries, in a harmonized multi-site study using meta-analysis methods. Volumetric asymmetry of seven subcortical structures was assessed in 15,847 MRI scans from 52 datasets worldwide. There were sex differences in the asymmetry of the globus pallidus and putamen. Heritability estimates, derived from 1170 subjects belonging to 71 extended pedigrees, revealed that additive genetic factors influenced the asymmetry of these two structures and that of the hippocampus and thalamus. Handedness had no detectable effect on subcortical asymmetries, even in this unprecedented sample size, but the asymmetry of the putamen varied with age. Genetic drivers of asymmetry in the hippocampus, thalamus and basal ganglia may affect variability in human cognition, including susceptibility to psychiatric disorders

    Stereoscopic displays for air traffic control: conflict judgement performance as a function of visualisation, task characteristics and expertise

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    Three different stereoscopic 3D visualisations are compared with the 2D display currently used at air traffic control (ATC) controller working positions. Using safety critical air traffic scenarios, air traffic controllers (ATCOs), pilots, and two groups of laypersons, one of which with appropriate training, are asked to judge safety critical scenarios showing two converging aircraft. To simulate the cognitive demands ATCOs have to face when required to process both visual information of the traffic situation display and auditory information caused by incoming radio messages at the same time, an auditory task is added. Due to the experimental manipulation of visualisation-, task-, and person-related variables, the results allow for an explanation of the inconsistent results that have been reported in studies evaluating the use of 3D for ATC. Analyses reveal that performance differences between 2D and 3D depend on both task characteristics and the level of expertise. While the judgement certainty of 2D and 3D is virtually equal in all cases of conflict, the observed differences between the modes of visualisation appear to be due to the dimension on which the aircraft miss each other in case of separation. When judgement certainty is ignored, no noteworthy differences appear. Thus, the results depend on the individual response criterion, because it represents the level of uncertainty the operator is willing to accept

    Nonlinear pulse compression in a multi-pass cell

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    We demonstrate a scheme for nonlinear pulse compression at high average powers based on self-phase modulation in a multi-pass cell using fused silica as the nonlinear medium. The scheme is suitable for compression of pulses with peak powers exceeding the threshold for critical self-focusing. At >400  W of input power, the pulses of a Yb:YAG-Innoslab laser system (10 MHz repetition rate, 850 fs pulse duration) are spectrally broadened from 1.6 to >13.5  nm bandwidth while maintaining almost diffraction-limited beam quality. The chirp is removed with a dispersive mirror compressor, and pulse durations of 170 fs at an output power of 375 W are achieved. The compression unit reaches an overall transmission of >90%