558 research outputs found

    A model for error detection and correction

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    The aim of our work is to investigate how a relatively small set of clauses can be transformed into a running program capable of solving a number of problems. The problems are chosen from the domain of simple arithmetic, algebra and letter series completion. We describe how the problems are solved, how errors are detected and corrected by modification of the existing clauses.Various techniques useful in the process of error detection and correction are described in detail. Two types of errors are dealt with: selection errors arising due to incorrect selection of clauses, and instantiation errors arising when the partial results (subgoals) are not specific enough.The system described was implemented in Prolog

    Comparison of SVM and some older classification algorithms in text classification tasks

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    Document classification has already been widely studied. In fact, some studies compared feature selection techniques or feature space transformation whereas some others compared the performance of different algorithms. Recently, following the rising interest towards the Support Vector Machine, various studies showed that SVM outperforms other classification algorithms. So should we just not bother about other classification algorithms and opt always for SVM We have decided to investigate this issue and compared SVM to kNN and naive Bayes on binary classification tasks. An important issue is to compare optimized versions of these algorithms, which is what we have done. Our results show all the classifiers achieved comparable performance on most problems. One surprising result is that SVM was not a clear winner, despite quite good overall performance. If a suitable preprocessing is used with kNN, this algorithm continues to achieve very good results and scales up well with the number of documents, which is not the case for SVM. As for naive Bayes, it also achieved good performance.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Knowledge Acquisition and Data MiningRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Association and Temporality between News and Tweets

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    With the advent of social media, the boundaries of mainstream journalism and social networks are becoming blurred. User-generated content is increasing, and hence, journalists dedicate considerable time searching platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to announce, spread, and monitor news and crowd check information. Many studies have looked at social networks as news sources, but the relationship and interconnections between this type of platform and news media have not been thoroughly investigated. In this work, we have studied a series of news articles and examined a set of related comments on a social network during a period of six months. Specifically, a sample of articles from generalist Portuguese news sources published in the first semester of 2016 was clustered, and the resulting clusters were then associated with tweets of Portuguese users with the recourse to a similarity measure. Focusing on a subset of clusters, we have performed a temporal analysis by examining the evolution of the two types of documents (articles and tweets) and the timing of when they appeared. It appears that for some stories, namely Brexit and the European Football Cup, the publishing of news articles intensifies on key dates (event-oriented), while the discussion on social media is more balanced throughout the months leading up to those events.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of neural networks in finding a game solution

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    Unity 3D, jednostavan program za izradu igara, uz ML-Agents dodatak pruža nove usluge treniranja umjetne inteligencije da izvršava određene zadatke. Treniranje agenata ne ovisi samo o jačini CPU ili GPU, već ovisi i o okruženju koje stvorimo za agente te mehanici nagrađivanja koju napišemo u kodu. Agenti uče uz pomoć neuronske mreže kojoj mi određujemo broj ulaza, odnosno opservacija te broj izlaza, odnosno akcija koje agent izvršava. Vrlo je bitno agenta postepeno učiti od lakših pa sve do težih zadataka. Da bismo trenirali agente kroz Unity i ML-Agents dodatak, nije potrebno dodatno znanje o neuronskim mrežama zbog toga što nam funkcije neuronske mreže izvršava TensorFlow u pozadini, algoritmom PPO kojeg mi ne mijenjamo.Unity 3D, simple program for creating games, with ML-Agents addition gives new services of training artificial intelligence to do the specific tasks. Training agents do not depend only on strength of CPU or GPU, but it depends more on the environment which we create for agents and also the mechanic of rewarding that we write in code. Agents learn throughout the help of neuron network whom we determine the number of inputs, also called observations and the number of outputs, also called actions that the agent needs to do. It is very important for the agent to be learnt step by step from very easy to very hard tasks. To train agents throughout Unity and ML-Agents, it is not necessary to know additional knowledge about neural networks because all functions of the neural network are done by TensorFlow in the background, by algorithm PPO which we do not change by hand

    The Impact of Local Broadband Access on High School Graduation Rates

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    The United States government has been funding infrastructure expansions and upgrades to bring Internet access to schools and households. While this broadband funding has increased access and adoption, it is unclear how improvements in Internet access affect student performance because Internet access has both productivity and distraction effects. The Internet provides students with access to vast amounts of educational content, instructional videos and other valuable resources that increase productivity. It also provides students access to social media, video games and other forms of entertainment that distract students and reduce student performance. While the literature shows that advances in technology (computers) and Internet access improve firm performance (Brynjolfsson and Hitt 1996), recent studies find that increased access to the Internet has almost no effect on student performance. Using a dataset of 247 counties in Texas with broadband penetration and graduation rates in public schools in 2000, 2010 and 2017, I find that a 10 percentage-point increase in broadband penetration is associated with a statistically significant 1.83 percentage-point increase in graduation rates after correcting for endogeneity. This result differs from what other published literature find on this topic

    A Meta-Learning Method to Select the Kernel Width in Support Vector Regression

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    Web aplikacija za kontrolu unosa i trošenja kalorija napravljena je prema pravilniku ocjenjivanja Fakulteta elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek iz 2019. Aplikacija računa broj unešenih i potrošenih kalorija pomoću osnovih podataka o makronutrijentima iz baze podataka ovisno o korisnikovoj visini, težini i tjelesnoj aktivnosti. Za kreiranje klijentskog dijela aplikacije korišteni su HTML, CSS, Bootstrap i JavaScript, a na poslužiteljskoj je strani korišten PHP i MySQL na stvarnom Linux serveru. Za upravljanje bazom podataka može se koristiti cPanel ili super-administratorski dio unutar same aplikacije. Ključne riječi: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, baza podataka, web aplikacija, kalorijeA Web application for controlling calorie intake and consumption was made according to the assessment criteria of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek from 2019. The application calculates the calorie intake and consumption using basic data on macronutrients from the database depending on the user's height, weight and physical activity. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript were used to create the client's aspect of the application, and PHP and MySQL were used on the realtime Linux server. Manipulation of the database can be done through the cPanel or super-administrator's part within the application itself