2,014 research outputs found

    Losing my Religion: Contextualizing Continental Catholic Seminaries in the Elizabethan Reformation, 1558-1603

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    This dissertation examines the impact and influence of a portion of the early modern Jesuit seminary network within the narrative of the Counter Reformation. Following the rise of Elizabeth I, a significant number of Catholic recusants fled England to take up residence in a series of schools spread across Europe with the intention of completing their education and later contributing to the efforts to preserve Catholicism in their homeland. This dissertation argues that these schools played a significant role in the course of the “English Mission,” contributing to its conception, escalation, and eventual collapse in the late sixteenth century. Despite the unified vision for the reconversion of England shared across these schools, divisions within the varied factions of the Catholic response to Elizabethan Protestantism, as well as within the Jesuit seminaries themselves, led to divided approaches to the English Mission’s conduct. As a result, reconversion efforts proceeded haphazardly, and they gradually intensified to the point of violence and crusade against Elizabeth and her realm before the Mission collapsed following the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Even in the waning years of Elizabeth’s life, the main organizers of the seminary network and the English Mission continued to call for Elizabeth’s removal from power; however, new developments in European political theory turned the major European powers away from England and left the remaining recusants with little support in their efforts. By the time of Elizabeth’s death, the English Mission had failed as a result of internal divisions and an inability to reconcile with the shifting nature of early modern political thought on the part of the administrators of the continental seminary network

    On the enterprise modelling of an educational information infrastructure

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    In this report, we present the outcomes of exercising a design trajectory in respect of the modelling of an educational information infrastructure. The\ud infrastructure aims to support the organisation of teaching and learning activities, independently of any particular didactic policy. The design trajectory focuses on capturing invariant structures of relations between entities in educational organisation into Enterprise object models that underlie the design of the intended educational infrastructure.\ud An early-developed prototype of the infrastructure has emphasised the need for an Educational Model Space to determine the modelling and problem domain context apriori to modelling. In this space, educational requirements have been elaborated towards the Open Distributed Processing (ODP) Enterprise Viewpoint object models expressed in terms of the Unified Modelling Language (UML).\ud Recursive structures have been used to capture the dynamic needs of education. Furthermore, these structures are uniform for the planning, performance and evaluation activities of education. The Enterprise models developed can be used to derive the Information Viewpoint models and to further optimise the prototype of the infrastructure. In this work, we have managed to fruitfully combine educational and computer science modelling inputs by using ODP and UML as a bridge for this interdisciplinary collaboration

    Tele-education Process Modelling supported by the ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language

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    This paper reports on applying the ODP enterprise viewpoint in the domain of tele-education. The work is conducted as part of a research activity that aims at designing a tele-education system to support planning, execution and evaluation of dynamic distributed educational processes. We explore the ODP enterprise viewpoint as a basis for communication and co-operation between educational scientists and ODP systems designers involved in the design process. Our application of the enterprise viewpoint involves four main steps. First, an educational language is proposed to describe educational processes in generic terms. Second, a set of appropriate enterprise language concepts is selected. Third, a relationship is established between the educational language and enterprise language concepts. Fourth, an educational process is modelled in terms of an entity-oriented model and a behaviour-oriented model. It is hoped that the experience gained in this exercise will provide useful feedback to both the educational and ODP communitie

    Avances de investigación: Configuración actual de los Servicios de Orientación Educativa en el Sistema Universitario estatal argentino.

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    Actualmente el sistema educativo universitario se enfrenta a diversas problemáticas y conflictos, que atraviesan las dimensiones no sólo pedagógicas e institucionales, sino también las económico-sociales e incluso, la subjetiva. Algunas de las dificultades más preocupantes se observan en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes: las estrategias de estudio insuficientes o incorrectas, las dudas vocacionales, la inserción a la vida universitaria, el proceso de desgranamiento de la matrícula, los problemas de retención y demora en el egreso, la desmotivación en relación a la carrera y los temores respecto de la futura inserción laboral, entre otros. A esto se le suman las diversas problemáticas psicosociales que atraviesan la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes (problemas de salud, económicos, familiares, etc.) y las dificultades propias de las instituciones educativas tales como el clima institucional, las formas de enfrentar y resolver conflictos, los estilos de comunicación, las normativas y reglamentaciones. Frente a este escenario la Orientación Educativa cobra relevancia como herramienta que contribuye a revertir estas situaciones. Sin embargo, a pesar de que los Servicios de Orientación Educativa de las Universidades son cada vez más interpelados y demandados, en su mayoría, aún no cuentan con el reconocimiento institucional acorde a la importancia de las funciones que desempeñan. Es pertinente destacar que los intentos de sistematizar y analizar la configuración y funcionamiento de los Servicios de Orientación Universitaria en nuestro país, resultan vagos y escasos. Incluso, como dato a resaltar, la misma Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación no cuenta con un registro acerca de la situación de dichos servicios y desconoce su conformación actual. Por estos motivos, se considera que la presente investigación diagnóstica podrá resultar un valioso e inédito aporte para la comprensión del escenario actual de la orientación educativa en las universidades argentinas

    Чому не побачила світ рецензія Євгена Гуцала на книжку Григора Тютюнника?

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    Dit artikel doet verslag van een beschrijvend onderzoek naar de burgerschapsdoelen die leraren in de beroepsgerichte vakken in de bovenbouw van het vmbo in hun lessen nastreven en de wijze waarop ze aan die doelen werken. Vijftien vakleraren, werkzaam in diverse sectoren werden geïnterviewd. De leraren zeggen weinig bezig te zijn met burgerschap als thema en doel. Tegelijkertijd besteden ze wel aandacht aan maatschappelijk verantwoord handelen en aan zelfkennis, vaardigheden en houdingen die te maken hebben met de relatie van de leerling tot anderen en de samenleving. In de context van het leren in levensechte beroepscontexten werken ze onder meer aan samenwerken, een goede werk- en beroepshouding en, met name in het geval van het technisch onderwijs, gezamenlijke zorg voor en reflectie op de kwaliteit van het werk. In de discussie gaan we in op de mogelijkheden voor een, in vergelijking tot algemene vormen van onderwijs, relatief eigen karakter van burgerschapsvorming in het vmbo en leggen een relatie met Sennetts visie op vakmanschap als burgerschap