346 research outputs found

    Effect of selection on ancestry: an exactly soluble case and its phenomenological generalization

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    We consider a family of models describing the evolution under selection of a population whose dynamics can be related to the propagation of noisy traveling waves. For one particular model, that we shall call the exponential model, the properties of the traveling wave front can be calculated exactly, as well as the statistics of the genealogy of the population. One striking result is that, for this particular model, the genealogical trees have the same statistics as the trees of replicas in the Parisi mean-field theory of spin glasses. We also find that in the exponential model, the coalescence times along these trees grow like the logarithm of the population size. A phenomenological picture of the propagation of wave fronts that we introduced in a previous work, as well as our numerical data, suggest that these statistics remain valid for a larger class of models, while the coalescence times grow like the cube of the logarithm of the population size.Comment: 26 page

    Anderson transition on the Cayley tree as a traveling wave critical point for various probability distributions

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    For Anderson localization on the Cayley tree, we study the statistics of various observables as a function of the disorder strength WW and the number NN of generations. We first consider the Landauer transmission TNT_N. In the localized phase, its logarithm follows the traveling wave form lnTNlnTNˉ+lnt\ln T_N \simeq \bar{\ln T_N} + \ln t^* where (i) the disorder-averaged value moves linearly ln(TN)ˉNξloc\bar{\ln (T_N)} \simeq - \frac{N}{\xi_{loc}} and the localization length diverges as ξloc(WWc)νloc\xi_{loc} \sim (W-W_c)^{-\nu_{loc}} with νloc=1\nu_{loc}=1 (ii) the variable tt^* is a fixed random variable with a power-law tail P(t)1/(t)1+β(W)P^*(t^*) \sim 1/(t^*)^{1+\beta(W)} for large tt^* with 0<β(W)1/20<\beta(W) \leq 1/2, so that all integer moments of TNT_N are governed by rare events. In the delocalized phase, the transmission TNT_N remains a finite random variable as NN \to \infty, and we measure near criticality the essential singularity ln(T)ˉWcWκT\bar{\ln (T)} \sim - | W_c-W |^{-\kappa_T} with κT0.25\kappa_T \sim 0.25. We then consider the statistical properties of normalized eigenstates, in particular the entropy and the Inverse Participation Ratios (I.P.R.). In the localized phase, the typical entropy diverges as (WWc)νS(W-W_c)^{- \nu_S} with νS1.5\nu_S \sim 1.5, whereas it grows linearly in NN in the delocalized phase. Finally for the I.P.R., we explain how closely related variables propagate as traveling waves in the delocalized phase. In conclusion, both the localized phase and the delocalized phase are characterized by the traveling wave propagation of some probability distributions, and the Anderson localization/delocalization transition then corresponds to a traveling/non-traveling critical point. Moreover, our results point towards the existence of several exponents ν\nu at criticality.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures, comments welcom

    Random tree growth by vertex splitting

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    We study a model of growing planar tree graphs where in each time step we separate the tree into two components by splitting a vertex and then connect the two pieces by inserting a new link between the daughter vertices. This model generalises the preferential attachment model and Ford's α\alpha-model for phylogenetic trees. We develop a mean field theory for the vertex degree distribution, prove that the mean field theory is exact in some special cases and check that it agrees with numerical simulations in general. We calculate various correlation functions and show that the intrinsic Hausdorff dimension can vary from one to infinity, depending on the parameters of the model.Comment: 47 page

    Burn Center Organization and Cellular Therapy Integration: Managing Risks and Costs.

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    The complex management of severe burn victims requires an integrative collaboration of multidisciplinary specialists in order to ensure quality and excellence in healthcare. This multidisciplinary care has quickly led to the integration of cell therapies in clinical care of burn patients. Specific advances in cellular therapy together with medical care have allowed for rapid treatment, shorter residence in hospitals and intensive care units, shorter durations of mechanical ventilation, lower complications and surgery interventions, and decreasing mortality rates. However, naturally fluctuating patient admission rates increase pressure toward optimized resource utilization. Besides, European translational developments of cellular therapies currently face potentially jeopardizing challenges on the policy front. The aim of the present work is to provide key considerations in burn care with focus on architectural and organizational aspects of burn centers, management of cellular therapy products, and guidelines in evolving restrictive regulations relative to standardized cell therapies. Thus, based on our experience, we present herein integrated management of risks and costs for preserving and optimizing clinical care and cellular therapies for patients in dire need

    The Physical Properties and Effective Temperature Scale of O-type Stars as a Function of Metallicity. II. Analysis of 20 More Magellanic Cloud Stars, and Results from the Complete Sample

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    We analyze the optical and UV spectra of an additional sample of 20 Magellanic Cloud O stars, and draw conclusions from the complete sample of 40 stars. We find (1) The SMC O3-7 dwarfs are about 4000 K cooler than their Galactic counterparts; this is in the sense expected from the decreased signficiance of line-blanketing and wind-blanketing at lower metallicities. The difference decreases with later types, becoming negligible by B0 V. A similar difference is found for the supergiants. (2) The wind momentum of these stars scales with luminosity and metallicty in the ways predicted by radiatively-driven wind theory. (3) A comparison of the masses derived from spectroscopy with those derived from stellar evolutionary theory shows a significant discrepancy for stars hotter than 45000, although good agreement is found for cooler stars. (4) For the hottest O stars (O2-3.5) neither the NIII/NIV ratio, nor even the HeI/HeII ratio, does a good job of predicting the effective temperature by itself. Instead, a full analysis is needed to derive physical parameters. Thus there are O3.5V stars which are as hot or hotter than stars classified as O2V. (5) The two stars with the most discordant radial velocities in our sample happen to be O3 "field stars". This provides the first compelling observational evidence that the "field" O stars in the Magellanic Clouds may be runaway OB stars, ejected from their birth place.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. A version with higher-resolution figures may be found at ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/massey/haw2final.pdf This replacement included a revised version of Fig 29a and the accompanying tex

    Genomes 2000 International Conference on Microbial and Model Genomes

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    On direct comparison of minimal sets of ordered clones from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries representing the complete genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and the vaccine strain, Mycobacterium bovis BCG Pasteur, two major rearrangements were identified in the genome of M. bovis BCG Pasteur. These were shown to correspond to two tandem duplications, DU1 and DU2, of 29 668 bp and 36 161 bp, respectively. While DU1 resulted from a single duplication event, DU2 apparently arose from duplication of a 100 kb genomic segment that subsequently incurred an internal deletion of 64 kb. Several lines of evidence suggest that DU2 may continue to expand, since two copies were detected in a subpopulation of BCG Pasteur cells. BCG strains harbouring DU1 and DU2 are diploid for at least 58 genes and contain two copies of oriC, the chromosomal origin of replication. These findings indicate that these genomic regions of the BCG genome are still dynamic. Although the role of DU1 and DU2 in the attenuation and/or altered immunogenicity of BCG is yet unknown, knowledge of their existence will facilitate quality control of BCG vaccine lots and may help in monitoring the efficacy of the world's most widely used vaccine

    Ultrahigh-power micrometre-sized supercapacitors based on onion-like carbon

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    Electrochemical capacitors, also called supercapacitors, store energy in two closely spaced layers with opposing charges, and are used to power hybrid electric vehicles, portable electronic equipment and other devices¹. By offering fast charging and discharging rates, and the ability to sustain millions of ²⁻⁵, electrochemical capacitors bridge the gap between batteries, which offer high energy densities but are slow, and conventional electrolytic capacitors, which are fast but have low energy densities. Here, we demonstrate microsupercapacitors with powers per volume that are comparable to electrolytic capacitors, capacitances that are four orders of magnitude higher, and energies per volume that are an order of magnitude higher. We also measured discharge rates of up to 200 V s⁻¹, which is three orders of magnitude higher than conventional supercapacitors. The microsupercapacitors are produced by the electrophoretic deposition of a several micrometre-thick layer of nanostructured carbon onions⁶‚⁷ with diameters of 6-7 nm. Integration of these nanoparticles in a microdevice with a high surface-to-volume ratio, without the use of organic binders and polymer separators, improves performance because of the ease with which ions can access the active material. Increasing the energy density and discharge rates of supercapacitors will enable them to compete with batteries and conventional electrolytic capacitors in a number of applications

    Search for squarks and gluinos in events with isolated leptons, jets and missing transverse momentum at s√=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    The results of a search for supersymmetry in final states containing at least one isolated lepton (electron or muon), jets and large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are reported. The search is based on proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy s√=8 TeV collected in 2012, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20 fb−1. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed. Limits are set on supersymmetric particle masses for various supersymmetric models. Depending on the model, the search excludes gluino masses up to 1.32 TeV and squark masses up to 840 GeV. Limits are also set on the parameters of a minimal universal extra dimension model, excluding a compactification radius of 1/R c = 950 GeV for a cut-off scale times radius (ΛR c) of approximately 30