428 research outputs found

    Eddies in the southern Mozambique Channel

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    The Agulhas Current system contains one of the world's strongest western boundary currents, and plays an important part in the warm water path of the global thermohaline circulation. However, there have been few surveys of the source regions of the Agulhas Current, and thus little in situ measurement of their variability. Utilizing the more than 5-year record of SeaWiFS data, we examine the eddy activity present in the southern portion of the Mozambique Channel. The two sources of Agulhas input from the central Indian Ocean (southward flow through the Mozambique Channel and westward flow around the southern limit of Madagascar) both show great temporal variability, with no clear seasonal signal. A number of large (-200 km diameter) anticyclonic rings intermittently propagate poleward along the western edge of the channel, sweeping coastal waters into mid channel. Their passage past Maputo appears to affect the circulation of the lee eddy in the Delagoa Bight. The eastern side of the channel is mainly characterized by cyclonic eddies. These are made manifest in the lee of the southern tip of Madagascar, although it is not clear whether many form there or just develop a visible presence due to entrainment of high chlorophyll coastal waters. Several of these cyclonic eddies then appear to move in west-southwesterly direction. The chlorophyll data do reveal the East Madagascar retroflection on occasions, but do not show clear examples of the pinching off of anticyclonic eddies. However surface waters from the East Madagascar Current may reach the African mainland on occasions when no retroflection is present

    Monsoon-driven biogeochemical processes in the Arabian Sea

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    Although it is nominally a tropical locale, the semiannual wind reversals associated with the Monsoon system of the Arabian Sea result annually in two distinct periods of elevated biological activity. While in both cases monsoonal forcing drives surface layer nutrient enrichment that supports increased rates of primary productivity, fundamentally different entrainment mechanisms are operating in summer (Southwest) and winter (Northeast) Monsoons. Moreover, the intervening intermonsoon periods, during which the region relaxes toward oligotrophic conditions more typical of tropical environments, provide a stark contrast to the dynamic biogeochemical activity of the monsoons. The resulting spatial and temporal variability is great and provides a significant challenge for ship-based surveys attempting to characterize the physical and biogeochemical environments of the region. This was especially true for expeditions in the pre-satellite era. Here, we present an overview of the dynamical response to seasonal monsoonal forcing and the characteristics of the physical environment that fundamentally drive regional biogeochemical variability. We then review past observations of the biological distributions that provided our initial insights into the pelagic system of the Arabian Sea. These evolved through the 1980s as additional methodologies, in particular the first synoptic ocean color distributions gathered by the Coastal Zone Color Scanner, became available. Through analyses of these observations and the first largescale physical–biogeochemical modeling attempts, a pre-JGOFS understanding of the Arabian Sea emerged. During the 1990s, the in situ and remotely sensed observational databases were significantly extended by regional JGOFS activities and the onset of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor ocean color measurements. Analyses of these new data and coupled physical–biogeochemical models have already advanced our understanding and have led to either an amplification or revision of the pre-JGOFS paradigms. Our understanding of this complex and variable ocean region is still evolving. Nonetheless, we have a much better understanding of time–space variability of biogeochemical properties in the Arabian Sea and much deeper insights about the physical and biological factors that drive them, as well as a number of challenging new directions to pursue

    Inter-annual and decadal variation in the pelagic marine ecosystem of the Yellow and East China seas

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    The water-leaving radiance measurements and chlorophyll concentrations of the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) and the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) were compared to investigate decadal trends in the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS). A unified bio-optical algorithm was derived to convert CZCS pigments to SeaWiFS chlorophyll concentrations. The conversion is applied to level-2 CZCS data. We established monthly variations in the stratified and well-mixed areas using a coupled ocean wave-circulation model and the ocean color satellite data for estimating primary productivity in the Yellow Sea using satellite observations. The model results were compared with remotely sensed sea surface temperature and water-leaving radiance at 667nm derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to develop a method to differentiate stratified and well-mixed waters using remote sensing data. We used and modified an existing primary productivity algorithm to estimate phytoplankton primary production using satellite data in the Yellow Sea. The Yellow Sea was first partitioned into three subregions based on the bathymetry and physical features to parameterize the algorithm. A local empirical chlorophyll algorithm was applied to derive more accurate chlorophyll concentration in the Yellow Sea and an approach was presented for estimating the diffuse attenuation coefficient. We investigated whether it was necessary to model the vertical biomass profile. Finally, the algorithm was applied to derive the primary production in the Yellow Sea. The primary production derived using the local algorithm was higher in the middle of the Yellow Sea in May and September than in the shallower (\u3c50 m) coastal areas. The low primary production in the coastal areas is caused by high turbidity due to strong tides and shallow depths. Lower turbidity in the middle of the Yellow Sea allows the light energy for primary production to penetrate to a deeper depth. Our computation of daily total primary production for the entire the Yellow Sea is 19.7 x 104 tonC d-1 in May and 15.8 x 10 4 tonC d-1 in September, and the annual total primary production in the Yellow Sea was 50.1 x 106 tonC yr-1. The resulting maps of primary production calculated from the remotely sensed data provide the first synoptic views of primary production in the Yellow Sea. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    The Arabian Sea as a high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll region during the late Southwest Monsoon

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 7 (2010): 2091-2100, doi:10.5194/bg-7-2091-2010.Extensive observations were made during the late Southwest Monsoon of 2004 over the Indian and Omani shelves, and along a transect that extended from the southern coast of Oman to the central west coast of India, tracking the southern leg of the US JGOFS expedition (1994–1995) in the west. The data are used, in conjunction with satellite-derived data, to investigate long-term trends in chlorophyll and sea surface temperature, indicators of upwelling intensity, and to understand factors that control primary production (PP) in the Arabian Sea, focussing on the role of iron. Our results do not support an intensification of upwelling in the western Arabian Sea, reported to have been caused by the decline in the winter/spring Eurasian snow cover since 1997. We also noticed, for the first time, an unexpected development of high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll condition off the southern Omani coast. This feature, coupled with other characteristics of the system, such as a narrow shelf and relatively low iron concentrations in surface waters, suggest a close similarity between the Omani upwelling system and the Peruvian and California upwelling systems, where PP is limited by iron. Iron limitation of PP may complicate simple relationship between upwelling and PP assumed by previous workers, and contribute to the anomalous offshore occurrence of the most severe oxygen (O2) depletion in the region. Over the much wider Indian shelf, which experiences large-scale bottom water O2-depletion in summer, adequate iron supply from reducing bottom-waters and sediments seems to support moderately high PP; however, such production is restricted to the thin, oxygenated surface layer, probably because of the unsuitability of the O2-depleted environment for the growth of oxygenic photosynthesizers.Financial support was provided by CSIR through the Network Project CMM0009 to SWAN and by NSF through OCE-0327227S to JWM

    Biogeochemical and ecological impacts of boundary currents in the Indian Ocean

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    Monsoon forcing and the unique geomorphology of the Indian Ocean basin result in complex boundary currents, which are unique in many respects. In the northern Indian Ocean, several boundary current systems reverse seasonally. For example, upwelling coincident with northward-flowing currents along the coast of Oman during the Southwest Monsoon gives rise to high productivity which also alters nutrient stoichiometry and therefore, the species composition of the resulting phytoplankton blooms. During the Northeast Monsoon most of the northern Indian Ocean boundary currents reverse and favor downwelling. Higher trophic level species have evolved behavioral responses to these seasonally changing conditions. Examples from the western Arabian Sea include vertical feeding migrations of a copepod (Calanoides carinatus) and the reproductive cycle of a large pelagic fish (Scomberomorus commerson). The impacts of these seasonal current reversals and changes in upwelling and downwelling circulations are also manifested in West Indian coastal waters, where they influence dissolved oxygen concentrations and have been implicated in massive fish kills. The winds and boundary currents reverse seasonally in the Bay of Bengal, though the associated changes in upwelling and productivity are less pronounced. Nonetheless, their effects are observed on the East Indian shelf as, for example, seasonal changes in copepod abundance and zooplankton community structure. In contrast, south of Sri Lanka seasonal reversals in the boundary currents are associated with dramatic changes in the intensity of coastal upwelling, chlorophyll concentration, and catch per unit effort of fishes. Off the coast of Java, monsoon-driven changes in the currents and upwelling strongly impact chlorophyll concentrations, seasonal vertical migrations of zooplankton, and sardine catch in Bali Strait. In the southern hemisphere the Leeuwin is a downwelling-favorable current that flows southward along western Australia, though local wind forcing can lead to transient near shore current reversals and localized coastal upwelling. The poleward direction of this eastern boundary current is unique. Due to its high kinetic energy the Leeuwin Current sheds anomalous, relatively high chlorophyll, warm-core, downwelling eddies that transport coastal diatom communities westward into open ocean waters. Variations in the Leeuwin transport and eddy generation impact many higher trophic level species including the recruitment and fate of rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) larvae. In contrast, the transport of the Agulhas Current is very large, with sources derived from the Mozambique Channel, the East Madagascar Current and the southwest Indian Ocean sub-gyre. Dynamically, the Agulhas Current is upwelling favorable; however, the spatial distribution of prominent surface manifestations of upwelling is controlled by local wind and topographic forcing. Meanders and eddies in the Agulhas Current propagate alongshore and interact with seasonal changes in the winds and topographic features. These give rise to seasonally variable localized upwelling and downwelling circulations with commensurate changes in primary production and higher trophic level responses. Due to the strong influence of the Agulhas Current, many neritic fish species in southeast Africa coastal waters have evolved highly selective behaviors and reproductive patterns for successful retention of planktonic eggs and larvae. For example, part of the Southern African sardine (Sardinops sagax) stock undergoes a remarkable northward migration enhanced by transient cyclonic eddies in the shoreward boundary of the Agulhas Current. There is evidence from the paleoceanographic record that these currents and their biogeochemical and ecological impacts have changed significantly over glacial to interglacial timescales. These changes are explored as a means of providing insight into the potential impacts of climate change in the Indian Ocean

    A review of ocean color remote sensing methods and statistical techniques for the detection, mapping and analysis of phytoplankton blooms in coastal and open oceans

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    The need for more effective environmental monitoring of the open and coastal ocean has recently led to notable advances in satellite ocean color technology and algorithm research. Satellite ocean color sensors' data are widely used for the detection, mapping and monitoring of phytoplankton blooms because earth observation provides a synoptic view of the ocean, both spatially and temporally. Algal blooms are indicators of marine ecosystem health; thus, their monitoring is a key component of effective management of coastal and oceanic resources. Since the late 1970s, a wide variety of operational ocean color satellite sensors and algorithms have been developed. The comprehensive review presented in this article captures the details of the progress and discusses the advantages and limitations of the algorithms used with the multi-spectral ocean color sensors CZCS, SeaWiFS, MODIS and MERIS. Present challenges include overcoming the severe limitation of these algorithms in coastal waters and refining detection limits in various oceanic and coastal environments. To understand the spatio-temporal patterns of algal blooms and their triggering factors, it is essential to consider the possible effects of environmental parameters, such as water temperature, turbidity, solar radiation and bathymetry. Hence, this review will also discuss the use of statistical techniques and additional datasets derived from ecosystem models or other satellite sensors to characterize further the factors triggering or limiting the development of algal blooms in coastal and open ocean waters

    Comparing the spatio-temporal variability of remotely sensed oceanographic parameters between the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal throughout a decade

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    The spatio-temporal variability of sea-surface temperature (SST), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) was evaluated in the Arabian Sea (ABS) and Bay of Bengal (BoB), from July 2002 to November 2014 by means of remotely sensed monthly composite Aqua MODIS level-3 data having a spatial resolution of 4.63 km. Throughout the time period under consideration, the surface waters of ABS (27.76 ± 1.12°C) were slightly cooler than BoB (28.93 ± 0.76°C); this was observed during all the seasons. On the contrary, the availability of PAR was higher in ABS (45.76 ± 3.41 mol m-2 d-1) compared to BoB (41.75 ± 3.75 mol m-2 d-1), and its spatial dynamics in the two basins was mainly regulated by cloud cover and turbidity of the water column. The magnitude and variability of Chl-a concentration were substantially higher in ABS (0.487 ± 0.984 mg m-3), compared to BoB (0.187 ± 0.243 mg m-3), and spatially higher values were observed near the coastal waters. Both POC and PIC exhibited higher magnitudes in ABS compared to BoB; however, the difference was substantially high in case of POC. None of the parameters showed any significant temporal trend during the 12-year span, except PIC, which exhibited a significant decreasing trend in ABS

    The Sensitivity of the Southwest Monsoon Phytoplankton Bloom to Variations in Aeolian Iron Deposition over the Arabian Sea

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    [1] A coupled, 3-D biophysical ocean general circulation model is used to investigate how aeolian iron deposition affects the Arabian Sea ecosystem. Two separate aeolian iron deposition fields, derived from the GISS and GOCART atmospheric transport models, have been applied as surface boundary conditions. The model results exhibit widespread biogeochemical sensitivity to the choice of deposition field. With GOCART deposition, SW Monsoon phytoplankton blooms in the western and central Arabian Sea are enhanced and exhibit greater realism. The central Arabian Sea bloom is supported by supplemental input of horizontally advected iron from a pool that undergoes a yearlong progression that begins in the Gulf of Oman, where the difference in aeolian iron enrichment between the two deposition fields is most prevalent. The GOCART-enhanced blooms result in a more pronounced shift toward netplankton, an increase in euphotic zone export flux of up to a 20% during the SW Monsoon and an additional annual biogenic export of 3.5 TgC. The potential ramifications of regional N-cycle alteration through stimulation of N2-fixation that is promoted by significant aeolian mineral flux needs to be explored. The canonical thinking that the northern Arabian Sea is invariably iron replete is now being challenged by both our model results and recent observational studies. As well, our results indicate that Arabian Sea iron concentrations are strongly modulated by the specific nature of aeolian mineral deposition. Thus climate or land use influences on dust mobilization could exercise leading-order controls on regional biogeochemical variability, metabolic status and air-sea exchanges of CO2

    Determining potential for pollutant impacts in dynamic coastal waters: comparing morphological settings

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    The coastal focus and beach culture of Australia’s population in general, and the people of New South Wales in particular, mean that coastal systems are both highly prized and subjected to great pressures. The vast majority of the wastewater generated by the 7.3 million people of New South Wales is discharged directly to the ocean. The dispersion and fate of waterborne pollutants and their potential to impact coastal ecosystems are fundamentally determined by the dynamics of the coastal boundary layer (CBL). This turbulent interface between the coastline and the deep oceans is defined and classified for the first time in this thesis. Coastal morphologies and changes in the orientation of the coastline promote turbulence and strong gradients with extreme variability and heterogeneity over a broad range of scales. Conceptual models are presented to characterise New South Wales coastal boundary layer processes. The broad aims of this thesis are to investigate the coastal boundary layer processes that affect dispersal and advection of pollutants, and to develop conceptual models and tools to facilitate coastal management. Remote sensed ocean colour and sea surface temperature observations define meso-scale CBL phenomena, and this study demonstrates their application to support management decisions in relation to marine algal (phytoplankton) blooms. However, considerable scope exists to improve regional algorithms to deliver better ocean colour products for the optically complex (Case 2) waters of the inner coastal boundary layer. Past failures to consider the CBL (morphological) settings of pollutant discharges to coastal waters have led to inefficient pollutant discharge systems and potential environmental impacts. Two case studies, investigate the principal forcing mechanisms and demonstrate the importance of morphology in controlling the dispersion and retention times of pollutants. The first case study is focused on Sydney coastal waters where pollutant loadings are greater in magnitude and different in character than elsewhere in New South Wales. Here population pressures generate large wastewater loadings but the distances to offshore discharge locations are large compared to the scale of coastal roughness (headlands and bays) and the water is deep, thus reducing the risk of local retention of pollutants and increasing the potential for rapid dilution. By considering simulations of near field effluent plume behaviour in relation to long term ambient nutrient patterns specific periods of the year and depth intervals have been identified when outfalls would have an increased opportunity to influence bloom development, especially the upper half of the water column during late summer. However, algal blooms appear to be principally driven by seasonal oceanic nutrient enrichment. The research presented in this thesis, together with companion research previously published by the author and routine ongoing monitoring, indicate the viability of disposal of the Sydney’s excess sewage effluent (after source control and re-use options have been exhausted) via existing deepwater outfalls. In contrast, inner CBL settings with coastal irregularities (e.g. headlands and bays) have a greater propensity to trap pollutants. A new hydrodynamically relevant morphological classification of New South Wales bays, headlands and islands provides both broad context for case studies and guides preliminary assessments for other locations. This classification reveals a borderline propensity for flow separation and re-circulation in the lee of Corambirra Point which is the focus of the second case study off Coffs Harbour in northern NSW. Direct observations and 3D finite difference hydrodynamic (Eulerian) and particle tracking (Lagrangian) model simulations quantify transient re-circulation associated with local current accelerations and a persistent shear zone located in the wake to the south of Corambirra Point. The flux of ambient water across the prescribed outfall alignment increases eighteen fold, over a shear zone spanning a cross-shore distance of just 1.4km (from 1.6km to 3km offshore). In contrast, the potential for re-entrainment and trapping of effluent in transient re-circulation cells was demonstrated to be insignificant. The proposed location of the outfalls was 1.5km offshore whereas the greatest gain per unit extension of the proposed discharge point coincides with the centre of the shear zone located ~2km offshore. These case studies illustrate specific coastal boundary layer effects and indicate how an understanding of the spatial and temporal scales of these effects can be used to target more specific assessments of potential pollutant impacts. Simple morphological risk assessment tools are also presented to identify factors and processes which limit the exposure of sensitive environments to high pollutant concentrations and loads. Eddy retention effects are generally not incorporated in existing near field models but potential re-entrainment effects in wake zones can be assessed through the eddy retention value, which is introduced in this thesis. Although the approach presented here is focused on New South Wales coastal waters, the framework serves as a basis for general application elsewhere, and as a foundation for further refinement for application to NSW coastal waters. Existing scientific literature indicates that coastal boundary layer processes also shape the distributions of the biological species and communities. This further motivates the development of a process based understanding of coastal boundary layer dynamics as a fundamental platform to support environmental protection and biodiversity conservation initiatives