15 research outputs found

    Dissociation of sensitivity to spatial frequency in word and face preferential areas of the fusiform gyrus

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    Different cortical regions within the ventral occipitotemporal junction have been reported to show preferential responses to particular objects. Thus, it is argued that there is evidence for a left-lateralized visual word form area and a right-lateralized fusiform face area, but the unique specialization of these areas remains controversial. Words are characterized by greater power in the high spatial frequency (SF) range, whereas faces comprise a broader range of high and low frequencies. We investigated how these high-order visual association areas respond to simple sine-wave gratings that varied in SF. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we demonstrated lateralization of activity that was concordant with the low-level visual property of words and faces; left occipitotemporal cortex is more strongly activated by high than by low SF gratings, whereas the right occipitotemporal cortex responded more to low than high spatial frequencies. Therefore, the SF of a visual stimulus may bias the lateralization of processing irrespective of its higher order properties

    Differences in selectivity to natural images in early visual areas (V1–V3)

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    High-level regions of the ventral visual pathway respond more to intact objects compared to scrambled objects. The aim of this study was to determine if this selectivity for objects emerges at an earlier stage of processing. Visual areas (V1–V3) were defined for each participant using retinotopic mapping. Participants then viewed intact and scrambled images from different object categories (bottle, chair, face, house, shoe) while neural responses were measured using fMRI. Our rationale for using scrambled images is that they contain the same low-level properties as the intact objects, but lack the higher-order combinations of features that are characteristic of natural images. Neural responses were higher for scrambled than intact images in all regions. However, the difference between intact and scrambled images was smaller in V3 compared to V1 and V2. Next, we measured the spatial patterns of response to intact and scrambled images from different object categories. We found higher within-category compared to between category correlations for both intact and scrambled images demonstrating distinct patterns of response. Spatial patterns of response were more distinct for intact compared to scrambled images in V3, but not in V1 or V2. These findings demonstrate the emergence of selectivity to natural images in V3

    Selectivity for mid‐level properties of faces and places in the fusiform face area and parahippocampal place area

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    Regions in the ventral visual pathway, such as the fusiform face area (FFA) and parahippocampal place area (PPA), are selective for images from specific object categories. Yet images from different object categories differ in their image properties. To investigate how these image properties are represented in the FFA and PPA, we compared neural responses to locally-scrambled images (in which mid-level, spatial properties are preserved) and globally-scrambled images (in which mid-level, spatial properties are not preserved). There was a greater response in the FFA and PPA to images from the preferred category relative to their non-preferred category for the scrambled conditions. However, there was a greater selectivity for locally-scrambled compared to globally-scrambled images. Next, we compared the magnitude of fMR adaptation to intact and scrambled images. fMR-adaptation was evident to locally-scrambled images from the preferred category. However, there was no adaptation to globally-scrambled images from the preferred category. These results show that the selectivity to faces and places in the FFA and PPA is dependent on mid-level properties of the image that are preserved by local scrambling

    Spatial frequency supports the emergence of categorical representations in visual cortex during natural scene perception

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    In navigating our environment, we rapidly process and extract meaning from visual cues. However, the relationship between visual features and categorical representations in natural scene perception is still not well understood. Here, we used natural scene stimuli from different categories and filtered at different spatial frequencies to address this question in a passive viewing paradigm. Using representational similarity analysis (RSA) and cross-decoding of magnetoencephalography (MEG) data, we show that categorical representations emerge in human visual cortex at ∼180 ms and are linked to spatial frequency processing. Furthermore, dorsal and ventral stream areas reveal temporally and spatially overlapping representations of low and high-level layer activations extracted from a feedforward neural network. Our results suggest that neural patterns from extrastriate visual cortex switch from low-level to categorical representations within 200 ms, highlighting the rapid cascade of processing stages essential in human visual perception

    ERP correlates of the interactions between top-down and bottom-up processes in visual object categorization

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    Numerous studies have reported category differences between animate and inanimate objects in the early visual ERP components. However, contradictory explanations have been suggested for the underlying processes of such category differences. Both low-level physical differences and higher-level category-specific processes have been shown to modulate the visual ERPs. The present research investigates how physical features (such as amplitude spectrum and spatial frequency) and top-down processes (the categorization task that the participants perform) interact and modulate the visual ERPs. We found ERP correlates of categorical representation for animal and inanimate object categories, as well as early, task-related top-down modulation of the visual ERPs. These results indicate that top-down factors can modulate visual processing both at the level of lower-level physical features and at the level of category representations. The results are discussed in terms of shape- and/or category-selective representations and brain areas in the ventral visual pathway, and they are interpreted within the framework of flexible evidence accumulation processes

    Les attributs sous-tendant la reconnaissance d'objets visuels faits de deux composantes

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    La perception de la forme visuelle est le principal médiateur de la reconnaissance d’objets. S’il y a consensus sur le fait que la détection des contours et l’analyse de fréquences spatiales sont les fondements de la vision primaire, la hiérarchie visuelle et les étapes subséquentes du traitement de l’information impliquées dans la reconnaissance d’objets sont quant à elles encore méconnues. Les données empiriques disponibles et pertinentes concernant la nature des traits primitifs qu’utilise véritablement le système visuel humain sont rares et aucune ne semble être entièrement concluante. Dans le but de palier à ce manque de données empiriques, la présente étude vise la découverte des régions de l’image utilisées par des participants humains lors d’une tâche de reconnaissance d’objets. La technique des bulles a permis de révéler les zones diagnostiques permettant de discriminer entre les huit cibles de l’étude. Les zones ayant un effet facilitateur et celles ayant un effet inhibiteur sur les performances humaines et celles d’un observateur idéal furent identifiées. Les participants n’ont pas employé la totalité de l’information disponible dans l’image, mais seulement une infime partie, ce sont principalement les segments de contours présentant une discontinuité (i.e. convexités, concavités, intersections) qui furent sélectionnés par ces derniers afin de reconnaitre les cibles. L’identification des objets semble reposer sur des ensembles de caractéristiques distinctives de l’objet qui lui permettent d’être différencié des autres. Les informations les plus simples et utiles ont préséance et lorsqu’elles suffisent à mener à bien la tâche, le système visuel ne semble pas appliquer de traitement plus complexe, par exemple, l’encodage de caractéristiques plus complexes ou encore de conjonctions d’attributs simples. Cela appuie la notion voulant que le contexte influence la sélection des caractéristiques sous-tendant la reconnaissance d’objets et suggère que le type d’attributs varie en fonction de leur utilité dans un contexte donné.The main mediator of visual object recognition is shape perception. While there is a consensus that contour detection and spatial frequency analysis are the foundations of early vision, the visual hierarchy and the nature of information processing in the subsequent stages involved in object recognition, remain widely unknown. Available and relevant empirical data concerning the nature of the primitive features used by the human visual system to recognize objects are scarce and none seems to be entirely conclusive. To overcome this lack of empirical data, this study aims to determine which regions of the images are used by humans when performing an object recognition task. The Bubbles technique has revealed the diagnostic areas used by 12 adults an ideal observer, to discriminate between eight target objects. stimulus areas with a facilitatory or inhibitory effect on performance were identified. Humans only used a small subset of the information available to recognize the targets which consisted mostly in discontinuous contour segments (i.e. convexities, concavities, intersections). Object recognition seems to rest upon contrasting sets of features which allow objects to be discriminated from one another. The simplest and most useful information seems to take precedence and it suffices to the task, the visual system does not engage in further processing involving for instance more complex features or the encoding of conjunctions of simple features. This implies that context influences the selection of features underlying human object recognition and suggests that attribute types can vary according to their utility in a given context

    Investigating the function of the ventral visual reading pathway and its involvement in acquired reading disorders

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    This thesis investigated the role of the left ventral occipitotemporal (vOT) cortex and how damage to this area causes peripheral reading disorders. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in volunteers demonstrated that the left vOT is activated by written words over numbers or perceptually-matched baselines, irrespective of the word’s location on the visual field. Mixed results were observed for the comparison of words versus false font stimuli. This response profile suggests that the left vOT is preferentially activated by words or word-like stimuli, due to either: (1) bottom-up specialisation for processing familiar word-forms; (2) top-down task-dependent modulation, or (3) a combination of the two. Further studies are proposed to discriminate between these possibilities. Thirteen patients with left occipitotemporal damage participated in the rehabilitation and fMRI studies. The patients were impaired on word, text and letter reading. A structural analysis showed that damage to the left occipitotemporal white matter, in the vicinity of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, was associated with slow word reading speed. The fMRI study showed that the patients had reduced activation of the bilateral posterior superior temporal sulci relative to controls. Activity in this area correlated with reading speed. The efficacy of intensive whole-word recognition training was tested. Immediately after the training, trained words were read faster than untrained words, but the effects did not persist until the follow-up assessment. Hence, damage to the left vOT white matter impairs rapid whole-word recognition and is resistant to rehabilitation. The final study investigated the role of spatial frequency (SF) in the lateralisation of vOT function. Lateralisation of high and low SF processing was demonstrated, concordant with the lateralisation for words and faces to the left and right vOT respectively. A perceptual basis for the organisation of vOT cortex might explain why left vOT damage is resistant to treatment

    Memory Influences Visual Cognition across Multiple Functional States of Interactive Cortical Dynamics

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    No embargo requiredMemory supports a wide range of abilities from categorical perception to goal-directed behavior, such as decision-making and episodic recognition. Memory activates fast and surprisingly accurately and even when information is ambiguous or impoverished (i.e., showing object constancy). This paper proposes the multiple-state interactive (MUSI) account of object cognition that attempts to explain how sensory stimulation activates memory across multiple functional states of neural dynamics, including automatic and strategic mental simulation mechanisms that can ground cognition in modal information processing. A key novel postulate of this account is ‘multiple-function regional activity’: The same neuronal population can contribute to multiple brain states, depending upon the dominant set of inputs at that time. In state 1, the initial fast bottom-up pass through posterior neocortex happens between 95 ms and ~200 ms, with knowledge supporting categorical perception by 120 ms. In state 2, starting around 200 ms, a sustained state of iterative activation of object-sensitive cortex involves bottom-up, recurrent, and feedback interactions with frontoparietal cortex. This supports higher cognitive functions associated with decision-making even under ambiguous or impoverished conditions, phenomenological consciousness, and automatic mental simulation. In the latest state so far identified, state M, starting around 300 to 500 ms, large-scale cortical network interactions, including between multiple networks (e.g., control, salience, and especially default mode), further modulate posterior cortex. This supports elaborated cognition based on earlier processing, including episodic memory, strategic mental simulation, decision evaluation, creativity, and access consciousness. Convergent evidence is reviewed from cognitive neuroscience of object cognition, decision-making, memory, and mental imagery that support this account and define the brain regions and time course of these brain dynamics

    Network Dynamics of Visual Object Recognition

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    Visual object recognition is the principal mechanism by which humans and many animals interpret their surroundings. Despite the complexity of neural computation required, object recognition is achieved with such rapidity and accuracy that it appears to us almost effortless. Extensive human and non-human primate research has identified putative category-selective regions within higher-level visual cortex, which are thought to mediate object recognition. Despite decades of study, however, the functional organization and network dynamics within these regions remain poorly understood, due to a lack of appropriate animal models as well as the spatiotemporal limitations of current non-invasive human neuroimaging techniques (e.g. fMRI, scalp EEG). To better understand these issues, we leveraged the high spatiotemporal resolution of intracranial EEG (icEEG) recordings to study rapid, transient interactions between the disseminated cortical substrates within category-specific networks. Employing novel techniques for the topologically accurate and statistically robust analysis of grouped icEEG, we found that category-selective regions were spatially arranged with respect to cortical folding patterns, and relative to each other, to generate a hierarchical information structuring of visual information within higher-level visual cortex. This may facilitate rapid visual categorization by enabling the extraction of different levels of object detail across multiple spatial scales. To characterize network interactions between distributed regions sharing the same category-selectivity, we evaluated feed-forward, hierarchal and parallel, distributed models of information flow during face perception via measurements of cortical activation, functional and structural connectivity, and transient disruption through electrical stimulation. We found that input from early visual cortex (EVC) to two face-selective regions – the occipital and fusiform face areas (OFA and FFA, respectively) – occurred in a parallelized, distributed fashion: Functional connectivity between EVC and FFA began prior to the onset of subsequent re-entrant connectivity between the OFA and FFA. Furthermore, electrophysiological measures of structural connectivity revealed independent cortico- cortical connections between the EVC and both the OFA and FFA. Finally, direct disruption of the FFA, but not OFA, impaired face-perception. Given that the FFA is downstream of the OFA, these findings are incompatible with the feed-forward, hierarchical models of visual processing, and argue instead for the existence of parallel, distributed network interactions

    The Neural Representation of Objects in Visual Cortex

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    Neuroimaging studies have shown that different categories of object evoke different neural responses in the ventral visual pathway. This has been interpreted to suggest that these regions represent high-level conceptual or semantic properties of the stimulus, such as its category. However, images from different categories differ in low-level visual properties. Therefore, the extent to which category-specific neural responses indicate high-level or low-level representations is unclear. This thesis investigates the extent to which low-level properties of objects are important in the neural response of ventral visual pathway. The first study uses a data-driven approach to select clusters of objects based on the similarity of their low-level visual properties. These visually defined clusters did not correspond to typical object categories, but still evoked distinct patterns of response in the ventral stream. The second and third studies show category-specific patterns of response in the ventral stream to scrambled objects that are not recognizable, but nevertheless retain many of their low-level visual properties. The fourth study reveals that the bias toward natural object images found in the ventral stream begins to emerge in early visual areas. The final chapter shows that category-specific patterns of EEG response can be also explained by low-level image properties. Taken together, these results demonstrate the importance of low-level visual properties in the neural representation of objects. These findings suggest that the category-selectivity observed in high-level visual regions can be explained by a distributed organization based around more basic properties of the stimulus