27 research outputs found

    Transterm—extended search facilities and improved integration with other databases

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    Transterm has now been publicly available for >10 years. Major changes have been made since its last description in this database issue in 2002. The current database provides data for key regions of mRNA sequences, a curated database of mRNA motifs and tools to allow users to investigate their own motifs or mRNA sequences. The key mRNA regions database is derived computationally from Genbank. It contains 3′ and 5′ flanking regions, the initiation and termination signal context and coding sequence for annotated CDS features from Genbank and RefSeq. The database is non-redundant, enabling summary files and statistics to be prepared for each species. Advances include providing extended search facilities, the database may now be searched by BLAST in addition to regular expressions (patterns) allowing users to search for motifs such as known miRNA sequences, and the inclusion of RefSeq data. The database contains >40 motifs or structural patterns important for translational control. In this release, patterns from UTRsite and Rfam are also incorporated with cross-referencing. Users may search their sequence data with Transterm or user-defined patterns. The system is accessible at

    A Three-Stemmed mRNA Pseudoknot in the SARS Coronavirus Frameshift Signal

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    A wide range of RNA viruses use programmed −1 ribosomal frameshifting for the production of viral fusion proteins. Inspection of the overlap regions between ORF1a and ORF1b of the SARS-CoV genome revealed that, similar to all coronaviruses, a programmed −1 ribosomal frameshift could be used by the virus to produce a fusion protein. Computational analyses of the frameshift signal predicted the presence of an mRNA pseudoknot containing three double-stranded RNA stem structures rather than two. Phylogenetic analyses showed the conservation of potential three-stemmed pseudoknots in the frameshift signals of all other coronaviruses in the GenBank database. Though the presence of the three-stemmed structure is supported by nuclease mapping and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance studies, our findings suggest that interactions between the stem structures may result in local distortions in the A-form RNA. These distortions are particularly evident in the vicinity of predicted A-bulges in stems 2 and 3. In vitro and in vivo frameshifting assays showed that the SARS-CoV frameshift signal is functionally similar to other viral frameshift signals: it promotes efficient frameshifting in all of the standard assay systems, and it is sensitive to a drug and a genetic mutation that are known to affect frameshifting efficiency of a yeast virus. Mutagenesis studies reveal that both the specific sequences and structures of stems 2 and 3 are important for efficient frameshifting. We have identified a new RNA structural motif that is capable of promoting efficient programmed ribosomal frameshifting. The high degree of conservation of three-stemmed mRNA pseudoknot structures among the coronaviruses suggests that this presents a novel target for antiviral therapeutics

    SelenoDB 1.0 : a database of selenoprotein genes, proteins and SECIS elements

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    Selenoproteins are a diverse group of proteins usually misidentified and misannotated in sequence databases. The presence of an in-frame UGA (stop) codon in the coding sequence of selenoprotein genes precludes their identification and correct annotation. The in-frame UGA codons are recoded to cotranslationally incorporate selenocysteine, a rare selenium-containing amino acid. The development of ad hoc experimental and, more recently, computational approaches have allowed the efficient identification and characterization of the selenoproteomes of a growing number of species. Today, dozens of selenoprotein families have been described and more are being discovered in recently sequenced species, but the correct genomic annotation is not available for the majority of these genes. SelenoDB is a long-term project that aims to provide, through the collaborative effort of experimental and computational researchers, automatic and manually curated annotations of selenoprotein genes, proteins and SECIS elements. Version 1.0 of the database includes an initial set of eukaryotic genomic annotations, with special emphasis on the human selenoproteome, for immediate inspection by selenium researchers or incorporation into more general databases. SelenoDB is freely available at http://www.selenodb.org

    SelenoDB 1.0 : A Database of Selenoprotein Genes, Proteins and SECIS Elements

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    Selenoproteins are a diverse group of proteins usually misidentified and misannotated in sequence databases. The presence of an in-frame UGA (stop) codon in the coding sequence of selenoprotein genes precludes their identification and correct annotation. The in-frame UGA codons are recoded to cotranslationally incorporate selenocysteine, a rare selenium-containing amino acid. The development of ad hoc experimental and, more recently, computational approaches have allowed the efficient identification and characterization of the selenoproteomes of a growing number of species. Today, dozens of selenoprotein families have been described and more are being discovered in recently sequenced species, but the correct genomic annotation is not available for the majority of these genes. SelenoDB is a long-term project that aims to provide, through the collaborative effort of experimental and computational researchers, automatic and manually curated annotations of selenoprotein genes, proteins and SECIS elements. Version 1.0 of the database includes an initial set of eukaryotic genomic annotations, with special emphasis on the human selenoproteome, for immediate inspection by selenium researchers or incorporation into more general databases. SelenoDB is freely available at http://www.selenodb.org

    Recode-2: new design, new search tools, and many more genes

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    'Recoding' is a term used to describe non-standard read-out of the genetic code, and encompasses such phenomena as programmed ribosomal frameshifting, stop codon readthrough, selenocysteine insertion and translational bypassing. Although only a small proportion of genes utilize recoding in protein synthesis, accurate annotation of ‘recoded’ genes lags far behind annotation of 'standard' genes. In order to address this issue, provide a service to researchers in the field, and offer training data for developers of gene-annotation software, we have gathered together known cases of recoding within the Recode database. Recode-2 is an improved and updated version of the database. It provides access to detailed information on genes known to utilize translational recoding and allows complex search queries, browsing of recoding data and enhanced visualization of annotated sequence elements. At present, the Recode-2 database stores information on approximately 1500 genes that are known to utilize recoding in their expression—a factor of approximately three increase over the previous version of the database. Recode-2 is available at http://recode.ucc.i

    KnotInFrame: prediction of −1 ribosomal frameshift events

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    Programmed −1 ribosomal frameshift (−1 PRF) allows for alternative reading frames within one mRNA. First found in several viruses, it is now believed to exist in all kingdoms of life. Strong stimulators for −1 PRF are a heptameric slippery site and an RNA pseudoknot. Here, we present a new algorithm KnotInFrame, for the automatic detection of −1 PRF signals from genomic sequences. It finds the frameshifting stimulators by means of a specialized RNA-pseudoknot folding program, fast enough for genome-wide analyses. Evaluations on known −1 PRF signals demonstrate a high sensitivity

    FSscan: a mechanism-based program to identify +1 ribosomal frameshift hotspots

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    In +1 programmed ribosomal frameshifting (PRF), ribosomes skip one nucleotide toward the 3′-end during translation. Most of the genes known to demonstrate +1 PRF have been discovered by chance or by searching homologous genes. Here, a bioinformatic framework called FSscan is developed to perform a systematic search for potential +1 frameshift sites in the Escherichia coli genome. Based on a current state of the art understanding of the mechanism of +1 PRF, FSscan calculates scores for a 16-nt window along a gene sequence according to different effects of the stimulatory signals, and ribosome E-, P- and A-site interactions. FSscan successfully identified the +1 PRF site in prfB and predicted yehP, pepP, nuoE and cheA as +1 frameshift candidates in the E. coli genome. Empirical results demonstrated that potential +1 frameshift sequences identified promoted significant levels of +1 frameshifting in vivo. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the presence of the frameshifted proteins expressed from a yehP-egfp fusion construct. FSscan allows a genome-wide and systematic search for +1 frameshift sites in E. coli. The results have implications for bioinformatic identification of novel frameshift proteins, ribosomal frameshifting, coding sequence detection and the application of mass spectrometry on studying frameshift proteins

    Identification of functional, endogenous programmed −1 ribosomal frameshift signals in the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In viruses, programmed −1 ribosomal frameshifting (−1 PRF) signals direct the translation of alternative proteins from a single mRNA. Given that many basic regulatory mechanisms were first discovered in viral systems, the current study endeavored to: (i) identify −1 PRF signals in genomic databases, (ii) apply the protocol to the yeast genome and (iii) test selected candidates at the bench. Computational analyses revealed the presence of 10 340 consensus −1 PRF signals in the yeast genome. Of the 6353 yeast ORFs, 1275 contain at least one strong and statistically significant −1 PRF signal. Eight out of nine selected sequences promoted efficient levels of PRF in vivo. These findings provide a robust platform for high throughput computational and laboratory studies and demonstrate that functional −1 PRF signals are widespread in the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The data generated by this study have been deposited into a publicly available database called the PRFdb. The presence of stable mRNA pseudoknot structures in these −1 PRF signals, and the observation that the predicted outcomes of nearly all of these genomic frameshift signals would direct ribosomes to premature termination codons, suggest two possible mRNA destabilization pathways through which −1 PRF signals could post-transcriptionally regulate mRNA abundance

    P-site tRNA is a crucial initiator of ribosomal frameshifting

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    Journal ArticleThe expression of some genes requires a high proportion of ribosomes to shift at a specific site into one of the two alternative frames. This utilized frameshifting provides a unique tool for studying reading frame control. Peptidyl-tRNA slippage has been invoked to explain many cases of programmed frameshifting. The present work extends this to other cases. When the A-site is unoccupied, the P-site tRNA can be repositioned forward with respect to mRNA (although repositioning in the minus direction is also possible). A kinetic model is presented for the influence of both, the cognate tRNAs competing for overlapping codons in A-site, and the stabilities of P-site tRNA:mRNA complexes in the initial and new frames. When the A-site is occupied, the P-site tRNA can be repositioned backward. Whether frameshifting will happen depends on the ability of the A-site tRNA to subsequently be repositioned to maintain physical proximity of the tRNAs. This model offers an alternative explanation to previously published mechanisms of programmed frameshifting, such as out-of-frame tRNA binding, and a different perspective on simultaneous tandem tRNA slippage