919 research outputs found

    How Do Community-based Legal Programs Work: Understanding the Process and Benefits of a Pilot Program to Advance Women's Property Rights in Uganda

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    This document presents women's property rights, especially access to land, are increasingly recognized as critical to achieving poverty reduction and gender equality. Research shows that community-based legal aid programs are a viable approach to improving legal knowledge and women's access to legal resources to address property issues. From 2009-2010, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and the Uganda Land Alliance (ULA) implemented and evaluated a pilot program to strengthen women's property rights. This report describes the pilot program's implementation, outcomes and lessons. It details the program design, methodologies for monitoring and evaluation, and the context in which the program was implemented. Findings include a discussion of challenges encountered by the rights workers, overall program achievements, and recommendations for community rights work as an approach to promoting women's property rights

    Analysis and Design of Information Systems for Make-Up Using the Waterfall Methodology

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    Make-Up that women need to maintain their appearance and self-confidence to look more attractive for themselves and when dealing with other people. The information system is an important resource that needs to be managed by a Make-Up service provider because it has a high level of accuracy in data processing. The design of this system aims to display information on available Make-Up and Make-Up service providers including prices and locations. This system uses the PHP and MySQL programming languages. The Make-Up and Make-Up service provider system is designed using the Waterfall methodology, which starts from the planning process, needs analysis, design, and implementation in the form of coding, testing/verification and maintenance. The results of this study are a Make-Up service website that is available to make it easier for customers to choose the makeup they want, in this website, Make-Up owners can visit their services on the website and are also supported by transaction features that make it easier for customers to can place an order.Tata rias wajah dibutuhkan wanita untuk menjaga penampilan dan rasa percaya diri agar terlihat lebih menarik untuk dirinya sendiri maupun ketika berhadapan dengan orang lain. Sistem informasi menjadi sumber daya penting yang perlu dikelola Penyedia Jasa Tata Rias karena memiliki tingkat akurasi yang tinggi dalam pemerosesan data. Perancangan sistem ini bertujuan untuk menampilkan informasi penyedia jasa tata rias dan Make-Up yang tersedia meliputi harga dan lokasi. Dalam sistem ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL. Sistem penyedia jasa tata rias dan Make-Up dirancang dengan menggunakan metodologi Waterfall, yaitu dimulai dari proses perencanaan, analisis kebutuhan, desain, dan implementasi berupa coding, testing/ verivication dan maintenance. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah website jasa tata rias yang tersedia untuk memudahkan para pelanggan dalam memilih tata rias yang diinginkannya, dalam website ini para pemilik tata rias dapat mempromosikan jasanya kedalam website dan juga didukung dengan fitur transaksi yang memudahkan para pelanggan untuk dapat melakukan pemesanannya

    Making a silk purse out of two sow's ears: Young children's use of comparison in category learning.

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    Structural Behaviour of Cast-in-Place and Precast Concrete Barriers Anchored to Bridge Deck Overhangs and Subjected to Transverse Static Loading

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    RÉSUMÉ Au Canada et aux États-Unis la majoritĂ© des nouveaux dispositifs de sĂ©curitĂ©s des ponts sont faits des parapets de bĂ©ton coulĂ© en place. Ce genre de parapets rĂ©pond bien aux critĂšres de performance recherchĂ©s pour la sĂ©curitĂ©, soit maintenir sur le pont et bien rediriger les vĂ©hicules afin d’éviter qu’ils sortent de la chaussĂ©e. Cependant, les parapets sont coulĂ©s directement sur la dalle dĂ©jĂ  durcie, ce qui restreint les dĂ©formations dues au retrait et aux variations thermiques. Ceci engendre la formation des fissures au jeune Ăąge qui accĂ©lĂšre la dĂ©gradation de parapets et diminue leur durabilitĂ©. De plus, la construction de parapets coulĂ©s en place constitue une Ă©tape qui ralentit la mise en service dĂ» aux opĂ©rations de pose d’armatures et de mĂ»rissement du bĂ©ton. Ceci est particuliĂšrement coĂ»teux pour le remplacement de parapets sur les ponts existants. Pour rectifier ces problĂ©matiques de durabilitĂ© et de vitesse de construction, l’École Polytechnique de MontrĂ©al a mis au point des parapets prĂ©fabriquĂ©s en bĂ©ton Ă  haute performance renforcĂ© de fibres mĂ©talliques (BHPRF). Les parapets prĂ©fabriquĂ©s ainsi dĂ©veloppĂ©s permettent d’une part, d’augmenter la qualitĂ© de construction et d’éliminer la problĂ©matique de durabilitĂ© associĂ©e Ă  la formation des fissures au jeune Ăąge. D’autre part, les BHPRF utilisĂ©s ont une rĂ©sistance Ă  l’ouverture des fissures amĂ©liorĂ©e et une microstructure plus dense, ce qui ralentit la pĂ©nĂ©tration et diffusion des chlorures dans le bĂ©ton. Enfin, les parapets prĂ©fabriquĂ©s permettent de rĂ©duire le temps d’installation et accĂ©lĂ©rer la rĂ©paration des ponts. L’obtention d’une performance mĂ©canique adĂ©quate pour le niveau de performance 2 (PL-2) avec des parapets prĂ©fabriquĂ©s en BHPRF a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©e dans des projets antĂ©rieurs rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  l’École Polytechnique. Cependant, la performance de l’ensemble parapet et dalle de tablier en porte-Ă -faux n’avait pas Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e. Ce projet de recherche a Ă©tudiĂ© le comportement mĂ©canique de trois ensembles parapet et dalle en porte-Ă -faux de 6 m de longueur soumis Ă  un chargement statique transversal appliquĂ© sur les parapets visant Ă  reproduire les forces d’impacts de vĂ©hicules. Les parapets avaient les configurations suivantes : un parapet continu coulĂ©-en-place typique des constructions faites au QuĂ©bec, et deux configurations de trois parapets prĂ©fabriquĂ©s avec niche de liaisonnement avec la dalle coulĂ©e en place, une configuration sans liaison entre les parapets et une configuration avec clĂ©s de cisaillement entre les parapets. Le comportement de chacune de ces configurations ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s et comparĂ©s.----------ABSTRACT In Canada and the United States the majority of new longitudinal bridge barriers are made with cast-in-place concrete barriers. These barriers adequately meet the safety performance criteria to contain and redirect errant vehicles. However, the barriers are cast directly onto the hardened deck and the restrained barrier movements due to shrinkage and thermal effects cause early-age cracking. The early-age cracking accelerates barrier deterioration and decreases their durability. Furthermore, between the rebar placement, formwork assembly, and concrete curing, the installation of cast-in-place barriers is a lengthy process delaying the operational readiness of bridges. The time costs are particularly high during barrier repair and replacement work on existing bridges. In order to resolve these problems, Polytechnique Montreal has been developing a new design of precast bridge barriers made from high-performance steel fibre reinforced concrete (HPFRC). Precasting improves fabrication quality and solves the problem of early-age cracking. In addition, the HPFRC has an increased resistance to crack openings and a denser concrete microstructure, which prevents the penetration and diffusion of harmful chlorides in the concrete. Finally, well-conceived precast barriers reduces installation and repair time of the bridge barriers. The mechanical performance of the HPFRC precast barriers was shown to exceed performance level 2 (PL-2) design criteria in recent projects carried out at Polytechnique Montreal. However, the overall performance of the precast barriers anchored to bridge deck overhangs was not been evaluated. In this research project, the mechanical behaviour of three different barrier configurations subjected to transverse static loading and anchored to identical 6 m long bridge decks with 1 m overhang lengths was evaluated. The following barrier configurations were considered: a typical cast-in-place barrier used in Quebec, and two arrangements of three precast barriers with a cast-in-place connection to the deck, in one the precast barriers were placed side-by-side independently, and in the other shear keys were added between the adjacent precast barriers. The behaviour of the three bridge decks were then analysed and compared

    Studi Pengaruh Ketinggian Penjatuhan Terhadap Mutu Dan Umur Simpan Buah Alpukat (Persea americana Mill)

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    Alpukat (Persea americana Mill) merupakan tanaman berbentuk pohon yang berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan Meksiko. Penurunan konsumen terhadap pembelian alpukat dipengaruhi jika nilai daging alpukat terdapat daging hitam yang nilainya lebih dari 10% yang disebabkan karena jatuhnya buah alpukat saat melakukan proses grading yang mengakibatkan buah memar. Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh tinggi penjatuhan buah alpukat pada berbagai tingkat kematangan terhadap mutu dan umur simpan buah alpukat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan dua faktor perlakuan yaitu tingkat kematangan (180 hari dan 210 hari) dan ketinggian penjatuhan alpukat (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 dan 100 cm). Pengambilan data pengamatan dilakukan selama 7 hari atau sudah tidak layak dikonsumsi setelah proses penjatuhan buah untuk melihat pengaruh ketinggian penjatuhan buah pada tingkat kematangan 180 hari dan 210 hari terhadap mutu alpukat. Pada tingkat kematangan buah 180 hari dan 210 hari memiliki ketinggian jatuh buah maksimal untuk menjaga mutu alpukat yaitu pada ketinggian 40 cm yang mampu bertahan hingga penyimpanan hari ke-7 dan ke-6 untuk masing-masing tingkat kematangan. Hasil penelitian ini melihat parameter mutu alpukat berupa laju respirasi, susut bobot, warna, kekerasan, total padatan terlarut, uji ion leakeage dan uji tahanan larutan dalam buah pada tingkat kematangan 180 hari dan 210 hari. Semakin tinggi tingkat kematangan dan semakin tinggi jatuh buah alpukat maka buah alpukat yang dihasilkan akan semakin mudah rusak. Kata Kunci : Alpukat, Ketinggian, Penjatuhan, Mutu

    Fidélité de la traduction chez les eucaryotes. De la molécule au génome

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    Ce travail porte sur l Ă©tude de la fidĂ©litĂ© de la traduction chez les eucaryotes d un point de vue mĂ©canistique et gĂ©nomique. Au cours de ma thĂšse j'ai dĂ©veloppĂ© trois approches :Le premier projet porte sur l Ă©tude du rĂŽle du facteur de l Ă©longation eEF2 dans le maintien du cadre de lecture. La stratĂ©gie associe une mutagĂ©nĂšse alĂ©atoire du gĂšne EFT2 Ă  un criblage phĂ©notypique, elle permet d isoler des mutants capables d augmenter ou diminuer l efficacitĂ© de recodage d une sĂ©quence de dĂ©calage du cadre de lecture en -1.Le second projet dĂ©crit la mise au point d un systĂšme de traduction en molĂ©cule unique qui permet d Ă©tudier le ribosome eucaryote. La traduction est initiĂ©e grĂące Ă  l IRES CrPV qui a pour caractĂ©ristique d ĂȘtre totalement indĂ©pendante des facteurs d initiation et de l ARNt initiateur. L Ă©longation de la traduction est dĂ©tectĂ©e grĂące au dĂ©part d un oligonuclĂ©otide fluorescent qui est dĂ©crochĂ© par l activitĂ© hĂ©licase du ribosome. Les rĂ©sultats de ces expĂ©riences constituent une preuve de principe dĂ©montrant que l Ă©tude de la traduction eucaryote en molĂ©cule unique est possible.Le troisiĂšme projet est une Ă©tude de gĂ©nomique comparative qui permet de rechercher des Ă©vĂ©nements de recodage ainsi que d autres Ă©vĂ©nements non-conventionnels de la traduction dans le gĂ©nome de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. L approche est basĂ©e sur une recherche d organisations gĂ©nomiques conservĂ©es au sein de 19 gĂ©nomes de levures. Les gĂšnes candidats sont testĂ©s in vivo grĂące Ă  un vecteur double rapporteur. Cette Ă©tude a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence le gĂšne VOA1 qui a Ă©tĂ© ensuite caractĂ©risĂ© plus en dĂ©tails.This report describes a study of translation fidelity in Eukarya. Two aspects are tested: the molecular mechanism of recoding and the research of recoding events at the genomic level. During my PhD I have developed three projects:The first project deals with the role of the elongation factor eEF2 in reading frame maintenance. The strategy is based on a random mutagenesis of EFT2 and a phenotypic screening in order to isolate mutants increasing or reducing -1 frameshifting efficiency.The second project describes the development of a single molecule translational system to study the eukaryotic ribosome. Translation initiation is mediated by the CrPV IRES which is initiation factor and initiation tRNA independent. Elongation is monitored with the dissociation of a fluorescent oligonucleotide by the helicase activity of the ribosome. This work is a proof of principle that studying eukaryotic ribosome with single molecule techniques is now feasible.The third project is a comparative genomic approach to search for recoding and unconventional translational events in the genome of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The approach is based on the detection of conserved genomic organization among 19 Fungi genomes. The candidate genes are then tested in vivo with a dual reporter system. This study allowed the characterization of VOA1 which was further analysed.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. Ă©lectronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Economic evaluation of the Good School Toolkit: an intervention for reducing violence in primary schools in Uganda.

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    INTRODUCTION: This paper presents the cost and cost-effectiveness of the Good School Toolkit (GST), a programme aimed at reducing physical violence perpetrated by school staff to students in Uganda. METHODS: The effectiveness of the Toolkit was tested with a cluster randomised controlled trial in 42 primary schools in Luwero District, Uganda. A full economic costing evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis were conducted alongside the trial. Both financial and economic costs were collected retrospectively from the provider's perspective to estimate total and unit costs. RESULTS: The total cost of setting up and running the Toolkit over the 18-month trial period is estimated at US397 233, excluding process monitor (M&E) activities. The cost to run the intervention is US7429 per school annually, or US15perprimaryschoolpupilannually,inthetrialinterventionschools.Itisestimatedthattheinterventionhasaverted1620casesofpast−weekphysicalviolenceduringthe18−monthimplementationperiod.ThetotalcostpercaseofviolenceavertedisUS15 per primary school pupil annually, in the trial intervention schools. It is estimated that the intervention has averted 1620 cases of past-week physical violence during the 18-month implementation period. The total cost per case of violence averted is US244, and the annual implementation cost is US$96 per case averted during the trial. CONCLUSIONS: The GST is a cost-effective intervention for reducing violence against pupils in primary schools in Uganda. It compares favourably against other violence reduction interventions in the region

    Molecular dissection of translation termination mechanism identifies two new critical regions in eRF1

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    Translation termination in eukaryotes is completed by two interacting factors eRF1 and eRF3. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, these proteins are encoded by the genes SUP45 and SUP35, respectively. The eRF1 protein interacts directly with the stop codon at the ribosomal A-site, whereas eRF3—a GTPase protein—probably acts as a proofreading factor, coupling stop codon recognition to polypeptide chain release. We performed random PCR mutagenesis of SUP45 and screened the library for mutations resulting in increased eRF1 activity. These mutations led to the identification of two new pockets in domain 1 (P1 and P2) involved in the regulation of eRF1 activity. Furthermore, we identified novel mutations located in domains 2 and 3, which confer stop codon specificity to eRF1. Our findings are consistent with the model of a closed-active conformation of eRF1 and shed light on two new functional regions of the protein

    Effects of a violence prevention intervention in schools and surrounding communities: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomised-controlled trial in Uganda.

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    The Good School Toolkit is effective in reducing staff violence against children in Ugandan primary schools. A secondary analysis of cluster-randomised trial data was conducted to investigate intervention effects on school operational culture, and on normative beliefs and violence against children from caregivers outside of school. Students and staff completed cross-sectional surveys at baseline in 2012 and follow-up in 2014. Students' caregivers completed follow-up surveys only. Data from 3820 students, 597 staff, and 799 caregivers were included in cross-sectional analyses at follow-up. Statistically significant intervention effects were observed for aspects of school operational culture, including students' greater perceived emotional support from teachers and peers, students' greater identification with their school, students' and staffs' lower acceptance of physical discipline practices in school, and students' and staffs' greater perceived involvement in school operations. Outside the school, the intervention was associated with significantly lower normative beliefs accepting the use of physical discipline practices in schools (adjusted mean difference, AMD: -0.77; 95%CI: -0.89 to -0.66; p < 0.001) and at home (AMD: -0.67; 95%CI: -0.80 to -0.54; p < 0.001), based on aggregated caregiver reports. No differences between groups were observed in past-week violence against children at home. This intervention shows promise as a platform for addressing violence against children within the school environment and surrounding community
