558 research outputs found

    The Multiscale Morphology Filter: Identifying and Extracting Spatial Patterns in the Galaxy Distribution

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    We present here a new method, MMF, for automatically segmenting cosmic structure into its basic components: clusters, filaments, and walls. Importantly, the segmentation is scale independent, so all structures are identified without prejudice as to their size or shape. The method is ideally suited for extracting catalogues of clusters, walls, and filaments from samples of galaxies in redshift surveys or from particles in cosmological N-body simulations: it makes no prior assumptions about the scale or shape of the structures.}Comment: Replacement with higher resolution figures. 28 pages, 17 figures. For Full Resolution Version see: http://www.astro.rug.nl/~weygaert/tim1publication/miguelmmf.pd

    Content-based image retrieval of museum images

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is becoming more and more important with the advance of multimedia and imaging technology. Among many retrieval features associated with CBIR, texture retrieval is one of the most difficult. This is mainly because no satisfactory quantitative definition of texture exists at this time, and also because of the complex nature of the texture itself. Another difficult problem in CBIR is query by low-quality images, which means attempts to retrieve images using a poor quality image as a query. Not many content-based retrieval systems have addressed the problem of query by low-quality images. Wavelet analysis is a relatively new and promising tool for signal and image analysis. Its time-scale representation provides both spatial and frequency information, thus giving extra information compared to other image representation schemes. This research aims to address some of the problems of query by texture and query by low quality images by exploiting all the advantages that wavelet analysis has to offer, particularly in the context of museum image collections. A novel query by low-quality images algorithm is presented as a solution to the problem of poor retrieval performance using conventional methods. In the query by texture problem, this thesis provides a comprehensive evaluation on wavelet-based texture method as well as comparison with other techniques. A novel automatic texture segmentation algorithm and an improved block oriented decomposition is proposed for use in query by texture. Finally all the proposed techniques are integrated in a content-based image retrieval application for museum image collections

    A Panorama on Multiscale Geometric Representations, Intertwining Spatial, Directional and Frequency Selectivity

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    The richness of natural images makes the quest for optimal representations in image processing and computer vision challenging. The latter observation has not prevented the design of image representations, which trade off between efficiency and complexity, while achieving accurate rendering of smooth regions as well as reproducing faithful contours and textures. The most recent ones, proposed in the past decade, share an hybrid heritage highlighting the multiscale and oriented nature of edges and patterns in images. This paper presents a panorama of the aforementioned literature on decompositions in multiscale, multi-orientation bases or dictionaries. They typically exhibit redundancy to improve sparsity in the transformed domain and sometimes its invariance with respect to simple geometric deformations (translation, rotation). Oriented multiscale dictionaries extend traditional wavelet processing and may offer rotation invariance. Highly redundant dictionaries require specific algorithms to simplify the search for an efficient (sparse) representation. We also discuss the extension of multiscale geometric decompositions to non-Euclidean domains such as the sphere or arbitrary meshed surfaces. The etymology of panorama suggests an overview, based on a choice of partially overlapping "pictures". We hope that this paper will contribute to the appreciation and apprehension of a stream of current research directions in image understanding.Comment: 65 pages, 33 figures, 303 reference

    Mapping and monitoring forest remnants : a multiscale analysis of spatio-temporal data

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    KEYWORDS : Landsat, time series, machine learning, semideciduous Atlantic forest, Brazil, wavelet transforms, classification, change detectionForests play a major role in important global matters such as carbon cycle, climate change, and biodiversity. Besides, forests also influence soil and water dynamics with major consequences for ecological relations and decision-making. One basic requirement to quantify and model these processes is the availability of accurate maps of forest cover. Data acquisition and analysis at appropriate scales is the keystone to achieve the mapping accuracy needed for development and reliable use of ecological models.The current and upcoming production of high-resolution data sets plus the ever-increasing time series that have been collected since the seventieth must be effectively explored. Missing values and distortions further complicate the analysis of this data set. Thus, integration and proper analysis is of utmost importance for environmental research. New conceptual models in environmental sciences, like the perception of multiple scales, require the development of effective implementation techniques.This thesis presents new methodologies to map and monitor forests on large, highly fragmented areas with complex land use patterns. The use of temporal information is extensively explored to distinguish natural forests from other land cover types that are spectrally similar. In chapter 4, novel schemes based on multiscale wavelet analysis are introduced, which enabled an effective preprocessing of long time series of Landsat data and improved its applicability on environmental assessment.In chapter 5, the produced time series as well as other information on spectral and spatial characteristics were used to classify forested areas in an experiment relating a number of combinations of attribute features. Feature sets were defined based on expert knowledge and on data mining techniques to be input to traditional and machine learning algorithms for pattern recognition, viz . maximum likelihood, univariate and multivariate decision trees, and neural networks. The results showed that maximum likelihood classification using temporal texture descriptors as extracted with wavelet transforms was most accurate to classify the semideciduous Atlantic forest in the study area.In chapter 6, a multiscale approach to digital change detection was developed to deal with multisensor and noisy remotely sensed images. Changes were extracted according to size classes minimising the effects of geometric and radiometric misregistration.Finally, in chapter 7, an automated procedure for GIS updating based on feature extraction, segmentation and classification was developed to monitor the remnants of semideciduos Atlantic forest. The procedure showed significant improvements over post classification comparison and direct multidate classification based on artificial neural networks.</p

    Texture descriptor combining fractal dimension and artificial crawlers

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    Texture is an important visual attribute used to describe images. There are many methods available for texture analysis. However, they do not capture the details richness of the image surface. In this paper, we propose a new method to describe textures using the artificial crawler model. This model assumes that each agent can interact with the environment and each other. Since this swarm system alone does not achieve a good discrimination, we developed a new method to increase the discriminatory power of artificial crawlers, together with the fractal dimension theory. Here, we estimated the fractal dimension by the Bouligand-Minkowski method due to its precision in quantifying structural properties of images. We validate our method on two texture datasets and the experimental results reveal that our method leads to highly discriminative textural features. The results indicate that our method can be used in different texture applications.Comment: 12 pages 9 figures. Paper in press: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application

    Recent Advances in Morphological Cell Image Analysis

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    This paper summarizes the recent advances in image processing methods for morphological cell analysis. The topic of morphological analysis has received much attention with the increasing demands in both bioinformatics and biomedical applications. Among many factors that affect the diagnosis of a disease, morphological cell analysis and statistics have made great contributions to results and effects for a doctor. Morphological cell analysis finds the cellar shape, cellar regularity, classification, statistics, diagnosis, and so forth. In the last 20 years, about 1000 publications have reported the use of morphological cell analysis in biomedical research. Relevant solutions encompass a rather wide application area, such as cell clumps segmentation, morphological characteristics extraction, 3D reconstruction, abnormal cells identification, and statistical analysis. These reports are summarized in this paper to enable easy referral to suitable methods for practical solutions. Representative contributions and future research trends are also addressed

    Face Recognition Using Curvelet and Waveatom Transform

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    The field of digital image processing is continually evolving. Nowadays, there is a significant increase in the level of interest in image morphology, neural networks, full-color image processing, image data compression and image recognition. This work deals with image recognition with the application of face recognition. Some people think that face recognition is an easy task for computer system as for humans, but in reality most of the face recognition systems can’t achieve a complete reliable performance because there are many factors affect on the process of recognition like: large variations in facial approach, head size and orientation, and change in environmental conditions, all these factors makes face recognition one of the fundamental problems in pattern analysis, other factors that impact the performance are the accuracy of face location stage and the number of actual face recognition techniques used in each system. So face recognition from still and video images is emerging as an active research area with numerous commercial and law enforcement application. This research identifies two techniques for face features extraction based on two different multiresolution analysis tools; the first called Curvelet transform while the second is waveatom transform. The resultant features are inputted to train via two famous classifiers; one of them is the artificial neural network (ANN) and the other is hidden Markov model (HMM). Experiments are carried out on two well-known datasets; AT&T dataset consists of 400 images corresponding to 40 people, and Essex Grimace dataset consists of 360 images corresponding to 18 people. Experimental results show the strength of both curvelets and waveatom features. On one hand, waveatom features obtained the highest accuracy rate of 99% and 100% with HMM classifier, and 98% and 100% with ANN classifier, for AT&T and Essex Grimace datasets, respectively. On the other hand, two levels Curvelet features achieved accuracy rate of 98% and 100% with HMM classifier, and 97% and 100% with ANN classifier, for AT&T and Essex Grimace datasets, respectively. A comparative study for waveatom with wavelet-based, curvelet-based, and traditional Principal Component Analysis (PCA) techniques is also presented. The proposed techniques supersede all of them. And shows the robustness of feature extraction methods used against included and occluded effects. Also, indicates the potential of HMM over ANN, as they are classifiers