230 research outputs found

    Hyperanalytic denoising

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    A new threshold rule for the estimation of a deterministic image immersed in noise is proposed. The full estimation procedure is based on a separable wavelet decomposition of the observed image, and the estimation is improved by introducing the new threshold to estimate the decomposition coefficients. The observed wavelet coefficients are thresholded, using the magnitudes of wavelet transforms of a small number of "replicates" of the image. The "replicates" are calculated by extending the image into a vector-valued hyperanalytic signal. More than one hyperanalytic signal may be chosen, and either the hypercomplex or Riesz transforms are used, to calculate this object. The deterministic and stochastic properties of the observed wavelet coefficients of the hyperanalytic signal, at a fixed scale and position index, are determined. A "universal" threshold is calculated for the proposed procedure. An expression for the risk of an individual coefficient is derived. The risk is calculated explicitly when the "universal" threshold is used and is shown to be less than the risk of "universal" hard thresholding, under certain conditions. The proposed method is implemented and the derived theoretical risk reductions substantiated

    Multiple multidimensional morse wavelets

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    This paper defines a set of operators that localize a radial image in space and radial frequency simultaneously. The eigenfunctions of the operator are determined and a nonseparable orthogonal set of radial wavelet functions are found. The eigenfunctions are optimally concentrated over a given region of radial space and scale space, defined via a triplet of parameters. Analytic forms for the energy concentration of the functions over the region are given. The radial function localization operator can be generalised to an operator localizing any L-2(R-2) function. It is demonstrated that the latter operator, given an appropriate choice of localization region, approximately has the same radial eigenfunctions as the radial operator. Based on a given radial wavelet function a quaternionic wavelet is defined that can extract the local orientation of discontinuous signals as well as amplitude, orientation and phase structure of locally oscillatory signals. The full set of quaternionic wavelet functions are component by component orthogonal; their statistical properties are tractable, and forms for the variability of the estimators of the local phase and orientation are given, as well as the local energy of the image. By averaging estimators across wavelets, a substantial reduction in the variance is achieved

    Nonparametric tests of structure for high angular resolution diffusion imaging in Q-space

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    High angular resolution diffusion imaging data is the observed characteristic function for the local diffusion of water molecules in tissue. This data is used to infer structural information in brain imaging. Nonparametric scalar measures are proposed to summarize such data, and to locally characterize spatial features of the diffusion probability density function (PDF), relying on the geometry of the characteristic function. Summary statistics are defined so that their distributions are, to first-order, both independent of nuisance parameters and also analytically tractable. The dominant direction of the diffusion at a spatial location (voxel) is determined, and a new set of axes are introduced in Fourier space. Variation quantified in these axes determines the local spatial properties of the diffusion density. Nonparametric hypothesis tests for determining whether the diffusion is unimodal, isotropic or multi-modal are proposed. More subtle characteristics of white-matter microstructure, such as the degree of anisotropy of the PDF and symmetry compared with a variety of asymmetric PDF alternatives, may be ascertained directly in the Fourier domain without parametric assumptions on the form of the diffusion PDF. We simulate a set of diffusion processes and characterize their local properties using the newly introduced summaries. We show how complex white-matter structures across multiple voxels exhibit clear ellipsoidal and asymmetric structure in simulation, and assess the performance of the statistics in clinically-acquired magnetic resonance imaging data.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS441 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the Analytic Wavelet Transform

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    An exact and general expression for the analytic wavelet transform of a real-valued signal is constructed, resolving the time-dependent effects of non-negligible amplitude and frequency modulation. The analytic signal is first locally represented as a modulated oscillation, demodulated by its own instantaneous frequency, and then Taylor-expanded at each point in time. The terms in this expansion, called the instantaneous modulation functions, are time-varying functions which quantify, at increasingly higher orders, the local departures of the signal from a uniform sinusoidal oscillation. Closed-form expressions for these functions are found in terms of Bell polynomials and derivatives of the signal's instantaneous frequency and bandwidth. The analytic wavelet transform is shown to depend upon the interaction between the signal's instantaneous modulation functions and frequency-domain derivatives of the wavelet, inducing a hierarchy of departures of the transform away from a perfect representation of the signal. The form of these deviation terms suggests a set of conditions for matching the wavelet properties to suit the variability of the signal, in which case our expressions simplify considerably. One may then quantify the time-varying bias associated with signal estimation via wavelet ridge analysis, and choose wavelets to minimize this bias

    Generalized Morse Wavelets as a Superfamily of Analytic Wavelets

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    The generalized Morse wavelets are shown to constitute a superfamily that essentially encompasses all other commonly used analytic wavelets, subsuming eight apparently distinct types of analysis filters into a single common form. This superfamily of analytic wavelets provides a framework for systematically investigating wavelet suitability for various applications. In addition to a parameter controlling the time-domain duration or Fourier-domain bandwidth, the wavelet {\em shape} with fixed bandwidth may be modified by varying a second parameter, called γ\gamma. For integer values of γ\gamma, the most symmetric, most nearly Gaussian, and generally most time-frequency concentrated member of the superfamily is found to occur for γ=3\gamma=3. These wavelets, known as "Airy wavelets," capture the essential idea of popular Morlet wavelet, while avoiding its deficiencies. They may be recommended as an ideal starting point for general purpose use