729 research outputs found


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    Globalization determines rapid environmentally changes intensifying the competition. All the organizations are facing the change. In this paper we present the necessity of change, the phases of change, the forms and dynamic of change. To conclude, the change is one of the essential elements moving the economy and the resistant obstacles must be surpassed.organizational change, adhocracy, resistance to change

    Elaine Fuchs: A love for science that's more than skin deep

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    Fuchs is too passionate about her work to rest on her recently awarded laurels

    Distinct Self-Renewal and Differentiation Phases in the Niche of Infrequently Dividing Hair Follicle Stem Cells

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    SummaryIn homeostasis of adult vertebrate tissues, stem cells are thought to self-renew by infrequent and asymmetric divisions that generate another stem cell daughter and a progenitor daughter cell committed to differentiate. This model is based largely on in vivo invertebrate or in vitro mammal studies. Here, we examine the dynamic behavior of adult hair follicle stem cells in their normal setting by employing mice with repressible H2B-GFP expression to track cell divisions and Cre-inducible mice to perform long-term single-cell lineage tracing. We provide direct evidence for the infrequent stem cell division model in intact tissue. Moreover, we find that differentiation of progenitor cells occurs at different times and tissue locations than self-renewal of stem cells. Distinct fates of differentiation or self-renewal are assigned to individual cells in a temporal-spatial manner. We propose that large clusters of tissue stem cells behave as populations whose maintenance involves unidirectional daughter-cell-fate decisions

    Comparative Analysis of the Frequency and Distribution of Stem and Progenitor Cells in the Adult Mouse Brain

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    cells (NSCs) and progenitor cells, but it cannot discriminate between these two populations. Given two assays have purported to overcome this shortfall, we performed a comparative analysis of the distribution and frequency of NSCs and progenitor cells detected in 400 m coronal segments along the ventricular neuraxis of the adult mouse brain using the neurosphere assay, the neural colony forming cell assay (N-CFCA), and label-retaining cell (LRC) approach. We observed a large variation in the number of progenitor/stem cells detected in serial sections along the neuraxis, with the number of neurosphereforming cells detected in individual 400 m sections varying from a minimum of eight to a maximum of 891 depending upon the rostral-caudal coordinate assayed. Moreover, the greatest variability occurred in the rostral portion of the lateral ventricles, thereby explaining the large variation in neurosphere frequency previously reported. Whereas the overall number of neurospheres (3730 276) or colonies (4275 124) we detected along the neuraxis did not differ significantly, LRC numbers were significantly reduced (1186 188, 7 month chase) in comparison to both total colonies and neurospheres. Moreover, approximately two orders of magnitude fewer NSC-derived colonies (50 10) were detected using the N-CFCA as compared to LRCs. Given only 5% of the LRCs are cycling (BrdU/Ki-67) or competent to divide (BrdU/Mcm-2), and proliferate upon transfer to culture, it is unclear whether this technique selectively detects endogenous NSCs. Overall, caution should be taken with the interpretation and employment of all these techniques

    High Incidence of Non-Random Template Strand Segregation and Asymmetric Fate Determination In Dividing Stem Cells and their Progeny

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    Decades ago, the “immortal strand hypothesis” was proposed as a means by which stem cells might limit acquiring mutations that could give rise to cancer, while continuing to proliferate for the life of an organism. Originally based on observations in embryonic cells, and later studied in terms of stem cell self-renewal, this hypothesis has remained largely unaccepted because of few additional reports, the rarity of the cells displaying template strand segregation, and alternative interpretations of experiments involving single labels or different types of labels to follow template strands. Using sequential pulses of halogenated thymidine analogs (bromodeoxyuridine [BrdU], chlorodeoxyuridine [CldU], and iododeoxyuridine [IdU]), and analyzing stem cell progeny during induced regeneration in vivo, we observed extraordinarily high frequencies of segregation of older and younger template strands during a period of proliferative expansion of muscle stem cells. Furthermore, template strand co-segregation was strongly associated with asymmetric cell divisions yielding daughters with divergent fates. Daughter cells inheriting the older templates retained the more immature phenotype, whereas daughters inheriting the newer templates acquired a more differentiated phenotype. These data provide compelling evidence of template strand co-segregation based on template age and associated with cell fate determination, suggest that template strand age is monitored during stem cell lineage progression, and raise important caveats for the interpretation of label-retaining cells

    25 years of epidermal stem cell research.

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    This is a chronicle of concepts in the field of epidermal stem cell biology and a historic look at their development over time. The past 25 years have seen the evolution of epidermal stem cell science, from first fundamental studies to a sophisticated science. The study of epithelial stem cell biology was aided by the ability to visualize the distribution of stem cells and their progeny through lineage analysis studies. The excellent progress we have made in understanding epidermal stem cell biology is discussed in this article. The challenges we still face in understanding epidermal stem cells include defining molecular markers for stem and progenitor sub-populations, determining the locations and contributions of the different stem cell niches, and mapping regulatory pathways of epidermal stem cell proliferation and differentiation. However, our rapidly evolving understanding of epidermal stem cells has many potential uses that promise to translate into improved patient therapy

    Hsp70 gene association with nuclear speckles is Hsp70 promoter specific

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    An Hsp70 transgene system is used to identify cis-elements required for gene-specific association with nuclear speckles

    How transcription proceeds in a large artificial heterochromatin in human cells

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    Heterochromatin is critical for genome integrity, and recent studies have suggested the importance of transcription in heterochromatin for maintaining its silent state. We previously developed a method to generate a large homogeneously staining region (HSR) composed of tandem plasmid sequences in human cells that showed typical heterochromatin characteristics. In this study, we examined transcription in the HSR. We found that transcription of genes downstream to no-inducible SRα promoter was restricted to a few specific points inside the large HSR domain. Furthermore, the HSR localized to either to the surface or to the interior of the nucleolus, where it was more actively transcribed. The perinucleolar or intranucleolar locations were biased to late or early S-phase, and the location depended on either RNA polymerase II/III or I transcription, respectively. Strong activation of the inducible TRE promoter resulted in the reversible loosening of the HSR domain and the appearance of transcripts downstream of not only the TRE promoters, but also the SRα promoters. During this process, detection of HP1α or H3K9Me3 suggested that transcription was activated at many specific points dispersed inside large heterochromatin. The transcriptional rules obtained from studying artificial heterochromatin should be useful for understanding natural heterochromatin