159 research outputs found

    Challenges of Technological Implementation: An evaluative study of the BIM implementation process in a construction consultancy firm

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    As a mean of tackling the harsher business environment of today has use of various enterprise resource planning systems (ERPS) increased. It, thus, felt self-evident to focus on what implementation of such new technology would mean and involve both for a whole organization as well as its employees. The construction industry has a long history of and is characterized with project-based work and yet has voices from the industry spoken about the difficulties implementing such a business-appropriate ERPS as BIM into organizations. The purpose of this research study was hence to gain further insights into why implementation of BIM technology was not as effectively diffused and successfully implemented as hoped, given the specific circumstances of prior project work experience in the construction industry of today. The research question was meant to identify the challenges of the BIM implementation process. This research study was considered a case study in which an inductive, interpretative, qualitative research approach seemed most suitable. An internationally renowned construction consultancy company was approached and professionals of civil engineering background given the opportunity to participate in semi-structured phone interviews, which were recorded, transcribed and sorted according to relevant and recurring themes. A literature review of relevant theories connected to topics such as organizational development, change management, business process reengineering, and technological diffusion was conducted prior to this in order for theoretical framework to give possible explanations to the results of this study. As a result of this study were the challenges identified as unfamiliarity with the technological system, partial or little user adoption amongst professionals of the organization for various reasons, difficulties with reengineering business processes and technological software-related issues. Possible reasons to this seemed to be inconsistencies in directions and support given by top management. With an encompassing corporate strategy of BIM implementation throughout the organization but with weak support for various departments, units and professional roles did the process subsequently comprise confusion and opposition resulting in a slow-paced implementation process. Possible corporate improvements suggested by the researcher were increased number of professionals training and development of a corporate-specific platform in which BIM- and corporate-related information would be shared organization-wide. Looking over corporate structure and addressing different managers to be in charge for the development of the implementation process was another improvement suggestion. It would lastly be of interest for future researchers to make comparative studies of technological implementation processes with multiple industries in order to learn more

    On the non-exclusivity of loan contracts: An empirical investigation.

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    A string of theoretical papers shows that the non-exclusivity of credit contracts generates important negative contractual externalities. Employing a unique dataset, we identify how these externalities affect the supply of credit. Using internal information on a creditor’s willingness to lend, we find that a creditor reduces its credit supply when a borrower obtains a loan at another creditor (an “outside loan”). Consistent with the theoretical literature, the effect is more pronounced the larger the outside loans and it is muted if the initial creditor’s existing and future loans retain seniority over the outside loans and are secured with valuable collateral.non-exclusivity; contractual externalities; credit supply; debt seniority;

    On the Non-Exclusivity of Loan Contracts: An Empirical Investigation

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    Credit contracts are non-exclusive. A string of theoretical papers shows that nonexclusivity generates important negative contractual externalities. Employing a unique dataset, we identify how the contractual externality stemming from the non-exclusivity of credit contracts affects credit supply. In particular, using internal information on a creditor’s willingness to lend, we find that a creditor reduces its loan supply when a borrower initiates a loan at another creditor. Consistent with the theoretical literature on contractual externalities, the effect is more pronounced the larger the loans from the other creditor. We also find that the initial creditor’s willingness to lend does not change if its existing and future loans retain seniority over the other creditors’ loans and are secured with assets whose value is high and stable over time.non-exclusivity;contractual externalities;credit supply;debt seniority

    A confidential report on Nationalist Organisation in Queensland, 1920

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    Forest machine operators experience of employers treatment of the question about the parental leav

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    Inom skogsbruket och i yrkesgruppen maskinförare Ă€r uttaget av förĂ€ldraledighet lĂ„gt i jĂ€mförelse med mĂ„nga andra branscher. NĂ„got annat som prĂ€glar skogsbranschen Ă€r att den Ă€r starkt mansdominerad och att det rĂ„der en brist pĂ„ skogsmaskinförare. Bristen befaras bli Ă€nnu större inom en tioĂ„rsperiod. MĂ„nga som lĂ€mnar maskinföraryrket gör detta i trettioĂ„rsĂ„ldern. Familjebildande kan antas ha skett dĂ„ och studier har visat att en del av de som lĂ€mnar yrket gör det efter att de har varit missnöjda under en lĂ€ngre tid. RĂ€tten att fĂ„ vara ledig frĂ„n sitt förvĂ€rvsarbete för vara hemma och ta hand om sitt barn Ă€r reglerat i lag och omfattar alla arbetstagare i Sverige. Under perioder som förĂ€ldern Ă€r hemma frĂ„n sitt arbete kan denna utnyttja förĂ€ldraförsĂ€kringen och fĂ„ ut förĂ€ldrapenning frĂ„n FörsĂ€kringskassan istĂ€llet för lön frĂ„n arbetsgivaren. Ett syfte med förĂ€ldraförsĂ€kringen, som Ă€r en del av den svenska familjepolitiken, Ă€r att uppnĂ„ ökad jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet mellan kvinnor och mĂ€n. Tidigare studier har visat att förĂ€ldraledighetsuttaget Ă€r lĂ„gt bland mĂ€n inom den privata sektorn och pĂ„ mansdominerade arbetsplatser och att normer pĂ„ arbetsplatserna kan pĂ„verka hur mycket som tas ut. Den hĂ€r kvalitativa intervjustudien, som Ă€r gjord av en skogsmĂ€starstudent under det första halvĂ„ret 2019, syftar till att undersöka om skogsmaskinförare upplevt hinder pĂ„ sina arbetsplatser nĂ€r det gĂ€ller att ta ut förĂ€ldraledighet och om detta bidragit till att de bytt arbetsplats eller till och med yrke. Med maskinförarnas egna berĂ€ttelser som underlag Ă€r ambitionen att reda ut vad som skulle kunna vara annorlunda för att yrket ska vara mer attraktivt för smĂ„barnsförĂ€ldrar. Resultatet visade att tvĂ„ av de Ă„tta maskinförare som ingick i studien hade bytt arbetsplats pĂ„ grund av dessa skĂ€l, varav en av dem Ă€ven lĂ€mnat yrket. Flera maskinförare ansĂ„g att de ej hindrats frĂ„n att vara lediga och de upplevde generellt en positiv attityd till att ta ut förĂ€ldraledighet pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. De förbĂ€ttrande Ă„tgĂ€rder för att göra yrket attraktivt som föreslĂ„s av maskinförarna rör sig mest om arbetstider i samband med skiftgĂ„ng och reslĂ€ngd till arbetet. NĂ„gra maskinförare efterfrĂ„gar Ă€ven en förĂ€ndrad instĂ€llning vad det gĂ€ller attityder till könsroller i branschen.The purpose of this study is to investigate how forest machine operators has experience of the employer’s treatment of the question of the parental leave. The study will also find out what they think could be different with an intention to keep the profession attractive for parents. There is an unequal advantage of parental leave between men and women in Sweden in general and not an exception among the forest machine operators which even belong to a profession dominated by men. Previous investigations have pointed out that men who working for small firms spend shorter time for parental leave and unwritten rules can be of importance. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with eight forest machine operators who has been home for parental leave recently. Two of the machine operators worked for big forest companies, six of them worked for small forest contractors. Seven of the machine operators are men and one of them a woman. The interviews carried out with appointments in April and May 2019. The conclusions of the study show that employers’ treatment of the question of the parental leave can be of importance in the choice of place of work but also that most of the machine operators have good experiences in the subject. The improvements proposed by the machine operators would be about more comfortable working hours and distance to the place of work. A new attitude to participation for men in the homework demands and a better financial situation for the forest contractors should create environments where the employers can be at home with a clear conscience

    FrÄn dokument till funktion - En studie över implementeringen av ett projektstyrningsverktyg i en byggverksamhet

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    Som en naturlig följd av det hÄrda och konkurrenskraftiga klimat som idag rÄder inom byggbranschen har organisationer i syfte att stÀrka sin roll pÄ marknaden valt att satsa pÄ och effektivisera kommunikation och hantering av projektdokumentation. I samband med rÄdande IT-utveckling har man dÀrför utvecklat projektstyrningsverktyg i hopp om att optimera sin resursanvÀndning och underlÀtta det projektbaserade arbetet inom organisationen. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka olika aspekter kring den förÀndring som sker inom en organisation vid införandet av ett projektstyrningsverktyg. De frÄgestÀllningar som legat till grund för studien har behandlat arbetet före respektive efter införandet av ett sÄdant verktyg, för att se hur det dokumentbaserade arbetet kan komma att pÄverkas. En avgrÀnsning har gjorts till arbetet kring ett specifikt dokument, riskanalysen, dÄ detta Àr ett dokument som hanteras och uppdateras löpande under hela byggprocessen. Undersökningen har genomförts som en fallstudie genom intervjuer med deltagare frÄn NCC Construction pÄ avdelning Hus Malmö-Lund, och urvalet har skett genom en kombination av stratifierat urval och möjlighetsurval. Beroende pÄ om deltagarna haft kontakt med projektstyrningsverktyget eller inte har de sedan placerats in i kontroll- eller testgrupp. DÄ studien utförts i liten skala Àr det svÄrt att avgöra i vilken utstrÀckning arbetet förÀndrats. Studien bidrar med föreslagna ÄtgÀrder och vidareutvecklingar för en optimerad anvÀndning av verktyget. Studiens resultat kan tÀnkas vara av intresse för företag och organisationer med en förhoppning om att effektivisera och förbÀttra arbetsrutiner med ett projektstyrningsverktyg liknande det författarna valt att studera

    On the nonexclusivity of loan contracts: An empirical investigation

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    We study how a bank's willingness to lend to a previously exclusive firm changes once the firm obtains a loan from another bank ("outside loan") and breaks an exclusive relationship. Using a difference-indifference analysis and a setting where outside loans are observable, we document that an outside loan triggers a decrease in the initial bank's willingness to lend to the firm, i.e., outside loans are strategic substitutes. Consistent with concerns about coordination problems and higher indebtedness, we find that this reaction is more pronounced the larger the outside loan and it is muted if the initial bank's existing and future loans retain seniority and are protected with valuable collateral. Our results give a benevolent role to transparency enabling banks to mitigate adverse effects from outside loans. The resulting substitute behavior may also act as a stabilizing force in credit markets limiting positive comovements between lenders, decreasing the possibility of credit freezes and financial crises

    British Capital and Merchandise Exports, 1870-1913: The Bilateral Case of New Zealand

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    The Ford thesis argued that there was a short-term causal relationship between British overseas investment and British merchandise exports in the late nineteenth century. However, economic historians since Ford have found little empirical evidence in support of this argument. Using data on bilateral British lending, this article finds that such a relationship did exist, with British ex ante lending preceding merchandise exports by 2 years. A case study of New Zealand, which had an extraordinarily high share of Britain in its imports, reveals that the relationship was conditional upon the lending being allocated to social overhead capital

    The service economy

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