381 research outputs found

    Mauprat : novela

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    Contiene : T. I

    Orthometric, normal and geoid heights in the context of the Brazilian altimetric network

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    The extensive use of GNSS positioning, combined with the importance of precise geoid heights for transformation between geodetic and orthometric heights, brings up the discussion of the influence of data uncertainties and the use of variable density values on these estimates. In this sense, we analyze the influence of the topographic masses density distribution and the data uncertainty on the computation of orthometric and geoid heights in stations of the High Precision Altimetric Network of Brazil, considering the Helmert and Mader methods. For this, we use 569 stations whose values of geodetic and normal heights, gravity, and geopotential numbers are known. The results indicate that orthometric heights are more sensitive to density values and to greater heights than to the Helmert and Mader methods applied. Also, we verify that the normal and orthometric heights present significant differences for the analyzed stations, considering the high correlation between the heights, which provide small values of uncertainty. However, our analyses show that the use of the Mader method, along with variable density values, provides either more rigorous or more reliable results

    Influence of Brazilian structures on the reservoir induced seismicity case of Irapé Hydroelectric Plant, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Inaugurada em 2006, a Usina Hidrelétrica de Irapé possui a mais alta barragem do país, com 210 m, que vem sendo monitorada pelo Observatório Sismológico da Universidade de Brasília desde o começo do enchimento de seu reservatório. Apresentando sismicidade causada pelo aumento da tensão crustal logo após o início do represamento, a Sismicidade Desencadeada por Reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Irapé permanece como um importante objeto de estudo para o entendimento deste fenômeno. O presente trabalho se propôs a estudar a sismicidade registrada de janeiro a maio de 2006, assim como a caracterizar a geologia ao redor da Usina Hidrelétrica de Irapé com o intuito de identificar e descrever as estruturas que permitam melhor compreender os eventos sísmicos. A orientação espacial dos eventos sísmicos obtidos pela análise das polaridades e da forma de onda condiz com aquelas dos lineamentos de relevo. As estruturas encontradas podem ser associadas a uma maior, de direção principal NE/SW, com dezenas de quilômetros, que seria responsável pela captura dos rios Jequitinhonha e Araçuaí, interpretada neste trabalho como uma estrutura relacionada a uma fase tardia do Evento Brasiliano. O diagrama de solução do mecanismo focal gerado utilizando um método de inversão da forma de onda no domínio do tempo indica que a direção dos possíveis planos de falhas está correlacionada ao principal direcionamento das estruturas rúpteis na área de trabalho.Inaugurated in 2006, the Irapé Hydroelectric Plant has the highest dam in Brazil, with 210 m. The Seismological Observatory of the University of Brasilia is monitoring this structure since the beginning of its reservoir filling. The reservoir triggered seismicity caused by the increase of crustal tension just after the start of the remains like an important object of study for understanding this phenomenon. This paper aims at studying the seismicity recorded from January to May 2006, as well as to characterize the geology around the Hydroelectric Plant Irapé in order to identify and describe the structures that help for better understanding the seismic events. The spatial orientation of the seismic events obtained by analyzing polarity and waveform is consistent with the guidance of prominent relief lineaments. These faults can be found attached to a larger structure with main NE/SW direction and tens of kilometers, which would be responsible for capturing Jequitinhonha and Araçuaí rivers. This great lineament is interpreted herein as a structure related to a late stage of the Brasiliano-Panafrican event. The solution of focal mechanism, created using an inversion method of the waveform in the time domain, indicates that the direction of the possible plans are correlated to main failure of brittle structures targeting the area of work

    Radial structure, inflow and central mass of stationary radiative galaxy clusters

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    We analyse the radial structure of self-gravitating spheres consisting of multiple interpenetrating fluids, such as the X-ray emitting gas and the dark halo of a galaxy cluster. In these dipolytropic models, the adiabatic dark matter sits in equilibrium, while the gas develops a gradual, smooth, quasi-stationary cooling flow. Both affect and respond to the collective gravitational field. We find that all subsonic, radially continuous, steady solutions require a non-zero minimum central point mass. For Mpc-sized haloes with 7–10 effective degrees of freedom (F2), the minimum central mass is compatible with observations of supermassive black holes. Smaller gas mass influxes enable smaller central masses for wider ranges of F2. The halo comprises a sharp spike around the central mass, embedded within a core of nearly constant density (at 101–102.5 kpc scales), with outskirts that attenuate and naturally truncate at finite radius (several Mpc). The gas density resembles a broken power law in radius, but the temperature dips and peaks within the dark core. A finite minimum temperature occurs due to gravitational self-warming, without cold mass dropout nor needing regulatory heating. X-ray emission from the intracluster medium mimics a β-model plus bright compact nucleus. Near-sonic points in the gas flow are bottlenecks to the allowed steady solutions; the outermost are at kpc scales. These sites may preferentially develop cold mass dropout during strong perturbations off equilibrium. Within the sonic point, the profile of gas specific entropy is flatter than s∝r1/2, but this is a shallow ramp and not an isentropic core. When F2 is large, the inner halo spike is only marginally Jeans stable in the central parsec, suggesting that a large non-linear disturbance could trigger local dark collapse on to the central object

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on twenty research projects split into two sections.National Science Foundation (Grant ENG75-06242-A01)U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (Contract E(11-1)-2766)U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (Contract E(11-1)-3070