558 research outputs found

    Gravitational Lensing in Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689

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    Abell 1689 is a massive galaxy cluster that has an impressive number of gravitationally lensed background galaxies. In this thesis more than 30 multiple image systems identified in A1689 are used to derive an accurate mass profile for the cluster. It is also shown how strong lensing in cluster can be used to constrain the sizes of the dark matter haloes of cluster galaxies and to place upper limits on the amount of dark substructure in clusters

    Parametric Strong Gravitational Lensing Analysis of Abell 1689

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    (Abridged) We measure the mass distribution of galaxy cluster Abell 1689 within 0.3 Mpc/h_70 of the cluster centre using its strong lensing effect on 32 background galaxies. The multiple images are based on those of Broadhurst et al. 2005 with some modifications. The cluster profile is explored further out to ~2.5 Mpc/h_70 with weak lensing shear measurements from Broadhurst et al. 2005b. The masses of ~200 cluster galaxies are measured with Fundamental Plane in order to accurately model the small scale mass structure in the cluster. The galaxies are modelled as elliptical truncated isothermal spheres. The dark matter component of the cluster is described by either non-singular isothermal ellipsoids (NSIE) or elliptical versions of the universal dark matter profile (ENFW). We use two dark matter haloes to model the smooth DM in the cluster. The total mass profile is well described by either an NSIS profile with sigma=1514+-18 km/s and core radius of r_c=71+-5kpc/h_70, or an NFW profile with C=6.0+-0.5 and r_200=2.82+-0.11 Mpc/h_70. The errors are assumed to be due to the error in assigning masses to the individual galaxies in the galaxy component. The derived total mass is in good agreement with the mass profile of Broadhurst et al. 05. Using also weak lensing we can constrain the profile further out to r~2.5 Mpc/h_70. The best fit parameters are then sigma=1499+-15 km/s and r_c=66+-5 kpc/h_70 for the NSIS profile and C=7.6+-0.5 and r_200=2.55+-0.07 Mpc/h_70 for the NFW profile. Using the same image configuration as Broadhurst et al. 2005 we obtain a strong lensing model that is superior to that of Broadhurst et al. 2005 (rms of 2.7'' compared to 3.2'').Comment: 43 pages, 22 figures, submitted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society after the first referee report. Full resolution paper available from http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/~halkola/A1689

    I don\u27t : A look at attitudes towards delaying marriage in a traditional community

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    This sociological research study was designed to explore the attitudes of women in their late twenties and thirties about marriage and how geography (physical and sociological) impacts decisions. This research looks at women in a politically and religiously conservative area in the central Midwest. The research is meant to be exploratory in nature in order to grasp an understanding of how not only educational and career aspirations affect attitudes toward marriage but also at how leisure activities and the sexual revolution play a major role in the desire to delay marriage. Interviews were conducted to expose women’s attitudes, opinions, choices, and reasoning behind delaying marriage. This study attempts to broadly give perspective to choices being made about life and marriage that may be reflected in society as a whole. Overall results reveal geography, education, leisure desires, sexual freedom, history, and familial ties all played roles in delayed marriage

    Mathematical modelling and survival prediction in cancer

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    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death, thus opening a vast need for extensive research and insights. The survival prospects, along with treatment benefits and costs (economical or health-related), can be predicted with tools from mathematical modelling and regression analysis. Promising results have been gained on suggesting mono- and combination therapies, that could potentially improve the treatment strategies. Furthermore, multiple biological features have been recognized as important predictors of treatment outcome. However, since cancer remains a challenging and unpredictable enemy, the need for more effective and personalized predictions and treatment suggestions remains. In this dissertation, various modelling approaches were used to predict cancer behavior, treatment outcomes and patient survival. An ordinary differential equation model was developed to investigate the changes in the cancer cell density as different treatment regimen were applied. In addition, we included the immune system along with immunotherapy, since the immune response is an important part of cancer development and has a potential to eradicate tumors. It was noted, that an adaptive treatment resulted in lower cancer burden and less time in treatment. In addition, combination treatments (immunotherapy with either chemo- or targeted therapy) generally resulted in smaller cancer burden than monotherapies, however, the potential additional side effects of two therapies have to be considered. A metapopulation model was developed for the cancer development, in which the focus was on emergence of angiogenesis and cancer cell emigration. We investigated, in which conditions cancer cells would become angiogenic with or without treatments (anti-angiogenic, cytotoxic or combination). In general, angiogenesis contribution was desired quality for cancer cells, if no anti-angiogenic treatment was administrated. With anti-angiogenic treatment, angiogenesis diminished, however the risk of resistance against anti-angiogenic treatment also increased. Two new regression methods were developed with focus on survival prediction. A greedy budget-constrained Cox regression (Greedy Cox) utilizes L2-penalty and considers the cost of selected parameters. It was also compared to LASSO selection (L1). Optimal Subset CArdinality Regression (OSCAR) method was developed with L0-pseudonorm penalty to provide sparse models. The costs of measuring the selected model features were also considered in comparison to prediction accuracy. The methods were validated on clinical prostate cancer data and it was noted that a comparable level of prediction accuracy was already reached with a few parameters, resulting in relatively low costs. All of the investigated methods also selected reasonable, cancer-related parameters such as prostate specific antigen (PSA). Taken together, this dissertation provides a comprehensive research of novel tools for modelling and predicting cancer behavior and patient survival. Important hallmarks of cancer development, such as immune response and angiogenic switch have been included along with corresponding treatments that have potential to change the traditional treatment regimens

    Leaning-based control of an immersive telepresence robot

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    Abstract. This thesis presents an implementation of a leaning-based control method which allows using the body to drive a telepresence robot. The implementation consisted of a control mapping to drive a differential drive telepresence robot using a Nintendo Wii Balance Board (Wiiboard). The motivation for using a balance board as a control device was to reduce Virtual Reality (VR) sickness by using small movements of your own body matching the motions seen on the screen; matching the body movement to the motion seen on the screen could mitigate sensory conflict between visual and vestibular organs which is generally held as one of the main causes for VR sickness. A user study (N=32) was conducted to compare the balance board to joysticks, in which the participants drove a simulated telepresence robot in a Virtual Environment (VE) along a marked path using both control methods. The results showed that the joystick did not cause any more VR sickness on the participants than the balance board, and the board proved to be statistically significantly more difficult to use, both subjectively and objectively. The balance board was unfamiliar to the participants and it was reported as hard to control. Analyzing the open-ended questions revealed a potential relationship between perceived difficulty and VR sickness, meaning that difficulty possibly affects sickness. The balance board’s potential to reduce VR sickness was held back by the difficulty to use it, thus making the board easier to use is the key to enabling its potential. A few suggestions were presented to achieve this goal.Immersiivisen etäläsnäolorobotin nojaamiseen perustuva ohjaus. Tiivistelmä. Tämä diplomityö esittelee nojautumiseen perustuvan ohjausmenetelmän toteutuksen, joka mahdollistaa etäläsnäolorobotin ohjaamisen käyttämällä kehoa. toteutus koostui ohjauskartoituksesta tasauspyörästö vetoisen etäläsnäolorobotin ohjaamiseksi Nintendo Wii Balance Board -tasapainolaudan avulla. Motivaatio tasapainolaudan käyttämiseen ohjauslaitteena oli vähentää virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointia käyttämällä pieniä oman kehon liikkeitä, jotka vastaavat näytöllä näkyviä liikkeitä; kehon liikkeen sovittaminen yhteen näytöllä nähtyyn liikkeeseen voi lieventää näkö- ja tasapainoelinten välistä aistiristiriitaa, jota pidetään yleisesti yhtenä pääsyistä virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointiin. Tasapainolautaa verrattiin ohjaussauvoihin käyttäjätutkimus (N=32), jossa osallistuja ajoivat simuloitua etäläsnäolorobottia virtuaaliympäristössä merkittyä reittiä pitkin käyttämällä molemmilla ohjausmenetelmiä. Tulokset osoittivat, että ohjaussauvat ei aiheuttanut osallistujille enempää virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointia kuin tasapainolauta, ja lauta osoittautui tilastollisesti merkitsevästi vaikeammaksi käyttää sekä subjektiivisesti että objektiivisesti. Tasapainolauta oli osallistujille tuntematon, ja sen ilmoitettiin olevan vaikeasti hallittava. Avointen kysymysten analysointi paljasti mahdollisen yhteyden koetun vaikeuden ja virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvoinnin välillä, mikä tarkoittaa, että vaikeus voi mahdollisesti vaikuttaa pahoinvointiin. Tasapainolaudan vaikeus rajoitti sen potentiaalia vähentää virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointia, mikä tarkoittaa, että laudan käytön helpottaminen on avain sen potentiaalin saavuttamiseen. Muutamia ehdotuksia esitettiin tämän tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi


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    Information infrastructure building efforts have entered both research literature and the practice of utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) in organizations as well as in our everyday life. The concept of infrastructuring has also challenged the traditional, project-based assumptions of information systems (IS) development. This study will explore infrastructuring within the educational network of a Finnish city. The study examines infrastructuring in-depth in a novel context, and includes an unusual group of participants: children that have so far been almost entirely neglected in IS research. A research framework of nexus analysis, combining both qualitative and participatory research approaches, was utilized for exploring infrastructuring in this Future School case. The study characterizes a multitude of actors, both adults and children, their various activities, and the versatility of outcomes involved. This study addresses both ˜design for use before use´ and ˜design in use´ carried out by teachers and pupils. In addition, the existence of certain kinds of resonance and design-for-design-in-use activities is revealed. The study expands infrastructuring to concern both pedagogical, architectural, and interior design, as well as enabling issus; the study reveals that when creating novel learning environments, all these aspects may play a role together with ICT. \ \ Keywords: Infrastructuring, Information Infrastructure, Participation, Children

    How Teachers Participate in the Infrastructuring of an Educational Network

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    The evolution of Digital technologies has changed the ways in which people interact with and through technologies. Despite longstanding investment in technical and pedagogical infrastructure, schools vary greatly in the degree to which they have digitalized. New curricula in Finland have put additional pressure on education to meet the goals set for learning in the 21st century. In information systems (IS) research, digitalization increases an interest for understanding contemporary IS projects as infrastructuring. In this study, we examine how teachers as influential actors in transforming their environment participated in shaping the infrastructuring of the educational network of a Finnish city. A nexus analysis of teachers’ interviews revealed three main discourses. The first discourse depicted teachers balancing between traditional and new educational solutions when aligning their pedagogy-driven practices with curriculum objectives. The second discourse concerned infrastructuring activities for establishing pedagogical ICT use successfully. The third discourse highlighted practices that teachers used to share resources as an organizational-balancing effort. The results reveal tensions between collegiality and leadership, submissive and empowered agency, and discontinuities and anticipation in ensuring continuity in infrastructuring. We discuss implications for organizing in-service training and developing local practices as contributing to infrastructuring in the educational network

    Elvyttääkö vai ei? : Ohje sairaanhoitajille neurokirurgisen ER-potilaan hoitotyöstä

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    Tämän tuotokseen painottuvan opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää neurokirurgisen ER-potilaan hoitotyötä sekä tuottaa ohje Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin neurokirurgisen vuodeosaston sairaanhoitajille. ER-päätös eli ei resuskitoida -päätös tarkoittaa elvytys-kieltoa, jolloin peruselvytystoimintoja ei aloiteta. ER-potilasta hoidetaan aktiivisilla hoitomuodoilla arvioiden hoitotoimenpiteiden hyötyä potilaalle. Opinnäytetyössä käytettiin tuotokseen painottuvaa menetelmää, koska työelämän toi-veena oli ohje sairaanhoitajille. Työ on yksiosainen ja tuotos on työn liitteenä. Opinnäy-tetyö on kirjoitettu eettisyyden näkökulmasta, sillä se korostuu erityisesti ER-potilaan hoidossa ja on hyvän hoidon perusta. Selvitimme tarkemmin ER-päätöksen merkitystä ja sen käyttöä sekä neurokirurgisen ER-potilaan hoitotyön osa-alueita. Hoitotyössä ko-rostuvat hyvä perushoito ja omaisten huomiointi. Tuotos pohjautuu teoreettiseen viitekehykseen ja siihen on sovellettu hyvän ohjeen kri-teereitä. Siinä käsitellään ER-potilaan hoitoa lakien ja konkreettisen hoidon kautta sekä määritellään asiaan liittyvien käsitteiden eroavaisuus. ER-päätös, kuten myös muut hoi-donlinjaukset ja hoitotahto, täytyy olla kirjattu asianmukaisesti. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selkiyttää ER-potilaan hoitotyötä osastolla sekä lisätä tietoa. Ohje on hyödyllinen myös uusien työntekijöiden ja opiskelijoiden perehdyttämisessä. Jatkossa olisi hyödyllistä tutkia hoitohenkilökunnan yhteistyötä neurokirurgisen ER-potilaan hoidossa.The purpose of this thesis was to clarify the nursing care of a neurosurgical DNR patient and to produce instructions for nurses working in neurosurgical wards in the Pirkanmaa Hospital District. DNR order means that the patient will not be resuscitated. Otherwise DNR patient will be cared as any other patient, taking benefit of procedures into ac-count. In this thesis, an output-oriented study method was used because of wishes of the work-ing-life partner. The thesis was written from the ethical perspective, because it is espe-cially emphasised in the nursing care of DNR patients and is the foundation of good care. In the care of a neurosurgical DNR patient, good basic care and taking the next of kin into account are emphasised. The output was based on the theoretical framework and it was made using the criteria of good guidelines. The instructions contained laws pertaining to nursing DNR patients and definitions of important concepts. The instructions include the care of DNR patient from the viewpoints of law, ethics, and practical care, and define the different concepts related to the topic. DNR order, as other guidelines of care and care will, must be prop-erly recorded. The goal of this thesis was to clarify the nursing care of DNR patients in the ward and to increase knowledge of the topic. The instructions will also be helpful in the induction process for new employees and trainees. The nursing staff’s co-operation in care of neu-rosurgical DNR patient would be a good subject for further studies.Tuotosta ei julkaista Theseuksessa

    The sizes of galaxy halos in galaxy cluster Abell 1689

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    The multiple images observed in galaxy cluster Abell 1689 provide strong constraints not only on the mass distribution of the cluster but also on the ensemble properties of the cluster galaxies. Using parametric strong lensing models for the cluster, and by assuming well motivated scaling laws between the truncation radius s and the velocity dispersion sigma of a cluster galaxy we are able to derive sizes of the dark matter halos of cluster galaxies. For the scaling law expected for galaxies in the cluster environment (s propto sigma), we obtain s = 64^{+15}_{-14} (sigma / 220 km/s) kpc. For the scaling law used for galaxies in the field with s propto sigma^2 we find s = 66^{+18}_{-16} (sigma / 220 km/s)^2 kpc. Compared to halos of field galaxies, the cluster galaxy halos in Abell 1689 are strongly truncated.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in the Ap