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    L'insigne et la médaille de blessés de guerre

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    Nanolayered cobalt-molybdenum sulphides (Co-Mo-S) catalyse borrowing hydrogen C-S bond formation reactions of thiols or H2S with alcohols

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    [EN] Nanolayered cobalt-molybdenum sulphide (Co-Mo-S) materials have been established as excellent catalysts for C-S bond construction. These catalysts allow for the preparation of a broad range of thioethers in good to excellent yields from structurally diverse thiols and readily available primary as well as secondary alcohols. Chemoselectivity in the presence of sensitive groups such as double bonds, nitriles, carboxylic esters and halogens has been demonstrated. It is also shown that the reaction takes place through a hydrogen-autotransfer (borrowing hydrogen) mechanism that involves Co-Mo-Smediated dehydrogenation and hydrogenation reactions. A novel catalytic protocol based on the thioetherification of alcohols with hydrogen sulphide (H2S) to furnish symmetrical thioethers has also been developed using these earth-abundant metal-based sulphide catalysts.Financial support by the Spanish Government-MINECO through the program "Severo Ochoa" (SEV-2016-0683) is gratefully acknowledged. I. S. also acknowledges the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Innovation and Transfer of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) for a postdoctoral fellowship and the Spanish Government-MINECO for a "Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacion" fellowship. The authors also acknowledge the Microscopy Service of the UPV and Dr Jose Maria Moreno for kind help with TEM and STEM measurements.Sorribes-Terrés, I.; Corma Canós, A. (2019). Nanolayered cobalt-molybdenum sulphides (Co-Mo-S) catalyse borrowing hydrogen C-S bond formation reactions of thiols or H2S with alcohols. Chemical Science. 10(10):3130-3142. https://doi.org/10.1039/c8sc05782fS313031421010E. 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    Structural, Surface, and Catalytic Properties of Aluminas

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    The published data concerning the structural, surface, and catalytic properties of aluminas are reviewed, and these properties are related to the preparation procedures. The experimental and computational investigations of the structural characteristics of the polymorphs most useful for applications in catalysis, which are \u3b3-, \u3b7-, \u3b4-, and \u3b8-Al2O3, are critically analyzed. The thermodynamics of the various polymorphs and the kinetics of the phase transitions are considered. The available information on Br\uf8nsted sites (i.e., hydroxyl groups), Lewis acid sites, and acid\u2013base pairs othe surface of aluminas is discussed. Data regarding the application of aluminas as a catalyst and as a catalyst support are summarized. Suggestions for future research are proposed