24 research outputs found

    Oculo-visual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease

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    This review describes the oculo-visual problems likely to be encountered in Parkinson's disease (PD) with special reference to three questions: (1) are there visual symptoms characteristic of the prodromal phase of PD, (2) is PD dementia associated with specific visual changes, and (3) can visual symptoms help in the differential diagnosis of the parkinsonian syndromes, viz. PD, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), multiple system atrophy (MSA), and corticobasal degeneration (CBD)? Oculo-visual dysfunction in PD can involve visual acuity, dynamic contrast sensitivity, colour discrimination, pupil reactivity, eye movement, motion perception, and visual processing speeds. In addition, disturbance of visuo-spatial orientation, facial recognition problems, and chronic visual hallucinations may be present. Prodromal features of PD may include autonomic system dysfunction potentially affecting pupil reactivity, abnormal colour vision, abnormal stereopsis associated with postural instability, defects in smooth pursuit eye movements, and deficits in visuo-motor adaptation, especially when accompanied by idiopathic rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder. PD dementia is associated with the exacerbation of many oculo-visual problems but those involving eye movements, visuo-spatial function, and visual hallucinations are most characteristic. Useful diagnostic features in differentiating the parkinsonian symptoms are the presence of visual hallucinations, visuo-spatial problems, and variation in saccadic eye movement dysfunction

    Parkinson's Disease: Basic Pathomechanisms and a Clinical Overview

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    PD is a common and a debilitating degenerative movement disorder. The number of patients is increasing worldwide and as yet there is no cure for the disease. The majority of existing treatments target motor symptom control. Over the last two decades the impact of the genetic contribution to PD has been appreciated. Significant discoveries have been made, which have advanced our understanding of the pathophysiological and molecular basis of PD. In this chapter we outline current knowledge of the clinical aspects of PD and the basic mechanistic understanding

    Esiopetuksen laatu

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    TĂ€mĂ€ esiopetuksen laadun arviointi perustuu opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön toimeksiantoon. Sen keskeiset arviointikohteet ovat esiopetuksen saavutettavuus, tavoitteiden, tasa-arvon ja yhdenvertaisuuden toteutuminen, lasten kasvu-, kehitys- ja oppimisedellytysten edistĂ€minen sekĂ€ esiopetuksen oppimis- ja kasvuympĂ€ristön laatu. LÀÀninhallitukset selvittivĂ€t 2000-luvun alussa peruspalvelujen arviointien yhteydessĂ€ myös esiopetukseen liittyviĂ€ asioita. LÀÀninhallituksen sivistysosastot tekivĂ€t tĂ€llaisen arvioinnin viimeisen kerran vuonna 2003. Opetushallitus arvioi esiopetusta lukuvuonna 2003–2004 valtioneuvostolle annettavaa selontekoa varten. Selonteon jĂ€lkeen esiopetuksesta ei ole raportoitu kattavaa kansallista tietoa. Koulutuksen arviointineuvosto organisoi esiopetuksen arviointihankkeen. Arvioin-tineuvoston nimittĂ€mĂ€ arviointiryhmĂ€ toteutti arvioinnin pÀÀosin vuosina 2010–2011. Arvioinnin lĂ€htökohtina olivat esiopetusta koskevat sÀÀdökset, Esiopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2000, aikaisempi arviointi- ja tutkimustieto sekĂ€ lapsilĂ€htöisen varhaiskasvatuksen laadun arvioinnin malli (Hujala ym. 1999; Hujala & FonsĂ©n 2010), jota arviointiryhmĂ€ kehitti edelleen tĂ€tĂ€ arviointia varten.Tietoa esiopetuksen laadusta kerĂ€ttiin kyselyllĂ€ niiltĂ€ kuntien toimijoilta, jotka ovat mukana tavalla tai toisella esiopetuksen jĂ€rjestĂ€misessĂ€. Kysely lĂ€hetettiin esiopetuksen johtaville viranhaltijoille, lautakuntien puheenjohtajille, pĂ€ivĂ€kotien johtajille ja perusopetuksen rehtoreille ja esiopetuksen opettajille sekĂ€ lasten huoltajille. NĂ€itĂ€ tietoja tĂ€ydennettiin haastatteluin, havainnoinnein sekĂ€ kuulemistilaisuudessa. Tuloksia vertailtiin alueittain vuoden 2009 loppuun voimassa olleen lÀÀnijaon pohjalta, kuntaryhmien vĂ€lillĂ€ sekĂ€ opetuksenjĂ€rjestĂ€jĂ€n kielen (suomi ja ruotsi) perusteella. Kuntien vĂ€lisiin esiopetuksen laadun vertailuihin aineisto antoi kattavat tiedot 81 kunnan osalta. Arvioinnin keskeiset tulokset, pÀÀtelmĂ€t ja kehittĂ€misehdotukset ovat raportin alussa


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    BACKGROUND: Loss-of-function mutations in the GBA gene are associated with more severe cognitive impairment in PD, but the nature of these deficits is not well understood and whether common GBA polymorphisms influence cognitive performance in PD is not yet known. OBJECTIVES/METHODS: We screened the GBA coding region for mutations and the E326K polymorphism in 1,369 PD patients enrolled at 8 sites from the PD Cognitive Genetics Consortium. Participants underwent assessments of learning and memory (Hopkins Verbal Learning Test–Revised), working memory/executive function (Letter-Number Sequencing and Trail Making A and B), language processing (semantic and phonemic verbal fluency), visuospatial abilities (Benton Judgment of Line Orientation), and global cognitive function (Montreal Cognitive Assessment). We used linear regression to test for association between genotype and cognitive performance with adjustment for important covariates and accounted for multiple testing using Bonferroni corrections. RESULTS: Mutation carriers (n=60; 4.4%) and E326K carriers (n=65; 4.7%) had a higher prevalence of dementia (mutations, odds ratio =5.1; p=9.7 × 10(−6); E326K, odds ratio =6.4; p=5.7 × 10(−7)) and lower performance on Letter-Number Sequencing (mutations, corrected p[p(c)]=9.0 × 10(−4); E326K, p(c)=0.036), Trail Making B-A (mutations, p(c)=0.018; E326K, p(c)=0.018), and Benton Judgment of Line Orientation (mutations, p(c)=0.0045; E326K, p(c)=0.0013). CONCLUSIONS: Both GBA mutations and E326K are associated with a distinct cognitive profile characterized by greater impairment in working memory/executive function and visuospatial abilities in PD patients. The discovery that E326K negatively impacts cognitive performance approximately doubles the proportion of PD patients we now recognize are at risk for more severe GBA-related cognitive deficits