2,719 research outputs found

    The effects of crises in Europe: impact, twins and recovery time

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    The goal of this thesisis to examine the effect of a systemiccrisis on GDP growth. The balanced panel analysis of 16Europeancountries over the time period 1970 –2017 shows that a crisis has severe consequences as growth is reduced by 1.8% for each crisis year. Twin Crises and complex crises prove to be extraordinarily damaging. After the crisis has ended a country undergoeson averagetwo years of recovery time until the pre-crisis growth trend is re-established. Theresults are highly robust to different control variables, specifications and datasets

    Variation and relative growth in the plastral scutes of the turtle Kinosternon integrum Leconte

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    Knowledge-based modeling of the non-calcareous soil depth of forest soils in the canton Basel-Landschaft (Northwest Switzerland)

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    Die fortschreitende Versauerungsdynamik der Waldböden fĂŒhrt zu einer zunehmenden GefĂ€hrdung von Waldökosystemen durch NĂ€hrstoffmangel. Um eine RisikoabschĂ€tzung vornehmen zu können, werden flĂ€chendeckende Informationen zu den fĂŒr die Bodenversauerung relevanten Waldbodeneigenschaften benötigt. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist auf der Grundlage von acht PrĂ€diktoren/-gruppen ein wissensbasiertes Prognosemodell zur MĂ€chtigkeit des kalkfreien Bodenbereiches in den Waldböden des Kantons Basel-Landschaft (Nordwestschweiz) entwickelt worden. Die Ergebniskarte liefert fĂŒr 87 % der WaldflĂ€che nachvollziehbare, kleinrĂ€umig differenzierte Informationen zur AusprĂ€gung dieser Bodeneigenschaft. Mithilfe der vorliegenden Modellergebnisse lassen sich zukĂŒnftig die BasensĂ€ttigung der Waldböden flĂ€chendifferenziert abschĂ€tzen und Waldstandorte mit unzureichender NĂ€hrstoffversorgung identifizieren. Langfristig stellt das Modell zudem eine wichtige Grundlage zur Beurteilung des Versauerungsrisikos dar.The progressive acidification of forest soils leads to a lack of nutrients and increasingly threatens forest ecologies. To assess these risks, area-wide information on forest soil properties that are relevant to soil acidification is needed. In this context, a knowledge-based prediction model to predict the non-calcareous soil depth of forest soils in the Canton Basel-Landschaft (northwest Switzerland) was developed, based on eight predictors/predictor groups. The resulting map provides comprehensible, detailed information on the relevant soil property for 87 % of the forest areas. With the help of these modeled results, the base saturation of forest soils can be estimated, and forest sites with an inadequate nutrient supply can be identified. In the long term, this model is an important tool for assessing acidification risks

    A multiparentalidade nas famĂ­lias reconstituĂ­das: da realidade social Ă  (uma nova) realidade jurĂ­dica

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de CiĂȘncias JurĂ­dicas. Direito.A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar a possibilidade e a necessidade de ser reconhecido pelo ordenamento jurĂ­dico brasileiro o fenĂŽmeno da multiparentalidade nas famĂ­lias reconstituĂ­das, com todos os efeitos dela decorrentes. Para tanto, utiliza-se o mĂ©todo de procedimento monogrĂĄfico. O mĂ©todo de abordagem adotado Ă© o dedutivo e a tĂ©cnica de documentação Ă© a indireta, feita atravĂ©s da pesquisa bibliogrĂĄfica. De inĂ­cio, apresenta-se a Teoria Tridimensional do Direito de FamĂ­lia, que enseja a multiparentalidade, jĂĄ que o ser humano Ă© genĂ©tico, (des) afetivo e ontolĂłgico simultaneamente, e, portanto, um ser tridimensional. Dessa forma, a compreensĂŁo do Direito das FamĂ­lias deve ser efetivada pelos mundos genĂ©tico, afetivo e ontolĂłgico, permitindo nĂŁo sĂł a existĂȘncia da parentalidade socioafetiva, como a sua coexistĂȘncia Ă  parentalidade genĂ©tica. Apesar disso, a jurisprudĂȘncia nacional faz uma hierarquização entre os vĂ­nculos genĂ©tico e socioafetivo, privilegiando ora um, ora outro, com exceçÔes de alguns tribunais que reconhecem a simultaneidade das filiaçÔes. TambĂ©m Ă© analisada a realidade das famĂ­lias reconstituĂ­das, uma das situaçÔes que proporciona a parentalidade na sua forma mĂșltipla. AtravĂ©s da uniĂŁo de casais em que um ou ambos tĂȘm um ou mais filhos de uma relação anterior, estes arranjos familiares sĂŁo protegidos pelo conceito plural de famĂ­lias trazido pela Constituição de 1988. AlĂ©m disso, eles tĂȘm sua formação facilitada com a edição da Emenda Constitucional n. 66/2010, que ao transformar o divĂłrcio em direito potestativo, possibilita a uniĂŁo de novos casais que jĂĄ possuam filhos. Assim, a famĂ­lia reconstituĂ­da, marcada por mĂșltiplos vĂ­nculos e ambiguidades nos papĂ©is exercidos pelos seus membros, Ă© o locus propĂ­cio para a formação da filiação socioafetiva entre pais e filhos afins, que convivem diariamente no mesmo ambiente e podem acabar se relacionando como verdadeiros pais e filhos. Quando isto ocorre, tem-se uma situação de multiparentalidade, uma vez que hĂĄ a coexistĂȘncia da parentalidade, ao menos genĂ©tica, do genitor nĂŁo guardiĂŁo, e da parentalidade socioafetiva do pai ou mĂŁe afim, que nĂŁo se limita ao parentesco por afinidade definido por lei. As decisĂ”es judiciais que nĂŁo reconhecem os efeitos desta situação contrariam o princĂ­pio da verdade real, um dos norteadores dos registros pĂșblicos, por nĂŁo contemplar juridicamente a realidade que permeia diversas famĂ­lias brasileiras. Assim, uma inclusĂŁo legal que preveja a multiparentalidade nas famĂ­lias reconstituĂ­das, concedendo todos os efeitos oriundos das diversas filiaçÔes simultaneamente, daria segurança jurĂ­dica aos seus membros e isonomia aos cidadĂŁos, que passariam a receber o mesmo tratamento em situaçÔes semelhantes, o que nĂŁo ocorre atualmente, visto a disparidade entre algumas decisĂ”es dos tribunais brasileiros. Apesar de o Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 470/2013 (intitulado Estatuto das FamĂ­lias) fortificar o parentesco por afinidade e tutelar as famĂ­lias reconstituĂ­das, atĂ© entĂŁo nĂŁo foi prevista a multiparentalidade em seu texto, o que deveria ocorrer, em virtude da condição tridimensional do ser humano.La presente ricerca si propone di analizzare la possibilitĂ  e la necessitĂ  dell’ordinamento giuridico brasiliano riconoscere il fenomeno della multiparentalitĂ  nelle famiglie ricostituite, con tutti gli effetti decorrenti. Si utilizza il metodo monografico come procedimento. Il metodo di approccio Ăš il deduttivo e la documentazione tecnica Ăš l’indiretta, fatta attraverso la ricerca bibliografica. Inanzitutto si presenta la Teoria Tridimensionale del Diritto di Famiglia, che da luogo alla multiparentalitĂ , poichĂ© l’uomo Ăš genetico, affettivo e ontologico allo stesso tempo, e, per tanto, un essere tridimensionale. CosĂŹ, la comprensione del Diritto di Famiglia deve essere fatta dai mondi genetico, affettivo e ontologico, permettendo non soltanto l’esistenza della parentalitĂ  socioaffettiva, ma anche la coesistenza alla parentalitĂ  genetica. Nonostante questo, la giurisprudenza nazionale fa la gerarchia fra le filiazioni genetica e socioaffettiva, favoriscendo ora uno, ora l’atro, tranne qualche tribunale che riconosce la simultaneitĂ  delle filiazioni. Anche si analizza la realtĂ  delle famiglie ricostituite, una delle situazione che da luogo alla multiparentalitĂ . Attraverso l’unione di coppie in cui uno o entrambi i suoi membri abbiano uno o piĂč figli nati da una precedenti esperienze, queste famiglie sono protette dal concetto plurale di famiglia che la Costituzione ci porta. Inoltre, loro hanno la sua formazione facilitata dopo l’edizione della modifica costituzionale che ha trasformato il divorzio in diritto potestativo, permettendo l’unione di nuove coppie che hanno giĂ  figli. CosĂŹ, la famiglia ricostituita, marcata dalla molteplicitĂ  di vincoli e dall’ambiguitĂ  nei ruoli esercitati dai suoi membri, Ăš il posto adeguato della filiazone socioaffettiva fra patrigno o matrigna e figliastro, che vivono tutti i giorni nello stesso ambiente e possono avere un vero rapporto di padre o madre e figlio. Quando questo succede, c’ù una situazione di multiparentalitĂ , poichĂ© c’ù la coesistenza della parentalitĂ  genetica del genitore e la parentalitĂ  socioaffettiva del genitore sociale, che non si limita al rapporto di affinitĂ  definito dalla legge. Le decisioni giudiziali che non riconoscono questa possibilitĂ  contraddiceno il principio della veritĂ  reale, che guida i registri pubblici, perchĂ© non include giuridicamente una realtĂ  che permea la vita delle famiglie brasiliane. CosĂŹ, l’inclusione legale che preveda la multiparentalitĂ  nelle famiglie ricostituite, fornendo tutti gli effetti giuridiche decorrenti dalle diverse filiazioni allo stesso tempo, darebbe sicurezza giuridica ai suoi membri e uguaglianza ai cittadini, che riceverebbero lo stesso trattamento in situazioni simili, cosa che non succede attualmente, data la disparitĂ  fra alcune decisione dei tribunali brasiliani. Nonostante il Progetto di Legge del Senato n. 470/2013 (Statuto delle Famiglie) rafforzi l’affinitĂ  e protegga le famiglie ricostituite, fino adesso non Ăš prevista la multiparentilitĂ  in suo testo, cosa che dovrebbere succedere, dovuto la condizione tridimensionale dell’uomo

    Lo scavo del crollo di un vano affrescato dell\u2019edificio ad est del foro di Nora (Sardegna). Nuovi contributi dallo studio della pittura parietale.

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    Dynamics of collapse of a building are one of the most complex processes to understand in archaeology, so their reconstruction is only possible facing different lines of research at the same time. This paper describes the case-study of a collapse of a painted room in a middle imperial building of the ancient city of Nora (Sardinia) and aims to validate a combined analysis of archaeological, technical and iconographic data as the only way to get a trustworthy reconstruction of the paintings

    Angiotensinergic Neurons in the Neonatal Rat Heart and in Atrial Cell Culture

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    The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and its main effector peptide angiotensin II (Ang II) are known to play a pivotal role in the regulation of heart function, development of cardiac remodeling, arrhythmia, and heart failure. Recently, a novel population of sympathetic neuronal cells containing Ang II was described in the adult rat heart. The aim of the current study was to investigate the presence of Ang II positive neurons in the neonatal rat heart and to develop methods to maintain these neurons in primary atrial cell cultures. The immunohistochemical characterization of angiotensinergic neurons in whole rat hearts and in primary cell culture preparations was based on colocalization studies of Ang II with other components of the RAS and known neuronal cell markers. The survival of Ang II positive neurons in primary cell culture was studied under different culture conditions. Single cell electrophysiological studies were performed using patch clamp recording on isolated neurons in cell culture. Viral transduction using a neuron specific promoter served to investigate the neuronal identity of angiotensinergic cells. In the atria of whole neonatal rat heart preparations, neuronal cell bodies and fibers of intracardiac ganglia were found to contain Ang II that colocalized with neuron specific beta III tubulin (NM III), synaptophysin and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP). Ang II and the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) displayed an intriguing staining pattern with VAChT positive structures encircling angiotensinergic ganglion cells, which may indicate a functional link between the parasympathetic nervous system and the angiotensinergic system. Labeling of the sympathetic nervous system with antibodies against dopamine-ÎČ-hydroxylase (DÎČH) resulted in strong staining of neuronal cell processes while cell bodies were only weakly stained. Neither renin nor cathepsin D could be detected immunohistochemically. In primary atrial cell cultures, neuron-like cells with long and slender processes exhibiting colocalization of Ang II with NM III were found. Similar to intact tissue, these neurons were renin negative. The finding that VAChT staining was unspecific and DÎČH was negative suggests that neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic neuronal cells were present in cell culture. The quantity of angiotensinergic neurons in primary culture was unaffected by addition of nerve growth factor, Ang II or aliskiren to the cell culture medium. Adding pepstatin A at high concentration reduced the number of Ang II positive neurons relative to control conditions. Patch clamp recordings of Ang II positive neurons revealed these cells to be excitable. Resting membrane potentials averaged -64.45 mV ± 2.83 mV (n=6). The threshold potential for eliciting action potentials was -47.43 mV ± 6.38 mV (n=6). Action potential duration was ~5 ms and the maximal spike frequency observed was ~20 Hz. Viral transduction experiments showed expression of the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eYFP) under the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIa (CaMKIIa) promoter in Ang II positive cells thereby underlining the neuronal identity of the angiotensinergic cells under investigation. Overall, the results show that rat hearts contain an early developed intracardiac angiotensinergic nervous system. When isolated and kept under appropriate culture conditions, Ang II positive cells show the typical electrophysiological characteristics of neurons. Further investigation will be needed to elucidate the specific physiological role of angiotensinergic neurons in heart function

    Street crossing behavior in younger and older pedestrians: an eye- and head-tracking study

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    Background Crossing a street can be a very difficult task for older pedestrians. With increased age and potential cognitive decline, older people take the decision to cross a street primarily based on vehicles’ distance, and not on their speed. Furthermore, older pedestrians tend to overestimate their own walking speed, and could not adapt it according to the traffic conditions. Pedestrians’ behavior is often tested using virtual reality. Virtual reality presents the advantage of being safe, cost-effective, and allows using standardized test conditions. Methods This paper describes an observational study with older and younger adults. Street crossing behavior was investigated in 18 healthy, younger and 18 older subjects by using a virtual reality setting. The aim of the study was to measure behavioral data (such as eye and head movements) and to assess how the two age groups differ in terms of number of safe street crossings, virtual crashes, and missed street crossing opportunities. Street crossing behavior, eye and head movements, in older and younger subjects, were compared with non-parametric tests. Results The results showed that younger pedestrians behaved in a more secure manner while crossing a street, as compared to older people. The eye and head movements analysis revealed that older people looked more at the ground and less at the other side of the street to cross. Conclusions The less secure behavior in street crossing found in older pedestrians could be explained by their reduced cognitive and visual abilities, which, in turn, resulted in difficulties in the decision-making process, especially under time pressure. Decisions to cross a street are based on the distance of the oncoming cars, rather than their speed, for both groups. Older pedestrians look more at their feet, probably because of their need of more time to plan precise stepping movement and, in turn, pay less attention to the traffic. This might help to set up guidelines for improving senior pedestrians’ safety, in terms of speed limits, road design, and mixed physical-cognitive trainings

    Cystic Neoplasms of the Exocrine Pancreas

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    Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas are rare and their diagnosis and treatment can be difficult. This report details 7 patients who had histologically proven serous cystadenoma4, mucinous cystadenoma2 and cystadeno carcinoma1. Computed tomography and sonography allowed excellent preoperative assessment but to attempt a distinction between the histological variants may be hazardous. Two tumours were only autopsy findings and 5 patients underwent laparotomy. It is confirmed that potentially malignant mucinous cystadenomas and cytadenocarcinomas should be resected whenever possible; serous cystadenomas are always benign and should therefore be resected only when the diagnosis is doubtful or if they cause symptoms

    Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease on Visual Target Detection: A “Peripheral Bias”

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    Visual exploration is an omnipresent activity in everyday life, and might represent an important determinant of visual attention deficits in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The present study aimed at investigating visual search performance in AD patients, in particular target detection in the far periphery, in daily living scenes. Eighteen AD patients and 20 healthy controls participated in the study. They were asked to freely explore a hemispherical screen, covering ±90°, and to respond to targets presented at 10°, 30°, and 50° eccentricity, while their eye movements were recorded. Compared to healthy controls, AD patients recognized less targets appearing in the center. No difference was found in target detection in the periphery. This pattern was confirmed by the fixation distribution analysis. These results show a neglect for the central part of the visual field for AD patients and provide new insights by mean of a search task involving a larger field of view
