142 research outputs found

    estudo em três bairros de Armenia (Quindío)

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    Se presentan los resultados de la investigación 'Cómo estamos conviviendo en la Colombia del siglo XXI', que tuvo como objetivo general 'Comprender, desde la perspectiva de los actores en Armenia, Quindío, las configuraciones de la convivencia y sus imaginarios'. Se estudiaron tres experiencias comunitarias, de iniciativa ciudadana, en barrios que concentran conflictos sociales pero que, también, han encontrado diferentes estrategias para superar su vulnerabilidad y mejorar la calidad de vida.La convivencia se caracterizó con base en tres subcategorías: normatividad, usos y costumbres y pertenencia. El estudio de los imaginarios se abordó desde la propuesta de Pintos (2006), quien sugiere la aplicación del código relevancia/opacidad.Se encontró que, por su participación en las experiencias estudiadas, muchos individuos pudieron resignificar su papel social porque consolidaron nuevos imaginarios. Sin embargo, la convivencia no la orienta el cumplimiento efectivo de normas constitucionales y el respeto por los derechos humanos, sino que se alcanza, incluso, por encima y a pesar de ellas. Normas implícitas como los pactos de silencio y la no denuncia de formas de delincuencia, rigen la vida de estas comunidades.  Esas normas, a su vez, determinan los usos y costumbres, así como la pertenencia de los habitantes a la comunidad.The results of the research 'How we are living in the xxi century Colombia', which had as ageneral objective 'to understand, the configurations of coexistence and their imaginaries' from the perspective of the actors in Armenia (Quindío) are presented. Three community experiences, of citizen initiative, were studied in neighborhoods that concentrate social conflicts but that have also found different strategies to overcome their vulnerability and improve the quality of life. The coexistence was characterized based on three subcategories: normativity, uses and customs and belonging. The study of the imaginaries was approached from the proposal ofPintos (2006), who suggests the application of the relevance/opacity code. It was found that, due to their participation in the experiences studied, many individuals were able to resignify their social role because they consolidated new imaginaries. However, the coexistence is not guided by the effective fulfillment of constitutional norms and respect for human rights, but is achieved, even, over and in spite of them. Implicit rules such as pacts of silence and nonreporting of forms of delinquency govern the lives of these communities. These norms, in turn, determine the uses and customs, as well as the belonging of the inhabitants to the community

    El interaccionismo simbólico y la comprensión de experiencias de convivencia

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    La ponencia presenta la propuesta metodológica del proyecto “Cómo estamos conviviendo en la Colombia del siglo XXI?”, que desarrollan conjuntamente las universidades de Manizales y del Quindío y que tiene como objetivo comprender desde la perspectiva de los actores, las configuraciones de la convivencia y sus imaginarios en los territorios geográficos y socio-simbólicos en Armenia y Manizales. En las últimas décadas, Colombia se ha visto envuelta en una serie de eventos violentos que han marcado las experiencias de convivencia de sus ciudadanos. Podría plantearse que nuestras formas de convivencia, propuestas y sostenidas por los valores y los símbolos, aquellas que se han anidado en nuestro ser colectivo y que nos han identificado como sociedad, han contribuido a una Colombia con indicios de intolerancia, que requiere replantear sus formas de vida para abrir el abanico de posibilidades a nuevas realidades.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Arterial Stiffness: Its Relation with Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome and Possible Pathogenesis

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    Aims: To evaluate arterial stiffness indicators in people with prediabetes (PreD) and its possible pathogenesis. Materials and methods: Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured in 208 people with FINDRISC ≥ 13 (57 ± 8 years old, 68.7% women) and thereafter divided into those having either normal glucose tolerance (NGT) or PreD. In each subgroup we also identified those with/out insulin resistance (IR) measured by the triglyceride/HDL-c ratio (normal cut off values previously established in our population). Clinical and metabolic data were collected for all participants. PWV was compared between subgroups using independent t test. Results: Women and men had comparable clinical and metabolic characteristics with obesity (BMI ≥ 30) and antihypertensive-statin treatment, almost half with either NGT or PreD. Whereas 48% of NGT people presented IR (abnormally high TG/HDL-c ratio), 52% had PreD. PWV was significantly higher only in those with a complete picture of metabolic syndrome (MS). Conclusions: Since PWV was significantly impaired in people with a complete picture of MS, clinicians must carefully search for early diagnosis of this condition and prescribe a healthy life-style to prevent development/progression of CVD. This proactive attitude would provide a cost-effective preventive strategy to avoid CVD’s negative impact on patients’ quality of life and on health systems due to their higher care costs.Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y AplicadaFacultad de Ciencias Médica

    Pre diabetes and arterial stiffness: its identification and posible pathogenesis

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    Introducción: antecedentes: en el estadio de prediabetes (PreD) aparecen marcadores de lesión vascular que indican la necesidad de identificación precoz y tratamiento oportuno. Objetivos: evaluar los indicadores de rigidez arterial en personas con PreD y su posible patogenia.Introduction: background: in the prediabetes stage (PreD), vascular lesion markers appear indicating the need for early identification and timely treatment. Aims: To evaluate arterial stiffness indicators in people with prediabetes (PreD) and its possible pathogenesis.Publicado en Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, vol. 54, no. 3, Sup.Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicad

    5to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    El V Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2019, realizado del 6 al 8 de febrero de 2019 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, ofreció a la comunidad académica nacional e internacional una plataforma de comunicación unificada, dirigida a cubrir los problemas teóricos y prácticos de mayor impacto en la sociedad moderna desde la ingeniería. En esta edición, dedicada a los 25 años de vida de la UPS, los ejes temáticos estuvieron relacionados con la aplicación de la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación en cinco pilares fundamentales de nuestra sociedad: la industria, la movilidad, la sostenibilidad ambiental, la información y las telecomunicaciones. El comité científico estuvo conformado formado por 48 investigadores procedentes de diez países: España, Reino Unido, Italia, Bélgica, México, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Estados Unidos y Ecuador. Fueron recibidas un centenar de contribuciones, de las cuales 39 fueron aprobadas en forma de ponencias y 15 en formato poster. Estas contribuciones fueron presentadas de forma oral ante toda la comunidad académica que se dio cita en el Congreso, quienes desde el aula magna, el auditorio y la sala de usos múltiples de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, cumplieron respetuosamente la responsabilidad de representar a toda la sociedad en la revisión, aceptación y validación del conocimiento nuevo que fue presentado en cada exposición por los investigadores. Paralelo a las sesiones técnicas, el Congreso contó con espacios de presentación de posters científicos y cinco workshops en temáticas de vanguardia que cautivaron la atención de nuestros docentes y estudiantes. También en el marco del evento se impartieron un total de ocho conferencias magistrales en temas tan actuales como la gestión del conocimiento en la universidad-ecosistema, los retos y oportunidades de la industria 4.0, los avances de la investigación básica y aplicada en mecatrónica para el estudio de robots de nueva generación, la optimización en ingeniería con técnicas multi-objetivo, el desarrollo de las redes avanzadas en Latinoamérica y los mundos, la contaminación del aire debido al tránsito vehicular, el radón y los riesgos que representa este gas radiactivo para la salud humana, entre otros

    Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This paper describe development and financial performance of cooperative in District Pelalawan among 2007 - 2008. Studies on primary and secondary cooperative in 12 sub-districts. Method in this stady use performance measuring of productivity, efficiency, growth, liquidity, and solvability of cooperative. Productivity of cooperative in Pelalawan was highly but efficiency still low. Profit and income were highly, even liquidity of cooperative very high, and solvability was good

    Juxtaposing BTE and ATE – on the role of the European insurance industry in funding civil litigation

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    One of the ways in which legal services are financed, and indeed shaped, is through private insurance arrangement. Two contrasting types of legal expenses insurance contracts (LEI) seem to dominate in Europe: before the event (BTE) and after the event (ATE) legal expenses insurance. Notwithstanding institutional differences between different legal systems, BTE and ATE insurance arrangements may be instrumental if government policy is geared towards strengthening a market-oriented system of financing access to justice for individuals and business. At the same time, emphasizing the role of a private industry as a keeper of the gates to justice raises issues of accountability and transparency, not readily reconcilable with demands of competition. Moreover, multiple actors (clients, lawyers, courts, insurers) are involved, causing behavioural dynamics which are not easily predicted or influenced. Against this background, this paper looks into BTE and ATE arrangements by analysing the particularities of BTE and ATE arrangements currently available in some European jurisdictions and by painting a picture of their respective markets and legal contexts. This allows for some reflection on the performance of BTE and ATE providers as both financiers and keepers. Two issues emerge from the analysis that are worthy of some further reflection. Firstly, there is the problematic long-term sustainability of some ATE products. Secondly, the challenges faced by policymakers that would like to nudge consumers into voluntarily taking out BTE LEI

    Search for stop and higgsino production using diphoton Higgs boson decays

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    Results are presented of a search for a "natural" supersymmetry scenario with gauge mediated symmetry breaking. It is assumed that only the supersymmetric partners of the top-quark (stop) and the Higgs boson (higgsino) are accessible. Events are examined in which there are two photons forming a Higgs boson candidate, and at least two b-quark jets. In 19.7 inverse femtobarns of proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV, recorded in the CMS experiment, no evidence of a signal is found and lower limits at the 95% confidence level are set, excluding the stop mass below 360 to 410 GeV, depending on the higgsino mass

    Severe early onset preeclampsia: short and long term clinical, psychosocial and biochemical aspects

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy specific disorder commonly defined as de novo hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks gestational age. It occurs in approximately 3-5% of pregnancies and it is still a major cause of both foetal and maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide1. As extensive research has not yet elucidated the aetiology of preeclampsia, there are no rational preventive or therapeutic interventions available. The only rational treatment is delivery, which benefits the mother but is not in the interest of the foetus, if remote from term. Early onset preeclampsia (<32 weeks’ gestational age) occurs in less than 1% of pregnancies. It is, however often associated with maternal morbidity as the risk of progression to severe maternal disease is inversely related with gestational age at onset2. Resulting prematurity is therefore the main cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity in patients with severe preeclampsia3. Although the discussion is ongoing, perinatal survival is suggested to be increased in patients with preterm preeclampsia by expectant, non-interventional management. This temporising treatment option to lengthen pregnancy includes the use of antihypertensive medication to control hypertension, magnesium sulphate to prevent eclampsia and corticosteroids to enhance foetal lung maturity4. With optimal maternal haemodynamic status and reassuring foetal condition this results on average in an extension of 2 weeks. Prolongation of these pregnancies is a great challenge for clinicians to balance between potential maternal risks on one the eve hand and possible foetal benefits on the other. Clinical controversies regarding prolongation of preterm preeclamptic pregnancies still exist – also taking into account that preeclampsia is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the Netherlands5 - a debate which is even more pronounced in very preterm pregnancies with questionable foetal viability6-9. Do maternal risks of prolongation of these very early pregnancies outweigh the chances of neonatal survival? Counselling of women with very early onset preeclampsia not only comprises of knowledge of the outcome of those particular pregnancies, but also knowledge of outcomes of future pregnancies of these women is of major clinical importance. This thesis opens with a review of the literature on identifiable risk factors of preeclampsia

    Search for anomalous production of events with three or more leptons in pp collisions at √s = 8TeV

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    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published articles title, journal citation, and DOI.A search for physics beyond the standard model in events with at least three leptons is presented. The data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.5fb-1 of proton-proton collisions with center-of-mass energy s=8TeV, was collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC during 2012. The data are divided into exclusive categories based on the number of leptons and their flavor, the presence or absence of an opposite-sign, same-flavor lepton pair (OSSF), the invariant mass of the OSSF pair, the presence or absence of a tagged bottom-quark jet, the number of identified hadronically decaying τ leptons, and the magnitude of the missing transverse energy and of the scalar sum of jet transverse momenta. The numbers of observed events are found to be consistent with the expected numbers from standard model processes, and limits are placed on new-physics scenarios that yield multilepton final states. In particular, scenarios that predict Higgs boson production in the context of supersymmetric decay chains are examined. We also place a 95% confidence level upper limit of 1.3% on the branching fraction for the decay of a top quark to a charm quark and a Higgs boson (t→cH), which translates to a bound on the left- and right-handed top-charm flavor-violating Higgs Yukawa couplings, λtcH and λctH, respectively, of |λtcH|2+|λctH|2<0.21