41 research outputs found

    Expatriates und freiwilliges Engagement in der Schweiz

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    Mario Störkle untersucht in diesem Open-Access-Buch das freiwillige Engagement von Expatriates in der Schweiz. Sein Untersuchungsraum ist dabei der Kanton Zug. Ein Kanton, dessen gesellschaftliches Leben in den letzten Jahren stark von Expatriates geprägt wurde. Der Autor betrachtet im Rahmen einer qualitativ-rekonstruktiven Studie die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf das Engagement von Expatriates. Der Blick der Studie richtet sich zum einen darauf, wo und in welcher Form sich Expatriates engagieren und unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen dies geschieht. Zum anderen werden die Sichtweisen von lokalen schweizerischen Vereinen miteinbezogen. So gibt die Studie Aufschluss darüber, ob in den Vereinen bereits Erfahrungen mit Expatriates bestehen und welche kollektiven Umgangsweisen sich in den Vereinen erkennen lassen

    Dynamic simulation and control of optical systems

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    This thesis deals with the simulation-based investigation and control of optical systems that are mechanically influenced. Here, the focus is on the dynamic-optical modeling of vibration-sensitive mirror systems, which are utilized, e.g., in large astronomy telescopes or high-precision lithography optics. The large-area primary mirrors of telescopes typically consist of many individual hexagonal mirror segments, which are positioned with precise sensors and actuators. Furthermore, an adaptive optical unit usually compensates for the optical aberrations due to atmospheric disturbances. In practice, these aberrations are detected, and corrected, within a few seconds using deformable mirrors. However, to further improve the performance of these optical systems, dynamical disturbances in the mechanics, i.e., small movements and deformations of the optical surfaces, must also be taken into account. Therefore, multidisciplinary simulation methods are developed and presented. Based on this, the dynamical-optical system behavior is modeled using model-order-reduced, flexible multibody systems. Hence, the dynamical analysis of the mechanical-optical system can be performed at low computation costs. Thanks to the optical analysis in the time domain and using Fourier-optical concepts, one can also simulate exposure processes. To actively compensate for aberrations due to mechanical vibrations, model-based control strategies are also designed. They are not only demonstrated by means of simulation examples, but also illustrated through a laboratory experiment. The latter is realized with a low-cost test setup for student training using Arduino microcontrollers, position and force sensors, as well as high-speed cameras

    Cyber Physical Systems for Life Cycle Continuous Technical Documentation of Manufacturing Facilities

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    AbstractContinuous rising of requirements to create technical documentation results in high effort in terms of time and costs to create a complete and up to date documentation for manufacturers. In case of any technical modifications of machines the technical documentation also has to be updated. In fact these updates are lacking in most cases.In this paper, the authors propose a methodology for a self-organized creation of technical documentation to enable an up to date state throughout the Product Life Cycle. A complete and up to date technical documentation provides benefits to customers as well as suppliers of manufacturing facilities. The new approach is based on integration and communication of all components and modules such as machine tool, transportation and handling technology etc. via “Cyber Physical Systems”

    Expatriates und freiwilliges Engagement in der Schweiz

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    On the Integration of Skilled Robot Motions for Productivity in Manufacturing

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    Robots used in manufacturing today are tailored to their tasks by system integration based on expert knowledge concerning both production and machine control. For upcoming new generations of even more flexible robot solutions, in applications such as dexterous assembly, the robot setup and programming gets even more challenging. Reuse of solutions in terms of parameters, controls, process tuning, and of software modules in general then gets increasingly important. There has been valuable progress within reuse of automation solutions when machines comply with standards and behave according to nominal models. However, more flexible robots with sensor-based manipulation skills and congnitive functions for human inteaction are far too complex to manage, and solutions are rarely reusable since knowledge is either implicit in imperative software or not captured in machine readable form. We propose techniques that build on existing knowledge by converting structured data into an RDF-based knowledge base. By enhancements of industrial control systems and available engineering tools, such knowledge can be gradually extended as part of the interaction during the definition of the robot task

    Robots in machining

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    Robotic machining centers offer diverse advantages: large operation reach with large reorientation capability, and a low cost, to name a few. Many challenges have slowed down the adoption or sometimes inhibited the use of robots for machining tasks. This paper deals with the current usage and status of robots in machining, as well as the necessary modelling and identification for enabling optimization, process planning and process control. Recent research addressing deburring, milling, incremental forming, polishing or thin wall machining is presented. We discuss various processes in which robots need to deal with significant process forces while fulfilling their machining task

    Using integrated multi-body systems for dynamical-optical simulations

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    Interpolyelektrolytkomplexe zylindrischer Bürstenpolymere

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    Die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen entgegengesetzt geladenen Polyelektrolyten führt zur spontanen Bildung von Interpolyelektrolytkomplexen. Besonders im Fokus des akademischen und biotechnologischen Interesses stehen derzeit Komplexe aus DNA und synthetischen Polykationen, da eine Anwendung dieser speziellen Interpolyelektrolytkomplexe in der nicht-viralen Gentherapie vielfältig diskutiert wird. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von Kettensteifheit auf die Bildung von Interpolyelektrolytkomplexen zu untersuchen und dabei Wege aufzuzeigen, die eine Kontrolle der Topologie von Interpolyelektrolytkomplexen ermöglichen. Neben dem topologischen Einfluss wurde untersucht, wie durch Komplexierung hochmolekularer Polyelektrolyte equilibrierbare Strukturen erhalten werden können. Als Modellsystem für diese Untersuchungen wurden zylindrische Bürstenpolymere verwendet, denen als topologischer „Kontrast“ das Komplexierungsverhalten kommerzieller PAMAM-G5-Dendrimere mit kugelförmiger Topologie gegenüber gestellt wurde. Um den Ladungsgrad des Bürstenpolymers beliebig variieren zu können, wurden Bürstenpolymere mit Poly(ethylenimin)-Seitenketten synthetisiert, deren Ladungsdichte über den Protonierungsgrad einstellbar ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, wie diese mit Hilfe der Makromonomermethode hergestellt werden konnten. Die Komplexbildung von DNA mit semiflexiblen zylindrischen Bürstenpolymeren mit unterschiedlichen Seitenketten und Ladungsdichten in wässriger Lösung hat gezeigt, dass diese in allen untersuchten Fällen unter kinetischer Kontrolle verläuft und Nicht-Gleichgewichtsstrukturen gebildet werden. Sehr überraschend wurde festgestellt, dass die Größen der mit vorgelegter DNA gebildeten Komplexe ungeachtet des verwendeten Polykations identisch sind und DNA-Komplexe mit einem Radius von 30 bis 50 nm und einer kugelförmigen Topologie resultieren. Diese kinetisch kontrollierte Komplexbildung konnte in nicht-wässriger Lösung durch starke Reduktion der Anzahl wechselwirkender Ladungen verhindert werden, so dass eine thermodynamische Kontrolle möglich wurde. Unter diesen Bedingungen ist es gelungen, aus hochgeladenen Poly(styrolsulfonat)-Bürsten mit modifizierten Poly(ethylenimin)-Bürsten oder PAMAM-Dendrimeren Komplexe zylindrischer Topologie herzu-stellen. Für letztere konnte darüber hinaus postuliert werden, dass diese Komplexe eine dichteste Packung der PAMAM-Dendrimere darstellen, für deren Bildung das Polyanion mit seiner größeren Konturlänge und seiner zylindrischen Topologie als Templat dient.The electrostatic interaction between oppositely charged polyelectrolytes leads to the spontaneous formation of interpolyelectrolyte complexes. For both, academic and biotechnological reasons, the complexes of DNA and synthetic polycations are currently of high interest because of their potential role as non-viral gene delivery systems. The major aim of this work was to understand the influence of chain stiffness on the formation of interpolyelectrolyte complexes, in order to elucidate how the topology of interpolyelectrolyte complexes can be controlled. In addition to the influence of the topology it was investigated how equilibrium structures are accessible by the complexation of highly charged polyelectrolytes. As a model system cylindrical polymer brushes were chosen. Their complexation behaviour was studied and compared to that of commercially available PAMAM-G5 dendrimers serving as a topological “contrast”. Polymer brushes with poly(ethylenimine) side-chains were synthesized in order to adjust the charge density by the degree of protonation. This work shows how these can be synthesized by the macromonomer method. The complexation of DNA with semiflexible cylindrical polymer brushes with different side chain lengths and charge densities in aqueous solution showed, that the complexation is kinetically controlled, leading to non-equilibrium structures. Surprisingly, the sizes of the complexes formed with excess DNA are identical, thus having a radius of 30-50 nm and a spherical topology irrespectively of the polycation used. This kinetically controlled formation of complexes was hindered in non-aqueous solution by a dramatic reduction of the number of interacting charges, so that a thermodynamically controlled complex formation was possible. Under these conditions the formation of cylindrically shaped complexes, formed by highly charged poly(styrenesulfonate) brushes and modified poly(ethylenimine) brushes or PAMAM dendrimers, was successful. For the complexes of the PAMAM dendrimers it was possible to postulate, that the complexes can be described as a close packing of the dendrimers. This formation is induced by the polyanion with its higher contour length and its cylindrical topology, serving as a template