66 research outputs found

    Soil-Structure Interaction

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    Control of Redundant Flexible Manipulators with Redundancy Resolution

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    Author's accepted manuscript.© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper deals with the online control of a redundant flexible link manipulator to achieve minimum oscillations using the redundancy resolution technique. Different redundancy resolution techniques proposed and used for rigid link manipulators are tested for their use in the case of flexible link manipulators. The simulation model of a planar three-link flexible manipulator is used in this study. The redundancy resolution using kinetic energy minimization techniques is compared with the local joint acceleration minimization method to show the advantage of achieving minimum vibrations.acceptedVersio

    Dynamic Modeling of Planar Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators

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    A closed-form dynamic model of the planar multi-link flexible manipulator is presented. The assumed modes method is used with the Lagrangian formulation to obtain the dynamic equations of motion. Explicit equations of motion are derived for a three-link case assuming two modes of vibration for each link. The eigenvalue problem associated with the mass boundary conditions, which changes with the robot configuration and payload, is discussed. The time-domain simulation results and frequency-domain analysis of the dynamic model are presented to show the validity of the theoretical derivation.publishedVersio

    Stiffness modeling of robotic manipulator with gravity compensator

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    The paper focuses on the stiffness modeling of robotic manipulators with gravity compensators. The main attention is paid to the development of the stiffness model of a spring-based compensator located between sequential links of a serial structure. The derived model allows us to describe the compensator as an equivalent non-linear virtual spring integrated in the corresponding actuated joint. The obtained results have been efficiently applied to the stiffness modeling of a heavy industrial robot of the Kuka family


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    This paper continues the discussion of linear equations of motion. The author considers non-rigid kinematic excitation for multiply-supported system leading to the deformations in quasi-static response. It turns out that in the equation of motion written down for relative displacements (relative displacements are defined as absolute displacements minus quasi-static response) the contribution of the internal damping to the load in some cases may be zero (like it was for rigid kinematical excitation). For this effect the system under consideration must have homogeneous damping. It is the often case, though not always. Zero contribution of the internal damping to the load is different in origin for rigid and non-rigid kinematic excitation: in the former case nodal loads in the quasi-static response are zero for each element; in the latter case nodal loads in elements are non-zero, but in each node they are balanced giving zero resulting nodal loads. Thus, damping in the quasi-static response does not impact relative motion, but impacts the resulting internal forces. The implementation of the Rayleigh damping model for the right-hand part of the equation leads to the error (like for rigid kinematic excitation), as damping in the Rayleigh model is not really “internal”: due to the participation of mass matrix it works on rigid displacements, which is impossible for internal dampin

    Static Deflection Compensation of Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators Under Gravity

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    The static deflection compensation method of a planar multi-link flexible manipulator is proposed using the feedback from inertial sensors mounted at the tip of each link. The proposed compensation technique is validated experimentally using a high-precision laser tracker. The proposed strategy is experimentally verified using a three-link flexible manipulator. A strategy to compensate for the centripetal and tangential acceleration induced on the accelerometer mounted on the rotating link is proposed for correct inclination estimation. The improvement in the inclination estimation using the proposed compensation technique is verified both in simulation and experimental studies.publishedVersio

    The Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine-kinematic and elastodynamic design optimisation

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    Pubished version of an article in the journal: Meccanica. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11012-010-9394-9One of the main advantages of the Gantry-Tau machine is a large accessible workspace/footprint ratio compared to many other parallel machines. The optimal kinematic, elastostatic and elastodynamic design parameters of the machine are still difficult to calculate and this paper introduces an optimisation scheme based on the geometric and functional dependencies to define the workspace and first resonance frequency. This method assumes that each link and universal joint can be described by a mass-spring-damper model and calculates the transfer function from a Cartesian force or torque to Cartesian position or orientation. The evolutionary algorithm based on the complex search method is compared to the gradient-based search function in Matlab integrated optimisation toolbox. Kinematic design obtained by optimisation according to this paper gives a 2D workspace/footprint ratio more than 1.66 and first resonance frequency is more than 50 Hz with components of an existing lab prototype at the University of Agder, Norway

    Compliance error compensation in robotic-based milling

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    The paper deals with the problem of compliance errors compensation in robotic-based milling. Contrary to previous works that assume that the forces/torques generated by the manufacturing process are constant, the interaction between the milling tool and the workpiece is modeled in details. It takes into account the tool geometry, the number of teeth, the feed rate, the spindle rotation speed and the properties of the material to be processed. Due to high level of the disturbing forces/torques, the developed compensation technique is based on the non-linear stiffness model that allows us to modify the target trajectory taking into account nonlinearities and to avoid the chattering effect. Illustrative example is presented that deals with robotic-based milling of aluminum alloy