55 research outputs found

    System development guidelines from a review of motion-based technology for people with MCI or dementia

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    As the population ages and the number of people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) continues to increase, it is critical to identify creative and innovative ways to support and improve their quality of life. Motion-based technology has shown significant potential for people living with dementia or MCI by providing opportunities for cognitive stimulation, physical activity and participation in meaningful leisure activities, while simultaneously functioning as a useful tool for research and development of interventions. However, many of the current systems created using motion-based technology have not been designed specifically for people with dementia or MCI. Additionally, the usability and accessibility of these systems for these populations has not been thoroughly considered. This paper presents a set of system development guidelines derived from a review of the state of the art of motion-based technologies for people with dementia or MCI. These guidelines highlight three overarching domains of consideration for systems targeting people with dementia or MCI: (i) cognitive, (ii) physical, and (iii) social. We present the guidelines in terms of relevant design and use considerations within these domains and the emergent design themes within each domain. Our hope is that these guidelines will aid in designing motion-based software to meet the needs of people with dementia or MCI such that the potential of these technologies can be realized

    Recommendations for the Use of Serious Games in Neurodegenerative Disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel

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    International audienceThe use of Serious Games (SG) in the health domain is expanding. In the field of neurodegenerative disorders (ND) such as Alzheimer’s disease, SG are currently employed both to support and improve the assessment of different functional and cognitive abilities, and to provide alternative solutions for patients’ treatment, stimulation, and rehabilitation. As the field is quite young, recommendations on the use of SG in people with ND are still rare. In 2014 we proposed some initial recommendations (Robert et al., 2014). The aim of the present work was to update them, thanks to opinions gathered by experts in the field during an expert Delphi panel. Results confirmed that SG are adapted to elderly people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, and can be employed for several purposes, including assessment, stimulation, and improving wellbeing, with some differences depending on the population (e.g., physical stimulation may be better suited for people with MCI). SG are more adapted for use with trained caregivers (both at home and in clinical settings), with a frequency ranging from 2 to 4 times a week. Importantly, the target of SG, their frequency of use and the context in which they are played depend on the SG typology (e.g., Exergame, cognitive game), and should be personalized with the help of a clinician

    A Systematic Review of the Prevalence of Schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the prevalence of schizophrenia has important implications for both health service planning and risk factor epidemiology. The aims of this review are to systematically identify and collate studies describing the prevalence of schizophrenia, to summarize the findings of these studies, and to explore selected factors that may influence prevalence estimates. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Studies with original data related to the prevalence of schizophrenia (published 1965–2002) were identified via searching electronic databases, reviewing citations, and writing to authors. These studies were divided into “core” studies, “migrant” studies, and studies based on “other special groups.” Between- and within-study filters were applied in order to identify discrete prevalence estimates. Cumulative plots of prevalence estimates were made and the distributions described when the underlying estimates were sorted according to prevalence type (point, period, lifetime, and lifetime morbid risk). Based on combined prevalence estimates, the influence of selected key variables was examined (sex, urbanicity, migrant status, country economic index, and study quality). A total of 1,721 prevalence estimates from 188 studies were identified. These estimates were drawn from 46 countries, and were based on an estimated 154,140 potentially overlapping prevalent cases. We identified 132 core studies, 15 migrant studies, and 41 studies based on other special groups. The median values per 1,000 persons (10%–90% quantiles) for the distributions for point, period, lifetime, and lifetime morbid risk were 4.6 (1.9–10.0), 3.3 (1.3–8.2), 4.0 (1.6–12.1), and 7.2 (3.1–27.1), respectively. Based on combined prevalence estimates, we found no significant difference (a) between males and females, or (b) between urban, rural, and mixed sites. The prevalence of schizophrenia in migrants was higher compared to native-born individuals: the migrant-to-native-born ratio median (10%–90% quantile) was 1.8 (0.9–6.4). When sites were grouped by economic status, prevalence estimates from “least developed” countries were significantly lower than those from both “emerging” and “developed” sites (p = 0.04). Studies that scored higher on a quality score had significantly higher prevalence estimates (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: There is a wealth of data about the prevalence of schizophrenia. These gradients, and the variability found in prevalence estimate distributions, can provide direction for future hypothesis-driven research

    Recommendations for the Use of Serious Games in Neurodegenerative Disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel

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    The use of Serious Games (SG) in the health domain is expanding. In the field of neurodegenerative disorders (ND) such as Alzheimer’s disease, SG are currently employed both to support and improve the assessment of different functional and cognitive abilities, and to provide alternative solutions for patients’ treatment, stimulation, and rehabilitation. As the field is quite young, recommendations on the use of SG in people with ND are still rare. In 2014 we proposed some initial recommendations (Robert et al., 2014). The aim of the present work was to update them, thanks to opinions gathered by experts in the field during an expert Delphi panel. Results confirmed that SG are adapted to elderly people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, and can be employed for several purposes, including assessment, stimulation, and improving wellbeing, with some differences depending on the population (e.g., physical stimulation may be better suited for people with MCI). SG are more adapted for use with trained caregivers (both at home and in clinical settings), with a frequency ranging from 2 to 4 times a week. Importantly, the target of SG, their frequency of use and the context in which they are played depend on the SG typology (e.g., Exergame, cognitive game), and should be personalized with the help of a clinician

    DĂ©veloppement d'un serious game portant sur l'activitĂ© physique et les fonctions exĂ©cutives pour l'Ă©valuation et la stimulation des patients prĂ©sentant une maladie d’Alzheimer ou une pathologie associĂ©e

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    The care of elderly people affected by neurodegenerative diseases leading to cognitive impairment and dementia represents a major challenge in the healthcare domain. It is important to design tools that can help clinicians to better treat these patients through stimulation. Enriched Environments - which favor cognitive and physical stimulations in a positive emotional context – look like a powerful non-pharmacological strategy to reduce or delay the evolution of neurodegenerative processes, and the consequent cognitive disorders. Based on this approach, the Enriched Environment hypothesis states that the behavior of an individual during the lifetime, even during old age, affect his brain functioning. Video Games and Serious Games implying physical activity are used in this context. X-Torp is an action Serious Game conceived to be usable and stimulating for healthy elderly people and people with neurodegenerative disorders leading to Mild Cognitive Impairment or to Alzheimer’s’ dementia. The player takes the command of a submarine and is immersed in a sea-world where only a few islands appear on the surface. The player needs to advance in the game scenario to improve his grade position accomplishing missions and battling over the sea. X-Torp is played with MicrosoftÂź Kinectℱ for PC. The aim of this thesis is to present the scientific work undergone to (1) conceive and design the first game version; (2) test this version on the target populations, and (3) based on the results, design a second game version ready to be commercializedLa prise en charge des personnes ĂągĂ©es prĂ©sentant une maladie neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative aboutissant Ă  des troubles cognitifs et une dĂ©mence reprĂ©sente un enjeu majeur de santĂ©. Il est important de concevoir des outils pour aider les cliniciens Ă  mieux prendre en charge les patients par la stimulation. L’Environnement Enrichi – favorisant les stimulations cognitives, physiques et sociales dans un contexte Ă©motionnel positif – apparait ĂȘtre une puissante stratĂ©gie non-mĂ©dicamenteuse pour rĂ©duire ou retarder les Ă©volutions des processus neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs et les pertes cognitives. Dans cette approche, l’hypothĂšse de l’Enrichissement Cognitif stipule que les comportements qu’adopte un individu tout au long de sa vie vont avoir un impact sur le fonctionnement de son cerveau, mĂȘme Ă  l’ñge avancĂ©. C’est dans cette idĂ©e que les Jeux VidĂ©o et les Serious Games Ă  activitĂ© physique sont utilisĂ©s. X-Torp est un Serious Game d’action conçu pour ĂȘtre accessible et stimulant pour les sujets ĂągĂ©s en bonne santĂ© et prĂ©sentant une Maladie NeurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative due Ă  un trouble cognitif lĂ©ger ou une dĂ©mence de type Alzheimer. Le joueur incarne un sous-marin et est plongĂ© dans un monde quasi maritime oĂč seules quelques Ăźles sont en surface. Il doit ainsi Ă©voluer dans un scĂ©nario pour monter en grade Ă  travers la rĂ©alisation de missions et d’affrontements en mer. X-Torp est jouable sur MicrosoftÂź Kinectℱ pour PC. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de prĂ©senter l’ensemble des travaux scientifiques entrepris pour (1) concevoir une premiĂšre version du jeu ; (2) la tester chez les populations cibles et (3) concevoir en consĂ©quence une seconde version commercialisabl

    Optimization of wheat breeding schemes : contribution of genomic predictions and correlated traits

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    La sĂ©lection variĂ©tale consiste Ă  crĂ©er de nouvelles variĂ©tĂ©s rĂ©pondant aux exigences du marchĂ© pour plusieurs caractĂšres d’intĂ©rĂȘt agronomique. L’objectif de la thĂšse Ă©tait d’étudier l’apport des prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques pour optimiser les programmes de sĂ©lection chez le blĂ© tendre. Dans un premier chapitre, nous avons testĂ© des mĂ©thodes visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la prĂ©cision les prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques d’un caractĂšre cher Ă  mesurer en utilisant un caractĂšre corrĂ©lĂ© moins cher Ă  mesurer, sans augmenter le budget allouĂ© au phĂ©notypage. Nous avons utilisĂ© un modĂšle de prĂ©diction gĂ©nomique multi-caractĂšre. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un indice appelĂ© CDmulti permettant d’optimiser le choix d’un sous-ensemble de lignĂ©es Ă  phĂ©notyper pour deux caractĂšres corrĂ©lĂ©s. Nous avons montrĂ© que les prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques multi-caractĂšres Ă©taient particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressantes lorsque les lignĂ©es de la population de validation, ou au moins une partie d’entre elles, pouvaient ĂȘtre phĂ©notypĂ©es pour la force boulangĂšre, caractĂšre corrĂ©lĂ© Ă  la note de panification et dont le phĂ©notypage est moins coĂ»teux. En effet, cette approche permettait de rĂ©duire le budget allouĂ© au phĂ©notypage sans diminuer la prĂ©cision des prĂ©dictions de la qualitĂ© boulangĂšre. Dans un deuxiĂšme chapitre, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un pipeline de simulations stochastiques pour comparer des schĂ©mas de sĂ©lection produits in silico Ă  partir du gĂ©notypage et du phĂ©notypage d’une population de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Un cycle dure cinq ans, comprenant un an pour les croisements, un an pour la production d’haploĂŻdes doublĂ©s, un an de multiplication, une Ă©tape de sĂ©lection qui peut ĂȘtre basĂ©e soit sur les valeurs phĂ©notypiques (stratĂ©gie PS) soit sur les prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques (stratĂ©gie GPS), et une derniĂšre annĂ©e de sĂ©lection phĂ©notypique. Pour la stratĂ©gie GPS, nous avons la possibilitĂ© de faire les croisements au hasard parmi les meilleurs descendants du cycle prĂ©cĂ©dent, ou d’optimiser les croisements grĂące aux prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques. Nous montrons que la stratĂ©gie GPS avec optimisation des croisements est systĂ©matiquement significativement supĂ©rieure aux autres pour tous les paramĂštres testĂ©s (hĂ©ritabilitĂ© du caractĂšre, budget, intensitĂ© de sĂ©lection relative Ă  deux Ă©tapes clĂ©). L’efficacitĂ© de la stratĂ©gie GPS sans optimisation de croisement est similaire Ă  PS. En revanche, la perte de diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique Ă©tait plus rapide pour GPS avec ou sans prĂ©diction de croisement. Des modules complĂ©mentaires seront ajoutĂ©s Ă  cet outil d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour lui permettre de simuler des schĂ©mas de sĂ©lection plus rĂ©alistes.Breeding consists in creating new varieties which combine qualities for several traits of agronomic interest to answer to the market demand. The objective of the phD was to propose strategies using genomic predictions to optimize bread wheat breeding programs in terms of genetic gain under economic constraint. In a first chapter, we tested methods aiming at improving genomic prediction accuracy of a trait that is expensive to measure using a correlated cheap trait, without increasing the budget allocated to phenotyping. We used a multi-trait genomic prediction models. We also developed an index called CDmulti to optimize the choice of a subset of lines to phenotype for two different correlated traits. We showed that multi-trait genomic predictions could be particularly interesting when lines of the validation set, or at least part of them, could be phenotyped for dough strength, which is correlated to bread-making quality and which is cheaper to phenotype. Indeed, this approach allowed to reduce the budget allocated to phenotyping without decreasing the genomic prediction accuracy of bread-making quality. In a second chapter, we developed a stochastic simulation pipeline to compare breeding scheme produce in silico, using genotyping and phenotyping of a reference population. One cycle lasts five years, including one year for crossing, one year for double haploids production, one year for seed multiplication, one year of selection based on either phenotypic value (PS strategy) or genomic predictions (GPS strategy), and one last year of phenotypic selection. For GPS strategy, we can mate the best lines of previous cycle at random or optimise mating using genomic predictions. We showed that GPS strategy with mating optimization is systematically significantly superior to other strategies for all tested parameters (trait heritability, budget, relative intensity of selection at two key steps). The efficiency of GPS strategy without mating optimization was similar to PS. However, the loss of genetic diversity was more intense for GPS strategies, with or without mating optimization. Some complementary modules will be added to this decision tool to simulate more realistic breeding schemes

    Optimisation du schéma de sélection chez le blé tendre : apport des prédictions génomiques et des caractÚres corrélés

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    Breeding consists in creating new varieties which combine qualities for several traits of agronomic interest to answer to the market demand. The objective of the phD was to propose strategies using genomic predictions to optimize bread wheat breeding programs in terms of genetic gain under economic constraint. In a first chapter, we tested methods aiming at improving genomic prediction accuracy of a trait that is expensive to measure using a correlated cheap trait, without increasing the budget allocated to phenotyping. We used a multi-trait genomic prediction models. We also developed an index called CDmulti to optimize the choice of a subset of lines to phenotype for two different correlated traits. We showed that multi-trait genomic predictions could be particularly interesting when lines of the validation set, or at least part of them, could be phenotyped for dough strength, which is correlated to bread-making quality and which is cheaper to phenotype. Indeed, this approach allowed to reduce the budget allocated to phenotyping without decreasing the genomic prediction accuracy of bread-making quality. In a second chapter, we developed a stochastic simulation pipeline to compare breeding scheme produce in silico, using genotyping and phenotyping of a reference population. One cycle lasts five years, including one year for crossing, one year for double haploids production, one year for seed multiplication, one year of selection based on either phenotypic value (PS strategy) or genomic predictions (GPS strategy), and one last year of phenotypic selection. For GPS strategy, we can mate the best lines of previous cycle at random or optimise mating using genomic predictions. We showed that GPS strategy with mating optimization is systematically significantly superior to other strategies for all tested parameters (trait heritability, budget, relative intensity of selection at two key steps). The efficiency of GPS strategy without mating optimization was similar to PS. However, the loss of genetic diversity was more intense for GPS strategies, with or without mating optimization. Some complementary modules will be added to this decision tool to simulate more realistic breeding schemes.La sĂ©lection variĂ©tale consiste Ă  crĂ©er de nouvelles variĂ©tĂ©s rĂ©pondant aux exigences du marchĂ© pour plusieurs caractĂšres d’intĂ©rĂȘt agronomique. L’objectif de la thĂšse Ă©tait d’étudier l’apport des prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques pour optimiser les programmes de sĂ©lection chez le blĂ© tendre. Dans un premier chapitre, nous avons testĂ© des mĂ©thodes visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la prĂ©cision les prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques d’un caractĂšre cher Ă  mesurer en utilisant un caractĂšre corrĂ©lĂ© moins cher Ă  mesurer, sans augmenter le budget allouĂ© au phĂ©notypage. Nous avons utilisĂ© un modĂšle de prĂ©diction gĂ©nomique multi-caractĂšre. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un indice appelĂ© CDmulti permettant d’optimiser le choix d’un sous-ensemble de lignĂ©es Ă  phĂ©notyper pour deux caractĂšres corrĂ©lĂ©s. Nous avons montrĂ© que les prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques multi-caractĂšres Ă©taient particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressantes lorsque les lignĂ©es de la population de validation, ou au moins une partie d’entre elles, pouvaient ĂȘtre phĂ©notypĂ©es pour la force boulangĂšre, caractĂšre corrĂ©lĂ© Ă  la note de panification et dont le phĂ©notypage est moins coĂ»teux. En effet, cette approche permettait de rĂ©duire le budget allouĂ© au phĂ©notypage sans diminuer la prĂ©cision des prĂ©dictions de la qualitĂ© boulangĂšre. Dans un deuxiĂšme chapitre, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un pipeline de simulations stochastiques pour comparer des schĂ©mas de sĂ©lection produits in silico Ă  partir du gĂ©notypage et du phĂ©notypage d’une population de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Un cycle dure cinq ans, comprenant un an pour les croisements, un an pour la production d’haploĂŻdes doublĂ©s, un an de multiplication, une Ă©tape de sĂ©lection qui peut ĂȘtre basĂ©e soit sur les valeurs phĂ©notypiques (stratĂ©gie PS) soit sur les prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques (stratĂ©gie GPS), et une derniĂšre annĂ©e de sĂ©lection phĂ©notypique. Pour la stratĂ©gie GPS, nous avons la possibilitĂ© de faire les croisements au hasard parmi les meilleurs descendants du cycle prĂ©cĂ©dent, ou d’optimiser les croisements grĂące aux prĂ©dictions gĂ©nomiques. Nous montrons que la stratĂ©gie GPS avec optimisation des croisements est systĂ©matiquement significativement supĂ©rieure aux autres pour tous les paramĂštres testĂ©s (hĂ©ritabilitĂ© du caractĂšre, budget, intensitĂ© de sĂ©lection relative Ă  deux Ă©tapes clĂ©). L’efficacitĂ© de la stratĂ©gie GPS sans optimisation de croisement est similaire Ă  PS. En revanche, la perte de diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique Ă©tait plus rapide pour GPS avec ou sans prĂ©diction de croisement. Des modules complĂ©mentaires seront ajoutĂ©s Ă  cet outil d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour lui permettre de simuler des schĂ©mas de sĂ©lection plus rĂ©alistes

    Development of a serious game that focuses on physical activity and executive functions for the evaluation and stimulation of patients with Alzheimer’s disease or associated pathology (AD)

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    La prise en charge des personnes ĂągĂ©es prĂ©sentant une maladie neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative aboutissant Ă  des troubles cognitifs et une dĂ©mence reprĂ©sente un enjeu majeur de santĂ©. Il est important de concevoir des outils pour aider les cliniciens Ă  mieux prendre en charge les patients par la stimulation. L’Environnement Enrichi – favorisant les stimulations cognitives, physiques et sociales dans un contexte Ă©motionnel positif – apparait ĂȘtre une puissante stratĂ©gie non-mĂ©dicamenteuse pour rĂ©duire ou retarder les Ă©volutions des processus neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs et les pertes cognitives. Dans cette approche, l’hypothĂšse de l’Enrichissement Cognitif stipule que les comportements qu’adopte un individu tout au long de sa vie vont avoir un impact sur le fonctionnement de son cerveau, mĂȘme Ă  l’ñge avancĂ©. C’est dans cette idĂ©e que les Jeux VidĂ©o et les Serious Games Ă  activitĂ© physique sont utilisĂ©s. X-Torp est un Serious Game d’action conçu pour ĂȘtre accessible et stimulant pour les sujets ĂągĂ©s en bonne santĂ© et prĂ©sentant une Maladie NeurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative due Ă  un trouble cognitif lĂ©ger ou une dĂ©mence de type Alzheimer. Le joueur incarne un sous-marin et est plongĂ© dans un monde quasi maritime oĂč seules quelques Ăźles sont en surface. Il doit ainsi Ă©voluer dans un scĂ©nario pour monter en grade Ă  travers la rĂ©alisation de missions et d’affrontements en mer. X-Torp est jouable sur MicrosoftÂź Kinectℱ pour PC. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de prĂ©senter l’ensemble des travaux scientifiques entrepris pour (1) concevoir une premiĂšre version du jeu ; (2) la tester chez les populations cibles et (3) concevoir en consĂ©quence une seconde version commercialisableThe care of elderly people affected by neurodegenerative diseases leading to cognitive impairment and dementia represents a major challenge in the healthcare domain. It is important to design tools that can help clinicians to better treat these patients through stimulation. Enriched Environments - which favor cognitive and physical stimulations in a positive emotional context – look like a powerful non-pharmacological strategy to reduce or delay the evolution of neurodegenerative processes, and the consequent cognitive disorders. Based on this approach, the Enriched Environment hypothesis states that the behavior of an individual during the lifetime, even during old age, affect his brain functioning. Video Games and Serious Games implying physical activity are used in this context. X-Torp is an action Serious Game conceived to be usable and stimulating for healthy elderly people and people with neurodegenerative disorders leading to Mild Cognitive Impairment or to Alzheimer’s’ dementia. The player takes the command of a submarine and is immersed in a sea-world where only a few islands appear on the surface. The player needs to advance in the game scenario to improve his grade position accomplishing missions and battling over the sea. X-Torp is played with MicrosoftÂź Kinectℱ for PC. The aim of this thesis is to present the scientific work undergone to (1) conceive and design the first game version; (2) test this version on the target populations, and (3) based on the results, design a second game version ready to be commercialize

    Il y a longtemps que je t’aime d’Annie Claire-Poirier

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