33 research outputs found

    The good news about death : predictions of Jesus' death in the first commentaries on the Gospel of Mark

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    The references to Jesus’ death that appear before the beginning of the actual description thereof prove the significance of this death for Mark the Evangelist. Theophylact of Ohrid, the first Greek commentator of the entire Gospel of Mark, also paid attention to the significance of these references. He turns out to be original when compared with the patristic interpretations of the Gospel texts

    Clement of Alexandria's Attitude towards the Greek Philosphy

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    Clement of Alexandria, who lived in the 2nd and 3rd century AD, described the Christian experience by means of Greek philosophy which he knew very well. In the Stromata he discussed the issue of the relation between philosophy and the Truth. The Holy Scripture and classical texts being his point of departure, he does not reject philosophy and he admits that it may lead to Wisdom

    Image of John the Baptist in Theophylact of Ochrid’s The Explanation to the Gospel of Mark

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    Theophylact of Ohrid is the author of the first extant Greek commentary to the entire Gospel of Mark. He considered John the Baptist as a distinctive character in this Gospel. He saw in him the last prophet and the beginning of the Gospel. The commentary offers both literal and allegorical interpretation of many passages mentioning Jesus’s Forerunner. The recognizing of the role of John the Baptist for the specificity of this Gospel and impossibility to depend on the previous commentaries reveal the originality of Theophylact exegesis and his philological and theological competences

    System development guidelines from a review of motion-based technology for people with MCI or dementia

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    As the population ages and the number of people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) continues to increase, it is critical to identify creative and innovative ways to support and improve their quality of life. Motion-based technology has shown significant potential for people living with dementia or MCI by providing opportunities for cognitive stimulation, physical activity and participation in meaningful leisure activities, while simultaneously functioning as a useful tool for research and development of interventions. However, many of the current systems created using motion-based technology have not been designed specifically for people with dementia or MCI. Additionally, the usability and accessibility of these systems for these populations has not been thoroughly considered. This paper presents a set of system development guidelines derived from a review of the state of the art of motion-based technologies for people with dementia or MCI. These guidelines highlight three overarching domains of consideration for systems targeting people with dementia or MCI: (i) cognitive, (ii) physical, and (iii) social. We present the guidelines in terms of relevant design and use considerations within these domains and the emergent design themes within each domain. Our hope is that these guidelines will aid in designing motion-based software to meet the needs of people with dementia or MCI such that the potential of these technologies can be realized

    Relational Approach to Knowledge Engineering for POMDP-based Assistance Systems as a Translation of a Psychological Model

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    Assistive systems for persons with cognitive disabilities (e.g. dementia) are difficult to build due to the wide range of different approaches people can take to accomplishing the same task, and the significant uncertainties that arise from both the unpredictability of client's behaviours and from noise in sensor readings. Partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) models have been used successfully as the reasoning engine behind such assistive systems for small multi-step tasks such as hand washing. POMDP models are a powerful, yet flexible framework for modelling assistance that can deal with uncertainty and utility. Unfortunately, POMDPs usually require a very labour intensive, manual procedure for their definition and construction. Our previous work has described a knowledge driven method for automatically generating POMDP activity recognition and context sensitive prompting systems for complex tasks. We call the resulting POMDP a SNAP (SyNdetic Assistance Process). The spreadsheet-like result of the analysis does not correspond to the POMDP model directly and the translation to a formal POMDP representation is required. To date, this translation had to be performed manually by a trained POMDP expert. In this paper, we formalise and automate this translation process using a probabilistic relational model (PRM) encoded in a relational database. We demonstrate the method by eliciting three assistance tasks from non-experts. We validate the resulting POMDP models using case-based simulations to show that they are reasonable for the domains. We also show a complete case study of a designer specifying one database, including an evaluation in a real-life experiment with a human actor

    Papuga ZÅ‚otoustego? Teofylakt z Ochrydy jako komentator Ewangelii Marka

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    Mark as the author of his Gospel and Theophylact of Ochrid as its interpreter were assessed in a similar manner. The chronologically first Gospel was neglected by early Christian tradition because the fathers of the Church regarded Mark as an abbreviator and imitator of the great Gospel of Matthew. A much more negative judgment was passed on Theophylact’s dependence on John Chrysostom and on the lack of originality of his exegetical works. Since the bishop of Constantinople left no exposition of Mark’s Gospel of his own, Theophylact’s commentary of the shortest gospel merits to be read as genuine contribution in the Gospel exegesis and needs to be studied in greater detail

    Studies of truck semitrailer stability during loading and unloading

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    The paper presents the effect of air suspension system on semi-trailers during loading and unloading processes while using a forklift. The mathematical model was created, which takes into account a sharp loading on the rear platform of a semi-trailer. The entry of a loaded forklift onto the rear platform of a semi-trailer causes rapid lowering of the platform, which contributes to an unstable movement of the forklift

    Teofylakta uzasadnienie "Wyjaśnienia do Ewangelii Marka"

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    Starożytne podejście do Ewangelii Marka opierało się na przekonaniu, że jej autor streścił pierwszą Ewangelię, czyli Mateusza. Z tego powodu ojcowie Kościoła ograniczali się do komentowania dłuższej Ewangelii. Teofylakt z Ochrydy, jako pierwszy w języku greckim, napisał wyjaśnienie do Ewangelii Marka po tym, jak skomentował pierwszą Ewangelię. Przedmowa do tego wyjaśnienia ukazuje powody do wyjaśniania tych Ewangelii osobno. Biskup Ochrydy odwołuje się do biblijnych wizji czterech istot (Ez 1,5-6.10; Ap 4,6-7). Symbolika istot, według niego, oznacza różną zawartość Ewangelii, które wymagają oddzielnych komentarzy

    Obraz Jana Chrzciciela w Wyjaśnieniu do Ewangelii Marka Teofylakta z Ochrydy

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    Theophylact of Ohrid is the author of the first extant Greek commentary to the entire Gospel of Mark. He considered John the Baptist as a distinctive character in this Gospel. He saw in him the last prophet and the beginning of the Gospel. The commentary offers both literal and allegorical interpretation of many passages mentioning Jesus’s Forerunner. The recognizing of the role of John the Baptist for the specificity of this Gospel and impossibility to depend on the previous commentaries reveal the originality of Theophylact exegesis and his philological and theological competences.Teofylakt z Ochrydy jest autorem pierwszego zachowanego greckiego komentarza do całej Ewangelii Marka. Uznał on Jana Chrzciciela za postać wyróżnioną w tej Ewangelii. Widział w nim ostatniego proroka i początek Ewangelii. Komentarz przedstawia zarówno wyrazową, jak i alegoryczną interpretację wielu fragmentów wzmiankujących Prekursora Jezusa. Rozpoznanie roli Jana Chrzciciela dla szczególnego charakteru tej Ewangelii oraz brak możliwości korzystania z wcześniejszych komentarzy odsłaniają oryginalność egzegezy Teofylakta oraz jego filologiczne i teologiczne kompetencje