6,226 research outputs found

    Model for Determining Geographical Distribution of Heat Saving Potentials in Danish Building Stock

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    Since the global oil crisis in the 1970s, Denmark has followed a path towards energy independency by continuously improving its energy efficiency and energy conservation. Energy efficiency was mainly tackled by introducing a high number of combined heat and power plants in the system, while energy conservation was predominantly approached by implementing heat saving measures. Today, with the goal of 100% renewable energy within the power and heat sector by the year 2035, reductions in energy demand for space heating and the preparation of domestic hot water remain at the top of the agenda in Denmark. A highly detailed model for determining heat demand, possible heat savings and associated costs in the Danish building stock is presented. Both scheduled and energy-saving renovations until year 2030 have been analyzed. The highly detailed GIS-based heat atlas for Denmark is used as a container for storing data about physical properties for 2.5 million buildings in Denmark. Consequently, the results of the analysis can be represented on a single building level. Under the assumption that buildings with the most profitable heat savings are renovated first, the consequences of heat savings for the economy and energy system have been quantified and geographically referenced. The possibilities for further improvements of the model and the application to other geographical regions have been discussed

    Relative intensity noise in the LISA Pathfinder interferometer - experiments on ground and in space

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    LISA Pathfinder war eine Satellitenmission der ESA mit dem Ziel der Demonstration der Messgenauigkeit der lokalen Messung der Position und Orientierung einer Testmasse, zur Vorbereitung auf den Gravitationswellendetektor LISA. LISA Pathfinder enthält vier Heterodyninterferometer, mit der gemessenen Phase können Positionsänderungen der Testmasse errechnet werden, um die wirkenden Kräfte zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Kopplung von Rauschen in der relativen Laserintensität zur Phasenmessung untersucht. Dazu werden Daten die während der aktiven Zeit des LPF Satelliten gemessen wurden verwendet, diese werden durch Daten von Experimenten von einem ähnlichen Aufbau im Labor ergänzt.LISA Pathfinder was a satellite mission of the European Space Agency with the aim to demonstrate the Precision of the local measurement of the position and orientation of a test mass, in preparation of the gravitational wave detector LISA. LISA Pathfinder consists of four heterodyne interferometers, with the measured phase signals changes in the position of the test mass can be calculated. This data is then used to investigate the forces acting on the test mass. In this thesis the coupling of relative intensity noise to the measured phase is investigated. Used is data measured during the operation of the LPF satellite, for further investigation data measured in a similar system on a ground based laboratory is used

    Noise Investigation on the LISA-Pathfinder Optical Bench Ground Setup

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    The subject of this thesis is noise investigations on the LISA Pathfinder OMS ground setup. LISA Pathfinder (LPF) is a planned ESA technology demonstration space- mission, the LPF spacecraft features an optical measurement system similar to the LISA mission. LISA is a planned triangular laser telescope with a million kilometres arm length on an orbit around the sun. Distance fluctuations between two free falling test masses per arm are measured with heterodyne interferometry. The LPF flight model features two test masses about 0.38m apart. Test mass motion on earth is realised with piezoelectric actuators. During this thesis the noise dependence on different test mass positions was investigated. The test masses of the flight model (FM) are placed in a housing in the spacecraft, the implications of which on the interferometer performance were simulated with a housing mockup

    Pilot study:Educational building. National report -Denmark

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    Danish EPA-NR pilot studies

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    Implications of comorbidity: lessons from epidemiological studies

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    Objective: The paper discusses conceptual, methodological and clinical issues of comorbidity from the perspective of more recent epidemiological studies. Further the potential causal and pathogenic role of temporally primary disorders for the onset of secondary disorders is evaluated. Results: The available data suggest so far that comorbidity (a) is not an artefact of assessment strategies, sampling or design features, (b) is specific in different disorders, (c) is particularly frequent in anxiety and affective disorders, (d) affects systematically the course of the comorbid conditions and (0 might be related to symptom progression models. Conclusions: Furthermore, evidence is presented that specific forms of primary anxiety disorders affect the risk for secondary depressive disorders, increase the likelihood of non-remission as well as the number of subsequent depressive episodes.Scopo: Lo studio affronta problemi concettuali, metodologici e clinici della comorbidità, alia luce dei piu recenti studi epidemiologici. Inoltre viene valutata la causa potenziale e il ruolo patogenetico dei disturbi temporaneamente primari per la comparsa dei disturbi secondari. Risultati: I risultati disponibili fino ad oggi suggeriscono che la comorbidità (a) non è un artefatto delle strategic di valutazione, del campionamento o del disegno, (b) è specifica nei differenti disturbi, (c) e particolarmente frequente nei disturbi affettivi e d'ansia, (d) influisce sistematicamente sull'andamento delle condizioni di comorbidita è (f) potrebbe essere correlata con modelli di evoluzione dei sintomi. Conclusioni: È inoltre evidente che forme specifiche di disturbi di ansia primaria comportano il rischio di sviluppare disturbi depressivi. secondari, aumentano la probability di non remissione cosi come il numero di successivi episodi depressivi

    Pilot study:Educational building. National report -Denmark

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    Energy savings in the Danish building stock until 2050

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    Energy performance certificate classifications across shifting frameworks

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    AbstractLarge amounts of valuable data are being collected in the energy performance certificate (EPC) schemes. These data offer a huge potential, in terms of enabling researches to study energy demand in buildings and related causalities. However, revisions of the national schemes and calculation methods necessitate a standardization of the results from the various schemes.The primary focus of this research is on checking the consistency of converting labels with a given classification from an old scheme directly into that of a newer scheme. Furthermore, a general check is carried out, to review the consistency within each scheme, since the collected data are handled by several stakeholders which use different calculation tools.In the study, several instances were found, where a simple conversion of a building's energy label classification did not agree with the classification calculated anew, according to the present scheme. The number of inconsistent records was found to vary from scheme to scheme; most of the inconsistent classifications were found in the early schemes however. Fortunately, most information is stored at a disaggregated level, which means that classifications can easily be recalculated. In addition to the inconsistent EPC classifications, a number of corrupt records were observed, in which the energy frame did not seem to agree with the calculated energy demand for heating and electricity