203 research outputs found


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    Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis

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    Automatic test generation typically aims to generate inputs that explore new paths in the program under test in order to find bugs. Existing work has, therefore, focused on guiding the exploration toward program parts that are more likely to contain bugs by using an offline static analysis. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for targeted greybox fuzzing using an online static analysis that guides the fuzzer toward a set of target locations, for instance, located in recently modified parts of the program. This is achieved by first semantically analyzing each program path that is explored by an input in the fuzzer's test suite. The results of this analysis are then used to control the fuzzer's specialized power schedule, which determines how often to fuzz inputs from the test suite. We implemented our technique by extending a state-of-the-art, industrial fuzzer for Ethereum smart contracts and evaluate its effectiveness on 27 real-world benchmarks. Using an online analysis is particularly suitable for the domain of smart contracts since it does not require any code instrumentation---instrumentation to contracts changes their semantics. Our experiments show that targeted fuzzing significantly outperforms standard greybox fuzzing for reaching 83% of the challenging target locations (up to 14x of median speed-up)

    Cross-sectional study of a UK cohort of neonatal vein of Galen malformation

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    Objective: Describe the course and outcomes in a UK national cohort of neonates with vein of Galen malformation (VGM) identified before 28 days of life. // Methods: Neonates with angiographically confirmed vein of Galen malformation presenting to one of the two UK treatment centres (2006‐2016) were included; those surviving were invited to participate in neurocognitive assessment. Results in each domain were dichotomised into “good” and “poor” categories. Cross‐sectional and angiographic brain imaging studies were systematically interrogated. Logistic regression was used to explore potential outcome predictors. // Results: Of 85 children with neonatal vein of Galen malformation, 51 had survived. Thirty‐four participated in neurocognitive assessment. Outcomes were approximately evenly split between “good” and “poor” categories across all domains, namely neurological status, general cognition, neuromotor skills, adaptive behaviour, and emotional and behavioural development. Important predictors of poor cognitive outcome were initial Bicetre score </=12 and presence of brain injury, specifically white matter injury, on initial imaging; in multivariable analysis only Bicetre score </=12 remained significant. // Interpretation: Despite modern supportive and endovascular treatment, over a third of unselected newborns with vein of Galen malformation did not survive. Outcome was good in around half of survivors. The importance of white matter injury suggests that abnormalities of venous, as well as arterial, circulation are important in pathophysiology of brain injury

    Elemental spatial and temporal association formation in left temporal lobe epilepsy

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    The mesial temporal lobe (MTL) is typically understood as a memory structure in clinical settings, with the sine qua non of MTL damage in epilepsy being memory impairment. Recent models, however, understand memory as one of a number of higher cognitive functions that recruit the MTL through their reliance on more fundamental processes, such as “self-projection” or “association formation”. We examined how damage to the left MTL influences these fundamental processes through the encoding of elemental spatial and temporal associations. We used a novel fMRI task to image the encoding of simple visual stimuli, either rich or impoverished, in spatial or spatial plus temporal information. Participants included 14 typical adults (36.4 years, sd. 10.5 years) and 14 patients with left mesial temporal lobe damage as evidenced by a clinical diagnosis of left temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and left MTL impairment on imaging (34.3 years, sd. 6.6 years). In-scanner behavioral performance was equivalent across groups. In the typical group whole-brain analysis revealed highly significant bilateral parahippocampal activation (right > left) during spatial associative processing and left hippocampal/parahippocampal deactivation in joint spatial-temporal associative processing. In the left TLE group identical analyses indicated patients used MTL structures contralateral to the seizure focus differently and relied on extra-MTL regions to a greater extent. These results are consistent with the notion that epileptogenic MTL damage is followed by reorganization of networks underlying elemental associative processes. In addition, they provide further evidence that task-related fMRI deactivation can meaningfully index brain function. The implications of these findings for clinical and cognitive neuropsychological models of MTL function in TLE are discussed

    Multi-system neurological disease is common in patients with OPA1 mutations

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    Additional neurological features have recently been described in seven families transmitting pathogenic mutations in OPA1, the most common cause of autosomal dominant optic atrophy. However, the frequency of these syndromal 'dominant optic atrophy plus' variants and the extent of neurological involvement have not been established. In this large multi-centre study of 104 patients from 45 independent families, including 60 new cases, we show that extra-ocular neurological complications are common in OPA1 disease, and affect up to 20% of all mutational carriers. Bilateral sensorineural deafness beginning in late childhood and early adulthood was a prominent manifestation, followed by a combination of ataxia, myopathy, peripheral neuropathy and progressive external ophthalmoplegia from the third decade of life onwards. We also identified novel clinical presentations with spastic paraparesis mimicking hereditary spastic paraplegia, and a multiple sclerosis-like illness. In contrast to initial reports, multi-system neurological disease was associated with all mutational subtypes, although there was an increased risk with missense mutations [odds ratio = 3.06, 95% confidence interval = 1.44-6.49; P = 0.0027], and mutations located within the guanosine triphosphate-ase region (odds ratio = 2.29, 95% confidence interval = 1.08-4.82; P = 0.0271). Histochemical and molecular characterization of skeletal muscle biopsies revealed the presence of cytochrome c oxidase-deficient fibres and multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in the majority of patients harbouring OPA1 mutations, even in those with isolated optic nerve involvement. However, the cytochrome c oxidase-deficient load was over four times higher in the dominant optic atrophy + group compared to the pure optic neuropathy group, implicating a causal role for these secondary mitochondrial DNA defects in disease pathophysiology. Individuals with dominant optic atrophy plus phenotypes also had significantly worse visual outcomes, and careful surveillance is therefore mandatory to optimize the detection and management of neurological disability in a group of patients who already have significant visual impairment

    Language impairment in a case of a complex chromosomal rearrangement with a breakpoint downstream of FOXP2

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    BACKGROUND: We report on a young female, who presents with a severe speech and language disorder and a balanced de novo complex chromosomal rearrangement, likely to have resulted from a chromosome 7 pericentromeric inversion, followed by a chromosome 7 and 11 translocation. RESULTS: Using molecular cytogenetics, we mapped the four breakpoints to 7p21.1-15.3 (chromosome position: 20,954,043-21,001,537, hg19), 7q31 (chromosome position: 114,528,369-114,556,605, hg19), 7q21.3 (chromosome position: 93,884,065-93,933,453, hg19) and 11p12 (chromosome position: 38,601,145-38,621,572, hg19). These regions contain only non-coding transcripts (ENSG00000232790 on 7p21.1 and TCONS_00013886, TCONS_00013887, TCONS_00014353, TCONS_00013888 on 7q21) indicating that no coding sequences are directly disrupted. The breakpoint on 7q31 mapped 200 kb downstream of FOXP2, a well-known language gene. No splice site or non-synonymous coding variants were found in the FOXP2 coding sequence. We were unable to detect any changes in the expression level of FOXP2 in fibroblast cells derived from the proband, although this may be the result of the low expression level of FOXP2 in these cells. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the phenotype observed in this patient either arises from a subtle change in FOXP2 regulation due to the disruption of a downstream element controlling its expression, or from the direct disruption of non-coding RNAs

    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Fail a What-Where-When Task but Find Rewards by Using a Location-Based Association Strategy

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    Recollecting the what-where-when of an episode, or episodic-like memory, has been established in corvids and rodents. In humans, a linkage between remembering the past and imagining the future has been recognised. While chimpanzees can plan for the future, their episodic-like memory has hardly been investigated. We tested chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) with an adapted food-caching paradigm. They observed the baiting of two locations amongst four and chose one after a given delay (15 min, 1 h or 5 h). We used two combinations of food types, a preferred and a less preferred food that disappeared at different rates. The subjects had to base their choices on the time elapsed since baiting, and on their memory of which food was where. They could recover either their preferred food or the one that remained present. All animals failed to obtain the preferred or present foods above chance levels. They were like-wise unsuccessful at choosing baited cups above chance levels. The subjects, thus, failed to use any feature of the baiting events to guide their choices. Nonetheless, their choices were not random, but the result of a developed location-based association strategy. Choices in the second half of the study correlated with the rewards obtained at each location in the first half of the study, independent from the choices made for each location in the first half of the study. This simple location-based strategy yielded a fair amount of food. The animals' failure to remember the what-where-when in the presented set-up may be due to the complexity of the task, rather than an inability to form episodic-like memories, as they even failed to remember what was where after 15 minutes

    Foxp2 controls synaptic wiring of corticostriatal circuits and vocal communication by opposing Mef2c

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    Cortico-basal ganglia circuits are critical for speech and language and are implicated in autism spectrum disorder, in which language function can be severely affected. We demonstrate that in the mouse striatum, the gene Foxp2 negatively interacts with the synapse suppressor gene Mef2c. We present causal evidence that Mef2c inhibition by Foxp2 in neonatal mouse striatum controls synaptogenesis of corticostriatal inputs and vocalization in neonates. Mef2c suppresses corticostriatal synapse formation and striatal spinogenesis, but can itself be repressed by Foxp2 through direct DNA binding. Foxp2 deletion de-represses Mef2c, and both intrastriatal and global decrease of Mef2c rescue vocalization and striatal spinogenesis defects of Foxp2-deletion mutants. These findings suggest that Foxp2-Mef2C signaling is critical to corticostriatal circuit formation. If found in humans, such signaling defects could contribute to a range of neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R37 HD028341)Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.) (Award R37 HD028341