28 research outputs found

    An embedding technique to determine ττ backgrounds in proton-proton collision data

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    An embedding technique is presented to estimate standard model tau tau backgrounds from data with minimal simulation input. In the data, the muons are removed from reconstructed mu mu events and replaced with simulated tau leptons with the same kinematic properties. In this way, a set of hybrid events is obtained that does not rely on simulation except for the decay of the tau leptons. The challenges in describing the underlying event or the production of associated jets in the simulation are avoided. The technique described in this paper was developed for CMS. Its validation and the inherent uncertainties are also discussed. The demonstration of the performance of the technique is based on a sample of proton-proton collisions collected by CMS in 2017 at root s = 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 41.5 fb(-1).Peer reviewe

    Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV using the CMS detector

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    The performance of missing transverse momentum ((p) over right arrow (miss)(T)) reconstruction algorithms for the CMS experiment is presented, using proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected at the CERN LHC in 2016. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1). The results include measurements of the scale and resolution of (p) over right arrow (miss)(T), and detailed studies of events identified with anomalous (p) over right arrow (miss)(T). The performance is presented of a (p) over right arrow (miss)(T) reconstruction algorithm that mitigates the effects of multiple proton-proton interactions, using the "pileup per particle identification" method. The performance is shown of an algorithm used to estimate the compatibility of the reconstructed (p) over right arrow (miss)(T) with the hypothesis that it originates from resolution effects.Peer reviewe

    Study-meeting: the value of the evaluation of teaching guides of ODAS group. Application essay on an online teaching-learning environment

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    The study presented in this article is inspired by the Ar/to/graphy method of the Research Based on the Arts (IBA) and it has as main objective to evaluate among all the attendees if the project of design and validation of a system of analysis of the curriculum in the university teaching of the arts within the Internal Quality Assurance Systems of the centers is viable in the context of the School of Engineering and Technology (ESIT) of UNIR, with the rubric of evaluation of teaching guides with which currently is counted in the group ODAS. After applying this rubric to a teaching guide pertaining to an online teach diagnose the status of the information quality of any public accessible teaching guide the spanish university curriculum, either in face-to-face or onlineEl estudio presentado en este artículo se basa en el método Ar/to/graphy de la Investigación Basada en las Artes (IBA) y tiene como principal objetivo valorar si el proyecto de diseño y validación de un sistema de análisis de los planes de estudios en la enseñanza universitaria de las artes dentro de los Sistemas Internos de Garantía de la Calidad de los centros resulta viable en el contexto de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Tecnología (ESIT) de UNIR, utilizando la rúbrica de valoración de guías docentes del grupo ODAS. Tras la aplicación de dicha rúbrica a una guía docente perteneciente al entorno de enseñanza-aprendizaje online de la ESIT, se pone de manifiesto el valor didáctico intrínseco al instrumento y su capacidad de diagnosticar el estado de la calidad informativa de cualquier guía docente de acceso público de los planes de estudio universitarios españoles, ya sea en modalidad presencial u online

    Reflections about my own experience: be a teacher in Arts and Design Areas

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    To simultaneously teach subjects like Fine Arts and Design (Industrial, Graphic, Fashion, Interior, etc.) turns out to be a stimulating task searching methodological connections for/with the students in both areas of knowledge can apply different learning process. I encourage them to find in the process the base that would help them to acquire their own design expertise, the base within in each of the contexts Fine Arts and Design. This article is aimed to stimulate the search of new methodologies based on projects that show any learning process in Art or Design, so that the students can develop their own creative capacity without neglecting their critical judgment (of primary importance to their future professional life).Ser docente a la vez de asignaturas pertenecientes a áreas como las Bellas Artes y el Diseño (Industrial, Gráfico, de Moda, de Interiores, etc.) resulta una tarea estimulante en cuanto a la búsqueda de conexiones metodológicas de mi desempeño para/con los estudiantes dentro de ambas áreas de conocimiento y a través de modalidades distintas de aprendizaje, presencial y online. Favorecer el surgimiento de indicios significativos que les ayuden a tomar las riendas de su capacidad proyectiva es de suma importancia en cada uno de los contextos en los que llevo a cabo mi labor. Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal estimular la búsqueda de metodologías basadas en proyectos que visibilicen los procesos de aprendizaje en áreas de Arte y Diseño, para que los estudiantes desarrollen su capacidad creativa sin descuidar su juicio crítico dirigido, en todo momento, a su futuro desempeño profesiona

    The documentary film representation in artistic research: deconstructing views on disability

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    It is a challenge to present a documentary film production project about disability and through an artistic research view. Extended and specific literature presents important keys for this challenge, as for example the problem of documental movie representation or the way to represent disability. Despite this, it is difficult to find documentation about a mixed project between context definition and audiovisual artistic piece. Considering different authors we first propose a theoretical approach and then come about the movie considering the team and the main character, Moses, who has cerebral palsy. It is also interesting thinking that this new methodological statement approach can be used in future researches.Presentar un proyecto de producción cinematográfica documental, cuya temática se centra en el tema de la discapacidad supone todo un reto si, además, queremos desarrollarlo a través de una investigación artística. Existe literatura que plantea los aspectos que atañen a este desafío (la investigación artística, la representación en el cine documental, la representación cinematográfica de la discapacidad), de forma extensa y detallada, pero no es tarea sencilla encontrar documentación que exponga cómo se ha desarrollado un proyecto de estas características desde la definición del contexto y surgimiento de la idea, hasta su materialización como pieza artística audiovisual. En este artículo, apoyándonos primero en una selección de autores de diversas áreas, todas ellas relacionadas con el proyecto que se describe en él, se comienza un planteamiento teórico reflexivo del estado de la cuestión que nos ocupa, a continuación se desvelan algunos de los recursos y maneras de hacer de parte del equipo que lo lleva a cabo y se termina, por un lado, con la materialización de un cortometraje documental sobre Moisés (persona que posee parálisis cerebral) y, por otro, con el establecimiento metodológico utilizado que puede ser útil en futuros procesos de búsqueda similares al planteado en esta ocasión

    Person-to-person interaction in twenty-first-century society: Technology and arts at the service of communication

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    The creative process in Arts shares with design its origins and development in the search for solutions that integrate both message and form. Design is meant to occupy a special place since it draws from the creativity of arts and makes a significant contribution to effective visual communication. Therefore, it can be a factor in fulfilling the needs of a society living in a two-faced reality: physical and digital interaction. Society needs to consider the structure of interaction that goes beyond using technological tools intended for human-computer interaction (HCI). In fact, it refers to the analogue world that encourages person-to-person interaction, even though it happens via digital and/or virtual means. Dealing with Fine Arts in the Mobility and User Experience group of UNIR has opened a new framework allocated to research in the field of design and develop solutions that bind together artistic processes and technological interactivity in order to provide users a meaningful communication. Through Arts, the present study aims to establish a first approach to this relation between arts and technology that applies to the forms of digital communications today

    The Digital/Technological Connection with COVID-19: An Unprecedented Challenge in University Teaching

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    In March 2020, due to the COVID19 virus that is spreading throughout the world, Spain lives an anomalous situation concerning the normal course of basic, secondary, and higher education. On March 2nd, 2020, the state authorities announced the end of face-to-face teaching in schools and universities. Then nothing suggests that a week later all classes went canceled. However, this unusual fact does not end with the teaching–learning process, forcing all educational institutions, as well as the teaching community to reinvent themselves to continue with online teaching. This is the only possible way to do it. The authors must face a specific scenario to readapt the learning-teaching process. The way of teaching of the University of La Rioja is online but it will have to face some problems. The Polytechnic University of Madrid classroom education is compulsory, so there is a big gap between what teachers are used to and what they will have to face. This crisis makes us reflect on new technologies as necessary and essential tools in the new teaching–learning scenario presented. But it must also go beyond considering only the tools available to do it. Reflection must also consider the members of this process and those who eventually make possible education to take place

    Culture, society and design ... asusual as sitting

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    Design and culture are two concepts that have been advancing hand in hand throughout history; the design as that capacity that the human being has to devise and realize those objects that make life more pleasant and the culture as that place of encounter between human beings, perfect scenario to look for synergies and advance. Society, a frame of reference where actions take shape, conditions and molds people, who, while yearning for their own identity, are continually conditioned by the Other, entering again and again into processes of imitation. And finally, the chair, an essential element of our culture, illustrates in each moment the speech making reference to our concerns, desires, actions in constant consonance with the daily actions of the human being. The chair, that element that facilitates the attitude of stopping, resting and reflecting, also assumes a metaphorical dimension, socialization, loneliness, and work, in short, the main axis that brings together our past, present and future. And in this text the chair is the common thread that shows in images the relationship between Culture, Society and Design.El diseño y la cultura son dos conceptos que han ido avanzando de la mano a lo largo de la historia; el diseño como esa capacidad que tiene el ser humano para idear y realizar aquellos objetos que le hacen la vida más agradable y la cultura como ese lugar de encuentro entre seres humanos, escenario perfecto para buscar sinergias y avanzar. La sociedad, marco de referencia donde las acciones toman forma, condiciona y moldea a las personas, que, si bien anhelan una identidad propia, se ven continuamente condicionados por el Otro entrando una y otra vez en procesos de imitación. Y finalmente, la silla, elemento esencial de nuestra cultura, nos ilustra en cada momento el discurso haciendo referencia a nuestras inquietudes, anhelos, acciones en consonancia constantemente con las acciones cotidianas del ser humano. La silla, ese elemento que facilita la actitud de parar, descansar y reflexionar, supone también en una dimensión metafórica, la socialización, la soledad, el trabajo, en definitiva, el eje principal que reúne nuestro pasado, presente y futuro. Y en este texto es el hilo conductor que evidencia en imágenes la relación entre la Cultura, la Sociedad y el Diseño

    ARDIN: Art, Design and Engineering Method, A New Way Ofunderstanding the Steam Approach in the Teaching- Learning process in Higher Education

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    Teaching technical drawing to students of fine arts in 2001 is the beginning of an idea that seeks to integrate various fields of knowledge. Later, life's opportunities lead you to teach artistic matters to architects and engineers. After years of teaching different subjects in different universities, the idea of proposing a new method to integrate art into science and science into art arises. We do not want to teach these ideas separately, but we want to consider them as a whole: art and science can go hand in hand. After years of experience, we can propose a new method where art and science could merge into a single concept. This way of thinking is promoted, following the STEAM approach to learning, creating a scientific journal called ArDln (Art, Design and Engineering - ['a:rdi:n]) and spreading the research carried out during these years. Art, design and engineering must set the basis for a new way of understanding the teaching-learning process. It also must set up a way to face the challenges of the future, facing problems from the rationality of science and the creativity of art. Named after the scientific journal, ArDln becomes the method to involve students in the necessary integration of art and science through a constant dialog and critical thinking. Metaphorically, the method is made of a nucleus where other concepts can connect; it is like a molecule, with its bonds that result in a stable set but that can also grow and evolve. Throughout different educational innovation projects, different professors have worked together not only to promote this particular approach, but also to connect learning experiences to the real world. The project based learning projects proposed, dealing with Design Thinking, have also been an opportunity to deal with the professional world where in the end a recognized professional has evaluated their proposals. More and more we are looking for a method that connects with the professional world, where the student is a spectator as well as an actor in their learning period. We seek for a horizontal learning where teacher and student work together. Educational environments must leave the classical classroom; they must connect in a real way with the external world where at the end of their studies they must move with knowledge as well as with ease. We need to prepare them from the self-assessment as a useful and necessary tool once they leave their studies, understanding the importance of training them in a humanistic environment

    ESIT Virtual Museum as a resource for teaching-learning in Technology and Design areas

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    The ESIT Virtual Museum is the product of an educational innovation project which offers some actions under the STEAM perspective, supporting on the "Learning by doing" methodology in engineering areas, so that creativity and technology complement each other in the search and application of functional, real and aesthetic solution. The student is placed at the center of their formative experience, in which they can also experience real situations in terms of appearing in competitive exams, highly competitive job opportunities or public or private calls that grant financing for the development of a specific project. The ESIT Virtual Museum is an architectural space project with the Unity tool to develop a metamodel of the virtual world. In this case, the solutions produced by the training activity are developed in the Design area of the Higher School of Engineering and Technology (ESIT) of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) are exposed in the different rooms of a museum or an art gallery.El Museo Virtual ESIT, es producto de un Proyecto de Innovación Educativa (PIE) ocupado de promover acciones bajo la perspectiva STEAM, apoyándose en la metodología Learning by doing en áreas de ingeniería, para que la creatividad y la tecnología se complementen en la búsqueda y aplicación de una solución funcional, real y bella. Y que, además, coloca al estudiante en el centro de su experiencia formativa en la que también pueda experimentar situaciones reales a la hora de presentarse a convocatorias de concurso, oportunidades laborales altamente competitivas o convocatorias públicas o privadas que concedan financiación para el desarrollo de un proyecto determinado. El proyecto Museo Virtual ESIT es un proyecto, a través del cual, se genera un espacio arquitectónico utilizando la herramienta Unity, que hace posible centrarse en la creación de un metamodelo de mundo virtual. En este caso se emula las distintas salas de un museo o galería de arte, donde exponer las soluciones producidas por la actividad formativa desarrolla en el área de Diseño de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Tecnología (ESIT) de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR)