22 research outputs found
A search for pair-produced resonances in four-jet final states at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for massive coloured resonances which are pair-produced and decay into two jets is presented. The analysis uses 36.7 fb−1
of √
= 13 TeV pp collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015 and 2016. No significant deviation from the background prediction is observed. Results are interpreted in a SUSY simplified model where the lightest supersymmetric particle is the top squark, ̃
, which decays promptly into two quarks through R-parity-violating couplings. Top squarks with masses in the range 100 GeV<̃<410
are excluded at 95% confidence level. If the decay is into a b-quark and a light quark, a dedicated selection requiring two b-tags is used to exclude masses in the ranges 100 GeV<̃<470
and 480 GeV<̃<610
. Additional limits are set on the pair-production of massive colour-octet resonances
Measurements of electroweak Wjj production and constraints on anomalous gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector
Measurements of the electroweak production of a W boson in association with two jets at high dijet invariant mass are performed using root s = 7 and 8 TeV proton-proton collision data produced by the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding respectively to 4.7 and 20.2 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the ATLAS detector. The measurements are sensitive to the production of a W boson via a triple-gauge-boson vertex and include both the fiducial and differential cross sections of the electroweak process
Effects of DNA supercoiling on chromatin architecture
Disruptions in chromatin structure are necessary for the regulation of eukaryotic genomes, from remodelling of nucleosomes at the base pair level through to large-scale chromatin domains that are hundreds of kilobases in size. RNA polymerase is a powerful motor which, prevented from turning with the tight helical pitch of the DNA, generates over-wound DNA ahead of itself and under-wound DNA behind. Mounting evidence supports a central role for transcription-dependent DNA supercoiling in disrupting chromatin structure at all scales. This supercoiling changes the properties of the DNA helix in a manner that substantially alters the binding specificity of DNA binding proteins and complexes, including nucleosomes, polymerases, topoisomerases and transcription factors. For example, transient over-wound DNA destabilises nucleosome core particles ahead of a transcribing polymerase, whereas under-wound DNA facilitates pre-initiation complex formation, transcription factor binding and nucleosome core particle association behind the transcribing polymerase. Importantly, DNA supercoiling can also dissipate through DNA, even in a chromatinised context, to influence both local elements and large chromatin domains. We propose a model in which changes in unconstrained DNA supercoiling influences higher levels of chromatin organisation through the additive effects of DNA supercoiling on both DNA-protein and DNA-nucleosome interactions. This model links small-scale changes in DNA and chromatin to the higher-order fibre and large-scale chromatin structures, providing a mechanism relating gene regulation to chromatin architecture in vivo
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pembelajaran matematika dengan metode Problem Posing berbasis pendidikan karakter di laboratorium TeenZania pada materi garis singgung lingkaran efektif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik di SMP N 2 Pati. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu keaktifan sebagai variabel independen dan prestasi belajar sebagai variabel dependen. Cara pengambilan data dengan lembar pengamatan dan tes. Data diolah dengan uji banding t dan uji pengaruh regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen (82,74) secara statistik melebihi KKM (75). Dengan uji regresi linear sederhana diperoleh persamaan regresi ?=-15,847 + 1,194X dan R^2=0,829. Koefisien X merupakan bilangan positif sehingga keaktifan berpengaruh positif pada prestasi belajar sebesar 82,9%. Rata-rata prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen (82,74) dan rata-rata prestasi belajar kelas kontrol (72,91). Secara uji stastistik prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik daripada prestasi belajar kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil analisis disimpulkan (1) pembelajaran mencapai tuntas belajar; (2) adanya pengaruh positif pada keaktifan terhadap prestasi belajar; dan (3) prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik daripada prestasi belajar kelas kontrol; sehingga pembelajaran matematika dengan metode problem posing berbasis pendidikan karakter di laboratorium TeenZania merupakan pembelajaran yang efektif.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the learning of mathematics by Problem Posing method in a TeenZania laboratory based character education in circle tangent material effectively. The population in this study were students in SMP N 2 Pati. The sample in this study were drawn by cluster random sampling technique. The variables in this study is the activity as an independent variable and learning achievement as the dependent variable. Method of data collection with observation sheets and tests. Data processed by the t test and the comparative effect of regression testing. The results showed that the experimental class learning achievement (82.74) was statistically exceed KKM (75). With simple linear regression test obtained regression equation Y = -15.847 + 1.194 X and R2 = 0.829. The coefficient of X is a positive number so that the activity has a positive effect on learning achievement of 82.9%. Average learning achievement experimental class (82.74) and the average learning achievement control class (72.91). In statistical learning achievement test experimental class is better than the control class learning achievement. Based on the results of the analysis is concluded (1) learning to achieve complete learning, (2) a positive influence on the activity of learning achievement, and (3) experimental class learning achievement is better than the control class learning achievement; that learning mathematics with problem posing method based on character education in the TeenZania laboratory is an effective learning