371 research outputs found

    A New RING Tossed into an Old HAT

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    p300 and CBP are multi-domain histone acetyltransferases (HATs) that regulate gene expression and are mutated in human diseases including cancer. Delvecchio and colleagues report the structure of the p300 catalytic core, revealing the presence of a previously unknown RING domain that regulates the enzyme’s activity

    Role of a non-canonical surface of Rad6 in ubiquitin conjugating activity

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    ABSTRACT Rad6 is a yeast E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme that monoubiquitinates histone H2B in conjunction with the E3, Bre1, but can non-specifically modify histones on its own. We determined the crystal structure of a Rad6∼Ub thioester mimic, which revealed a network of interactions in the crystal in which the ubiquitin in one conjugate contacts Rad6 in another. The region of Rad6 contacted is located on the distal face of Rad6 opposite the active site, but differs from the canonical E2 backside that mediates free ubiquitin binding and polyubiquitination activity in other E2 enzymes. We find that free ubiquitin interacts weakly with both non-canonical and canonical backside residues of Rad6 and that mutations of non-canonical residues have deleterious effects on Rad6 activity comparable to those observed to mutations in the canonical E2 backside. The effect of non-canonical backside mutations is similar in the presence and absence of Bre1, indicating that contacts with non-canonical backside residues govern the intrinsic activity of Rad6. Our findings shed light on the determinants of intrinsic Rad6 activity and reveal new ways in which contacts with an E2 backside can regulate ubiquitin conjugating activity

    Extracellular nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) promotes M2 macrophage polarization in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) is the rate-limiting enzyme in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide biosynthesis. In the extracellular compartment, it exhibits cytokine-/adipokinelike properties, suggesting that it stands at the crossroad between metabolism and inflammation. Here we show that both intracellular and extracellular NAMPT levels are increased in cells and plasma of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. The extracellular form (eNAMPT) is produced by CLL lymphocytes upon B-cell receptor, Toll-like receptor, and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway activation. eNAMPT is important for differentiation of resting monocytes, polarizing them toward tumor-supporting M2 macrophages. These cells express high levels of CD163, CD206, and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and secrete immunosuppressive (interleukin [IL] 10, CC chemokine ligand 18) and tumor-promoting (IL-6, IL-8) cytokines. NAMPT-primed M2 macrophages activate extracellular-regulated kinase 1/2, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, and NF-κB signaling; promote leukemic cell survival; and reduce T-cell responses. These effects are independent of the enzymatic activity of NAMPT, as inferred from the use of an enzymatically inactive mutant. Overall, these results reveal that eNAMPT is a critical element in the induction of an immunosuppressive and tumor-promoting microenvironment of CLL

    Targeting HOX/PBX dimers in cancer

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    The HOX and PBX gene families encode transcription factors that have key roles in establishing the identity of cells and tissues in early development. Over the last 20 years it has become apparent that they are also dysregulated in a wide range of solid and haematological malignancies and have a predominantly pro-oncogenic function. A key mode of transcriptional regulation by HOX and PBX proteins is through their interaction as a heterodimer or larger complex that enhances their binding affinity and specificity for DNA, and there is growing evidence that this interaction is a potential therapeutic target in malignancies that include prostate, breast, renal, ovarian and lung cancer, melanoma, myeloma, and acute myeloid leukaemia. This review summarizes the roles of HOX and PBX genes in cancer and assesses the therapeutic potential of HOX/PBX dimer inhibition, including the availability of biomarkers for its application in precision medicine

    Recognition models to predict DNA-binding specificities of homeodomain proteins

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    Motivation: Recognition models for protein-DNA interactions, which allow the prediction of specificity for a DNA-binding domain based only on its sequence or the alteration of specificity through rational design, have long been a goal of computational biology. There has been some progress in constructing useful models, especially for C2H2 zinc finger proteins, but it remains a challenging problem with ample room for improvement. For most families of transcription factors the best available methods utilize k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithms to make specificity predictions based on the average of the specificities of the k most similar proteins with defined specificities. Homeodomain (HD) proteins are the second most abundant family of transcription factors, after zinc fingers, in most metazoan genomes, and as a consequence an effective recognition model for this family would facilitate predictive models of many transcriptional regulatory networks within these genomes

    The Homeodomain Resource: a comprehensive collection of sequence, structure, interaction, genomic and functional information on the homeodomain protein family

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    The Homeodomain Resource is a curated collection of sequence, structure, interaction, genomic and functional information on the homeodomain family. The current version builds upon previous versions by the addition of new, complete sets of homeodomain sequences from fully sequenced genomes, the expansion of existing curated homeodomain information and the improvement of data accessibility through better search tools and more complete data integration. This release contains 1534 full-length homeodomain-containing sequences, 93 experimentally derived homeodomain structures, 101 homeodomain protein–protein interactions, 107 homeodomain DNA-binding sites and 206 homeodomain proteins implicated in human genetic disorders

    Two distinct DNA sequences recognized by transcription factors represent enthalpy and entropy optima

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    Most transcription factors (TFs) can bind to a population of sequences closely related to a single optimal site. However, some TFs can bind to two distinct sequences that represent two local optima in the Gibbs free energy of binding (Delta G). To determine the molecular mechanism behind this effect, we solved the structures of human HOXB13 and CDX2 bound to their two optimal DNA sequences, CAATAAA and TCGTAAA. Thermodynamic analyses by isothermal titration calorimetry revealed that both sites were bound with similar Delta G. However, the interaction with the CAA sequence was driven by change in enthalpy (Delta H), whereas the TCG site was bound with similar affinity due to smaller loss of entropy (Delta S). This thermodynamic mechanism that leads to at least two local optima likely affects many macromolecular interactions, as Delta G depends on two partially independent variables Delta H and Delta S according to the central equation of thermodynamics, Delta G = Delta H - T Delta S.Peer reviewe

    Determinants of Bacteriophage 933W Repressor DNA Binding Specificity

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    We reported previously that 933W repressor apparently does not cooperatively bind to adjacent sites on DNA and that the relative affinities of 933W repressor for its operators differ significantly from that of any other lambdoid bacteriophage. These findings indicate that the operational details of the lysis-lysogeny switch of bacteriophage 933W are unique among lambdoid bacteriophages. Since the functioning of the lysis-lysogeny switch in 933W bacteriophage uniquely and solely depends on the order of preference of 933W repressor for its operators, we examined the details of how 933W repressor recognizes its DNA sites. To identify the specificity determinants, we first created a molecular model of the 933W repressor-DNA complex and tested the predicted protein-DNA interactions. These results of these studies provide a picture of how 933W repressor recognizes its DNA sites. We also show that, opposite of what is normally observed for lambdoid phages, 933W operator sequences have evolved in such a way that the presence of the most commonly found base sequences at particular operator positions serves to decrease, rather than increase, the affinity of the protein for the site. This finding cautions against assuming that a consensus sequence derived from sequence analysis defines the optimal, highest affinity DNA binding site for a protein

    The PAX8 cistrome in epithelial ovarian cancer.

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    PAX8 is a lineage-restricted transcription factor that is expressed in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) precursor tissues, and in the major EOC histotypes. Frequent overexpression of PAX8 in primary EOCs suggests this factor functions as an oncogene during tumorigenesis, however, the biological role of PAX8 in EOC development is poorly understood. We found that stable knockdown of PAX8 in EOC models significantly reduced cell proliferation and anchorage dependent growth in vitro, and attenuated tumorigenicity in vivo. Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by next generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) and transcriptional profiling were used to create genome-wide maps of PAX8 binding and putative target genes. PAX8 binding sites were significantly enriched in promoter regions (p < 0.05) and superenhancers (p < 0.05). MEME-ChIP analysis revealed that PAX8 binding sites overlapping superenhancers or enhancers, but not promoters, were enriched for JUND/B and ARNT/AHR motifs. Integrating PAX8 ChIP-seq and gene expression data identified PAX8 target genes through their associations within shared topological association domains. Across two EOC models we identified 62 direct regulatory targets based on PAX8 binding in promoters and 1,330 putative enhancer regulatory targets. SEPW1, which isinvolved inoxidation-reduction,was identified as a PAX8 target gene in both cell line models. While the PAX8 cistrome exhibits a high degree of cell-type specificity, analyses of PAX8 target genes and putative cofactors identified common molecular targets and partners as candidate therapeutic targets for EOC.N/

    Hoxa9 regulated Bcl-2 expression mediates survival of myeloid progenitors and the severity of Hoxa9-dependent leukemia

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    Deregulated expression of Hox genes such as HoxA9 is associated with development of myeloproliferative disorders and leukemia and indicates a poor prognosis. To investigate the molecular mechanisms by which HoxA9 promotes immortalization of hematopoietic cells, we generated growth factor dependent myeloid cells in which HoxA9 expression is regulated by administration of 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen. Maintenance of HoxA9 overexpression is required for continued cell survival and proliferation, even in the presence of growth factors. We show for the first time that maintenance of Bcl-2 expression is critical for HoxA9-dependent immortalization and influences the latency of HoxA9-dependent leukemia. Hematopoietic cells lacking Bcl-2 were not immortalized by HoxA9 in vitro. Furthermore, deletion of Bcl-2 delayed the onset and reduced the severity of HoxA9/Meis1 and MLL-AF9 leukemias. This is the first description of a molecular link between HoxA9 and the regulation of Bcl-2 family members in acute myeloid leukemia.Gabriela Brumatti, Marika Salmanidis, Chung H Kok, Rebecca A Bilardi, Jarrod J Sandow, Natasha Silke, Kylie Mason, Jolanda Visser, Anissa M Jabbour, Stefan P Glaser, Toru Okamoto, Philippe Bouillet, Richard J D'Andrea, and Paul G Eker