586 research outputs found

    New data on the distribution of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) in Mongolia

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    We recorded a new species of Cossidae – Acossus terebrus (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1776) – for Mongolia (Tov Aimak). We also report on the most northern habitat of the cossid genus Gobibatyr Yakovlev, 2004 (North-West Mongolia, Bayan-Ulegej Aimak), which shows the permeability of the Mongolian Altai Mountain Range for some elements of the Dzungarian fauna. Additionally, our sampling resulted in adding new localities to the ranges of Catopta perunovi Yakovlev, 2007 and Cecryphallus nubila (Staudinger, 1895) (first discovered in Hovd Aimak)

    hsa-miR-20b-5p and hsa-miR-363-3p affect expression of PTEN and BIM tumor suppressor genes and modulate survival of T-ALL cells in vitro

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    T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive malignancy arising from T lymphocyte precursors. We have previously shown by miRNA-seq, that miRNAs from the mir-106a-363 cluster are overexpressed in pediatric T-ALL. In silico analysis indicated their potential involvement in the regulation of apoptosis. Here, we aimed to test the hypothesis on the pro-tumorigenic roles of these miRNAs in T-ALL cells in vitro. We demonstrate, for the first time, that hsa-miR-20b-5p and hsa-miR-363-3p from the mir-106a-363 cluster, when upregulated in T-ALL cells in vitro, protect leukemic cells from apoptosis, enhance proliferation, and contribute to growth advantage. We show, using dual luciferase reporter assays, Ago2-RNA immunoprecipitation, RT-qPCR, and Western blots, that the oncogenic effects of these upregulated miRNAs might, at least in part, be mediated by the downregulation of two important tumor suppressor genes, PTEN and BIM, targeted by both miRNAs. Additionally, we demonstrate the cooperative effects of these two miRNAs by simultaneous inhibition of both miRNAs as compared to the inhibition of single miRNAs. We postulate that hsa-miR-20b-5p and hsa-miR-363-3p from the mir-106a-363 cluster might serve as oncomiRs in T-ALL, by contributing to post-transcriptional repression of key tumor suppressors, PTEN and BIM

    Topological censorship and chronology protection

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    Over the past two decades, substantial efforts have been made to understand the way in which physics enforces the ordinary topology and causal structure that we observe, from subnuclear to cosmological scales. We review the status of topological censorship and the topology of event horizons; chronology protection in classical and semiclassical gravity; and related progress in establishing quantum energy inequalities.Comment: Dedicated to Rafael Sorkin, whose tutoring and friendship from third grade on is responsible for one of us (JF) having spent his adult life in physics and whose work has inspired both of us. In v.2, some references are updated, and references are added to early work on 2+1 spacetimes and to work on event-horizon topolog

    Organizational characteristics of European pediatric onco-critical care: An international cross-sectional survey

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    BACKGROUND Intensified treatment protocols have improved survival of pediatric oncology patients. However, these treatment protocols are associated with increased treatment-related morbidity requiring admission to pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). We aimed to describe the organizational characteristics and processes of care for this patient group across PICUs in Europe. METHODS A web-based survey was sent to PICU directors or representative physicians between February and June 2021. RESULTS Responses were obtained from 77 PICUs of 12 European countries. Organizational characteristics were similar across the different countries of Europe. The median number of PICU beds was 12 (IQR 8-16). The majority of the PICUs was staffed by pediatric intensivists and had a 24/7 intensivist coverage. Most PICUs had a nurse-to-patient ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. The median numbers of yearly planned and unplanned PICU admissions of pediatric cancer patients were 20 (IQR 10-45) and 10 (IQR 10-30, respectively. Oncology specific practices within PICU were less common in participating centres. This included implementation of oncology protocols in PICU (30%), daily rounds of PICU physicians on the wards (13%), joint mortality and morbidity meetings or complex patients' discussions (30% and 40%, respectively) and participation of parents during clinical rounds (40%). CONCLUSION Our survey provides an overview on the delivery of critical care for oncology patients in PICU across European countries. Multidisciplinary care for these vulnerable and challenging patients remains complex and challenging. Future studies need to determine the effects of differences in PICU organization and processes of care on patients' outcome

    Chemistry and Sr–Nd isotope signature of amphiboles of the magnesio-hastingsite-pargasite-kaersutite series in Cenozoic volcanic rocks: Insight into lithospheric mantle beneath the Bohemian Massif

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    Amphibole phenocrysts and xenocrysts from Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Bohemian Massif (BM) belong to the magnesio-hastingsite-pargasite-kaersutite series. Their host rocks are mostly basaltic lavas, dykes and breccia pipe fills, less commonly also felsic rocks from rift zones along lithospheric block boundaries of the BM. The calculated p–T conditions suggest that almost all amphiboles crystallized in a relatively narrow temperature range (1020–1100 °C) at depths of 20–45 km (0.7–1.2 GPa) during the magma ascent. The initial 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of amphiboles (0.51266–0.51281 and 0.70328–0.70407, respectively) are similar to those of their whole rocks (0.51266–0.51288 and 0.70341–0.70462, respectively). This testifies to locally elevated proportions of recycled Variscan crustal material during melting of mantle peridotites rich in clinopyroxene–amphibole veins. These veins were formed by metasomatic fluids enriched in High Field Strength Elements and are isotopically similar to EM-1 mantle type.Fenokrysty a xenokrysty amfibolů kenozoických vulkanických hornin Českého masivu (ČM) náleží svým složením do magnesiohastingsit-pargasit-kaersutitové série. Jejich hostitelské horniny jsou především bazaltické lávy, žíly nebo brekciovité výplně komínů, méně často také felsické horniny z riftových zón podél hranic litosférických bloků ČM. Vypočtené p-T podmínky ukazují, že téměř všechny amfiboly krystalizovaly v relativně úzkém teplotním rozmezí (1020–1100 °C) v hloubkách 20–45 km (0,7–1,2 GPa) během výstupu magmatu. Iniciální izotopové poměry 143Nd/144Nd a 87Sr/86Sr v amfibolech jsou v rozmezí 0,51266–0,51281 a 0,70328–0,70407. To vypovídá o lokálně zvýšeném množství recyklovaného variského korového materiálu během tavení plášťového peridotitu bohatého na klinopyroxen-amfibolové žíly. Tyto žíly vznikly z metasomatických fluid obohacených o prvky s velkým iontovým potenciálem a jsou izotopově podobné obohacenému plášti typu 1 (EM-1)

    The structure of mercantile communities in the Roman world : how open were Roman trade networks?

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    Comparative epidemiologic characteristics of pertussis in 10 Central and Eastern European countries, 2000-2013

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2016 Heininger et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.We undertook an epidemiological survey of the annual incidence of pertussis reported from 2000 to 2013 in ten Central and Eastern European countries to ascertain whether increased pertussis reports in some countries share common underlying drivers or whether there are specific features in each country. The annual incidence of pertussis in the participating countries was obtained from relevant government institutions and/or national surveillance systems. We reviewed the changes in the pertussis incidence rates in each country to explore differences and/or similarities between countries in relation to pertussis surveillance; case definitions for detection and confirmation of pertussis; incidence and number of cases of pertussis by year, overall and by age group; population by year, overall and by age group; pertussis immunization schedule and coverage, and switch from whole-cell pertussis vaccines (wP) to acellular pertussis vaccines (aP). There was heterogeneity in the reported annual incidence rates and trends observed across countries. Reported pertussis incidence rates varied considerably, ranging from 0.01 to 96 per 100,000 population, with the highest rates generally reported in Estonia and the lowest in Hungary and Serbia. The greatest burden appears for the most part in infants (<1 year) in Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, and Serbia, but not in the other participating countries where the burden may have shifted to older children, though surveillance of adults may be inappropriate. There was no consistent pattern associated with the switch from wP to aP vaccines on reported pertussis incidence rates. The heterogeneity in reported data may be related to a number of factors including surveillance system characteristics or capabilities, different case definitions, type of pertussis confirmation tests used, public awareness of the disease, as well as real differences in the magnitude of the disease, or a combination of these factors. Our study highlights the need to standardize pertussis detection and confirmation in surveillance programs across Europe, complemented with carefully-designed seroprevalence studies using the same protocols and methodologies.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces

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    The present volume “Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces” is the follow-up publication of the same-titled symposium that was held in 2016 at the University of Graz and the twelfth volume of the publication series of the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE). It is the result of a successful collaboration between members of the Centre for Information Modelling at the University of Graz, the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network DiXiT, a EC Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, and the IDE. All articles have undergone a peer reviewing process and are published in Open Access. They document the current state of research on design, application and implications of both user and machine interfaces in the context of digital scholarly editions. The editors of the volume are grateful to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for enabling not only the symposium in 2016 but also the publication of the present volume with their financial support. Special thanks are also due to the staff of the Centre for Information Modelling, above all Georg Vogeler, who contributed to the successful organisation and completion of the symposium and this volume with their ideas and continuous support. Furthermore we want to thank all authors as well as all peer reviewers for the professional cooperation during the publication process. Last but not least we want to thank the many people involved in creating the present volume: Barbara Bollig (Trier) for language corrections and formal suggestions, Bernhard Assmann and Patrick Sahle (Cologne) for support and advises during the typese ing process, Selina Galka (Graz) for verifying and archiving (archive.org) all referenced URLs in January 2018, Julia Sorouri (Cologne) for the design of the cover as well as the artist Franz Konrad (Graz), who provided his painting “Desktop” (www.franzkonrad.com/gallery/desktop-2008-2010/) as cover image. We hope you enjoy reading and get as much intrigued by the topic “Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces” as we did