2 research outputs found
Amines and Imines
- Author
- Baldwin
- Barcello and Bellanato
- Barnes
- Barrow
- Bell
- Bellamy and Williams
- Bryson
- Buswell
- Califano and Moccia
- Califano and Moccia
- Cleaves and Plyler
- Co
- Costa
- Duval
- Ellis
- Fuson and Josien
- Giguere and Liu
- Gordy
- Hathway and Flett
- Heacock and Marion
- Hill and Rosenberg
- Idem
- Jones and Moritz
- Josien and Fuson
- Josien and Fuson
- Kreuger
- Leonard and Gash
- Lieber
- Marion
- Mason
- Mathis
- Mathis Baccar, Kateka Bon
- Mecke and Mecke
- Mirone and Fabbri
- Mirone and Vampiri
- Moritz
- Rasmussen and Brattain
- Richtering
- Salimov and Tatevskii
- Shull
- Stammer and Taurin
- Stewart
- Thompson
- Vampiri
- Whetsel
- Williams
- Witkop and Patrick
- Witkop and Patrick
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1975
- Field of study
Medical genetics 1961
- Author
- Acheson
- Adam
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Adler
- Aebi H. and Colleagues
- Aggeler P.M. and Colleagues
- Aksoy
- Albert
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen F. H., Jr. and Colleagues
- Allen G. and Colleagues
- Allen G. and Colleagues
- Allison
- Allison
- Allison
- Almlöf
- Alström
- Andersen
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Archer
- Arends
- Arias
- Asano
- Aschaffenburg
- Ashton
- Aster R. H. and Colleagues
- Atkin
- Atkins
- Atta
- Atwater
- Atwood
- Aula
- Auricchio S. and Colleagues
- Awwaad
- Baglioni
- Baglioni
- Baglioni
- Baikie A. G. and Colleagues
- Baikie A. G. and Colleagues
- Baikie A. G. and Colleagues
- Baker
- Ball
- Bannerman
- Barnes
- Barnicot
- Barr
- Barrowman
- Bearn
- Beckman
- Beckman
- Beckman L. and Colleagues
- Bell
- Ben-Ishay
- Benacerraf
- Benda
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett J. H. and Colleagues
- Benzer
- Benzer
- Bergemann
- Berlyne
- Bernstein
- Berson
- Bethune
- Beutler
- Beutler
- Bhaduri
- Bickel
- Birnbaum
- Bishop
- Björnberg
- Black
- Blackburn E. K. and Colleagues
- Blandy
- Blehová B. and Colleagues
- Blumberg
- Blumel
- Bodmer
- Bond T. P. and Colleagues
- Bonnevier
- Bottura
- Boudin
- Boulay
- Bouton M. J. and Colleagues
- Bowers
- Bowers
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Boyes
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Braga
- Brandtzaeg
- Brandtzaeg
- Braun
- Breakey
- Bremner
- Bridges
- Brorson L. O. and Colleagues
- Brown R.H. and Colleagues
- Brummelkamp
- Brunjes
- Bruno
- Buck
- Buckton K. and Colleagues
- Buckwalter
- Buckwalter
- Budtz-Olsen
- Buettner-Janusch
- Buettner-Janusch
- Buettner-Janusch J. and Colleagues
- Bulmer
- Burdette
- Burke
- Burley
- Burman
- Burnet
- Buschmann
- Byrd
- BĂ©licard
- Böök
- Böök
- Böök
- Böök
- Callender
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Caniggia
- Carr
- Carr D. H. and Colleagues
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Cattanach
- Cederlöf R. and Colleagues
- Centerwall
- Chang
- Chatgidakis
- Chaudhry A. P. and Colleagues
- Chernoff
- Cherry J. D. and Colleagues
- Chesley
- Chiarelli
- Childs B. and Colleagues
- Christoferson
- Chu
- Chu
- Chu
- Chu
- Chung
- Ciccarelli
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Cleve
- Cleve
- Coates
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Comfort
- Comings
- Conen
- Conen
- Connor P. J. and Colleagues
- Cook
- Cooke
- Coon
- Cory
- Cottereill
- Coventry
- Cox
- Crawfurd
- Crawfurd
- Crespo
- Crick F. H. C. and Colleagues
- Crome
- Cronkite E. P. and Colleagues
- Crow
- Cruz-Coke
- Cruze
- Currarino G. and Colleagues
- Curry
- D'Agostino
- Damon
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davison
- Day
- de Blécourt
- de Grouchy J. and Colleagues
- de Grouchy J. and Colleagues
- de la Chapelle
- de la Chapelle
- de la Chapelle
- de la Pava
- Delamater
- Delhanty
- Dennis
- Dent
- di Sant'Agnese
- di Sant'Agnese P. A. and Colleagues
- Diamant
- Diamond
- Dintzis
- Dixon Q. T. F. and Colleagues
- Doak
- Dormandy
- Dormandy
- Doxiadis S. A. and Colleagues
- Doyle
- Dreifuss
- Dronamraju
- Dronamraju
- Dronamraju
- Drysdale
- Dubach
- Dungal
- Dunn H. G. and Colleagues
- Dunsford
- Duvoisin
- DĂĽx A. and Colleagues
- Eales
- Ebaugh F. G., Jr. and Colleagues
- Edmund
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Ehrenfeld
- Eichwald
- Eidlitz
- Eker
- Eliakim
- Ellis
- Ellis J. R. and Colleagues
- Eng
- Eng
- Eng
- Engel
- Epstein
- Erbakan
- Espinosa R. E. and Colleagues
- Etzine
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evatt
- Eyck
- Eyerman
- Falconer
- Farmer
- Feinmesser
- Ferguson-Smith
- Ferguson-Smith
- Fessas
- Finch
- Fink A. I. and Colleagues
- Finn R. and Colleagues
- Fisher
- Fitch
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzpatrick
- Fitzpatrick
- Fleming
- Foley
- Ford
- Ford
- Foreman
- Forsius
- Forssman
- Fox
- Fraccaro M. and Colleagues
- François
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Freda
- Fredga
- Fredrickson D. S. and Colleagues
- Freiesleben
- Freiesleben E. and Colleagues
- Freire-Maia
- Freire-Maia
- Frey W. G. and Colleagues
- Friedman I. A. and Colleagues
- Friend
- Fuhrmann
- Fuller
- Furuhjelm
- Futterweit W. and Colleagues
- Gallanis
- Gammack D. B. and Colleagues
- Garvie
- Gasic
- Gastron
- Gelzer
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- German
- German
- Gerrard
- Ghadimi
- Ghadimi
- Gibes
- Giblett
- Giblett
- Giblett
- Gibson
- Gieser
- Gilboa-Garber
- Gilchrist
- Gillespie
- Ginsberg
- Githens
- Gitlin D. and Colleagues
- Glaser
- Golarz
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodyear
- Gorlin
- Gough
- Grabowski
- Grahame
- Gratzer
- Greech J. L. and Colleagues
- Green
- Green
- Greenwalt
- Gregory
- Griboff
- Grimes
- Grob
- Grosberg
- Grossman
- Grove
- Grubb
- Grubb
- Gräsbeck
- Gustavson
- Guthrie
- Haberlandt
- Hagberg
- Haik G. M. and Colleagues
- Hakim S. A. and Colleagues
- Hamerton J. L. and Colleagues
- Hamerton J. L. and Colleagues
- Hamerton J. L. and Colleagues
- Hamilton H. B. and Colleagues
- Hammer-Jacobsen
- Hampar
- Handal
- Handley
- Harman
- Harnden
- Harnden
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Hastings J. and Colleagues
- Hauge
- Haust
- Haworth
- Hayes D. M. and Colleagues
- Hayman
- Hayward
- Hecht
- Heffernon
- Hegyeli
- Heilmeyer L. and Colleagues
- Heldeman
- Helmbold W. and Colleagues
- Hendersen
- Henderson
- Henningsen
- Heyman
- Hirschfeld
- Hirschhorn
- Hoerman
- Hollman
- Holt
- Holzel
- Honeyman
- Hooft C. and Colleagues
- Hoogstraten
- Horner F. A. and Colleagues
- Horrigan
- Horton B. and Colleagues
- Howitt
- Hsia
- Hsia
- Hsu
- Huehns
- Huehns
- Huehns E. R. and Colleagues
- Hugh-Jones
- Huisman
- Huisman
- Huisman T. H. J. and Colleagues
- Hungerford
- Hunt
- Husson
- Hustinx T. W. J. and Colleagues
- HĂĽlsmann
- Ilbery
- Ilha
- Imlah
- Inglefield
- Ingram
- Ingram
- Ingram
- Irvine W. J. and Colleagues
- Israelsohn
- Itano
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacobs
- Jacobs P. A. and Colleagues
- Jacobsen J. G. and Colleagues
- Jakobowicz
- James
- James
- Jampel
- Jarvik
- Jasmin
- Joergensen
- Johnston
- Johnston A. W. and Colleagues
- Jones
- Jonxis
- Josephson
- Josephson A. M. and Colleagues
- Joynt
- JĂ©rĂ´me
- Kallmann
- Kalmus H. and Colleagues
- Kang
- Kanof
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kauser
- Kellsey
- Kelly
- Kelsall
- Kemp N. H. and Colleagues
- Kempthorne
- Kerr D. N. S. and Colleagues
- Kidson
- Killip
- Kinlough
- Kinlough
- Kinlough
- Kirk
- Kite
- Kite
- Klatskin
- Klenerman
- Klintworth
- Klostermann
- Klunker
- Knobloch
- Knox
- Koler
- Kolker
- Korein
- Kornstad
- Kraus
- Kraus
- Kristjansson
- Krooth
- Krooth
- Krooth
- Krooth R. S. and Colleagues
- Kumahara Y. and Colleagues
- Kushnick
- Kwedar
- Ladenheim
- LaJoie
- Lambert
- Landing B. H. and Colleagues
- Landsteiner
- Lane
- Laron
- Laster
- Laurendeau
- Layrisse
- Leak
- Lederberg
- Ledic
- Ledwith
- Lee
- Lee
- Leeming
- Lehmann
- Lehmann
- Lejeune
- Lengyel
- Lengyel P. and Colleagues
- Lennan
- Lennox
- Lennox
- Lennox
- Lenz
- Lenz
- Lenz
- Leonhardt
- Leslie
- Levan
- Levin
- Levine
- Levine
- Levine
- Lewis
- Leyburn
- Li
- Ling
- Ljunoberg
- Lock
- Loeb
- Logan
- Loken A. and Colleagues
- London
- LoosLi R. and Colleagues
- Lorentzen
- Loretz
- Lorincz
- Lowe
- Lubs
- Ludwig
- Lundin
- Lynch
- Lyon
- Lyon
- MacDonald
- MacDougall
- MacIver
- Mackensen
- MacLean
- Macpherson
- Macpherson C. R. and Colleagues
- Mainzer
- Makino
- Mamunes P. and Colleagues
- Manley
- Mann J. D. and Colleagues
- Marin
- Marks
- Marks I. N. and Colleagues
- Martin
- Mathers J. A. L. and Colleagues
- Matoba
- Matson
- Maurice
- Mayo
- McAlister
- McCaughey
- McCurdy
- McCurdy
- McKendrick
- McKeown
- McKusick
- McKusick
- McKusick
- McMillan
- McMurray W. C. and Colleagues
- McNicholl
- McPhaul
- Medawar
- Medd W. E. and Colleagues
- Mehne
- Meier
- Meier
- Meighan
- Mellinkoff
- Mellman W. J. and Colleagues
- Mendlowitz M. and Colleagues
- Merrill
- Messineo
- Metrakos
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Mielke
- Milch
- Milch
- Miles
- Miles
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Milne
- Mitchener J. W. and Colleagues
- Mittwoch
- Mittwoch
- Mittwoch
- Mittwoch
- Monaco
- Moncrieff
- Moorhead
- Morales
- Morishima
- Morrison
- Morse
- Morteo O. G. and Colleagues
- Moschella
- Mossakowski
- Motulsky
- Motulsky A. G. and Colleagues
- Mouquin M. and Colleagues
- Moynahan
- Muckle
- Muldal
- Muldal
- Muldal
- Muldal
- Muldal S. and Colleagues
- Muller
- Muller
- Muller
- Murai
- Murawski
- Murray
- Musto
- Myrianthopoulos
- Myrianthopoulos
- Neeb H. and Colleagues
- Neel
- Neel
- Neel J. V. and Colleagues
- Nelson P. and Colleagues
- Nemeskéri
- Nemoto
- Netter A. and Colleagues
- Newell D. J. and Colleagues
- Newman E. and Colleagues
- Nichols
- Nichols W. W. and Colleagues
- Nirenberg
- Nishimura E. T. and Colleagues
- Niu
- Nora
- Norman
- Norton P. M. and Colleagues
- Nour-Eldin
- Nowakowski
- Nowell
- Nyhan
- Nyhan
- Oei
- Ohno
- Ohno
- Ohno
- Ohno
- Ohno
- Ohno S. and Colleagues
- Ohnuki
- Oikawa
- Olivia
- Ongre
- Oort
- Orsi
- Osterland
- Otenasek
- Paigen
- Paigen
- Pallis
- Pappworth
- Parker
- Parker
- Parkinson
- Paré J. A. P. and Colleagues
- Patanelli
- Patau K. and Colleagues
- Patau K. and Colleagues
- Patau K. and Colleagues
- Patau K. and Colleagues
- Patau K. and Colleagues
- Patrick
- Payne
- Pearson
- Pearson
- Penrose
- Penrose
- Penrose
- Penrose
- Perera G. A. and Colleagues
- Perlman
- Perruchot
- Pfeiffer
- Pfeiffer
- Phelps
- Pickup
- Platt
- Podliachouck L. and Colleagues
- Podliachouk
- Polani
- Polani
- Pommerening
- Pons
- Pontecorvo
- Porter
- Poskanzer
- Poulson
- Powell
- Prader
- Prader
- Prader
- Prockop
- ProcĂłpio-Valle
- Quick
- Quick
- Raboch
- Radev
- Rahman A. N. and Colleagues
- Ramot
- Ramot B. and Colleagues
- Randall
- Rapaport S. I. and Colleagues
- Rathbun J. C. and Colleagues
- Rausen
- Rausen
- Read H. C. and Colleagues
- Readett
- Refsum
- Reissmann
- Rich
- Rigdon
- Riser
- Roberts
- Robins
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Ropartz
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rowe
- Rowley P. T. and Colleagues
- Rubenstein
- Rubin
- Rundle
- Russell
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Sachs
- Sakai
- Sakar S. S. and Colleagues
- Salassa R. M. and Colleagues
- Saldanha
- Salkinder
- Salzano
- Salzano
- Salzman
- Sames
- Sammalisto
- Sandberg A. A. and Colleagues
- Sandberg A. A. and Colleagues
- Sanderson
- Sandvig
- Sarkar S. S. and Colleagues
- Sasaki
- Schechterman
- Scheig
- Schiffer
- Schiffer
- Schmid
- Schmid
- Schneider
- Schrader W. H. and Colleagues
- Schroeder
- Schroeder W. A. and Colleagues
- Schroeder W. A. and Colleagues
- Schull
- Schulman
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz V. and Colleagues
- Schwarzfischer
- Scriver
- Scriver
- Seegmiller J. E. and Colleagues
- Segall
- Selzer
- Senior
- Settelmayer
- Shanoff H. M. and Colleagues
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Sheldon
- Shettles
- Shettles
- Shettles
- Shy G. M. and Colleagues
- Sidbury J. B. and Colleagues
- Silberman
- Silvers
- Silvestroni
- Silvestroni
- Silvestroni
- Simon
- Simpkiss
- Sinclair
- Siniscalco M. and Colleagues
- Sirlin
- Sjølin
- Skude
- Skyring
- Slizynski
- Smars
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith K. and Colleagues
- Smits
- Sohar
- Sohar E. and Colleagues
- Sohval
- Sohval
- Sokal J. E. and Colleagues
- Sokal J. E. and Colleagues
- Sokoloff L. and Colleagues
- Sokoloff L. and Colleagues
- Soothill J. F. and Colleagues
- Soulié P. and Colleagues
- Southren
- Spahr
- Spalding
- Speyer J. F. and Colleagues
- Speyer J. F. and Colleagues
- Spitzer
- Stadler
- Staley
- Stauffer
- Stearn
- Steiker D. D. and Colleagues
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steinberg A. G. and Colleagues
- Sternlieb I. and Colleagues
- Sternlieb I. and Colleagues
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stiles
- Stimpfling
- Stougaard
- Streeten
- Strickel
- Strong
- Suga K. and Colleagues
- Sugar
- Summer
- Summerskill W. J. and Colleagues
- Sunahara
- Suzuki
- Swan
- Sweetnam
- Szontágh
- Tanaka K. and Colleagues
- Tashian
- Tashian
- Taxay
- Taylor
- Teller
- Ten Eyck
- Terman E. and Colleagues
- Thieffry S. and Colleagues
- Thoday
- Thomas
- Thomas J. and Colleagues
- Thuline
- Thuline
- Tingey
- Todd
- Tokuomi H. and Colleagues
- Tough I. and Colleagues
- Tovey
- Townes
- Townes
- Trigg
- Trujillo J. and Colleagues
- Tsuju
- Tucker
- Tulloch
- Tuna
- Turner
- Turpin
- Turpin R. and Colleagues
- Tuttle A. H. and Colleagues
- Uchida
- Uchida
- Uhr
- Valentine
- Van Buskirk
- Van Creveld
- Van Der Meulen
- Van Duijn
- Van Peenen H. J. and Colleagues
- Van Peenen H. J. and Colleagues
- Vella
- Vella
- Vellios
- Vestermark
- Vineyard
- Vogel
- Von Knorre
- Von Rechenberg
- Vos G. H. and Colleagues
- Wadlington
- Waldenström
- Waldmann
- Walford
- Walker
- Walker
- Ward
- Warkany
- Warkany
- Weatherall
- Weatherall
- Weil
- Weinberg
- Weisberger
- Weisberger
- Welshons
- Wenzl J. E. and Colleagues
- Werner
- Werner
- Whalen R. E. and Colleagues
- Wheeler
- Whelan
- Whitfield
- Whorton
- Widen
- Wiener
- Wiener
- Wilder
- Wilkinson J. F. and Colleagues
- Willi
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winstanley
- Witkop
- Witkop
- Wollheim
- Wolman M. and Colleagues
- Woo-Ming
- Wood
- Wooley C. F. and Colleagues
- Woolf
- Woolley
- Wostmann
- Wright
- Wright
- Wurzel
- Wyngaarden
- Yerganian
- Yoffee
- Yokoyama
- Yokoyama M. and Colleagues
- Yuwiler
- Zarafonetis C. J. D. and Colleagues
- Zegarelli
- Zellweger
- Zellweger
- Zellweger H. and Colleagues
- Zetterquvist
- Ziegler
- Ziff
- Zimmerman
- Zinkham
- Zlotnick
- Zuckerkandl
- Zuelzer
- Zuelzer
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study