15 research outputs found

    Is ‘activist’ a dirty word? Place identity, activism and unconventional gas development across three continents

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    Communities respond to unconventional gas in a variety of ways. In some communities, industry has held a social license, while in other areas, industrial development has been slowed, halted, or prevented by social resistance. Repeatedly, across multiple nations and communities, we have observed that social identities that either incorporate or eschew activism intersect with perceptions of this development's effect on place identity to either foster or discourage opposition. Particularly interesting are cases in which fracking is perceived to threaten local place identity, but where activism conflicts with social identity. To mobilise different sectors of the population, it often appears important for local residents to be perceived as ‘regular citizens’ and not as activists. We explore how intersection of social identities and place identity shaped the different ways in which communities in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and the United States have responded to unconventional gas development. Communities resisting development often see ‘activism’ as something that ‘outsiders’ do and that must be rejected as insufficiently objective and neutral. This view of activism and activists produces specific forms of resistance that differ from typical ‘activist’ actions, in which ‘knowledge’, ‘information’, neutrality, and objectivity are particularly important.</p

    DIY Methods 2023 Conference Proceedings

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    The act of circulating research through zines invites participants into the “gift economy” of zine culture, where knowledge is shared within a system of reciprocal generosity and pleasure in opposition to hierarchical and capitalist forms of knowledge exchange. As zines cut through the often strict and inaccessible boundaries of traditional, peer-reviewed publications, they also allow for the circulation of research to broader audiences, making knowledge more accessible. As such, academic zines transform research into a gift to be shared amongst unknown peers, while also situating the mobilization of knowledge as care work. And so, while we are excited to receive abstracts around diverse themes and across disciplines, we ask participants to think about knowledge as a gift and research as care work during their zine-making process. How do these visions of knowledge and research mobilization affect how you view your research, others’ research, and/or yourself

    “I would love for there not to be so many hoops 
 ”: recommendations to improve abortion service access and experiences made by Indigenous women and 2SLGTBQIA+ people in Canada

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    AbstractAcknowledging the barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services that disproportionately impact Indigenous women and 2SLGTBQIA+ people, coupled with the lack of knowledge surrounding Indigenous peoples’ experiences with abortion, we present qualitative findings from a pilot study investigating Indigenous experiences of accessing abortion services in Canada. We focus on findings related to participant recommendations for improving safety and accessibility of abortion services made by and for Indigenous people in Canada. Informed by an Indigenous Advisory Committee consisting of front-line service providers working in the area of abortion service access and/ or support across Canada, the research team applied an Indigenous methodology to engage with 15 Indigenous people across Canada utilising a conversational interview method, between September and November 2021. With representation from nine provinces and territories across Canada, participants identified with Anishinaabe, Cree, Dene, Haudenosaunee, Inuit, MĂ©tis and/ or Mi’kmaq Nations. Five cross-cutting recommendations emerged, including: (1) location, comfort, and having autonomy to choose where the abortion takes place; (2) holistic post-abortion supports; (3) accessibility, availability, and awareness of non-biased and non-judgemental information; (4) companionship, advocacy, and logistical help before and during the abortion from a support person; and (5) cultural safety and the incorporation of local practices and knowledges. Recommendations demonstrate that Indigenous people who have experienced an abortion carry practical solutions for removing barriers and improving access to abortion services in the Canadian context