197 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Akun Alter Twitter Sebagai Media Komunikasi Individu Gay Di Lingkungan Masyarakat

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    The media that is often used by gay groups to communicate with each other is the social media alter twitter. According to them, social media has had a huge impact on their lives. This is the background for the author to examine more deeply the effects and influences of the use of social media alter twitter and the influence on the lives of gay individuals in the community, especially students. The subjects used were 5 people with purposive sampling technique. The criteria determined include gay sexually oriented individuals, students, domiciled in the city of Yogyakarta and active users of alter twitter. The approach method used is a phenomenological approach. The author uses a tool in the form of a voice recorder (VR) as a data collection media and the data analysis method used is coding. Based on research that has been done, the use of alter accounts has an effect on the lives of gay individuals. Things that are felt by gay individuals include the subject feeling helped in solving a problem, increasing self-assessment of his sexual orientation, creating a feeling of relief and opening up new potential in communicating with the general public. Broadly speaking, the use of social media on alter twitter accounts increases the confidence of gay individuals in society


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    Kekerasan Dalam Program Anak (Analisis Isi Kuantitatif Adegan Kekerasan Dalam Film Kartun Spongebob Squarepants)

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    Televisi merupakan sebuah media massa yang sangat populer dandi gemari oleh kebanyakan masyarakat bahkan hingga anak-anak. Persaingan yangketat dari berbagai stasiun televisi, sedikit demi sedikit mulai melemahkan perhatian mereka kepada fungsi informasi dan pendidikan namun lebih menekankan kepada fungsi hiburan. Spongebob Squarepants merupakan sebuah program cinema animasi kartun anak yang hingga saat ini masih menghibur dan memanjakan anak-anak dilayar kaca. Dalam penyajiannya ditelevisi, program ini masih menampilkan adegan-adegan kekerasan fisik maupun kekerasan Psikologis. Dengan melihat fenomena tesebut, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk kecenderungan adegan kekerasan yang terdapat dalam film Spongebob Squarepants pada periode tanggal 01 - 08 Mei 2013. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukan terdapat dua jenis kekerasan yang terdapat dalam tayangan program animasi kartun anak Spongebob Squarepants periode Tanggal 01 - 08 Mei 2013


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    Incorporating sequence quality data into alignment improves DNA read mapping

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    New DNA sequencing technologies have achieved breakthroughs in throughput, at the expense of higher error rates. The primary way of interpreting biological sequences is via alignment, but standard alignment methods assume the sequences are accurate. Here, we describe how to incorporate the per-base error probabilities reported by sequencers into alignment. Unlike existing tools for DNA read mapping, our method models both sequencer errors and real sequence differences. This approach consistently improves mapping accuracy, even when the rate of real sequence difference is only 0.2%. Furthermore, when mapping Drosophila melanogaster reads to the Drosophila simulans genome, it increased the amount of correctly mapped reads from 49 to 66%. This approach enables more effective use of DNA reads from organisms that lack reference genomes, are extinct or are highly polymorphic

    Reintegrasi Lembaga Pendidikan Madrasah dan Pesantren (Studi Mengenai Pesantren Satu Atap)

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    Tujuan penelitian difokuskan pada bagaimana proses reintegrasi lembaga pembelajaran Madrasah serta Pesantren terkhusus pada bidang kurikulum, akses pembelajaran yang berkembang di sekolah dan melibatkan adanya layanan dan yang mudah terjangkau, pertumbuhan peserta didik hingga tata kelola madrasah, tulisan ini adalah hasil menjadi suatu riset evaluatif tentang penyelenggaran Pesantren satu atap dan, permasalahan pada Madrasah serta Pesantren. Metodologi penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berdasarkan library research adalah metode yang dipakai untuk melakukan riset ini. Hasil penelitian merumuskan kalau bahwasanya kurikulum integrasi Madrasah serta pesantren telah terkorelasi dengan baik, setelah itu fasilitas utama madrasah telah ada dan cukup memadai, namun fasilitas pembelajaran yang tidak sepenuhnya memadai. Pengelolaan madrasahnya sudah memenuhi standar sekolah dan pendidik sesuai standar kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi.tidak hanya sekolahnya namun juga dengan pendidiknya dengan melihat dari standar kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi. Perencanaan program kegiatan, skala prioritas dan juga rancangan kegiatan dalam jangka 5 tahunan sudah dimiliki madrasah yang memiliki segi manajemen terstruktur dan penyelenggaraan sarana program kegiatan sudah memiliki rancangan yang terstruktur serta dengan penjelasan, penilaian kegiatan telah terjadwal dengan baik. Untuk penjaminan keterbukaan serta keikutsertaan warga, kegiatan-kegiatan itu telah disusun sedemikian rupa untuk mengaitkan faktor pihak yang memiliki kepentingan atau disebut stakeholder.Tujuan penelitian difokuskan pada bagaimana proses reintegrasi lembaga pembelajaran Madrasah serta Pesantren terkhusus pada bidang kurikulum, akses pembelajaran yang berkembang di sekolah dan melibatkan adanya layanan dan yang mudah terjangkau, pertumbuhan peserta didik hingga tata kelola madrasah, tulisan ini adalah hasil menjadi suatu riset evaluatif tentang penyelenggaran Pesantren satu atap dan, permasalahan pada Madrasah serta Pesantren. Metodologi penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berdasarkan library research adalah metode yang dipakai untuk melakukan riset ini. Hasil penelitian merumuskan kalau bahwasanya kurikulum integrasi Madrasah serta pesantren telah terkorelasi dengan baik, setelah itu fasilitas utama madrasah telah ada dan cukup memadai, namun fasilitas pembelajaran yang tidak sepenuhnya memadai. Pengelolaan madrasahnya sudah memenuhi standar sekolah dan pendidik sesuai standar kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi.tidak hanya sekolahnya namun juga dengan pendidiknya dengan melihat dari standar kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi. Perencanaan program kegiatan, skala prioritas dan juga rancangan kegiatan dalam jangka 5 tahunan sudah dimiliki madrasah yang memiliki segi manajemen terstruktur dan penyelenggaraan sarana program kegiatan sudah memiliki rancangan yang terstruktur serta dengan penjelasan, penilaian kegiatan telah terjadwal dengan baik. Untuk penjaminan keterbukaan serta keikutsertaan warga, kegiatan-kegiatan itu telah disusun sedemikian rupa untuk mengaitkan faktor pihak yang memiliki kepentingan atau disebut stakeholder

    Highly sensitive SPR response of Au/chitosan/graphene oxide nanostructured thin films toward Pb (II) ions

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    Optical sensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) are utilized for detecting toxic heavy metals in solutions. To improve the sensitivity of SPR sensors, nanostructured thin films with active layers can be synthesized. In this study, the response to Pb (II) was measured and compared for SPR sensors incorporating gold–chitosan–graphene oxide (Au/CS/GO) nanostructured thin films and Au/CS films. The characterization of Au/CS/GO using FESEM analysis revealed a film composed of nanosheets with wrinkled, rough surfaces. The results from XRD analysis confirmed the successful incorporation of GO in the prepared films. Additionally, AFM analysis determined that the Au/CS/GO films had a root mean square (rms) roughness of 28.38 nm and were considerably rougher than the Au/CS films. Upon exposure to a 5 ppm Pb (II) ion solution, the Au/CS/GO films exhibited higher SPR sensitivity, as much as 1.11200 ppm−1, than Au/CS films, 0.77600 ppm−1. This enhancement of the SPR response was attributed to strong covalent bonding between CS and GO in these films. These results indicated that the Au/CS/GO films show potential for the detection of heavy metal pollution in environmental applications

    Genomic and epigenomic EBF1 alterations modulate TERT expression in gastric cancer

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    Transcriptional reactivation of telomerase catalytic subunit (TERT) is a frequent hallmark of cancer, occurring in 90% of human malignancies. However, specific mechanisms driving TERT reactivation remain obscure for many tumor types and in particular gastric cancer (GC), a leading cause of global cancer mortality. Here, through comprehensive genomic and epigenomic analysis of primary GCs and GC cell lines, we identified the transcription factor early B cell factor 1 (EBF1) as a TERT transcriptional repressor and inactivation of EBF1 function as a major cause of TERT upregulation. Abolishment of EBF1 function occurs through 3 distinct (epi)genomic mechanisms. First, EBF1 is epigenetically silenced via DNA methyltransferase, polycomb-repressive complex 2 (PRC2), and histone deacetylase activity in GCs. Second, recurrent, somatic, and heterozygous EBF1 DNA–binding domain mutations result in the production of dominant-negative EBF1 isoforms. Third, more rarely, genomic deletions and rearrangements proximal to the TERT promoter remobilize or abolish EBF1-binding sites, derepressing TERT and leading to high TERT expression. EBF1 is also functionally required for various malignant phenotypes in vitro and in vivo, highlighting its importance for GC development. These results indicate that multimodal genomic and epigenomic alterations underpin TERT reactivation in GC, converging on transcriptional repressors such as EBF1

    Validation and characterisation of a novel peptide that binds monomeric and aggregated beta-amyloid and inhibits the formation of neurotoxic oligomers

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    Although the formation of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer disease (AD), the soluble oligomers rather than the mature amyloid fibrils most likely contribute to Aβ toxicity and neurodegeneration. Thus, the discovery of agents targeting soluble Aβ oligomers is highly desirable for early diagnosis prior to the manifestation of a clinical AD phenotype and also more effective therapies. We have previously reported that a novel 15-amino acid peptide (15-mer), isolated via phage display screening, targeted Aβ and attenuated its neurotoxicity (Taddei, K., Laws, S. M., Verdile, G., Munns, S., D'Costa, K., Harvey, A. R., Martins, I. J., Hill, F., Levy, E., Shaw, J. E., and Martins, R. N. (2010) Neurobiol. Aging 31, 203–214). The aim of the current study was to generate and biochemically characterize analogues of this peptide with improved stability and therapeutic potential. We demonstrated that a stable analogue of the 15-amino acid peptide (15M S.A.) retained the activity and potency of the parent peptide and demonstrated improved proteolytic resistance in vitro (stable to t = 300 min, c.f. t = 30 min for the parent peptide). This candidate reduced the formation of soluble Aβ42 oligomers, with the concurrent generation of non-toxic, insoluble aggregates measuring up to 25–30 nm diameter as determined by atomic force microscopy. The 15M S.A. candidate directly interacted with oligomeric Aβ42, as shown by coimmunoprecipitation and surface plasmon resonance/Biacore analysis, with an affinity in the low micromolar range. Furthermore, this peptide bound fibrillar Aβ42 and also stained plaques ex vivo in brain tissue from AD model mice. Given its multifaceted ability to target monomeric and aggregated Aβ42 species, this candidate holds promise for novel preclinical AD imaging and therapeutic strategies

    Protein-based structures for food applications: from macro to nanoscale

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    Novel food structures' development through handling of macroscopic and microscopic properties of bio-based materials (e.g., size, shape, and texture) is receiving a lot of attention since it allows controlling or changing structures' functionality. Proteins are among the most abundant and employed biomaterials in food technology. They are excellent candidates for creating novel food structures due to their nutritional value, biodegradability, biocompatibility, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status and molecular characteristics. Additionally, the exploitation of proteins' gelation and aggregation properties can be used to encapsulate bioactive compounds inside their network and produce consistent delivery systems at macro-, micro-, and nanoscale. Consequently, bioactive compounds which are exposed to harsh storage and processing conditions and digestion environment may be protected and their bioavailability could be enhanced. In this review, a range of functional and structural properties of proteins which can be explored to develop macro-, micro-, and nanostructures with numerous promising food applications was discussed. Also, this review points out the relevance of scale on these structures' properties, allowing appropriate tailoring of protein-based systems such as hydrogels and micro- or nanocapsules to be used as bioactive compounds delivery systems. Finally, the behavior of these systems in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the impact on bioactive compound bioavailability are thoroughly discussed.JM and AP acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for their fellowships (SFRH/BPD/89992/2012 and SFRH/BPD/101181/2014). This work was supported by Portuguese FCT under the scope of the Project PTDC/AGR-TEC/5215/2014, of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684), and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio