1,113 research outputs found

    From Fur Money to Modern Currency: The Kuna

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    The marten pelt was originally used in trade before gaining a specific constant monetary value and serving as a monetary medium during early medieval times. During this same period, the marten was adopted for the payment of levies and taxes, and became the name of the very tax being collected (marturina, kunovina). During the 13th and 14th centuries, the marten incuse appeared on silver coins struck by viceroys and kings, and the figure of the marten became an important heraldic, later official state symbol, appearing on parliamentary documents and other important historical and cultural monuments and artifacts for over eight hundred years. The kuna name and symbol linked different regions of Croatia and spanned at least ten centuries. With the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Croatia moved to reassert its economic and political independence. The redesigned flag incorporating the Slavonian coat of arms (with kuna) and the adoption of the kuna currency were symbolic markers of this goal of national and economic sovereignity

    Intelligent Interfaces for Technology-Enhanced Learning

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    Using several sources the author provides an overview of the life, imprisonment by Fascist Italy, and role of Krk native Rev. Nikola (Nicholas) Fabijanić (1913ā€“1980) in the Croatian community in the United States. Following his arrival to the US in 1948 as a stateless person, this Catholic priest served as an assistant or full pastor at various parishes of the Archdiocese of New York. Although assigned to regular American Roman Catholic parishes, he also conducted religious, social and cultural outreach efforts among the people of Krk living in New York City. This activity provided continuity to people uprooted from Krk and assisted them along the path of integration into American society. Among these efforts was his publication in New York of the annual almanac Krčki kalendar from 1952 to 1955 and his regular celebration of the Feast of the Pentecost which held special meaning for the cluster of immigrants from OmiÅ”alj, Krk in New York City. The publication of the annual almanac and the social gatherings he organized also served to raise funds to purchase and collect desperately needed humanitarian assistance to help the people of Krk rebuild their lives, community and diocese in the aftermath of the devastation caused by the Second World War. With respect to the broader Croatian American community, he contributed to the Croatian press in America, joined his fellow clergy in signing a 1954 memorandum regarding religious persecution in Yugoslavia that was delivered to US President Eisenhower and enhanced the institutional development of Croatian Americans by participating in the establishment of the Croatian Academy of America in 1953 for which he served as Vice President (1955ā€“1956) and President (1956ā€“1958).Koristeći nekoliko izvora autor prikazuje život, zatočenje od strane faÅ”ističke Italije te aktivnu ulogu katoličkog svećenika Nikole Fabijanića (1913. ā€“ 1980.), rođenog Krčanina, u životu hrvatske zajednice u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Nakon Å”to je doÅ”ao u SAD 1948. godine, ovaj je katolički svećenik bez državljanstva služio u crkvama kao pomoćni, a kasnije i kao glavni župnik po mnogim župama nadbiskupije New York. Iako je kao svećenik bio dodijeljen američkim rimokatoličkim župama, provodio je vjerske, druÅ”tvene i kulturne aktivnosti među Krčanima koji su u to vrijeme živjeli u New Yorku. Svojom je aktivnoŔću umanjio osjećaj osamljenosti koji su novopridoÅ”li Krčani imali u novoj američkoj sredini, budući da su bili Ā»otrgnutiĀ« od svojih ognjiÅ”ta. Fabijanić je, između ostalog, bio zaslužan za stvaranje Krčkog kalendara u razdoblju od 1952. do 1955. godine i za proslavu blagdana Duhova u New Yorku, posebno značajnog za Krčane iz župe OmiÅ”alj. Bio je zaslužan i za organiziranje druÅ”tvenih okupljanja tijekom kojih su se prikupljala financijska sredstva, lijekovi te mnoge druge humanitarne donacije. Sve su te donacije Krčanima pomagale izgraditi Ā»noviĀ« život nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Aktivno je surađivao i s hrvatskim novinama u Sjevernoj Americi te je potpisao memorandum o progonima katoličkog svećenstva i vjerskim slobodama u Jugoslaviji. Memorandum je bio upućen i predan američkom predsjedniku Eisenhoweru 1954. godine. Sudjelovao je u osnivanju Hrvatske akademije u Americi 1953. godine. Od 1955. do 1956. obnaÅ”ao je dužnost potpredsjednika, a od 1956. do 1958. godine preuzeo je ulogu predsjednika Akademije. Svojom je aktivnoŔću ojačao poziciju hrvatskih Amerikanaca u SAD-u


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    Using several sources the author provides an overview of the life, imprisonment by Fascist Italy, and role of Krk native Rev. Nikola (Nicholas) Fabijanić (1913ā€“1980) in the Croatian community in the United States. Following his arrival to the US in 1948 as a stateless person, this Catholic priest served as an assistant or full pastor at various parishes of the Archdiocese of New York. Although assigned to regular American Roman Catholic parishes, he also conducted religious, social and cultural outreach efforts among the people of Krk living in New York City. This activity provided continuity to people uprooted from Krk and assisted them along the path of integration into American society. Among these efforts was his publication in New York of the annual almanac Krčki kalendar from 1952 to 1955 and his regular celebration of the Feast of the Pentecost which held special meaning for the cluster of immigrants from OmiÅ”alj, Krk in New York City. The publication of the annual almanac and the social gatherings he organized also served to raise funds to purchase and collect desperately needed humanitarian assistance to help the people of Krk rebuild their lives, community and diocese in the aftermath of the devastation caused by the Second World War. With respect to the broader Croatian American community, he contributed to the Croatian press in America, joined his fellow clergy in signing a 1954 memorandum regarding religious persecution in Yugoslavia that was delivered to US President Eisenhower and enhanced the institutional development of Croatian Americans by participating in the establishment of the Croatian Academy of America in 1953 for which he served as Vice President (1955ā€“1956) and President (1956ā€“1958).Koristeći nekoliko izvora autor prikazuje život, zatočenje od strane faÅ”ističke Italije te aktivnu ulogu katoličkog svećenika Nikole Fabijanića (1913. ā€“ 1980.), rođenog Krčanina, u životu hrvatske zajednice u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Nakon Å”to je doÅ”ao u SAD 1948. godine, ovaj je katolički svećenik bez državljanstva služio u crkvama kao pomoćni, a kasnije i kao glavni župnik po mnogim župama nadbiskupije New York. Iako je kao svećenik bio dodijeljen američkim rimokatoličkim župama, provodio je vjerske, druÅ”tvene i kulturne aktivnosti među Krčanima koji su u to vrijeme živjeli u New Yorku. Svojom je aktivnoŔću umanjio osjećaj osamljenosti koji su novopridoÅ”li Krčani imali u novoj američkoj sredini, budući da su bili Ā»otrgnutiĀ« od svojih ognjiÅ”ta. Fabijanić je, između ostalog, bio zaslužan za stvaranje Krčkog kalendara u razdoblju od 1952. do 1955. godine i za proslavu blagdana Duhova u New Yorku, posebno značajnog za Krčane iz župe OmiÅ”alj. Bio je zaslužan i za organiziranje druÅ”tvenih okupljanja tijekom kojih su se prikupljala financijska sredstva, lijekovi te mnoge druge humanitarne donacije. Sve su te donacije Krčanima pomagale izgraditi Ā»noviĀ« život nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Aktivno je surađivao i s hrvatskim novinama u Sjevernoj Americi te je potpisao memorandum o progonima katoličkog svećenstva i vjerskim slobodama u Jugoslaviji. Memorandum je bio upućen i predan američkom predsjedniku Eisenhoweru 1954. godine. Sudjelovao je u osnivanju Hrvatske akademije u Americi 1953. godine. Od 1955. do 1956. obnaÅ”ao je dužnost potpredsjednika, a od 1956. do 1958. godine preuzeo je ulogu predsjednika Akademije. Svojom je aktivnoŔću ojačao poziciju hrvatskih Amerikanaca u SAD-u

    Dallā€™ altro lato dellā€™ Oceano: Božidar Vidov del Canada ed i croati del Molise dā€™ Italia

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    Following an overview of the history of the Molise Croats, their distinctive language, Italian laws protecting their linguistic rights, and recent publications dedicated to helping to preserve their endangered idiom, the author provides a brief biography of Božidar Vidov (1913ā€“2000) before exploring Vidovā€™s publication efforts related to this community. Vidov, who first visited the region in the 1940s and then later in the 1960s, joined members of the Molise Croatian community in 1967 to launch the periodical NaÅ” jezik / La nostra lingua. He served on the editorial board of this periodical and from 1968 to 1981 he published eleven books and booklets specifically for, or about, the community. These publications included language manuals, poetry collections, almanacs, a brief history and music collections. Vidov drew material for his publications from the pages of NaÅ” jezik, his own research findings while visiting the community, and from sources collected and documented by members of the Molise Croatian community and others. Through his self-financed publishing initiatives, Vidov sought to imbue members of the community with a sense of pride in their language and cultural heritage, and attempted to fill the void after NaÅ” jezik ceased publication. These eleven publications foreshadowed later more substantial and successful efforts in the 1990s, and especially in the new millennium, to produce important linguistic manuals, various literary collections, and other publications dedicated to the Molise Croatian community and the preservation of their endangered language.Dajući pregled povijesti moliÅ”kih Hrvata, njihova osobitog jezika, talijanskih zakona koji Å”tite njihova jezična prava i najnovijih publikacija posvećenih pomoći u očuvanju njihova ugroženoga govora, autor najprije iznosi kratku biografiju Božidara Vidova (1913.ā€“2000.) i zatim propituje njegove izdavačke napore koji se odnose na tu zajednicu. Vidov, koji je prvi put posjetio taj kraj u četrdesetim godinama i ponovno u Å”ezdesetima, pridružio se članovima zajednice moliÅ”kih Hrvata 1967. kako bi pokrenuo časopis NaÅ” jezik / La nostra lingua. Bio je član uređivačkog odbora tog časopisa, a od 1968. do 1981. objavio je jedanaest knjiga i knjižica, u prvom redu za zajednicu ili o njoj. Te su publikacije obuhvaćale jezične priručnike, zbirke poezije, almanahe, kratku povijest i glazbene zbirke. Građu za njih Vidov je crpio sa stranica NaÅ”eg jezika, iz svojih istraživačkih nalaza tijekom posjeta zajednici te materijala koji su prikupili i nabavili članovi zajednice moliÅ”kih Hrvata i ostali. Samofinancirajući svoje izdavačke pothvate, Vidov je u članove zajednice nastojao usaditi osjećaj ponosa na vlastiti jezik i kulturno naslijeđe te pokuÅ”ao ispuniti prazninu nakon prestanka izlaženja NaÅ”eg jezika. Tih jedanaest publikacija nagovijestilo je vrednije i uspjeÅ”nije napore u devedesetim godinama, a posebice u novom tisućljeću, u izdavanju značajnih jezičnih priručnika, raznih literarnih zbirki i drugih publikacija posvećenih zajednici moliÅ”kih Hrvata i očuvanju njihova ugroženog jezika.Seguendo una rassegna sulla storia dei croati del Molise, sulla loro lingua particolare, sulle leggi italiane che proteggono i loro diritti linguistici e recenti pubblicazioni dedicate ad aiutare a preservare il loro dialetto in pericolo di estinzione, lā€™ autore fornisce una breve biografia di Božidar Vidov (1913ā€“2000) prima di esplorare le sue pubblicazioni relative a questa comunitĆ . Vidov, che visitĆ² la regione per la prima volta nel 1940 e piĆ¹ tardi nel 1960, si unƬ nel 1967 ai membri della comunitĆ  croata del Molise per dare vita al periodico NaÅ” jezik / La nostra lingua. Fece parte del comitato di redazione di questo periodico e dal 1968 al 1981 pubblicĆ² undici libri ed opuscoli specifici per o sulla comunitĆ . Queste pubblicazioni includevano manuali linguistici, raccolte di poesie, almanacchi, una breve storia e raccolte musicali. Vidov attinse il materiale per le sue pubblicazioni dalle pagine del NaÅ” jezik, dai risultati delle sue stesse ricerche e dalle fonti raccolte e documentate dai membri della comunitĆ  croata del Molise e da altri. Attraverso le sue iniziative autofinanziate, Vidov cercĆ² di dare ai membri della comunitĆ  un senso di orgoglio per la loro lingua e per il loro patrimonio culturale e tentĆ² di riempire il vuoto dopo che NaÅ” jezik smise di essere pubblicato. Queste undici pubblicazioni furono solo lā€™anticipazione di ciĆ² che successivamente nel 1990 divennero sforzi molto piĆ¹ sostanziali e di successo e in particolar modo nel nuovo millennio, nella produzione di importanti manuali linguistici, varie raccolte letterarie e altre pubblicazioni dedicate alla comunitĆ  croata del Molise e alla conservazione del loro linguaggio in pericolo

    Are ambient intelligent applications more universally accessible?

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    The emergent HCI literature shows universal accessibility and ambient intelligence as growth hot spots. If so, it is important to ask if the latter can contribute to the former. One approach, taken here, is to evaluate the accessibility of ambient intelligent systems. To answer this question a sample of 200 papers were generated from the ACM Digital Library and six papers were selected for in-depth evaluation. Surprisingly, the data showed that, whilst they were rated well for accessibility, they were significantly less so for system smartness or user satisfaction. Usability was also rated more highly than user satisfaction and smartness

    Technology Enabled Learning Worlds

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    Investigating heuristic evaluation as a methodology for evaluating pedagogical software: An analysis employing three case studies

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    This paper looks specifically at how to develop light weight methods of evaluating pedagogically motivated software. Whilst we value traditional usability testing methods this paper will look at how Heuristic Evaluation can be used as both a driving force of Software Engineering Iterative Refinement and end of project Evaluation. We present three case studies in the area of Pedagogical Software and show how we have used this technique in a variety of ways. The paper presents results and reflections on what we have learned. We conclude with a discussion on how this technique might inform on the latest developments on delivery of distance learning. Ā© 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Does Choice Change Preferences? An Incentivized Test of the Mere Choice Effect

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    Widespread evidence from psychology and neuroscience documents that previous choices unconditionally increase the later desirability of chosen objects, even if those choices were uninformative. This is problematic for economists who use choice data to estimate latent preferences, demand functions, and social welfare. The evidence on this mere choice effect, however, exhibits serious shortcomings which prevent evaluating its possible relevance for economics. In this paper, we present a novel, parsimonious experimental design to test for the economic validity of the mere choice effect addressing these shortcomings. Our design uses well-defined, monetary lotteries, all decisions are incentivized, and we effectively randomize participantsā€™ initial choices without relying on deception. Results from a large, pre-registered online experiment find no support for the mere choice effect. Our results challenge conventional wisdom outside economics. The mere choice effect does not seem to be a concern for economics, at least in the domain of decision making under risk.</p
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